Just joined!

htdavidson Posts: 22
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hey y'all, my name is Heather and I just signed up today. I'm married and have 2 boys. My short term goal is to lose 45 pounds in 3 months and my long term goal is to reach my goal weight of 140 by June 2011. Any secrets to success would be great!


  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
    i would say be realistic with your goals and honest with your input! good luck:flowerforyou:
  • I'm new here too. I'm a mother of one boy. I want to lose 20 pounds. I got some good advise from a friend. It's called carb loading before cardio. You burn a ton more fat. For example: I'll eat a bran muffin 20min before I do my cardio. Your brain registers the carbs and while you exercise sheds the fat. I was eating fruit in the AM before my workouts and wasn't loosing wt, after this change I've been loosing 2 lbs a day. I'm essentially tricking my metabolism.

    Anyway, glad you're here and good luck!

  • 45 lbs in 3 months is a lot. I have been able to lose 10 lbs/month for 3 months in a row once before, but eventually it all came back on. The way I did it was to cut every meal in half, regardless of the fat or calorie numbers of the food -- I ate what I liked, just less of it. For example, I would eat half a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, half a sub sandwich for lunch, etc. I also cut out ALL between meal snacks. It was very difficult the first 3-5 days, then it was easy, and my appetite decreased as I got used to eating less food. I was able to increase my food intake gradually, adding light snacks and small desserts. And, of course, I exercised, but only walking a few miles a day & riding the stationary bike about 15 miles 3 times a week. However, losing weight in this way is quick, but not permanent. I eventually went back to old eating habits like overeating at meals, snacking on brownies & junk food, etc.

    I am now committed to a healthier diet and exercise such as weight training along with cardio. You can eat more nutritional foods more frequently instead of feeling hungry and deprived. The key for me is small meals -- we tend to eat more food than we need to, so portion control is a big factor for me. The weight is coming off very slowly, but I'm hoping it will be easier to keep it off this time.

    Good luck to you in meeting your goals!
  • Welcome. I find the food log to be a great help. I joined less than a week ago and before the I started the food log I did realize how many empty calories I ate. If you need encouragement, this is a great place to get it.
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