my heart hurts because im over weight i need help

I need to lose weight but I'm not able I have tried tried so hard my heart is in pain because I weight 305 pounds I know if I can't lose weight I will die it hard tho you know its a ramble I know but I need help being over weight is runeing my life I lost some weight before last summer but regained it all with 30 more pounds I need help please I need some hard truths please help me pleas


  • obsessedHK
    obsessedHK Posts: 6 Member
    Don't give up, add me if you need some tips and support. Anything is possible
  • tryingtolift50kg
    tryingtolift50kg Posts: 6 Member
    Tank you :) I'm really scared
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    What are you scared of? You just have to commit. And remind yourself 875433 times a day you want to lose weight more than you want to over eat.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    When your heart hurts you need a doctor

    And for weight loss it all starts in the weighing all your food on a food scale. Logging all your food and create a deficit
    So eat less than you burn :)

    dont give up try it!

    But sure go to a doctor first
  • tryingtolift50kg
    tryingtolift50kg Posts: 6 Member
    I'm scared if I can't lose weight il die . I just can't stick with a diet I feel domed
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    Sorry but nobody here can make you lose weight
    And this is the only way to start losing it.

    and of course like i said a doctor visit first when you have pain in your heart.....dont understand btw why you didnt do that right away.
    Heart pains are a serious matter
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    BWBTrish wrote: »
    When your heart hurts you need a doctor

    And for weight loss it all starts in the weighing all your food on a food scale. Logging all your food and create a deficit
    So eat less than you burn :)

    dont give up try it!

    But sure go to a doctor first


    I also repeat to get to the doctor asap.
  • tryingtolift50kg
    tryingtolift50kg Posts: 6 Member
    Im scared to see a doctor
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    sorry OP but i am not the drama kinda person
    you have pain in your heart ...see a doctor
    chose your scared for ...

    I rather see a doctor than having maybe something at my heart

    so good luck to you
    see your doctor

    start losing weight by eating less than you burn and try to get healthy..i am sure you will find your way :)

    good luck
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Please see your doctor, worrying about your health is not good either.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    edited August 2015
    I'm sorry you're scared. I'd be scared too if I had heart pain. But no one on the Internet can help you with heart pain. You need to see a doctor. Or perhaps go the emergency room.

    Whatever you're afraid will happen if you see a doctor (e.g., the doctor finds something wrong that needs treatment, like balloon catheterization, stenting, or a bypass) is not nearly as bad as what could happen if there's something for the doctor to find and treat and you don't see a doctor (e.g., you die soon, maybe very soon).

    And there's not really anything anyone on the Internet can do to make you lose weight. We can give you advice, offer strategies, maybe help you figure out how many calories you should eat (although in your situation it would probably be best to get medical advice on that), how to weigh and log food for accuracy, etc. But we can't make you do it. And we can't make you stick with it.

    I'm hoping you'll make good choices.
  • tryingtolift50kg
    tryingtolift50kg Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the advise guys I think I know what I need to do now

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Doctor. Unknown heart pain scary > doctor scary. You know what's scary? Medical emergencies.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I need to lose weight but I'm not able I have tried tried so hard my heart is in pain because I weight 305 pounds I know if I can't lose weight I will die it hard tho you know its a ramble I know but I need help being over weight is runeing my life I lost some weight before last summer but regained it all with 30 more pounds I need help please I need some hard truths please help me pleas

    1) Talk to a dr. Immediately. And talk to your parents. If you are in pain, at your age, this cannot be ignored. It might caused by the weight, or something else, but you cannot wait and see if it will go away. Heart and chest pains are not normal at 19 years old, obese or not.
    2) Ask for a reference to a dietitian. Based on your age and how much you need to lose, I would guess you need some guidelines on how to choose meals and portion sizes. It might seem very hard trying to figure it out on your own, but once you get a basic plan from a dietitian, it might be much easier to adjust.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    edited August 2015
    First and foremost - You CAN lose weight. YES it's going to be hard. YES you'll have times when you just want to give up but you CAN and you WILL lose weight if you want it and are willing to work for it. You'll need a strong will, a thick skin and a load of determination to get there but this is something that can be developed over time. You've already done what is probably the hardest thing for most people - accepted that you have a problem with yourself. You've overcome that nasty hurdle, congratulations. Now for the work to begin..

    Stick with MFP, stick with these forums and believe in yourself. You'll succeed.

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    If you have chest pain, and believe that it could be from your heart, get off the computer and dial 911.

    While there are a lot of causes for chest pain, most not being the heart, it is not worth the risk.
  • patrick_yeo69
    patrick_yeo69 Posts: 9 Member
    edited August 2015
    You can google for the 7 days GM plan diet. I have try and I lost about 8Kg. U need to stick to the menu plan strictly. Try this and U able to get rid of your 30ibs increase. After that u can try 3 days military diet and u lost further 3kg so 11kg in total just about 2 weeks. After this diet u have no crave for sugar and u will tends to eat less for sure. So use this fitness pal to set your calories intake at 1500. Log in whatever you eat or drink. Guarantee you will lost at least about 2kg a week.
  • patrick_yeo69
    patrick_yeo69 Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry do you meant by seeing your weight increasing above 300ibs and you felt heart pain? Or do u suffer from heart pain?
  • Sarri93
    Sarri93 Posts: 58 Member
    You can google for the 7 days GM plan diet. I have try and I lost about 8Kg. U need to stick to the menu plan strictly. Try this and U able to get rid of your 30ibs increase. After that u can try 3 days military diet and u lost further 3kg so 11kg in total just about 2 weeks. After this diet u have no crave for sugar and u will tends to eat less for sure. So use this fitness pal to set your calories intake at 1500. Log in whatever you eat or drink. Guarantee you will lost at least about 2kg a week.

    First off, following a diet is absolutely ridiculous if you're wanting to keep weight off. Sure you might lose it, but if you're not doing something sustainable, you're going to gain the weight right back as soon as you stop the diet. That's why so many people have issues with yo-yoing. I've started making healthy changes in my life to try and lose weight and I've had some success. It's becoming second nature to do these things, so once I reach where I want to be, I'll have an easier time keeping it off.

    To OP: my best advise is to start reducing certain parts of your diet slowly. Are you drinking too much soda? Set a limit for the number of sodas you can have a week. Sodas are absolutely atrocious for you. Diet sodas aren't much better. If at all. Are you eating too much fast food? Start reducing the number of times you go out to get some. Actually home cooking is probably a better bet for your health than eating out at all. Eating out should be a treat, not a regular thing. Try to remember to incorporate healthy foods into your diet. I eat so much tuna fish and chicken and broccoli. But figure out what you like and try to eat that more often. But remember, healthy doesn't mean you can eat as much of it as you'd like. If you're eating more than you burn, you'll gain weight. At your size, it wouldn't be a bad idea to see your doctor (not just about the chest pain) to see what a healthy amount is for you to be eating right now. It'd also be a good idea to see what exercise you can safely do. Having a caloric deficit will lead to weight loss, but it's a good idea to supplement that with exercise if you're able to.

    DEFINITELY log everything you eat. And I mean everything. Measure and weigh things too otherwise you could potentially be way underestimating which can hurt your weight loss goals.

  • misterdale67
    misterdale67 Posts: 171 Member
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    What are you scared of? You just have to commit. And remind yourself 875433 times a day you want to lose weight more than you want to over eat.

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