frustration over weight gain

it's just frustrating. I have no time to exercise due to exam revision weeks with classes packed from morning till night causing me to gain a few kilos! Argh! I thought by watching what I put in my mouth would at least maintain my weight for a while till the exam week is over, BUT NO! I gained bloody kilos over 2 weeks! Not even water weight! It took me so long to lose even a kilo and now it's back there! It's really frustrating.


  • That sounds no fun at all. However.....

    1) Exam revision weeks are temporary, a healthy lifestyle is permanent. It's frustrating at the moment, but (to quote one of my favourite sayings) "This too shall pass". You won't be doing exam revision weeks for ever, and once the exams are done, you can get back on track. Frustrating in the short term, but in the long term, this will have been a productive time for you academically, and only a minor blip in weight loss. Seen from the distance of six months time, concentrating on your exams will seem like the right decision.


    2) Is it really true that you have no time to exercise? Sure, you can't take hours and hours off for long workouts, especially if it means driving to gyms or whatever. But can you spare five or ten minutes here and there? Perhaps go for short, regular walks? Might even help with the exam revision, having some time to think and reflect. There are some workouts that are good value for very little time - Nerd Fitness has an 'Angry Birds' workout, and doing interval training is also more time efficient that straightforward jogging. ( )
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    You can lose weight without exercising. Are you sure you're measuring and weighing every single bite you eat correctly? Are you eating too little? There are so many little things that can affect weight.

    Also, 2 weeks is a really small amount of time in the grand scheme of things. Be kind to yourself and get back to the exercise when you can.
  • Don't give up hope on it. Not being active for just two to three days can cause some weight to return in the body. I understand about your exams as well. It is hard to find the time to do both especially when you when you really want to pass. I'm sure you can get back to where you were before. Even small quick exercises can be helpful. Don't get frustrated.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    You can lose weight without exercise. Be mindful of what you eat. Do not eyeballs the portions and you will be ok.
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    I lost weight once while recovering from an injury without exercise. It's just a lot harder that way. You really have to micromanage what you eat, measure/weight & track everything.

    When there's a will there's a way!
  • KilikiMom
    KilikiMom Posts: 237 Member
    i bet it is water weight....dont stress about have enough to stress about with the exams! get through the week and then get back on track with exercise :) i bet it'll all just come right off once you are back into the swing of things
  • Treat your exercise like you would a class or an appointment. If you mark it on a calendar or planner and you see it as an appointment, chances are you'll get your workout in. If you have to squeeze it in early, then sacrifice a half hour sleep and get it over with. Not a morning person? Break up a 45 cardio session into brisk 15 minute walks. But at the same time, don't be too hard on yourself. Once your classes are over, you can always take it right back off.
  • babychoose
    babychoose Posts: 45 Member
    thanks guys for the motivation. Now I'm done with my exams and the exercise is on! Going to remove those unwanted guests!!!