Cutting out soft drink!

About 2 weeks ago, I weighed myself and decided to give up my daily habit of drinking more than 1 to 2 CANS of soft drink a day, it was actually quite easy but mainly because I had none in the house at all! I wasn't even tempted ever. Today I weighed my self... Losing around 3.2 kilos.. I never exercised or anything I ate usual foods and just cut out soft drinks, please discuss with me if anyone else has done this? :)


  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    Good job! About a year ago, I gave up all sodas, diet sodas, sweet tea, juice, etc. Now all I drink is's SO nice not to waste calories on drinks...I'd rather EAT my calories :)
  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    Well you cut out around 500 cals a day depending on the pop and size of can. If you were close to maintenence then yeah you will lose weight.

    BUT you should be sure to measure your food intake and become more vigilant. I don't know your stats but you can lose weight a little faster the bigger you are because it's easier to make a larger deficit.

    As for the 3.2 kilo in 2 weeks. It's probably a lot of water weight. You cut extra carbs and are most likely drinking water which helps flush out salt.

    Be sure to track your food and maintain a deficit. Quiting soda is a nice first step. Keep going forward and it will work.
  • Remoth
    Remoth Posts: 117 Member
    I don't drink a heck of a lot of soda anymore. I used to drink litres of it a day. Maybe a can or 2 a week now. And I'm at about half coffee and half water now. Don't really miss it.
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    I gave up sodas years ago and never looked back. My go to drinks are water, black unsweetened coffee, unsweetened tea, and skim milk.
  • anniebag28
    anniebag28 Posts: 29 Member
    Is diet coke zero calories?
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    I gave up coffee two weeks ago and I get to save about 150 cals from the creamer. :smiley: Here's to eating your calories instead of drinking them!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If you're cutting out a couple of sodas per day, that's a lot of yeah, it makes sense.

    Years ago I stopped drinking soda on a regular basis and dropped a good chunk of weight pretty quickly, but it also leveled off withing a few weeks. Same thing happens when I reduce my alcohol and particularly beer consumption...I usually get a quick drop over the course of about three to four weeks, and then things level off.
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    anniebag28 wrote: »
    Is diet coke zero calories?

    Yup. And delicious!
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Same thing happens when I reduce my alcohol and particularly beer consumption...

    Why in the world would you do something crazy like that??!
  • spilledmilk
    spilledmilk Posts: 83 Member
    I used to drink 6+ cans of soda per day... didn't notice a significant drop it weight once I quit as I just started eating more instead lol. But I prefer to eat my calories now rather than drink then so I practically never drink soda anymore, and if I do it's diet. I replaced my habit with carbonated flavored water (0 cals) which I now much prefer to soda as I find it's more hydrating.

    So basically my advice would be to still count your calories because that's all that matters, soda or not.
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Same thing happens when I reduce my alcohol and particularly beer consumption...

    Why in the world would you do something crazy like that??!

    I do it for about a month a year just to reset or if i think i've been going overboard lately. I lost like 20 pounds by accident once.
  • ChrisRendon1128
    ChrisRendon1128 Posts: 103 Member
    I gave up soda and sweet tea about 4 months ago and I'm happy I did that :) I agree with dotti1121- I would rather eat my calories than drink them.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I quit drinking pop a few weeks ago. I still get the desire to drink it when we go out to eat but, I am sticking with it so far. This is the longest I have went without pop since I was a kid. I only drank diet before but, I knew I was obsessed with it and I hated that so I stopped.
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    I gave up regular sodas too, mostly to cut some sugar out of my diet. But I have a diet soda every so often if I'm craving fizzy goodness!
  • srecupid
    srecupid Posts: 660 Member
    Equus5374 wrote: »
    I gave up regular sodas too, mostly to cut some sugar out of my diet. But I have a diet soda every so often if I'm craving fizzy goodness!

    But, diet soda is pretty disgusting imo. Fresca ain't bad. I quit drinking pop except in the dead of summer when i work outside and a mexican coke is awesome sometimes. Other than that I don't drink it at all. I don't miss it at all to be completely honest with you.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    NICELY DONE! I had to wean myself off soda a little a time after I left my last job. I didn't realize I'd gotten into a can a day habit- it was just too easy with the soda machine right there. Had to go every other day for a week, then once every three days, and then one a week. Now, none. And if I do drink a coke, I'm wired for HOURS and don't sleep.

    My remaining bad is coffee, which I must have with cream and sugar (lately, International House sweetened creamer, which is cholesterol free.)