

  • I would say put your activity level as that of a desk job, and then put your workouts in under your exercise section of your diary. I work out 5-6 days a week, and I have a job where I am basically standing/walking around most of the time. I just put my activity level as pertaining to my job and not my workouts. Do what…
  • I like adding in spinach to my protein shakes. I usually do 1/2 cup of spinach, 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries, scoop of chocolate grass fed whey protein, and water. I am not always to best at making sure to eat vegetables, so this is a way for me to add some in to my food.
  • It could be a genetic/lifestyle outside of work outs kind of thing. My fiance (who does not work out) has calves that are either the same size or bigger than his thighs. I always joke that his legs look like Hercules (the Disney cartoon).
  • Wheat, corn, and citrus. Sadness. Happy I can still have dairy and chocolate!
  • I have my MFP set at lightly active because my job is not at all a desk job and i spend most of my day on my feet/walking around. MFP gives me 1420 to lose a pound a week. When I checked on the other site it gave me 1468 at sedentary and 1755 at lightly active.
  • If I were to eat it I'd get it without the caramel. But I probably won't, such a huge calorie hit!! I do plan on getting some chocolate covered bacon at the Minnesota State Fair, though. Because I only go once each year and you bet I'm gonna enjoy anything that catches my fancy :)
  • The only time I've ever checked the difference was only about .2 of a pound. I used to always freak out if I couldn't go the night before I had my weigh in in the morning (I weigh before I eat anything and I cannot go if I haven't eaten). I stopped worrying about it and I still lost weight, poo or no poo.
  • It can vary for each person I think. I like to stick with around 300 cals for each meal. I have 1200 allowance as well, and if I stay around 300 I have a little wiggle room to go over, as well as some extra calories for snacks/dessert. I've definitely found that in order to do this I have to eat very very clean and…
  • Expecting Aunt Flo soon? That could cause it. Sometimes our weight just fluctuates it like that, maybe you had a high sodium day or high sodium past few days.
  • Hopefully I get back down...Ugh depressing.
  • I Looooove the cinnamon cream cheese wedge.
  • 1300 cals was definitely too low. Now that I'm in losing mode on here trying to just lose 8 lbs I am at 1420 cals.
  • My lips. They are big and luscious lol
  • Thank you. Maintaining has definitely been harder than losing ever was. For some reason I am hungrier now than I ever was when I was eating less (I was using Weight Watchers and I've realized that their daily point allowance does not equal out to me eating a whole lot of calories, so when I was in losing mode I really…
  • I want to look into this. I have other food allergies that I know I have positively due to blood testing, but I have others that are semi-unknown and those are the sever ones. If I've avoided the things I'm allergic/intolerant to will they still show up as being an allergen with this kind of testing?