Here Goes My Pride: Anyone Ever Faceplanted on a run?



  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    now the lakefront was crowded that day but not a soul checked on me...despite the blood I think the reddest part about me were my blushing cheeks

    That makes me mad. Um Hello? People don't walk around bleeding because it's a fashion statement. I would at least ask, If you tell me you're OK, I'll ask again. And then move along.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I slid on a bunch of pea gravel power-walking down a steep hill. I flailed around for about 25 feet, like I was on ice skates, before sliding to a stop on my hands and knees... on top of my poor dog... in front of a bunch of teenage boys playing basketball on a driveway.


    The kids were actually really nice and polite, but I am sure they laughed at me once I was up and out of earshot. I still have scars on my knees three years later!
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    Can't say that I've done that, but I don't run much. I HAVE hit myself in the nose while trying to get out of a hold during martial arts. I can also say that if I do ever take up running, I'm sure I would do a face plant some time or another. I'm just like that. I'm like the clutzy one on a sitcom that everyone laughs at.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    I don't have any running stories like that. However, I used to Mt Bike a lot. Plenty of bumps and scrapes from that. Not from gnarly down hills or riding off 6 ft drop-offs. Concentration is usually pretty good for the stuff you can really get hurt on.

    But rather the mundain stuff. Last summer I was at the end of my ride. It was hot. I was going into the wind, and I was really tired. I was going through some shallow sand on a dirt road, and I just stopped pedaling and fell over. I layed in the sand with my bike on top of me for at least 30 seconds before I realized what happened. Luckily no-one was around for miles....or was that a bad thing?

    Most emberassing was on Sunday I was just messing around on my bike. I was trying to ride over some RR ties in front of the neighbors house. Instead going perpedicular to the tie, I went at an angle, and ended up on the ground. I could see them laughing at me from the window. I was laughing too.

    Oh yeah, I wiped out pretty good on my bike once too. Had just finished a 15 mile trail ride. At the end of the trail, they have the barriers to prevent cars from getting on the trail. There is a little rut on the right of one of the poles where everyone rides around to get to the parking lot. Well, I went to go around the pole, and hit some pea gravel. Slid about 15 down the hill with my bike between my legs and hands still on the handle bars. It happened so fast, I didn't even know what hit me. Got to the car, and my friend looked at me and said, "What took you so long, and why are you bleeding?" ugh....
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I had a few mountain biking accidents, luckily it was when I was with my dad and never when I was with any of my male friends :smile: I have also fallen off of the back of a treadmill before by not paying attention :blushing: I still will not use the treadmill if I am running I stick to doing it outside.
  • I haven't fallen as bad as that, I was just in the zone and didn't see this piece of concrete busting up so I tripped over it. So when I fell I just kind of landed in a lunge position. But my left knee was touching the ground. I went down in an awkward way haha like woooaahhh kind of arm movements LOL. I did this in front of a few people in a parked car across the street. I looked up and saw them looking at me so I know they saw it. I just take things like that and turn them into a funny situation. You just have to laugh about it! So I just turned to them and was like "I'm OKAY! I do this all the time!" they laughed a little bit, I did too and was on my way :) Also keep in mind the people you see when you're running, especially in cars you won't see them again. So I wouldn't worry :) It happens to everyone!
  • I did this in the gym once - I was 2 minutes away from running 30 min straight (my longest run ever at the time) when someone turned on the TV and I looked up, distracted. That second of distraction was all it took - I ran right off the treadmill! I felt sooo lame and even more angry that I hadn't gotten all the way to 30 minutes! :laugh:
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I fall all the time - I'm totally spastic. I tend to run up and down the stairs here at my office and frequently trip over my own feet (then try to play it off that I wasn't the one crashing around). I've fallen out of my desk chair (more than once). And yes, I've fallen several times running. I was doing the Chuckanut Foot Race, which is a 7 mile run along a groomed trail....I tripped over a tree root and did a total somersault - almost wiped out a whole crowd of runners. Luckily I managed to throw myself to the side of the trail at the last moment.
  • Ouch! My knees hurt just reading that! Well, I can't think of many recent incidents, but when I was 12, I was riding my bike along with my friend on the dirt roads around my house. Well, one of my shoe laces got caught in the gears and all I could do was coast to the side of the road and drop. Drop as in, just fall over to the side. I was laughing so hard, but it definitely hurt.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Oh, you are making me hurt all over again. I was "almost" hit by a car who turned in front of me in a cross walk, and it threw me off mind and balance enough I fell. I did some research and decided that I was more muscle fatigued from intense training than I thought. I still have a horrible scar on my knee - a year later - and my favorite pair of running pants with a bad hole. You are SO not alone! I ended up taking a week off to nurse my wounds and recovery from my misery. At least the 30 cars kept going - I had three - YES 3 - people that saw it, but they ALL stopped and checked on me, I wanted to get up and keep running but had to chat that I was OK. I called my boss to come get me, told him I'd be take for work and went home to clean up.

    My kids now refer to my scar as my "war wound" from running - like my oldest has one from the trip to Hawaii, or the motorcycle crash he got - wear it with pride that HECK, at least you were out there exercising, right?

    It sucks! Sorry that happened, hope you feel better soon.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    so 1 day in high school (american pie) I was running hurdles in a track meet and my toe clip the top of the hurdle and I came crashing down. There was no saving face or walking that off. it was lie there and wait for the calvary. It took me weeks to live that down. Especially since everyone said I fell in slow motion lol I'm not that dramatic...or am I (pinky to lip Dr. Evil)
  • Dmonique85
    Dmonique85 Posts: 112
    3rd most embarrassing I fell during lunch hour at my school....backwards down the stairs EVERYONE was watching & it hurt too much to laugh. My second most embarrassing...getting off the bus (freshman year) I slipped off the top step & landed on the bottom on my butt. Most embarrassing a birthday barbecue...playing tag with the kids on the big toy :( I was chasing a kid down the slide & I grabbed the rung, my hands got stuck, I faceplanted into the metal slide and knocked myself out & slid all the way down...into the sand. EVERYONE heard me hit the slide & was laughing, but it hurt like heck. My family still talks about it (like 3 years later).
  • :laugh: thnx for this :laugh:
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    Try mountain biking, it provides endless stories of faceplants, endo's, etc. I just watched my friend on his first mountain bike ride (borrowed bike) attempt to cross a five foot deep ditch that I wisely decided against doing. He's about 250 and his front tire stuck at the bottom but momentum kept the rest of him going. He came to a full stop completely vertical, just hanging there, then flipped over with the bike landing on top of him. I was afraid that he was seriously injured, but he rose into sight all covered in mud but laughing his tail off like a madman. He went and bought a mountain bike the next day!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Wow - I'm glad everyone survived to tell their stories :laugh: !!! I am a klutz and am always tripping over things, etc. :blushing:

    I was running on a dirt path in the park right after it had been raining (squish-squelsh-squish) and it was 'off-leash' time for dogs - well I was minding my own business jogging and these very adorable large dogs were frolicking right in my path and knocked me
    over into the mud! It was pretty funny! I was super muddy, but glad I didn't fall onto any glass. Since it was muddy, it didn't hurt.
    I know that it would hurt like hell otherwise b/c I also fell on that very path a few months earlier when it wasn't muddy and got a 2" diameter bloody scab on my knee. This was 6/7 months ago and I can still see the outline from the scab. :sick: :noway:

    Anytime that stuff happens I don't mind the embarrassment so much, I'm mostly glad I didn't end up at the hospital :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    now the lakefront was crowded that day but not a soul checked on me...despite the blood I think the reddest part about me were my blushing cheeks

    That makes me mad. Um Hello? People don't walk around bleeding because it's a fashion statement. I would at least ask, If you tell me you're OK, I'll ask again. And then move along.

    ^ But maybe they were shooting a ZOMBIE movie in the area that day... :wink: I'm just busting your chops.
    I agree someone should have made sure you were ok. I'm sorry that happened to you and that people can get that glazed over Multiple-Bystander Effect.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    haven't fallen running, but I've highsided on my bike more than once when I couldn't get my clip undone in time
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I was running on a blacktop road once in the dark and stepped in a pothole. Some natural instinct took over and instead of landing on my hands and knees I tucked in a ball, did a front shoulder roll, and was back up and running without missing a step. I only had a slight abrasion on my back from the ordeal.
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Not a running story, but definately workout related... For execise, I paddle outrigger canoes ( These boats are very stable on the outrigger side, but a significant weight shift to the other side will usually end up in a huli (hawaiian term for flip over).

    One day while working out in Newport Harbor (CA) I started to catch up to a small boat that was covered in young, attractive, bikini clad women. There must have been 8-10 of them, and all probably 18-23 years old. So what do I do? The same thing any other red blooded male would... I paddled harder in order to catch up for a better look. As I got closer, one of them noticed me and started to cheer me on and she was soon joined by her friends. I was feeling really good about myself and was definately showing off the best that I could. Well, as soon as I got even with their boat I looked to my right in order to collect my "reward" of some eye-candy, and what do I see? Nothing but water and the underside of their boat as it went by. Had gotten too caught up in the moment and I flipped my boat right next to them. As I came to the surface, all I heard was histerical laughter as they continued on their way. My male ego was too bruised to give it another try, so I tucked my tail between my legs and paddled back home.
  • You guys have me rolling and wincing in pain for everyone!

    These stories are fantastic.

    Glad everyone has survived! haha
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