2 1/2 month hiatus, unknown results

I recently moved in with my brother around mid August, and I realized, all the work I have put into this year could go to waste fast.
We are fine when we get groceries, since I am a health nut (fruits, veggies, juice, tea, etc.) I don't tend to overdo anything. However the main reason why is because we tend to go out to eat every Friday. It's not fast food, but still, last week I went to Fatz and had some calabash chicken, fries, 2 pepsi's, and I even ate a fudge brownie for dessert, and I have never eaten a meal like that ever since I joined MFP... That's 2400 calories in just one meal... I felt so horrible about it too, and to make matters worse, I cannot tell if I have gained or maintained my weight in the elapsed time I have been here... I'm kinda scared because I have no scale and I have done very minimal exercising lately, and I need to find a way to get back onto that, but here's my issues that are going on...

-Unemployed, therefore I only have money for food, laundry, and rent (very tight budget)
-No license yet

So yeah, I need some help with having support on here, because I wanna start walking again every day, not on weekends at the walmart... :/ I'm going to plan on walking around the neighborhood tomorrow, that way I will get adapted to it.


  • Well, what's done is done, and the only thing you can effect is what happens next.

    Personally, I wouldn't see anything wrong necessarily wrong with going out every so often for a treat meal that's higher in calories than you'd usually have. Some people call it a cheat day or cheat meal, but I prefer to think of it as something that you can plan for and around by eating less/exercising more at other times. I like to have a takeaway on the weekend, but I'll make sure I do the exercise to earn it, and probably only have toast for breakfast and soup for lunch.

    One way in which you can estimate weight without a scale is by the way that your clothes fit. I know it can be hard to think back, but if you've found yourself putting some clothes to the back of the cupboard and trying to forget about them because they're getting tight, then you've probably put on some weight. But if you haven't, and everything fits as it always done, then you're probably more or less fine. I see from your signature that you've lost 40lbs in the past.... if you'd put that back on, you'd have noticed.

    At a guess, I'd say it's possible that you've not put on weight, possible that you've put on a little. But even if that's the case, it's not the end of the world. You've been successful before, and you can be more successful in the future. And going for walks is a terrific start.