Support for body hate?

Since starting my weight loss, I've just become a lot more conscious of the way my body looks as I'm both excited and I guess plain impatient to start seeing results. I've started to genuinely hate my body - I was doing a group Zumba class today and couldn't even allow myself to look at my reflection in the mirror, it made me physically sick.

I don't want this to become an obsession or a problem, just a healthy lifestyle change! I am making progress and losing weight I'm super proud of that, but what do you do in the in-between stages where you're sortof just waiting for the pounds to finally fall off of you?

Thanks so much!


  • Yikes. I can see what that's worrying.

    I know what you mean about becoming a lot more conscious about body/appearance. It's an odd feeling looking at my calves and wondering whether that muscle was always that prominent, or if it's something new. But I guess I'm fortunate in that although I still don't like what I see in the mirror, what I'm seeing is the improvement, not the work still to be done. Yes, the body I see in the mirror is still overweight, but it's not bad as I remember it. Sometimes I catch my reflection in a shop window and wince inwardly a little, but the second thought that follows immediately is 'much less bad than before'.

    I don't know if it's possible to change your own mindset into seeing the progress and the improvement, not the imperfections that are still there. I think it might just be trite and obvious for me (or anyone else) to say focus on the improvement if that's something that you're struggling to do. On the plus side, it's got to be good news that you're aware of the what you're finding yourself doing and thinking, and that it's potentially a problem.

    Perhaps worth talking to someone more knowledgeable and experienced about body image about this?
  • girish_ph
    girish_ph Posts: 148 Member
    God! I feel like that too. I have lost 5 kgs, but have another 9 to lose. When I look in the mirror, the 9 Kgs I want to lose appear far more significant than the 5 kgs already lost. I want to lose those 9 Kgs RIGHT NOW (magicall). Sigh!

    I guess when I reach 7kgs (halfway mark) , I will feel better - or atleast I hope so. That would be nice.

    I guess hating your body is growth - ots part of the process.
  • God! I feel like that too. I have lost 5 kgs, but have another 9 to lose. When I look in the mirror, the 9 Kgs I want to lose appear far more significant than the 5 kgs already lost. I want to lose those 9 Kgs RIGHT NOW (magicall). Sigh!

    I guess when I reach 7kgs (halfway mark) , I will feel better - or atleast I hope so. That would be nice.

    I guess hating your body is growth - ots part of the process.

    ^^ that's worded exactly how I feel about it!

    I know I should be looking at how much progress I've made, but my brain likes to switch to how much that I still have to go. :(
  • girish_ph
    girish_ph Posts: 148 Member
    Karen, you said

    "I know I should be looking at how much progress I've made, but my brain likes to switch to how much that I still have to go. :( "

    Yeah! However, I feel that I can go through it, PROVIDED I get emotional support. (I think most of us can). Its critical to reach out. Success is far side of failure. Yet, if we have to trod through all that ****ty failure, I would prefer to have a network of friends. With kindness I can prevail. So can you.