Ditch the Scales?!



  • ebbingfat
    ebbingfat Posts: 117 Member
    I think it really depends on what you want to do, and how healthy of a relationship you're able to have with your scale.

    I typically weigh myself daily, because I like to watch for a downward trend. I tend to log my weight each time I'm down at least a pound from the my previous entry. However, I only do this because I don't get bent out of shape whenever my weight goes up. I am aware that weight fluctuates for a variety of reasons, and it doesn't worry me.

    A lot of people get freaked out by fluctuations on the scale, and depending on the person that can cause a variety of negative reactions from getting sad and binging to under eating way too much.

    So I would say think about yourself for a bit, and be honest to yourself with what sort of relationship you have with your scale. Then you can decide what is comfortable for you.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I weigh every day so I can look at the trends. I put this in a spreadsheet. When a new low has appeared for several days, I log this in MFP as my official weight.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    For me not weighing is the first sign of denial. However, once you know your pattern (I had to weigh every day for that), you know when you can weigh yourself to know exactly how much you've gained or lost in a month. For me, it's the week after my period... I weigh every day until I get signs of ovulation, and record the lowest weight - and I compare that weigh from the previous month so I can adjust my diet. The rest of the time I'm more prone to water retention so it doesn't really tell me anything.
  • leannedirwin
    leannedirwin Posts: 14 Member
    I measure and get weighed it's a habit nd weight is always up and down with no loss so far I've been advised to eat more azwell as I've been stuck in a rut where I had been eating one meal a day nd binging on a weekend then by Monday get all depressed B coz I've gained like 7 pound lol
  • TamLam99
    TamLam99 Posts: 247 Member
    I weigh myself daily and officially track it weekly.

    It took me a while to not get freaked out by the normal daily fluctuations.
  • ttfnweight
    ttfnweight Posts: 202 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Hi Vismal,

    Thank you for your advice. Do you mind me asking how I go about averaging out the results? I'm contemplating the daily weigh-in's to stay on track. There are a lot of conflicting opinions about daily weigh-in's and I'm trying to find what works best for me. Thanks :)
    Take the 7 days worth of weights, add them together, then divide that by 7. Daily weigh ins are only troublesome if you are unable to embrace the fact that the day to day chances are completely meaningless as far as results are concerned.

    Vismal I did this but I don't think I'm understanding what I'm supposed to learn. It came up with 605? Not sure what that means.
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    I used to get frustrated when I would weigh myself (every morning!) and the scale would not be at a new low point. It was like I expected to see a minute bit of weight loss each day. But, my weight fluctuates, and I would bounce within a 2 lb range, then drop to a new low. I actually look forward to weighing myself every day, but instead of looking for a new low, I am looking for that two lb range to get lower. So now I celebrate not only the new lows, but the new lower range! (if that makes sense!)
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    ttfnweight wrote: »
    vismal wrote: »
    Hi Vismal,

    Thank you for your advice. Do you mind me asking how I go about averaging out the results? I'm contemplating the daily weigh-in's to stay on track. There are a lot of conflicting opinions about daily weigh-in's and I'm trying to find what works best for me. Thanks :)
    Take the 7 days worth of weights, add them together, then divide that by 7. Daily weigh ins are only troublesome if you are unable to embrace the fact that the day to day chances are completely meaningless as far as results are concerned.

    Vismal I did this but I don't think I'm understanding what I'm supposed to learn. It came up with 605? Not sure what that means.
    It most likely means you did the math wrong. It's unlikely that your average weight the last seven days was 605 pounds.

  • keefmac
    keefmac Posts: 313 Member
    I weighed everyday while losing, then weekly on maintainance.

    A few months ago I went over to using my work belt as a guide, I knew I'd put a smidge back on so checked on the scales and was 1 kilo over my goal weight (so not to bad over 3 months!).

    Daily weighing actually motivated me when loosing, interestingly my lowest weight each week used to be on a Thursday for some weird reason!.

    I'm on a lean month now to lose the extra kilo, nip it in the bud..
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    My question is, once I start weighing again - how often do I weigh? Is once a month sufficient? The majority of people I have spoken to on here weigh daily or even 3 times daily.

    Once a month is ok if it doesn't bother you when you realize your previous month's efforts were the wrong ones, and then it takes you another month to fix those mistakes. If you weighed daily or weekly or several times a week, you'd be able to see what's going on and fix problems right away or compensate within a week. And if things are going well, at least you'd be able to feel good about them instead of waiting a whole month.

    I weigh several times a week. I also check measurements with a tape several times a week. I don't weigh the week before and during my period.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Since I am post menopausal and on a limited sodium diet for medical reasons, my weight has fewer variables than most. Still my weight varies from day to day. I have watched my weight trend down for six months now and I am not bothered by daily weights. I like the data, to see the patterns, after my weight hits a weekly low, I will gain a bit daily until my rest day, then it will begin to go down again until I reach a new low. This pattern holds when I am consistently exercising and eating at a deficit. If I weighed once a week or once a month there would be a downward trend. So if you only want to see the trend then weigh less often, if you want to discover patterns weigh more often.