

  • Well, what's done is done, and the only thing you can effect is what happens next. Personally, I wouldn't see anything wrong necessarily wrong with going out every so often for a treat meal that's higher in calories than you'd usually have. Some people call it a cheat day or cheat meal, but I prefer to think of it as…
  • It is a bit of a hassle, especially at first. But it gets easier as you build up a list of things you've added recently. Unless you eat completely different food all the time, you can add in your regular food and snacks easily enough. Logging exercise is always going to be more difficult, because there's just no way that…
  • I don't drink at all, and I've occasionally received comments that felt a little more harsh than ordinary jokey banter. But as I've got older I've found that happens less and less.... if I don't drink now, I'm hardly about to start. But I can imagine that it's more noticeable for people who sometimes drink alcohol when…
  • If you want something that suitable for a complete beginner and that you can start in the comfort and privacy of your own home with very little equipment, I'd recommend the Nerd Fitness beginner bodyweight workout. I've had some really good results with this. both in terms of supporting weight loss and muscle definition.…
  • As others have said, it's very hard to tell because of natural variations over time because of the time of the day, starting weight, size of last meal, water intake, muscle gain, the price of fish, the gravitational pull of the moon, scales inconsistency, and aliens. I don't think it's unusual at all for the scale to go up…
  • That's not a small thing at all. That's a major change in deeply ingrained habits, that is. And that's awesome. It's a NSV that will keep giving as long as you can keep it up. I'm really pleased with my weight loss progress, but I don't yet trust myself to keep junk food in the house. So don't underestimate what you've…
  • Most kinds of soup are excellent "fillingness" value for the amount of calories they contain. While I knew that that they were mostly water, I was really surprised to find out how low in calories tomato and basil soup is. I also find a plain omelette really filling, and good value for calories.
  • That's unfortunate. I think most people have had a similar experience of misreading or not knowing about the calorie content of something. I hate it the way that some foods are labelled in what looks like a deliberately misleading way. Thing is, though, the last two weeks haven't been ruined. All that's happened is that…
  • I think one key thing you've already done is accept that it's going to be a long haul, not a quick fix. My experience has been that everything is about building habits and making small changes that add up over time. For me, this involved using MFP to count calories and make small changes - reducing or cutting out…
  • Here's mine. Great routine to start out with and then build up.... http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/
  • I started with this beginners' bodyweight workout, and I'm still doing a variation. http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/
  • That sounds no fun at all. However..... 1) Exam revision weeks are temporary, a healthy lifestyle is permanent. It's frustrating at the moment, but (to quote one of my favourite sayings) "This too shall pass". You won't be doing exam revision weeks for ever, and once the exams are done, you can get back on track.…
  • I can't tell much about you from your post/profile, but I think using MFP to count your calories is a good start. There's a saying that you can't out run your fork. In terms of workouts, here's what I'm doing at the moment - might be worth a try. If it's too easy, there are suggestions for building it up further.…
  • I'm no expert, but I think 5lbs gain over two weeks doesn't sound likely given what you said about exercising. As others have said, perhaps it's water retention or perhaps it's just the result of normal variance in bodyweight over time. Thing about weight loss is that it's not a sprint or even a marathon. In my opinion,…
  • Yikes. I can see what that's worrying. I know what you mean about becoming a lot more conscious about body/appearance. It's an odd feeling looking at my calves and wondering whether that muscle was always that prominent, or if it's something new. But I guess I'm fortunate in that although I still don't like what I see in…
  • Yep, I particularly like the approach he takes - here's what to aim for, if you can't do yet, do X instead/do what you can, if it's too easy, do Y. It sets targets to aim at, but doesn't set the bar too high in terms of expectations about where people might be starting from in terms of fitness/flexibility.
  • Here's the beginners' bodyweight routine that I'm using at the moment. No equipment required.... http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/
  • While there's no question that losing weight and getting fit require effort, commitment, and willpower, I think it's a mistake to think of it as "working your butt off". My experience has been that the key to losing weight and keeping it off is finding sustainable changes to make to your lifestyle, habits, and routines…
  • I use a rebounder (mini-trampoline) and jog on the spot on that in front of the television. Sometimes I'll just jog for half an hour or an hour, but recently I've started interval training on it (sprint for a short period of time, jog, spring again, etc and so on) which gives much better exercise value for time spent.…
  • Excellent! Congratulations! Must have taken quite a bit of courage to get back on that particular horse after how much it hurt last time.
  • Great stuff, well done! It's great that you're enjoying it - I think finding exercises that you enjoy and lower calorie foods/meals/overall diet that are still delicious are both really important. Yes, there's an element of struggle and challenge, but if you can work with your inclinations, it makes things so much easier.…
  • I've recently added strength training to cardio work, and while it's probably too soon to be absolutely sure, I think I feel better for it. I can certainly do more for longer than I used to, and it's a nice break from running on my rebounder in front of the television. I don't have a gym membership or one close by, and I'm…
  • I'm using that workout and I'm getting quite good results. I've been able to build up the number of reps per exercise quite quickly, but I was certainly a bit sore after the first go. I'm pretty sure the advice on the site is not to do it more than once every other day to allow for recovery time, and I'm sure I've read…
  • It's difficult to make recommendations because musical tastes vary so widely, but the soundtrack to my workouts at the moment is Olympic themed. I've posted youtube links, which I hope is allowed. And I Will Kiss - Underworld (feat.Dame Evelyn Glennie) London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony…
  • For what it's worth..... I'd personally doubt that losing weight will do that much about feelings of jealousy. I don't know about anyone else reading this thread, but for me at least, there will always be someone better looking than me and someone younger and fitter than me. And there's nothing whatever I can do about it.…
  • Really good advice here, and in particular I'd echo the 'one step at a time', 'one lb at a time', 'one day at a time' suggestions. I think the best way to deal with any major project (moving house, changing jobs, losing weight, whatever) is to break it down into manageable bite size (sorry) achievable targets. Things that…
  • That's a really interesting post. I think the 'Disney' myth that everyone can have what they want if only they want it hard enough is really quite dangerous in many ways. But while it's true that we need to earn what we want, and pay the price that it costs, I'm not sure about thinking about everything in terms of a fight…
  • Have you had any tests done to make sure that your symptoms are the result irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and not an inflammatory bowel disease? I only ask because I had the latter diagnosed as the former, which I understand is not uncommon. Some of the symptoms are identical, and IBS is much more common. I've got not…
  • Something that's worked for me is rebounding/indoor trampolining. Rather than watching television sitting on the sofa, I try to watch it jogging on the spot on the mini-trampoline. Or if I'm feeling tired, walking on the spot or some very light bouncing. It's all better than just sitting. The main advantages for me are…
  • Thanks Mexie. Saturdays is my weekly weign-in, and I've lost a bit more and so the daily target has come down. This'll make it a bit harder to undershoot quite so much, so maybe that'll sort itself out. Hopefully if I'm aware that I might get carried away with this, it'll make it less likely, and I don't think my rate of…
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