Stating again!!! Need buddies!!!!

So I stated tracking my food and weight last year at this time. Started at 300 lbs. and lost more than 20 lbs. Lost my motivation I guess around April because the weight loss slowed down. I will be 38 in 22 days and really want to be healthy by 40! I don't know what weight "healthy" will be for me but I for sure want to be under 200 lbs. I don't remember a time as a teenager or adult that I was under 200 lbs. I'm going to try mini goal, so I want to lose 10 lbs by my birthday on January 23rd. and then maybe 15 by Valentine's day. Those will be my first 2 goals.

I am insulin resistance and possibly prediabetic, so the diet that works best for me is low carb. I know carbs are not bad, but they are bad for me. I wish I could say I kept off the weight from last year, but I actually gained it all back plus 6 lbs. This is not my heaviest, but I'm getting close to it. Maybe I can stay motivated if I have more buddies.

Please add me!


  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Hi. What was it that made you stop last time? I am a prediabetic too. It doesn't have to be all no carbs. You just need to get your exercise and calories under control, and use them to control your sugars.

    I hope you find what you need as you restart your fitness quest.
  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member
    hiya, your story sounds similar to mine, lost loads of weight on here before , took a break away and put it back on and slowely creeping up to where i started too. I am not prediabetic but i have PCOS which makes it harder for me to digest sugars and carbs, i am also on a low carb diet although i didnt read my carbs correctly today and cocked up on day one of the diet lol, but 2mo is a new day and i wont make that mistake again! Please do add me if you want :)