Just need a general approval...

I need some clarification...

My body abnormally digests my food very fast and I'm often hungry an hour after I eat a meal. I've had suggestions to eat a late snack but to listen to my body I eat a snack in between lunch and breakfast (usually half granola bar with lots of fiber) and a snack in the afternoon (the other half of the bar) and 5 days a week after my workouts I'll drink a protein shake or take in some kind snack. (that's usually around 9:30-10:00 pm)

Does this sound ok...during my workouts I'm burning like 500-600 calories so I want to try to eat some back but I'm afraid because it's pretty late, but I don't want to eat a full on meal right before either. I'm a pretty busy girl I squeeze in my workouts at night...

P.S I've also just started drinking about 70 oz of water. (I'm on Day 3)


  • nlewis22
    nlewis22 Posts: 107 Member
    That all actually does sound very good. Especially keep up with the fiber because it does keep you feeling full for longer! Also try fruits that have a high water content in them becasue the volume will keep you feeling full longer as well. Great job on the workouts too by the way, but are you taking those numbers off of the machines? You should consider that most machines offer a general number of calories burned, even if you put in your weight they can be off by as much as 30%!
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    i always eat dinner late. i don't think it matters as long as you are with in your calories.
  • skinnyack
    I'd say eating something healthy at night is MUCH better than starving... I eat late all the time as I also do most workouts at night. Your body needs the calories for recovery.
  • wilmelenne
    @Heather...phew i was always under the impression that eating too late is a no no...

    @nlewis 22...I have a GPS watch that reads calories burn, distance ran, HR and speed. I run the beach or streets rather than the treadmill and when I go to the gym I usually go for Zumba where the instructor is totally intense and I just do what she does to burn just as much and Yoga...but sometimes when it's cold out I hit the elliptical and will sometimes use the machine's numbers if I forget my watch or use the numbers on MFP...guess it depends on how I feel I did on the workouts.
  • orange_avocado
    Eat at night - the "no eating after such and such time" is a complete myth.

    Also, try adding more protein to your diet, it will help keep you full longer. Proteins are digested slowly, don’t flood your bloodstream with glucose and then leave you sprawled out in post-carb crash. The average woman, who is relatively active (like you are) should be eating .5 - .6 grams of protein for every pound they weight...if not more. So a person who weighs 150lbs should be eating at least 80 grams of protein a day. This amount is way higher than what MFP recommends, which is (IMO) too low.

  • EZGruv
    EZGruv Posts: 215 Member
    Not eating late at night is just plain crap, don't pay any attention to the outdated addage.
    If you're hungry, eat (healthy). Period.