spilledmilk Member


  • I drink the occasional diet soda, so they're not totally gone. But I used to drink 8-12 full sugar sodas per day, every day when I was a teen. Until I went to the dentist and had over 30 cavities. Nothing will turn you off sugar soda quite like sitting through dozens of fillings and countless Novocaine needles! I don't…
  • My mom had it done, as well as a breast lift at the same time. She says it was worth it, but recovery was long and difficult.
  • Learn to like black coffee. Or, have you tried matcha? It has more caffeine than coffee. But the taste is very strong without sweeteners.
  • Lettuce cups with filling of chicken breast, veggies, small portion of rice, soy sauce dressing. Lean cut of steak with side of roasted veggies. Grilled fish on a bed of greens. White chili with chicken breast, white beans, top with small green salad.
  • Weed. It's legal where I live, I can just order it on my phone and get it delivered lol. Perfectly healthy de-stressor, and without the calories of alcohol.
  • If you were ordering a skinny latte, they were already using sugar-free syrups (aka artificial sweeteners). Try ordering a plain coffee with 2 pumps sugar-free syrup. Once you train yourself to favor a less-sweet drink, you'll wonder how you could drink something so sweet to begin with... trust me!
  • First of all, there is nothing wrong with Starbucks, some previous posters seem to have deep-rooted issues with coffee chains!! I will chime in as someone who enjoys Starbucks and usually goes there 3-5 times per week. I walk right past it on the way from my car into work so it's easy to order on the app and just grab and…
  • Most often roasted with a little olive oil, plenty of salt & pepper and dried herbs.
  • An imbalance of brain chemicals can definitely "bring you down". It's called clinical depression. Anyways OP, hope the exercise helps you. Just know there's no shame in needing a prescription as well.
  • If you have an intolerance to fructose or lactose, it certainly does
  • Any seafood Avocado Any nuts and nut butters (except peanuts and peanut butters, but that's a legume...) Most beans Asparagus Sweet potato Mushrooms Raisins Beets Any meat that's not chicken, turkey, beef or pork
  • I would seek counseling for your body image issues. I do not think you have a healthy relationship with food or the scale.
  • The bigger you are, the more weight you need to lose to go down sizes. I know this because I work in the fashion industry, specifically the fit side of it. For example waist grading: between 18 and 20 the waist grade is 4" between sizes between 4 and 6 the waist grade is 1" between sizes Anyways, my point is don't get…
  • I personally buy organic cage free/free range as I find they usually taste better and release less water. Yes they are quite expensive but since I'm only cooking for 2 it's not that bad. And it makes me feel slightly better about eating an animal as silly as that sounds...
  • The portions there are huge so I normally eat only half of whatever I order. Some of my faves: -Orange chicken -Roasted lemon herb chicken - Lettuce wraps - dat brown bread... so evil... -If you like bourbon, definitely get the Bourbon and Honey. I also really like their pineapple moscow mule Thankfully I'm not a fan of…
  • Coke Zero. Diet coke tastes disgusting to me and always has, even though my mom always kept the house stocked full of the stuff growing up. Although if I really have a craving, I'll have a mini-can of regular Coke and just count the calories. It's too delicious.
  • As for your IBS, depending on the type you have I would suggest following a low FODMAP diet. I do personally, which can be hard to do as a lot of "healthy" foods are off limit as they trigger my IBS symptoms. Anyways all that matters is eating at a deficit, so weighing and logging all your food is where to start :)
  • More sleep, start drinking tea to wean yourself off coffee. I drink one cup of coffee maybe once a month now and it usually makes me feel sick. All I drink is tea now!
  • Here! I'm a shawol. Trying to lose weight before my vacation next month seeing SHINee in tokyo~~
  • I hold my tongue unless my opinion is asked for. Then I try to phrase it as nicely as possible without putting down the person trying to convince me of whatever magical weight loss cure they are doing that week. When I tell them about CICO they usually get disappointed and say "that won't work for them" because "their body…
  • I used to drink 6+ cans of soda per day... didn't notice a significant drop it weight once I quit as I just started eating more instead lol. But I prefer to eat my calories now rather than drink then so I practically never drink soda anymore, and if I do it's diet. I replaced my habit with carbonated flavored water (0…
  • Like others have said, definitely see a dermatologist ASAP. I have been using The Body Shop Ginger Scalp-care Shampoo for years and it is the only thing that will bring my own dandruff under control. It's worth a shot! I alternate it with Neutrogena clarifying shampoo once a week to help get rid of the oily build-up in my…
  • Breakfast 10-15 mins (at my desk) Lunch 10-20 mins Dinner 20-30 mins I'm a pretty slow eater.
  • Peanut butter had the opposite effect for me... after hearing so many horror stories about it, I expected I was eating way more than a serving. However after spreading my "normal" amount on an english muffin and weighing it, it was less than half a serving! Yay for me :p
  • Chips are the worst. I weighed out 1 serving for my lunch the other day and it was like 8 chips for 140 calories. I had carrot sticks instead :'(
  • I'm from the midwest originally so somewhat regional: -Turkey, I usually just make the breast for the 2 of us. Roasted in the oven with spices like rosemary, sage -Mashed potatoes and gravy (from the turkey) -Stuffing, not actually stuffed into the turkey. Made separately. My mom used to put sausage in her recipe but can…
  • I dunno, all my blood work was covered under my insurance. I was never officially diagnosed with IBS (since there's not really a way to test for it) and so I didn't list it as a pre-existing condition :)
  • My last blood test was in March and I asked them to test blood count, electrolytes, kidney & liver function, cholesterol, diabetes/blood sugar, thyroid levels, vitamin D & B12, iron levels and folate. Lol I wanted to be sure everything was normal since I eat limited foods due to my IBS.
  • Unless your doctor tells you or your levels are low after a blood test, there's really no reason to. I've never taken vitamins in my life, eat a pretty limited diet, and have never come in low on any blood test. I personally feel most vitamins are a scam.
  • Learn to love them. I've had big calves my entire life and no amount of weight loss or exercise made any significant difference. Mine are 19.5" around. Just say goodbye to knee high boots/socks/etc :(