New here :)

Hi all,

I have been lurking for a while but this is my first time posting. I joined MFP about a month and a half ago - but I started my lifestyle journey back in March after going to the doctor. I am 25 years old and 5'6. The doctor called me after my yearly physical exam to tell me that my cholesterol was high. I wasn't liking that too much - 25 is way too young to be having weight related health issues.

When I started, I weighed in at 199.8. I did not want to hit 200! I set a goal weight for myself of 135. I felt that this would be impossible when I started. I never exercised and I was eating close to 3000 calories a day. I have learned that it is not impossible, so far, I have lost 28 pounds - I'm almost halfway there!

I had originally started doing Weight Watchers but after realizing that I took "eat what you want" a little too literally I decided it wasn't for me - I didn't like that I could eat 3 of their meals and hit my daily points allotment when only consuming 800 calories. I was hungry all the time and exhausted from not eating enough! I realize that I could have made different food choices while on Weight Watchers, but I also don't like that they push artificial sweeteners and foods made mostly of chemicals (ie. fat free or sugar free). I know it is a program that works for a lot of people, I just didn't want to pay for the advice they were offering anymore when I could get better advice here! Just my opinion on the matter.

So here I am. I've learned a lot about my body and the foods that I am putting in it. I log everything I eat, but I slack on logging my water - it is all I drink (besides rf or ff milk) and I know I get enough. I would eventually like to wean out most of the processed foods from my diet - I would prefer to have a cleaner diet with more natural and wholesome nutrition - I am just having a hard time with the cravings still.

I have needed some motivation lately and I would love to get some friends on here!

Thanks for reading!


  • sbduvall
    sbduvall Posts: 42 Member
    Hey there.

    You sound sort of like myself when it comes to goals. I did WW a while ago. But I am really trying to eat a more natural healthy clean diet. I am eating paleo /primal. No processed foods. I am sucessfull at this about 80% of the time. That is better than not at all. I want to get off blood pressure meds.

    You are doing good. Keep up the good work!
  • sexkitten1985
    well done on you weight loss so far x
  • rms171
    rms171 Posts: 30 Member
    Your'e in the right place for motivation. Success is entirely about what you eat and your choices, combined with a little exercise. You will achieve your goal. I had been on different gyrations of Weight Watchers over the years. Whether it is counting how many "fats" you are allowed per day, or total points earned, the program has one undeniable flaw to eat - one cannot live the rest of his/her life equating food to points. It is cute to do so at first, especially with colleagues and friends trying the same routine, but it is short-term lifestyle change that is not sustainable. Do you see yourself slim, beautiful and self-confident eating a meal and wondering how many points it is? Most do not. Weight management is simply making good choices, being honest to yourself, and looking at your body in the mirror and just dedicating yourself to being healthy.

    I've been faithful to my food and my exercise for a month and have lost twenty pounds, not through starvation. My diary is out there for friends to see. I just know that the math is simple on the way down. Use more than you consume. Good luck, you can do this.
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    Congrats! You've done awesome so far!