rms171 Member


  • Follow the routine prescribed for success and you will see results. The minute you decide to stray you will set yourself up. Even the little things like not drinking while eating are important. DO NOT think the sleeve will lose the weight for you. It is a tool, not an absolute. Lifestyle change. I was lap banded in 2007…
  • BMR (basal metabolic rate) is basically how many calories (at your current weight) the body needs to simply sustain itself (i.e. literally just laying in bed and not doing anything). TDEE adds a % factor to your BMR to account for your pattern of activity, such as sedentary or active. Based on the factor (percentage), the…
  • The math looks right. Formula is straight forward. To lose a pound you must eat 3500 calories a week fewer than your weeks's total TDEE. So if you want to lose a pound a week and your TDEE is X you subtract 500 calories a day from it to get to your net target. Caution to you. Even though MFP purports to use a conservative…
  • Please do not be down. Weight loss is not easy and the fact that you are dedicated to food and exercise in your life are both highly commendable feats. For every one of you there are thousands of people on the couch unwilling to acknowledge they need to take better care of themselves. From looking at your diary I see a…
    in Frustrated Comment by rms171 August 2012
  • We are all here to support you. None of this is easy. But the advise above is exactly on point. There are ways of getting protein that are not very complicated, but critical so you get what the body needs. Once you start to lose muscle mass (and continue to lose weight) you hit a dangerous double sword. You're not…
  • I dropped Diet Coke and anything related diet carbonated on July 1st and have lost considerably since then. In regular soft drinks you're getting the sugar intake, which is not great, but you are also bloating your stomach which makes it expand and accept larger portions. I know it isn't easy, but you're doing the right…
  • I have been netting less than 1200 calories almost since I started my fitness program seven weeks ago. I went to my metabolic physician and nutritionist, both of whom were less concerned about caloric target and much more focused on nutritional balance. My protein grams were inadequate, which contributed to rapid weight…
  • There is a group forum on Fitbit, which will answer all your questions. Search for it and join the group. Good luck.
  • Eight ounces.
    in Water intake Comment by rms171 July 2012
  • I had lap band surgery nearly 5 years ago, and can retrace each step that led me to gain just about everything back. Each misstep was entirely my fault, not the failure of the band. The band cannot stop you from eating ice cream or drinking sugared soda. Quite honestly a diet cannot do that either unless you are true to…
  • Aim to eat your allotted calories per day but attempt to burn through exercise so that you come in under your net, a bit. If you're at 1200 calories per day, your body does not need that many to function. If you eat the daily quote it and exercise, your body will get what it needs and burn what it does not. Be cautious by…
  • The suggestions are usually straight forward, swap the carbs for protein, plan a menu in advance that shifts the grams to the right foods, etc. Carbs=sugars, which the body takes longer to break down than protein. Do not be discouraged it is only one week, but remember, remaining under your calories is not the cure all.…
  • It can be a combination of a bad scale, time of day (day of week) you weigh-in, exercise volume, and yes, what you are eating. If you are logging your daily in-take that should help you start to identify causes. Do not be discouraged. For many, week one is a grand success, for others it is a challenge. You have just…
  • Your'e in the right place for motivation. Success is entirely about what you eat and your choices, combined with a little exercise. You will achieve your goal. I had been on different gyrations of Weight Watchers over the years. Whether it is counting how many "fats" you are allowed per day, or total points earned, the…
    in New here :) Comment by rms171 July 2012
  • VP of Finance for a for-profit health care services company.
  • Best of luck to you. Start adding friends. A lot of good motivation sharing your journey with strangers.
  • Best of luck, I remember the first year in university and the 'eating' freedom.
  • I grew up in Kentucky, Louisville, to be specific. Live in northern New Jersey now. Do I still get credit?
  • Sugar free jello 5 calories a cup; eat two and it will fill you up. Try pickles if you do not mind the salty taste. Drink water either before or after a low cal snack. Vegetables.....no one ever became fat because of veggies. Or do as I occasionally feel compelled to do when I do not want to over-eat and it is the evening…
  • You have the option to manually log the calories burned if you trust the counter on the elliptical more. That is how I do it, especially if I'm on the treadmill and transitioning through different speeds and inclines during my work out.
  • You can never go wrong with soups. Just ask for it in a cup (not a bread bowl) and by-pass the croutons that they give you. You can get the calories from this site. Their tomato soup is really good.
  • Jason good luck and welcome to the century club. We can do it. Use this site and be honest with yourself. If the plate looks quite full of food it is and its more than you need. Do it for your family, I'm doing it for mine.
    in Hi Everybody Comment by rms171 July 2012
  • Airplane. Geez, I feel old.
  • Had lap-band surgery in December 2007 and did not stick with the program; doctors, diet, exercise and fell flat on my face. I had the band tightened and thought that I would lose weight without having to do anything. I found out that ice cream goes down just as easily as after surgery. I went back to my surgeon about two…
    in Lapbanders? Comment by rms171 July 2012
  • Dedicate yourself to getting in shape, use this website (and the app) faithfully and you will see results. We are all here for the same reason. Make friends on the site and let your group motivate each other.