Sad Servings...



  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    Doritos... who in the world eats 11 Doritos?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I have to laugh about so many people mentioning the cereal portions...because when I was growing up (chubby) my mom did not really police my intake or anything, but she acted like cereal was this big decadent thing and you had to be super careful to eat a small bowl of it, and barely pour any milk on there. It was like her ONE obsession w/ portions. So for me as an adult on MFP the 3/4 cup or 1 cup of cereal seems like a whole lot, and I put 1/2 cup of almond milk on there and feel like a queen LMAO

    for me the disappointing serving is 1 oz of cheese, especially shredded cheese. I used to make casseroles and pizza with like 2 cups of cheese on top of them just because. No more.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Nuts, cheese, pasta.

    Cereal I grew up with those single serving boxes so I always had an idea of how small a serving was I guess.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Peanut butter and ice cream.
  • spilledmilk
    spilledmilk Posts: 83 Member
    Chips are the worst. I weighed out 1 serving for my lunch the other day and it was like 8 chips for 140 calories. I had carrot sticks instead :'(
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    knelson095 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    knelson095 wrote: »
    So, I just weighed out a serving of Reese's Pieces...and checked the numbers three times because the serving is SO SMALL. :'(

    Like, so small you guys. 200 calories and it's basically a handful.

    What's the most surprising/sad portion size you have discovered while trying to lose weight?

    Also, I ate that portion anyway...I regret nothing.

    Nut butters are the most obvious disappointment, but hard cheese is up there too.

    I also get pretty sad sometimes about what constitutes a serving of ice cream.

    Peanut butter was depressing until I started actually making a pb&j sammich and I realized that a serving was quite a bit more than I would typically use anyway..

    And when I eat ice cream I make sure it's something really good like talenti Caribbean coconut gelato...mmm...

    LOL, the better the ice cream, is the larger portion I want.

    I don't even have a huge sweet tooth or anything but sometimes I just want half a pint of ice cream and I can't often justify it (I'm maintaining but I'm short and light, so....)
  • DisneyDude85
    DisneyDude85 Posts: 428 Member
    Cereal. Pasta. :'( I used to fill a bowl about 4/5s full of Frosted Flakes, and fill with milk til the cereal almost fell out. Eat all the cereal, drink all the milk. Had to have been at least 1000 calories. And sometimes I would do this about 3 hours after dinner. Like someone else said, you don't think much of it because its "only cereal".
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    knelson095 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    knelson095 wrote: »
    So, I just weighed out a serving of Reese's Pieces...and checked the numbers three times because the serving is SO SMALL. :'(

    Like, so small you guys. 200 calories and it's basically a handful.

    What's the most surprising/sad portion size you have discovered while trying to lose weight?

    Also, I ate that portion anyway...I regret nothing.

    Nut butters are the most obvious disappointment, but hard cheese is up there too.

    I also get pretty sad sometimes about what constitutes a serving of ice cream.

    Peanut butter was depressing until I started actually making a pb&j sammich and I realized that a serving was quite a bit more than I would typically use anyway..

    And when I eat ice cream I make sure it's something really good like talenti Caribbean coconut gelato...mmm...

    Yeah that's the workaround. Instead of eating a tub of crap ice cream, you spend extra $$$ on the super-premium good stuff (Magnum bars for me) and savor it.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Cereal,ice cream, nuts and dressing. So discouraging.
  • cdudley628
    cdudley628 Posts: 547 Member
    I was pleasantly surprised when I weighed my cheese for the first time. It wasn't shredded, it was from a block of cheese. I was really excited that I could eat that much. Shredded cheese is a different story because I add it to other foods and one serving doesn't seem like enough sometimes.
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    ald783 wrote: »
    Doritos... who in the world eats 11 Doritos?

    Not me...I always get a serving and a half. ;)
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    just ice cream
  • Kimegatron
    Kimegatron Posts: 772 Member
    I had been hugely overestimating PB and cheese. And coffee creamer. So I am actually eating more now, than I thought was acceptable :D
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    Gummi Bears - 15 little bears is a serving.
    Those little fruit snack pouches - about 80 calories for about 5 pieces. Crazy.
    Any kind of chip - an ounce is so sad.
    A serving of Chex mix fits in the palm of your hand and I have a little hand! :(
  • Cereal. I finally started using a food scale and I was so disappointed :'(
  • Nanogg55
    Nanogg55 Posts: 275 Member
    Ive got a smaller plate so my dinners don't look as small as they are. It works for me :)

    I restored a dollhouse for my niece; maybe if I eat my meals there I'll feel like a have serious portions,,,

  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    Nanogg55 wrote: »
    Ive got a smaller plate so my dinners don't look as small as they are. It works for me :)

    I restored a dollhouse for my niece; maybe if I eat my meals there I'll feel like a have serious portions,,,


    Bahaha!! That's gold!! :D
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    ^^^^^DON'T CLICK THAT!!!^^^^^ Its spam and it won't let you leave!!!!
  • superhockeymom
    superhockeymom Posts: 2,000 Member
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member

    Oh gosh I forgot the wine!!! That was a really rough reality check for sure!