Food you don't bother logging



  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited August 2015
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Herbs, spices, coffee (I drink it black), tea. Sometimes I log garlic, sometimes I don't -- no real reason. Lately I've been lazy about stuff like mustard and vinegar and sriracha and have been doing a quick add of 20 calories to more than cover what I used (for example when making a dressing or marinade -- although I always log olive oil if I use it, of course).

    Basically, the pattern is I don't log things that have very few calories and that I don't need a record of. I log greens (even when they are 5 calories) because I like a record of the vegetables I've eaten. Stuff like herbs and spices are reasonably consistent so won't be a difference in a day, and aren't something I feel compelled to have a record of. Coffee I should log based on this reasoning, but I just don't feel like it.

    this for me. I do log fresh garlic, but not if it it's dried. I don't log any zero calorie beverage which is pretty much all I drink. (water and unsweet tea)
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    Soopatt wrote: »
    I log tea and coffee, even black (I find it interesting to look back on my habits), but I do not log salt, pepper, herbs and lemon juice. I log and weigh everything else including all veggies.

    The only guesswork I do is the amount of milk in my coffee. I use an average, which I worked out over a couple of days.

    I don't taste food off anyone's plate ever and it annoys me when they offer and get pushy. They must also keep their mitts off my food. I weighed that carrot! It's mine! It is a little quirk I have developed since joining MFP six months ago. I think I used tasting as an excuse to eat bites of the wrong stuff in the past and pretend it didn't happen. It is a habit I am glad to get rid of.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets defensive over someone taking from my plate after I got done weighing it all. Haha.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Not that I'd log vitamins, but it's not really a question of whether those calories are avoidable, it's a question of crowding out calories that are avoidable. Yes, I get that it's not many calories, it's more the logic of it.

    I'm still mid-caffeine intake after a very long night of work, so forgive me for totally missing what you're saying here. Can you please use smaller words and type slowly, because I'm gonna read slowly this morning.
  • LaceyBirds
    LaceyBirds Posts: 451 Member
    I log everything but spices. I log my multivitamin and Tums and Altoids, and all condiments. I even log coffee. At 1200 calories, I am being really careful with my logging and weighing.

    As somebody with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and being pre-diabetic, it is very important for me to keep sodium and sugar as low as possible. Just for an example, I was using Grey Poupon Dijon mustard for a while. Then I noticed the incredibly high amount of sodium - 1 tablespoon has 360 milligrams of sodium! By comparison, Gulden's Spicy Brown mustard has 150 milligrams of sodium in a tablespoon. Half a teaspoon of Tabasco Chipotle has 60 milligrams of Sodium - that's a lot for such a small amount. Sweet Baby Ray's bbq sauce has 18 calories in a half tablespoon - which is a very small amount - and has 73 sodium, and 4 sugars. It all adds up quickly, especially if you're not weighing everything. So I log it all.
  • YellowApple666
    YellowApple666 Posts: 35 Member
    As far as estimating goes, after weighing a banana with peel and without peel several times, I just weigh the whole thing now and take a third off and log that. Same with my navel oranges...weigh the whole thing, multiply by .67 and log that. It's close enough for maintenance logging.
    Yeah, me too. I also don't weigh the kernel or the core when I'm eating apricots or apples. I came to a point in the past where logging accurately was becoming very stressful so I don't want to get there again.

  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited August 2015
    Sometimes I don't log spices. That's about it.

    ETA: And weekends. I rarely log on the weekends.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    2Poufs wrote: »
    Not that I'd log vitamins, but it's not really a question of whether those calories are avoidable, it's a question of crowding out calories that are avoidable. Yes, I get that it's not many calories, it's more the logic of it.

    I'm still mid-caffeine intake after a very long night of work, so forgive me for totally missing what you're saying here. Can you please use smaller words and type slowly, because I'm gonna read slowly this morning.
    It doesn't matter if there's no replacement for your vitamin's calories when it comes to logging it or not. If taking a vitamin with X calories is an absolute given and can't be reduced, that's still X calories of something else you can't eat and stay at goal.

    Basically, the argument for not logging a vitamin is that the calories are minuscule, not that you're going to take one no matter what.

  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    2Poufs wrote: »
    Not that I'd log vitamins, but it's not really a question of whether those calories are avoidable, it's a question of crowding out calories that are avoidable. Yes, I get that it's not many calories, it's more the logic of it.

    I'm still mid-caffeine intake after a very long night of work, so forgive me for totally missing what you're saying here. Can you please use smaller words and type slowly, because I'm gonna read slowly this morning.
    It doesn't matter if there's no replacement for your vitamin's calories when it comes to logging it or not. If taking a vitamin with X calories is an absolute given and can't be reduced, that's still X calories of something else you can't eat and stay at goal.

    Basically, the argument for not logging a vitamin is that the calories are minuscule, not that you're going to take one no matter what.

    Ah yes, thank you. I agree.

    I do get why some would want to log them though. We do say "log everything" and that qualifies, so I can't fault them for going to the letter.
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    I don't log the 10 calories in my fish oil pills, mints (1.8 in a tic tac) or zero calorie diet sodas. I also don't log one french fry, but I will log one Hershey Kiss or one Snickers Mini Bite, as those are 20 to 25 calories per piece. My rule of thumb is if it's 10 calories or under, I don't log it; however I always overestimate my calories on other foods to make up for the ~40 calories of miscellaneous items I didn't log. I also no longer log my water as it's become habit to drink 80 ounces of water a day.
  • I don't long coffee when I drink it black with no surger.
  • Oh and I don't log tea unless I drink it British
  • ebbingfat
    ebbingfat Posts: 117 Member
    I never log my diet soda, spices, or very minute amounts of veggies (like a piece of lettuce on a sandwich).
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I get the idea that you don't log something you eat every day and consider non negotiable. Say it's 100 calories and you are doing 1800. In reality you are doing 1900 (but not logging 100 of them), but when it comes to adjusting if you aren't losing and all that you still do that. As the vitamins weren't on the table to be cut, it really doesn't matter that your true number was 1900 and you are cutting down to 1800 instead of the 1800 to 1700 cut your diary shows.

    It would only be an issue if you were tied to a specific number because of MFP or the calculators and weren't willing to adjust based on results.

    That's kind of my logic for not logging coffee or herbs/spices, although if it were 100 calories I'd likely log, so clearly it being a small number plays into this too (if only because it would be nice to have a good sense of one's actual TDEE).
  • Ruatine
    Ruatine Posts: 3,424 Member
    edited August 2015
    The only things I don't log are dry spices. I log everything else, even coffee, diet sodas, mints, etc. I want as accurate a record as possible as to what I've eaten and drank, so if I run into issues (water retention, weight gain, upset tummy, etc.) I can hopefully ID it without too much trouble.
  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    I used to not log 0 calorie drinks (coke zero, the occasional Monster Energy drinks). I do now though because I noticed I was probably drinking them more than I should lol.

    I need to learn to like black coffee.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    I don't log diet pop, and I skip herbs and spices if I am pressed for time. I log single leaves of lettuce or splashes of cashew milk in my coffee, but I don't weigh them, I just ballpark it. Even if I'm off by 50%, it's going to be a difference of 1 or 2 calories at most (my cashew milk is 3 calories per 30 ml)
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    edited August 2015
    i don't log gum, coffee, splenda, herbs, definitely not the squeeze of a lemon on anything, or lime for that matter. and no, i do not log tea on the off chance that i drink some (i'm a coffee girl).

    ETA: i don't log the unsweetened almond milk i splash in my coffee either. an entire 240 ml serving is only 30 cals, so i'm not stressed about the little i put in my coffee.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    I also no longer log my water as it's become habit to drink 80 ounces of water a day.

    I wish this were me. If I don't log my water, before you know it I'm only drinking 3-4 cups a day. And it's not like I'm drinking other things instead. I just never feel thirsty.

    That would be because you get plenty of water from your food. There is little need to drink 8 cups/day unless you only eat really dry food or sweat a lot.
  • Achaila
    Achaila Posts: 264 Member
    I log everything. But I don't cook with a lot of spices or anything and I'm pretty routine in what I eat.
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    edited August 2015
    I don't log spices or oil used to cook our food. it would be tough to determine how much oil is in my serving when are 5-6 servings cooked. we don't use much oil anyway in our foods.

    I don't log diet soda or anything that has no calories...