How can I avoid 'skinny fat'?

Hello everyone,

Currently I would say I am skinny fat, I'm 5"6 and 132 pounds yet im 28% body fat, so im slim in clothes but so wobbly with legs and an *kitten* that look like orange peel!

I eat healthily but I really don't have much time to exercise my work schedule is hectic and being summertime here in SA its too hot to exercise sometimes.

Ive heard that I will just be losing lean muscle now because I am eating in a deficit and not exercising so im just going to get more untoned and flabby even though I'd be losing weight. Is there a way I can stop this with diet alone? Or is the only way to exercise to maintain the lean muscle while losing fat?

Surely there would be a point where you stop using the lean muscle and it starts burning away the fat?


  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    You need to start doing strength training. Push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges. Things like that. I think that will help you with starting to tone. You don't need to work out for hours.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    You need to start doing strength training. Push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges. Things like that. I think that will help you with starting to tone. You don't need to work out for hours.

    This. And add weights too (even 10-20lb dumbbells). You really need to increase muscle in order to lose the flab.

    I haven't seen your diary, but eating higher protein and lower carbs will also help, if you're not already doing this.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    As you lose, you'll be losing a combination of lean mass and fat. That's pretty much true for everyone. The idea is to try to minimise the percentage of lean mass you lose, and maximise the percentage of fat. Exercise that works your muscles (resistance or strength training) will definitely help to preserve muscle mass. Do you have any options of working out indoors? That's really going to be the biggest help. If you rally can't fit it into your schedule right now, you might be better off maintaining your weight as it is until you can work out.

    It's also important not to have too big a calorie deficit, and that's especially true the closer to a healthy weight you are. (You're currently well within the healthy range, and aiming for underweight).

    One last thing to bear in mind is that methods of testing body fat percentage can be very unreliable. Where did you get the 28% number from?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    There's no magic bullet unfortunately.
    If you don't do strength training your muscles will be weak.
    If you don't do cardio exercise you will be aerobically unfit.

    Try to build as much activity and exercise into your normal schedule as possible if you really (really, really...) can't find time to set aside. Work might be busy but how about getting up earlier to exercise, lunchtime, evening?

    I can't do cardio when it's hot (rare in England!!) but that shouldn't stop you doing some strength training.

    You won't JUST be losing lean muscle by the way.
  • runningwoodpecker
    Thank you for the suggestions. I think I could definitely fit in some strength training here and there, I honestly cant lift 10-20 pounds dumbells, im more on the 3-4 pounds at the moment (yes the girly pink weights everyone seems to mock) but hopefully I will get stronger as I go on.

    @JesterMFP I used the online military calculator, I cant remember the link or what it was called exactly but it was one that's been on a popular thread and a lot of people seem to use. It would be nice if it was incorrect. Its so frustrating knowing im at a healthy weight but I look like someone who is maybe 20 pounds heavier, I was hoping eating in a deficit would eventually lead my body to break down the fat not the muscle but I guess I need to help it do that by doing strength training. Thank you
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Thank you for the suggestions. I think I could definitely fit in some strength training here and there, I honestly cant lift 10-20 pounds dumbells, im more on the 3-4 pounds at the moment (yes the girly pink weights everyone seems to mock) but hopefully I will get stronger as I go on.

    go to wal mart or target or online and get the 30 day shred

    it is a great beginner dvd to start working out and getting away from skinny fat

    remember, every single person here...EVERY one of us, was once a beginner also....never apologize for that
  • runningwoodpecker
    Thank you for the suggestions. I think I could definitely fit in some strength training here and there, I honestly cant lift 10-20 pounds dumbells, im more on the 3-4 pounds at the moment (yes the girly pink weights everyone seems to mock) but hopefully I will get stronger as I go on.

    go to wal mart or target or online and get the 30 day shred

    it is a great beginner dvd to start working out and getting away from skinny fat

    remember, every single person here...EVERY one of us, was once a beginner also....never apologize for that

    My friend has that so I think I will ask her if I could borrow it, she did say it was great. Thank you
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    There's no real way around it. If you don't exercise then your body will never tone up and you'll just continue to be skinny fat.