my heart hurts because im over weight i need help



  • robspot
    robspot Posts: 130 Member
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    What are you scared of? You just have to commit. And remind yourself 875433 times a day you want to lose weight more than you want to over eat.

    Totally agree! If you go into this half hearted the food will always win. You have to want to succeed so much more than you want to over eat then the decision to leave the pizza, cake, donut etc alone is much easier.

    It's hard to begin with but the longer you do it the easier it becomes. You CAN lose weight, you CAN do this!
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    Sarri93 wrote: »
    You can google for the 7 days GM plan diet. I have try and I lost about 8Kg. U need to stick to the menu plan strictly. Try this and U able to get rid of your 30ibs increase. After that u can try 3 days military diet and u lost further 3kg so 11kg in total just about 2 weeks. After this diet u have no crave for sugar and u will tends to eat less for sure. So use this fitness pal to set your calories intake at 1500. Log in whatever you eat or drink. Guarantee you will lost at least about 2kg a week.

    First off, following a diet is absolutely ridiculous if you're wanting to keep weight off. Sure you might lose it, but if you're not doing something sustainable, you're going to gain the weight right back as soon as you stop the diet. That's why so many people have issues with yo-yoing. I've started making healthy changes in my life to try and lose weight and I've had some success. It's becoming second nature to do these things, so once I reach where I want to be, I'll have an easier time keeping it off.

    To OP: my best advise is to start reducing certain parts of your diet slowly. Are you drinking too much soda? Set a limit for the number of sodas you can have a week. Sodas are absolutely atrocious for you. Diet sodas aren't much better. If at all. Are you eating too much fast food? Start reducing the number of times you go out to get some. Actually home cooking is probably a better bet for your health than eating out at all. Eating out should be a treat, not a regular thing. Try to remember to incorporate healthy foods into your diet. I eat so much tuna fish and chicken and broccoli. But figure out what you like and try to eat that more often. But remember, healthy doesn't mean you can eat as much of it as you'd like. If you're eating more than you burn, you'll gain weight. At your size, it wouldn't be a bad idea to see your doctor (not just about the chest pain) to see what a healthy amount is for you to be eating right now. It'd also be a good idea to see what exercise you can safely do. Having a caloric deficit will lead to weight loss, but it's a good idea to supplement that with exercise if you're able to.

    DEFINITELY log everything you eat. And I mean everything. Measure and weigh things too otherwise you could potentially be way underestimating which can hurt your weight loss goals.

    Just seconding this because this is brilliant advice, and what I would also recommend!
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 649 Member
    I hope you can find someone to talk to about this. A dr would be a great start. They could help get you started with the tools to feel better. I sense there is a lot more going on than just weight loss. While losing weight can trigger improvements in health self esteem and confidence, I sense that you want help in other areas. I hope you can find the tools to feel more joyful and approach this process with enthusiasm rather than fear.

    One thing you can do that will help is walking. At least 20 minutes. Pumping your arms and breathing. Walking and exercise releases endorphins and Those endorphins will do amazing things to bring joy back into your life.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Im scared to see a doctor

    If you do, and something is wrong, it gets treated, you don't die. If you don't, and something is wrong, it doesn't get treated, you die. You should be scared not to see a doctor.
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    I read this as heart hurt=sad, i hope that's the case and not a actual chest pain, but when you followed up with you were scared to see a dr i thought maybe it is actual chest pain.

    In which case i still stand by my advice, but don't be silly. If you feel like you have an actual medical problem going to the dr even for piece of mind is far scarier than dying or having a heart attack.

    Weight loss isn't easy for anyone, but no goal is. You yourself. .and mske sacrifices to get to a goal. You have to want it, or it is not going to happen. And it really does not have to hard. Feel free to look through my diet, i make rather controversial food choices. But i stick to my calorie goal.

    I also read motivational all day long if i need to. I am going back to school right now, and losing weight.

    One of my favorites is "do it so that one day you can actually say "i did it" "

    Im challenging myself. I make me accountable to me, after all i am who has to live with this body.
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    robspot wrote: »
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    What are you scared of? You just have to commit. And remind yourself 875433 times a day you want to lose weight more than you want to over eat.

    Totally agree! If you go into this half hearted the food will always win. You have to want to succeed so much more than you want to over eat then the decision to leave the pizza, cake, donut etc alone is much easier.

    It's hard to begin with but the longer you do it the easier it becomes. You CAN lose weight, you CAN do this!

    I would also like to add that a big part is learning that you can eat pizza, in appropriate amounts. 2 pieces, maybe even 3 is fine. The whole damn thing is what is bad.
  • 1linde
    1linde Posts: 34 Member
    The power is all within you - you can do it. I have been struggling with my weight my entire life. Many years maintaining, many years 60 pounds over - def an emotional eater. I'm over it and realize that no food is better than the psychological boost I get from looking the best I can and not worrying about looking fat in something or just walking into a regular size clothing store instead of a plus store.

    When you are ready you will start losing. There is truly no magic bullet so don't go for the quick fix. Talk to your doctor as they can help, I'm actually taking a weight loss medication and that really helped curb my appetite to keep me on track. That doesn't work for everyone but you would qualify as far as BMI and it does help keep to your calorie goal. Some people don't need that at all. Move a little more every day than you do now - the majority of weight loss is calorie restriction so exercise is not as big of a part of it as a lot of people may lead you to believe, it does help and can determine the shape of you body as toned muscles looks best.

    Read weight loss success stories, especially of people who started at your weight, read biggest loser success stories, read the ones on this website - those stories always motivate me and could motivate you. There was a ex college cheerleader on the biggest loser a few weeks ago who at 24 went out to over 300 lbs and was a high school cheer coach and lost all her weight at 30 who was so inspiring.

    As soon as you lose 5 - 10 pounds you will feel so much better, when you loose 30 pounds people around you will start noticing and commenting and that will be nice....start on your new life today...even if you just track what you eat today and total up the calories so you are aware of where you are starting - then choose to eat less to lose.
  • ebbingfat
    ebbingfat Posts: 117 Member
    I'm scared if I can't lose weight il die . I just can't stick with a diet I feel domed

    I know this feeling. I've tried dieting on and off for years and it never worked. Finally, this time around I am losing weight. I've got from 263 to 252 so far, and I no longer feel like giving up. My secret is that this time I decided not to diet.

    In the past I would always get so hung up on eating extremely healthy and drinking nothing but water. I'd do it for a few weeks and then fall off the band wagon because it was such a huge change for me, and hard for me to sustain.

    Now, I just eat whatever I want, but I make sure to eat smaller portions of really calorie dense things so I can stay under my intake limit. Really, doing this has made all the difference for me. Eating better is no longer hard, because I'm no longer restricting myself. Eat things you like in smaller portions, make an attempt to add a nice serving of some vegetables to your meals, and try to find healthier options where you can.