annams76 Member


  • Try singing while you run so you learn how to control your breathing. Maybe cover up the machine so you don't see the time and just fight through the pain, I have learned a lot of it is mental. I personnally have a hard time running on the treadmill but can much further withouth stopping when I run outside. Good luck
  • I was doing the same thing as you and once I upped my calorie intake from 1200 to 1590 and continued to workout hard I started dropping weight again. I am not an expert at this but I went to a nutritionist because I just couldn't figure out what I was doing so wrong. Good luck and do not ever give up on yourself.
  • I plateaued for 3 weeks but I fought through it. I changed up what I was doing in the gym and I changed my diet to eat cleaner. Nothing was happening and then all of a sudden I lost 2 lbs and then 3lbs the next week. Don't give up!!
  • I was the same way for the longest time but just like the one person said. Just eat them for a week and you start to like them or at least get used to them. Def find different ways to make them. For me, I cannot eat spinach cooked but love it raw and cannot eat tomatoes raw but can eat them cooked. LOL Just experiment and…
  • I took pictures yesterday and I finally see a difference. I am so happy!!!
  • Or you will motivate someone else to get fit because look at what you are doing. =)
  • I do a couple of things. Instead of sitting on a chair I get a stability ball and sit on that. I also use pain cards once an hour. Take a regular deck of cards and on each card write down an exercise. Shuffle the deck and once an hour flip a card and do the workout. My other thing is my job allows us an hour a day in the…
  • I do tape myself and a dr tapes me also. No changes in measurements. I go back to the dr on the 13th for another follow up. I did pics on 12 Nov and again on 5 Feb. I will do them monthly now and see if maybe I see something. My friends husband told her when he seen me he could tell I lost weight so that is a good sign.
  • Well IDK if that could be it. I am eating what I have been told by a nutritionist for my calories. I do lift weights and do cardio but IDK you could be onto something here. Thanks
  • The scale is moving but I don't like what I see in the mirror. I would like to the numbers and my body to match. I want to look 176lbs and not 204lbs...maybe it is my imagination and I have lost size but I don't see it. At least I am healthy though. =)
  • I have been mesaured by myself and doctors with no visible change or change in numbers. I took pictures 12 Nov and then again on 5 Feb and they look exactly alike and there is an 11 lb difference between the 2. Maybe I am just being impatient. Thanks for the advise though.
  • I am not trying to be rude but I do not feel that she did give any advise. She asked a question that she obviously knew the answer to. If I looked it up I would not have asked the question. She could have done like you did and added a link. You are correct other threads on the same topic will have good information. Thank…
  • I have been back and forth for 3 years now. I only say this cause I have been out for 3 different abdominal surgeries since I started in Jan 2010. The most recent restart was Nov 2012 and since then I have lost 10 lbs with no change. I have switched up my routine once and then added in weight lifting.
  • Thank you everyone for the advise. The water intake was a type-o I meant cups not ounces. I do track the fat and the fiber I eat and I thought I was doing well. I changed my diet over a month ago. I will definitely give some of these things a try. Thanks again.
  • No I did not search the topic but if you are not going to give any advise don't comment.
  • I drink like 6 - 10 cups of IDK how many ounces that is.
  • Running or rowing or stationary bike
  • You need to start doing strength training. Push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges. Things like that. I think that will help you with starting to tone. You don't need to work out for hours.
  • There are so many reasons. I got depressed at one point. I gained a ton of weight when I was pregnant and it didn't just fall off like I thought it would. I've had 4 abdominal surgeries and more importantly than anything else I LOVE food. Food of all kinds too.
  • Reset your goals and remind yourself why you started to begin with. I had a bad couple of days too. I cannot get over being sick and I am fighting the urge for comfort food. Good luck. If you really want to get back on track you have to fight yourself and your urges.
  • I like to get Derions cause Beyonce did it right for us pear shaped women. I can fit nicely in a 11/12 in her brand. BTW you look great!!
  • I have done them at both but they are really just short term fixes. So if you need to tighten up for an event you go and get one.
  • I quit smoking in 2008 and I smoked for 16 yrs at the time. I tried everything, chantix (works great), the patch, random medicines, the gum (disgusting). None of them worked. I woke up one morning and I actually just didn't want to anymore. That was April 9, 2008 and I threw away a full pack of cigarettes and have not…
  • My husband is destructive to my progress. He constantly wants to go out and eat and it is typically fast food. I have gotten to the point where I refuse to go get it for him and I make sure I cook something for myself.
  • I have been told that as we are losing weight and chaning our diets that our cycles will change but to give it time. My OB said what is happening is our body is trying to get used to the change and once it is used to what is going on it should go back to normal. I aksed cause mine was a lot longer than ususal this past…
  • Try the supplement glucosamine chondroitin. It is real good for joint health. That may help. It helped me quite a bit.
  • I just joined the West Coast team which is weird since I am actually from the East Coast but I currently live on the West Coast. =)
  • I don't have curly hair but my daughter does. I do not ever want her to straighten her hair and I have decided that until she is 18 she cannot put any chemicals in her hair. Curly hair is beautiful!!
  • I'm in!! Let me know what I need to do and please send me the invite!! Currently I have a goal of losing 10lbs in Jan. Maybe you guys can keep me on track.
  • I am 5'2 and around 176lbs right now and I wear between an 11 - 13 depending on the brand of the clothes. I tend to find them fitting real good around my behind but looser around my waist line. What size do you wear?