lap band surger

I had lap band surgery 3 yrs ago, anyone else out there that has had the surgery?:smile:


  • r121567
    r121567 Posts: 23 Member
    I had surgery 2 years ago - at first I had some success but I am back to where I started. I am to the point of considering a revision surgery to the gastric sleeve OR give healthy diet and exercise a *REAL* chance. The band was not the instant, effort free solution I had hoped for.

    I am finding it difficult to eat all of my calories. I am eating three meals a day (which I have never done in the past) but I find myself right around 1100 every day BEFORE my exercise. I need to add some healthy snacks to my day since I am limited on the volume I can eat at any one time. My band is in no way tight, I can eat a portion the size of a lean cuisine meal + a cup of fruit.

    Down 5 lbs in two weeks but working hard for those pounds!
  • klenzee
    klenzee Posts: 2 Member
    I had the surgery about 6 years ago and like r121567, I am back to where I started! UGH! It truly is a mind thing - and I too have thought about some sort of revision surgery but I have a couple of friends on this site and thought I would give it a try - FOR REAL this time.

    Losing weight has to be one of the hardest things I have ever done. :cry:

    This is a new day and I hope to soon post some progress.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I wish the government would crack down on those so-called doctors that are convincing people who aren't even all that large that weight loss surgery is the answer to their weight problems.

    Many people have lifelong complications from weight loss surgery, and too many doctors play down the potential problems to get more business.

    It's a very sad situation indeed!
  • teasa818
    teasa818 Posts: 3
    i have been thinking of having the lap band but am now reconsidering after reading this i have to wait 6 months and follow a 1200 callorie diet befor i am abel to have the surgery i realy want to be able to do it on my own but have given up so many times befor that im not sure if i can.....
  • aleciaj7
    aleciaj7 Posts: 39
    I posted a blog about this yesterday, feel free to read. Biggest mistake I ever made!!!
  • r121567
    r121567 Posts: 23 Member
    If I had it to do over, I don't think I would have taken this route. I have lost weight in the past, I just lost sight of being healthy. No surgery can replace the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I had lap band surgery 2 months ago and I'm doing great. For those of you who had it and were disappointed because it wasn't the instant, easy solution you'd hoped for, where did you get that idea in the first place? Even with the band, you have to make good food choices, exercise on a routine basis, and work hard to lose weight. I had to attend seminars, support groups, I had to work with a nutritionist for six months, pass a physical fitness exam, see a psychologist, go through a dozen medical exams and procedures before I was even allowed to talk to the surgeon. Didn't you have to do that too? I've heard it said a thousand times and I'll say it again -- the band is a TOOL that helps you eat smaller quantities without feeling very hungry all the time, but the real work is in your head. How could you not know that going in?

    To Health Gal, where did you hear of these docs who are performing surgery on people who don't really need it, and convincing them that surgery is the answer to their weight problems? I'm sure it happens, but it's certainly not the norm.
  • cassylee
    cassylee Posts: 107 Member
    Hi all,

    My sister and I had the sugery several years ago. I am now heavier than what I was and my sister had to have hers removed because of complications.

    I think they do work for certain people whose addictions is savory. Or for people that can eat soup, all day long. However, since my addiction is sweet, I would eat a meal, throw up and then be hungry and eat a huge bowl of icecream. I could not really eat healthy food like a sweet apple because they are more like likely to plug your stomach and make you sick.

    I have done all the diets and it was last choice. Early last year, I could not live like it any more and I had my band adjusted to eat almost normally. A few weeks later, I did My Fitness pal for about several weeks, eating right and exercising the same amount as I was before. The amazing thing was I was dropping weight, simply by eating the right amount of Calories. However, I then did a Kick boxing class and through some poor judgement on my part, I could barely walk for six months. I have now put all that weight back on. I am back now. My leg is better. I just need to stay on track this time and I will succeed.

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend - To motivate me or to Kick me up the butt when I am being slack or to ask any questions,please do so.
  • rms171
    rms171 Posts: 30 Member
    I had lap band surgery nearly 5 years ago, and can retrace each step that led me to gain just about everything back. Each misstep was entirely my fault, not the failure of the band. The band cannot stop you from eating ice cream or drinking sugared soda. Quite honestly a diet cannot do that either unless you are true to yourself and honest about what you eat. I dunked every no-no food into mayonnaise or ketchup so it would easily slip through the stoma . I drank carbonated soda with each meal, which expanded my pouch and enabled even more eating. Cereal and milk, the perfect combination of endless breakfast eating. I am sure you get the point.

    Most individuals that paint the failure of the band (except for those that have complications) are not looking themselves in the mirror. I came clean six weeks ago and realized the band is about what I want it to be. I went back to my surgeon five weeks ago and started over, with an adjustment and a plan. I go back tonight for my first visit post-adjustment and have lost almost twenty pounds. Instead of cheating, I stopped cheating myself, because as well all know, cheaters never win.

    Go for the band if you think it will promote and encourage your lifestyle change, but do not ask for it simply as a means to assume it will skinny you down.
  • Crin6
    Crin6 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello All,
    I had bypass surgery over three years ago. And even though I have recently put some weight back on, I am still about 90 lbs smaller then I was pre-surgery. I don't regret it for a second. The program I entered into made me see a psychologist, dieticians, doctors, nurses and numerous other practionioners if I wanted. I now have the knowledge to know what I have to do now. It is my fault that I am starting to put weight back on. Since my miscarriages I am not happy and am overall having a hard time emotionally. I quit my job right before my last loss and thought I would jump right into a new job before the baby. Well no baby and no job yet...
    I have decided to join this site and if I don't start dealing better then I will go talk to someone about my losses. My husband is supportive with everything I do but I have always been sensitive and had difficulty with my weight. If anyone is thinking about surgery I would reccomend looking into a program rather then not having the support I did. Losing over a hundred pounds changed my life as much as the miscarriages did. We never know what life is going to throw at us next and I know that I can get back on track. It is sad that so many people haven't had successes. It does someone like in some places surgeries are very easy to get. I had to keep food diaries, and lose wieght before my surgery to prove I had the skills and knowledge to get me through it. I wish everyone luck on this site!