

  • I know the feeling. I've been gaining/losing the save 5lbs for the past 6 months. Finally, the last 2 weeks I've really cracked down, monitored my food very closely, and dedicated myself to running 3x a week. Well, I'm on the low end of those 5lbs, but still nothing below that. It's discouraging when you hear about people…
  • I have the same problem trying to find a spot for my keys. Currently I clip them with a carabiner onto the waist of my shorts, but they could easily fall off. I'm thinking about getting a jogging belt like Trayn mentioned.
  • I'm 25 with about 20 lbs to lose before my wedding. Feel free to add me, I love new friends!
  • I wouldn't focus so much on a specific number. If you focus strength training between now and then to tone you will look like you weigh less even if you don't hit 180. Muscle helps you carry the weight better, seriously. Other than that, watch your sodium intake and drink a lot of water so you don't see gain in the scale…
  • Search for specific pole dance studios in your area. Most times, gyms don't offer classes, but you can take 1 class a week at a studio; at least that's what I did. If any one here is in Northern Virginia, I highly recommend Diva Fit - they're the best! :happy:
  • I took pole dancing classes for about a year. It's an okay cardio workout if you don't take too many breaks, and a really good strength workout. Once you get past the beginner classes it requires a ~lot~ of core and arm strength. I was able to do chin-ups no problem after 3 months of inverted poses! For those of you…
  • "Wake up early and go on a nice long jog... then let loose and enjoy the day. That run will earn you some extra calories!! " But the wedding starts at 10am!! What if you miss some of it?!?! I mean, unless you're an early riser. It starts at 5am here, so there's no way I'm jogging before it starts! I say watch your portions…
  • I think our society has become used to only seeing a certain body type - celebrities and 13 year old girls are allowed to be skinny, but if you're a normal person you should be overweight or at least "comfortably chubby". It makes people feel justified in their own weight. Your own family especially probably figures that…
  • Maybe you could do it, but it's really not worth it! You'd have to resort to some pretty unhealthy eating habits. People who are very overweight can have these kinds of loses (that's why you see these numbers and higher on the Biggest Loser) but you've already lose 24 lbs (congrats!) and your body won't lose more happily.…
  • I did this in the gym once - I was 2 minutes away from running 30 min straight (my longest run ever at the time) when someone turned on the TV and I looked up, distracted. That second of distraction was all it took - I ran right off the treadmill! I felt sooo lame and even more angry that I hadn't gotten all the way to 30…
  • Were you able to get yours fixed after it stopped working? Mine does the same thing - gets some correct readings then zeros out several times while exercising and doesn't accurately record my calories burned. I've thought about sending it for repair, but wasn't sure what the cause was and didn't realize they had live…
  • Good luck with your exam! We'll be here when you get back! :)
  • Old House Vineyards, in Virginia. I've wanted a vineyard wedding since I moved to VA, I'm so happy we found a place! A beach wedding sounds gorgeous, too - and Hawaii is so beautiful! Pole dance was a lot of fun for about a year, then I got to the harder levels and didn't have the muscle strength to do a lot of the tricks.…
  • 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Haven't weighee yet 2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Got to go to the Baltimore Aquarium for the first time with some girlfriends, then two of FI's friends came over for dinner and we got to do bride-talk, since they're engaged as…
  • Errr... no idea. But the food tracker has tons of sushi rolls (I know I found Rainbow roll, Eel roll, and Tuna rolls the last time I went out). Maybe trying plugging a few good looking ones into your log and seeing what works?
  • I definitely think basketball practice and walking is enough exercise (assuming you're moving throughout the whole practice, and getting a good workout). Like many other posters, I'd suggest eating 200 - 300 calories more on the days you practice. In addition, if you want to lose weight faster, add strength training - even…
  • Wow, great results! I gave up after about 15 days, sorry to say. I'm definitely thinking about restarting, though - you're such an inspiration!
  • There's a drop down selector just above your "Most Used" tab. The default is set to a specific meal, but you can also select "All Meals".
  • "Generic - White Granulated Sugar" Oops! Follow shortly by "Milk" and "Coffee" if that gives you any hints as to why! ;)
  • Aw, that's so sweet! All my wedding dreams so far have been of the nightmare variety. Ugh. From forgetting to decorate the reception hall, to not booking a photographer! I could use some nice dreams!
  • I plan on tracking for at least 6 months after my goal to get used to my new calories allotment and not go over. I reached my goal weight once and said sayonara to tracking - worst mistake ever! I kept the weight off for about 3 months, but it started going right back up. But I felt so over confident I didn't bother…
  • Wow, friends for 11 years? How did you two finally start dating? You must have a GREAT story!
  • Hi all, I'm new! I've been on MFP since September, and got engaged in February, but somehow *just* found this board! Looking forward to having other brides to commiserate with and keep me motivated (I need it)! 1. Name: Yvonne 2. Age: 25 3. City: Reston, VA 4. Occupation: Java Programmer 5. Wedding date: May 27, 2012 6.…
  • Veggies! I started limiting myself to just vegetable sides (ie: no carbs) and it's amazing how much more creative I'm gotten in terms of preparation. I know it can be hard with kids, but once you find a few that they like, maybe you can use those and mix more in? I make... Baked asparagus Sauteed spinach (with garlic or…
  • Eggs and protein! Skip carbs, they digest to sugar and leave you feeling hungry in an hour. I usually eat 2 eggs (boiled, scrambled, friend, omelet...) with some bacon or ham and am full til 12. If that doesn't work and you're hungry at 10, try eating healthy snacks, like an apple or some almonds!
  • A quarter cup of almonds is a great way to add calories without being carb-heavy. Like EDestiny said, I try to plan my meals and workouts for the day, and tell myself "If I burn X calories, I can have X with dinner" so that I know I need to work out. But honestly? Somedays I'm just not that hungry, so I only eat 1300 and…
  • Welcome! I'm engaged as well, and trying to lose some weight and tone up for my wedding day. I'm going to send you a friend request - I love keeping up with fellow brides!
  • 5'4" 150 Size 8 pants (US), M tops Size 8.5 shoe
  • I say worth it! Most running stores will fit you for free, then you decide which shoes you want to buy - I've bought shoes from around $80 - $100, not much more than an "over the counter" pair. Be on the look out for coupons from Groupon and the like. I saved $50 by buying a $100 certificate for half off - SO worth it! For…
  • Eat at night - the "no eating after such and such time" is a complete myth. Also, try adding more protein to your diet, it will help keep you full longer. Proteins are digested slowly, don’t flood your bloodstream with glucose and then leave you sprawled out in post-carb crash. The average woman, who is relatively active…