hiyomi Member


  • Hmm maybe you've lost weight from other parts of your body and not so much your belly, making it seem like your belly is stretching out more? Have you measured yourself?
  • 23 years old and in university! I gained the most weight in my first year of college than I had in my entire life! And like you, I had also lost 25 lbs and then regained it back! Feel free to add me :)
  • It doesn't matter what time you eat, as long as you are at a calorie deficit, you will still lose weight! :)
  • 1200 is NOT a lot of calories. 1200 calories is the minimum amount that you are supposed to eat in a day. Try upping it to maybe 1500-1600 calories and see how that works out for you. :)
  • I've been on depo for about 8 years now and I can't say it made me gain weight, it was all me lol Sure I would hope to believe it was only the shot, but nope.
  • This was the best post I've read all day, I loved it! Since yesterday with the few people I've talked too, I've learned that this is not the person I want to be or look like. As you said in your comment, I feel like I have an amazing personality, and now I just need the body to represent that. I don't feel like I'm…
  • I've talked it over with a friend tonight and I finally fessed up to my boyfriend about it as well. At first I didn't really think it was anything too important, but my friend helped me realize that sometimes it's okay to fall down and look for some support and a little coddling sometimes. :) My boyfriend won't see my…
  • This makes a lot of sense, I never knew that we lost muscle when we lost weight..I would do weights and exercise but I'm not sure if it was enough to keep muscle as you said. I'm supposed to be going to the doctor this Friday to get a check up on my sugar levels, as well as my slowed weight loss. I've lost and gained…
  • On all the vacations I have been on, I have never had to worry about what I eat because I simply walk excessive amounts simply from exploring new areas, sight seeing and walking around. And by excessive, I mean I walked 25 miles in 3 days when I went to Vegas a few weeks ago! The last trip before that I was totaling almost…
  • It depends on a lot of things why you may not be losing weight as quickly as you'd like! The most common reason being is that you are already close to your goal weight or a healthy weight! It's harder to lose weight when you only have a little to lose! Another top reason why it could be different is because many times…
  • I've never tried meal replacement shakes personally, but my mom started using them and she has lost about 20 lbs in 4 months or so. She usually drinks one at dinner and then has a very small dinner of like a salad or soup/sandwich, anything really, but just a very small portion. There is one that I have tried, the…
  • It goes away! I find that when I start dieting, at first I am always really hungry and can eat anything/everything, but after about two weeks or so that goes away and I start getting fuller a lot faster.
  • I plan to use it for tracking, music, and notifications...So I think it may benefit me more than my Fitbit Alta :o
  • I'm thinking of switching to the Apple Watch as well, so bump!
  • As the second poster said, its like reading my own story! As soon as I stop counting calories, I quickly start to gain weight, so from the way it seems I will probably have to count calories forever or lose a dramatic amount of weight first and then maybe I can stop there....I usually lose 10-20 lbs and then start saying…
  • I find that every time I start dieting/exercising, I always get constipated as well...No clue why..I do drink a lot of water too.
  • I definitely know that I do not have a problem losing weight, and as you said, I just have a problem maintaining it. I tell my friends and boyfriend that a lot of times and they question at me like it's not true...but it really is...I've always been able to lose weight...my problem is that I stop and as soon as I do stop I…
  • I frequently stop dieting and exercising whenever I am out of school for summer vacation and holidays, I know that for sure! I guess I also seem to start picking up bad habits as soon as I say "one regular soda is okay"....then it makes me want more and more regular cokes or dr peppers instead of diets or water....Hmmm I…
  • I've never tried this before, usually I try getting rid of a bunch of habits at one time and maybe that could be causing me to feel under deprived of what I'm used to causing me to spiral out of control! I will try this method! :)
  • This! One time I made a salad at home thinking it would be lower calories than a normal meal, but once I measured everything and added the calories it was almost 200 calories more than my normal dinner!
  • It doesn't help you to actually lose weight but I've heard that it can help with ridding of bloating and water retention, which could temporarily add a few lbs.
  • It just came out on the news this week that Herbalife is being sued by the FDA for their fraudulent and deceptive products. Look it up on CNN/ABC news and then you can decide if it's worth it. :)
  • We always drain ours, because we don't like a mouth full of grease lol But I still log the calories as what it says.
  • I love ground beef, but the leanest ones can be pretty pricey, so I usually avoid them ~_~ lol Most of my home cooked meals involve chicken and fish, which are some of the cheaper meats. I can afford ground beef, but usually I buy the less lean ones because of the high prices of lean meats >.< I only work part time a few…
  • I'm glad to see that many people also feel the same way as I do lol I would prefer ground beef but usually the leanest ground beefs can be pretty pricey >.< This is an issue for me since I only work part time a few days a week lol I've tried out ground pork and my family cooks it pretty often. When it comes down to it,…
  • When I feel that way, I simply put things into a reality check for myself. What's going to happen if you keep eating over calories? You are going to gain weight again. What happens when you gain weight again? You will have to start over again and you will have lost all that progress because you didn't want to stop eating.…
  • If they worked, there wouldn't be a problem with obesity ;)
    in Diet pills Comment by hiyomi May 2016
  • Losing weight/fat is a matter of calories in versus calories out :) There is no specific diet to follow, its simple math and science :) Burn more calories than you eat and you will lose weight+fat!
  • Yep, my weight fluctuates as much as 2-5 lbs if I eat big meals or things with a ton of sodium.
  • Macros will not be the thing that causes her to lose weight, it may help, but losing weight is a matter of calories in versus calories out! It is vital to watch calories.