Been here 4 days so far.....

doramouse Posts: 160
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello - I just joined up 4 days ago and thought I"d say hi. I have used sites like these before but never actually posted anything or joined the community. I thought this time I would go all the way and really participate (as much as I can). I have a goal of losing 25 lbs safely and over time so that it stays off. I am not a diet-er. Once you tell me I can't have something then I just want it :) Counting calories is easier for me but I always seem to lose interest or just get lazy. Well, this time I am determined I will succeed. I am tired of hearing my own voice complaining along with all my friends that we all need to lose 10, 15, 20, 25 lbs. I'm done talking - and into the doing now! So - I hope to be able to support others and by watching/ready about your progress, I am sure I'll be inspired as well.


  • qwants2bslimmer
    qwants2bslimmer Posts: 30 Member

    I have also just joined, I have enjoyed reading other posts and keeping a record of my food intake, I was shocked yesterday how many calories just eating a 'few snacks' lol! I am feeling quite positive which I haven't felt in ages so hope it continues. Actually this is the firt time I have ever joined in with a community, normally just read other peoples comments rather than participate myself!!

    Gook luck :)
  • Hello and welcome to both of you!! I think you are in a wonderful place to get started and this community is wonderful!!
  • Welcome and good luck with your journey x
  • Welcome, I think you will like the calories log, it's great.
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