What's the top food listed on your "most used" list?



  • 3ur3ka
    3ur3ka Posts: 230 Member
    Coffee! Without it, I am nothing....and everyone around me is dead.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Coffee is on mine everyday, but as a food, Whole Wheat Mini Bagels and a laughing cow cheese wedge. The bagel is 100 calories and the laging cow is 35 calories. I then add lettuce tomatoe onion and lean lunch meat around 50 calories and its not a bad lunch. ANd still very filling. For a snack i eat a lot of bananas, Dannon light and fit yogurt, or fiber plus bars.
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    Coffee! Without it, I am nothing....and everyone around me is dead.

    LOL Nice!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Coffee! Without it, I am nothing....and everyone around me is dead.

    Agreed! =]
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member

    Eat 3 per day, yolk included.
  • frostiegurl
    frostiegurl Posts: 708 Member
    Field Greens Salad Mix
    Plain Raw Spinach
    Portabella Mushrooms

    That's my top five with all meals selected
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member

    Surprised no one else has it listed first. I use it in everything - cereal, recipes, protein shakes.

    Then butter, peanut butter, protein shake, potatoes, and laughing cow cheese!

    I have a lot of baked potatoes. They're easy on the wallet.
  • littlenoms
    Laughing Cow... Mmmmmm.....
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member
    Great Value - 100% Liquid Egg Whites
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Depends on the meal. For lunch, it's blueberries. For dinner, 1 tbsp. olive oil.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Pepperidge Farm 100% whole wheat hearty texture bread.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Most used overall is Land O Lakes low fat half and half....I use it in my coffee every day! Breakfast is oatmeal, lunch is chicken, dinner is salad greens and snack is yogurt.
  • swimmermama
    swimmermama Posts: 526 Member
    Am I missing something? Is there a way to see your most used food overall rather than by meals?

    By different meals:
    Breakfast: Homemade blueberry pancakes
    Morning snack: Homemade wheat bread
    Lunch: Egg sandwich on mini bagel
    Afternoon snack: Mozzerella cheese stick and second is gala apple. Ha! That is my snack every single day.
    Dinner: Homemade wheat bread... again. My hubby makes awesome bread!
    Dessert: Banana
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    1% milk for me. I am such a milk lover I used to go through a gallon by myself in 2 days. I switched from 2% and cut it way down from what I used to drink.
  • michelegbowman
    Boiled eggs and crudite.


    I could use some revving up on my menu too.
  • gharley
    gharley Posts: 12
    Mine is Star Kist Light Tuna Fish.
  • girlontheseesaw
    Am I missing something? Is there a way to see your most used food overall rather than by meals?

    I recently discovered you can go to 'add food' then select 'all meals' from the line where it says 'or add your favorites for breakfast/dinner/snacks etc'. Useful for when you want to add something to snacks which you might usually have for lunch for eg.

    My top 5 overall are
    Generic - Coffee With One Sugar and Milk
    Butter - Salted
    1 Teaspoon Plain Honey - Honey
    Flahavan's - Quick Oats Porridge With 170ml Skimmed Milk
    Marmite - Spread

    Mainly because I'm most habitual about breakfast.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    Olive oil, lol. Lots of cooking with it! The rest of my top five are: canola oil (also, from cooking), cucumber, chicken breast, and garlic clove. Not too bad. lol
  • carlybarley22
    carlybarley22 Posts: 197 Member
    breakfast - scrambled eggs. lunch - light raspberry vinaigrette dressing. dinner - my veggie mac & cheese. snacks- popcorn. i guess i'm a little varied haha.
  • orange_avocado
    "Generic - White Granulated Sugar" Oops! Follow shortly by "Milk" and "Coffee" if that gives you any hints as to why! ;)