I also have it/had it. Finally won my battle against I fertility too and weight loss. But after conceiving 3 miracles I'm now bavj at my starting weight. I have a good blog you can read which I posted years ago when saw a nutritiouslist which could help u .
im restarting again too! ill send you a request. sounds like ypou jhave a good goal to work towards
I have pcos and no 1 took me 4.5. Found out i was preggy the week before i was due to start clomid. I want to try fir no 2 but want to lose 3 stone first at least but ideally 5. I was on metaformin which helped. I am 30 and my lg is 15 months old. I have just restarted mfp today. Add me if you like.
I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago and had been trying to concieve for 4.5 years. i was refused fertility treatment 4 times over those 4 and a bit years cos of being overweight and i finally found out i was preggy a week before my treatment was due to begin a fter being refused for so many years. I was on…
I have 105 to lose to be at what I should be although i am currently going to settle for something a bit higher than that to begin with. like yourself i have tried many diets over the years and only one has worked well for me with my PCOS and that is a low carb diet, ive taken a big break after concieveing my lil girl and…
hiya, your story sounds similar to mine, lost loads of weight on here before , took a break away and put it back on and slowely creeping up to where i started too. I am not prediabetic but i have PCOS which makes it harder for me to digest sugars and carbs, i am also on a low carb diet although i didnt read my carbs…
I used to feel like that all the time, I wanted kids at 20 but decided i was to young and that i would wait and have my first at 25. Its taken me 4 and a bit years to concieve and just like you I had to watch all my friends around me fall preggy with not just there first child but there second child too! yep I was jealous,…
its taken me 4 and a bit years to concieve and ive had pcos all my life. I still have 70ibs to lose as im suppose to weigh 10 stone for my weight and I am currently 15 stone. I was due to start fertility treatment this year after being refused for years and years and after losing the weight i fell pregnant, it was a hell…
Im preggy too, with a miracle baby add me if ud like
Thanks for all the comments! these weeks have not been easy as i was told to expect a misscarriage but luckily it never happened! my scans have been just little white circles! but i am now 11 weeks and 2 days and have a scan on the 12 oct and i rly cant wait, gonna be weird seeing a baby for once and not white rings! keep…
aww thanks for all the messages! well heres an update... i am now 11 weeks and 2 days and sadly still cant stomach anything healthy so sadly this poor lil fetus has had nothing but junk which makes me feel like a terrible parent already but as soon as sickness has passed its back to healthy proper food! i have my proper…
i saw a nutritinist and he told me the best fruit to eat is berrys. get rid of apples and oranges and eat strawberrys, blueberrys, blackberrys, raspberrys and so on. I dunno how they are better but following his changes rly helped me =]
Ive had PCOS all my life as I was always irregular when I started periods. I was only officially diagnosed with it around 5 years ago. I am very overweight despite losing alot of weight and had to wait to start clomid due to this (long story), i was due to start clomid on 22 august this year bit found out i was pregnant a…
thanks guys and this is exactly the reason why I did make this post, to show others it can happen, i just wasnt expecting it to happen naturally though and funnily enough im still in shock.. not sure when that is going to pass though! It will happen one day guys!
ooo! well i try and keep to under 100 carbs a day anyway and i normally average in at around 60. I try and have a carb with each meal but that can be difficult, i dont tend to snack much untill night when i eat nuts cos for some reason thats when i get seriously hungry! its always about 11 pm everynight. the diet you were…
well it cant be much worse than the diet im on now lol! I only eat real foods and no crap what so ever (salads/meat/veggies/nuts/fish/milks) but I am insulin sensitive and I do have a bad feeling that no matter how good I eat I think it will develop as im still seriously obese, still not in the overweight category yet, but…
i use olive oil but you have to cook it on a low heat other wise it turns into saturated fat! olive oil is good for you! I would prefer to use coconut oil as that is the best option but its way to expensive over here at a total of about £16... =s!
o wow! your a very lucky lady to have your 2 babies with pcos! ive tried for so many years its unreal, i used to be lighter when i tried too as well so i dont beleive mine is all weight related but i do believe the weight is not helping. I defo think if i lose the weight i will still have to have the drug cos i just dont…
you look amazing! and i think those piccys may come sooner than you think as you look rly close! ive also noticed changing my diet has helped me with joint pains, i saw a nutritinist and he told me that wheat is pure evil for agravating joints! im trying to do a paleo sort of diet life :D
To get pregnant after failing for 4 years. when i used to diet for my so called looks, it only lasted temporary, now I actually have a goal for something else rather than myself it has made dieting alot easier lol
i lost 5 ibs. good luck :D
I would go back to the doctor and ask him to get you checked out properly, such as a chest x ray and asthma test, just to make sure there is no underlying problems especially since this has persisted for a while, im sure its all okay but better to be safe. good luck with your running :)!
back bacon, eggs and mushrooms. sounds unhealthy but its full of protein which fills you up and gives you the carbohydrates you need for energy in the mushrooms and lastly fat from olive oil as your body needs those 3 things in a diet. i used to eat a huge bowel of cereal and always got hungry 2 hours later since switching…
feel for you and everyone else who has plateus. ive been dieting since 1st jan this year and i have had 2 plateus so far, 1 which lasted 5 weeks and 1 that lasted 4 weeks and i admit it was bloody hard trying to stay on track and focused when i didnt move and 1 week i actually gained too! you just have to keep going with…
heya i have a few mfp members on here as friends who are trying to gain weight, if youd like there details msg me and ill msg them to you =p
hi Im on a high protein low carb diet and have had back ache for a week now in my kidney area, ive been to drs and been tested and everything is all clear, so now they are going to do some blood work, but im wondering can being on a high protein low carb diet upset kidneys? any ideas would be great on this matter thanks =]
OMG :O!! you look amazing ! the transformation is just simply amazing! I was a 24 and i am almost approaching a 20, I am hoping to get into a 10! your such an inspiration to me and i really hope I can achieve similar goals! well done you, you should be so proud of yourself!
just because they are losing weight by eating crap doesnt mean to say they are healthy! and they are probably the ones more likely to put it back on or eventually gain diabetes. stick with your excercise and decent foods =D
Am on my phone but please add me as I've been trying 4 years now and gonna start clomid soon. I was 19.4 stones and think we can motivate each other! can't seriously what Im writing. I do hate phone mfp!