

  • 1. I'm the youngest of three children 2. I am a proud army veteran of seven years. 3. The mother of six 4. Lived in Korea and Germany while in the military. 5. Been married three times and divorced 3x! 6. Breast cancer survivor 7. Went to college to become a social worker but I haven't been back to finish yet! 8. Love…
  • I am glad to see this post, not only are we concerned about each other but the miners as well.
  • I am glad to see this post, not only are we concerned about each other but the miners as well.
  • I am glad to see this post, not only are we concerned about each other but the miners as well.
  • I am having the same problem, eating too much food after dark.
  • It has been a while since I lived in Korea, back in the late 1980's. I was in the army then and did not have a problem with my weight but I still had a problem adjusting to the food. I could eat American food on base but I love to sample the local stuff. I don't know how you are set up and wonder if you have a place to…
  • Welcome, you will enjoy this site.
  • Glad you decided to give mfp a try. I have been a member less than two weeks and I am truly enjoying it. I have lost five pound and I will weigh in Friday. The people on this site are great cheerleaders and always have great comments. I would love to have you as a friend, feel free to add me if you like.
  • Yes, we can do this together.
  • I joined a week ago and I have lost five pounds. The people on this site are just as supportive as the tool to aid you with weight loss. You are starting out really good, just keep it up.
  • Welcome, the food log is great. It has helped me a lot. I joined a week ago and I have lost five pounds, thanks to the food log. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • I am a breast cancer survivor. This has been a hard journey for me and my children but they deserve a healthy mom. It has taken me almost four years to get my act together. Now I'm going full speed! You will get back where you need to be. Take all the time you need to grieve then when you get your groove back do it for…
  • Welcome, I joined a little over a week ago and I find not only the site but everyone here so encouraging.
    in hi! Comment by ropicrdo October 2010
  • Congratulation!
  • Everyone here is helpful, so make friend and share you story. I'm a new member and love the food log, it had helped me. Add me as a friend if you would like. Great to hear your story.
  • I'm also new but the friend on this site are great. I use the food log and it has help me lose five pounds in a little over a week. Good luck and make friends.
  • I also was/is a stress eater. I joined this site over one week ago and I have already lost five pounds. Using the food log is the greatest tool I have ever used. I log on to this site everyday. I love the support I get from others on this site. Join us and make a few friends.
  • I'm also new. I joined a little over a week ago and I have already lost five pound. The weekend is where I mess up. I find so much encouragement on this site. You will enjoy it, we are all here to help each other.
    in Hello Comment by ropicrdo October 2010
  • Lori, I joined a little over one week ago and I have already lost five pound. The food log has been my biggest help. I had/have been eating way to many calories. Good luck and you will find great friend to help you on this site. Feel free to add me to your friends list.
  • I just added you as a friend. Good luck.
    in Hello! Comment by ropicrdo October 2010
  • My best friend had the surgery and she has lost about 60lb. and can't seem to lose any more. It worked out for her and I'm happy for her. You have to decide what will work for you and not anyone else. I just joined this site and I have lost four pounds my first week by keep the calorie log, this seems to work for me. I…
  • Welcome!
  • Welcome, I think you will like the calories log, it's great.
  • Welcome. I find the food log to be a great help. I joined less than a week ago and before the I started the food log I did realize how many empty calories I ate. If you need encouragement, this is a great place to get it.
  • I had/have the same problem. Eating when the sun goes down. I find the calorie log has help a lot! I didn't realize how many empty calories I ate until I started the log! I joined less than a week ago and I have lost four pounds. The users of this site are very encouraging. I also added you as a friend.
  • I just joined also. Love the calorie log, it has helped me the most. I've lost four pound in less than a week. I did not realize how many empty calories I ate until I joined this site. Add me as a friend if you like. We all need to keep each other encouraged.
  • Hope it works for you.
  • Welcome, I am also enjoying this site. If you want a friend, please feel free to add me. I joined less than one week ago and I have already lost four pounds. The food log is the greatest, it made me realize all the empty calories I eat each day. Let's uplift each other.
  • Feel free to add me as a friend because when I joined many people extended their friendship to me. It help, everyone here encouraging. I have lost 4 pounds since I joined in less than I week. The food log really has helped me, it opened my eyes to all those empty calories I have been eating. Post often, I would love to…