Need to start somewhere !

Hi , I've had a rough few months health wise and have recently been told I have inherited high cholesterol, inflamed gallbladder and I also suffer with IBS. I need to loose 2 stone in weight . I've joined a local gym. Was trying to follow slimming world but it became increasingly difficult to stay to group as I couldn't take my two children with me as it was too late at night, and also financially it was money I needed to keep hold of !
Now , I know I have to revamp my whole diet and fitness .... but where to start ?! Any advice ?


  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Not sure what slimming world is but instead of a gym I started walking daily. Perhaps you have a park you could walk to with the kids. The plus side of that is they get tuckered out and you get some exercise. I know right now it may be cold. Here in Canada it is so I have been walking malls and doing the park on the warmer days. Because of your IBS you might do well to ask your doc about the best diet for your condition. Good luck you can do this.
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    Walking with the kids is a great idea. Or if you have a dog make it a family outing. It will also set them up for success later in life as they remember the good times they had hiking with Mom. You can look up geocaching, or play Pokémon Go if you need a goal to get out there. Instead of a local gym, since you have small children, you may want to invest in home equipment. A treadmill or exercise bike is worth saving up for. That way you can get your workouts even late at night without disrupting the children. The biggest change will be your eating habits. You will need to talk to a nutritionist to see what will not irritate your IBS. As for losing weight, the biggest key to success is weighing and logging everything. You can do this. The fact you are here is a big step in the right direction.
  • spilledmilk
    spilledmilk Posts: 83 Member
    As for your IBS, depending on the type you have I would suggest following a low FODMAP diet. I do personally, which can be hard to do as a lot of "healthy" foods are off limit as they trigger my IBS symptoms. Anyways all that matters is eating at a deficit, so weighing and logging all your food is where to start :)