No Breakfast Fills Me - Help!



  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    Back in my early 20's I used to have several cigarettes a few cups of coffee and maybe a joint or two for breakfast around noon. I didn't even get hungry until hours later.
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    750 cals for breakfast is way too much. Add some banana or berries to the cereal and also have an egg - the protein in it will help fill you up. It's OK to have a snack mid morning but try to limit it to a piece of fresh fruit.

    750 is way too much FOR YOU.

    For me, it works :). I've lost 25 lbs in 3 1/2 mos, and i dont feel deprived, and I'm not starving myself.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Options got some Great responses!!!

    I have been having whole wheat eggo waffles in the morning (just pop in toaster) w/peanut butter & sliced bananas
    along with my morning cup of coffee. You could also make a breakfast sandwich with eggs & veggies too! Or how about a protein bar & a pc of fruit or greek yogurt w/fruit...
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I typically do hard boiled eggs and some fruit for breakfast. About 10 or 10:30 I usually have some almonds or a yogurt to tide me over until lunch. I bought some small packs of almonds so it's very portion controlled and I can't overeat them. Keeps me very satisfied.
  • lila1980
    lila1980 Posts: 63 Member
    This is a little more controversial, but I actually don't eat breakfast at all anymore (well, I love my steel cut oatmeal mixed with half a scoop of vanilla protein powder and berries, but I usually don't eat it until noon or so).

    Here's an article that might help:

    This isn't for everyone, and the idea of intermittent fasting isn't especially widely accepted (yet), but I've had some success with it. Taking this approach has given me this control over my appetite that I've never had before.
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    300 calorie breakfast I eat at 0745 that keeps me full til after 1300:

    I make a decent-sized batch of steel cut oats in broth (like risotto) on Sunday night - 4 c broth, 1 c oats - and it will make 6 servings, easily. I heat it up in the morning w/ a bit of water in the microwave (1.5 minutes) then poach an egg on top of it (another minute - make sure to pierce the yolk or you'll have a mess!). Then I sprinkle some cheese (maybe .25c shredded cheddar) on top for fat and satiety.

    Alternatively, I'll mix a cup of plain Greek yoghurt, a scoop of chocolate protein powder, some coconut oil, and fresh fruit in a bowl, which also makes 5-6 servings.

    (I don't like having to think about it during the hectic week, so I make up enough on Sunday evening to last me all week. These both usually make enough for both me and hubby to eat over the course of the week, but I estimate the servings on the lower side - we probably get 8 servings of the risotto oats and 6 or 7 of the chocolate yoghurt, in reality.

    If I'm feeling REALLY froggy on Sunday, I'll put together small egg scramble bakes with veggies and meat - scrambled eggs, etc in a muffin tin and baked - for grab and gos, too :)

    I don't do breads or anything flour-based, so the cereal/ toast stuff is right out for me; I've found I'm fuller longer without them, though, so I don't miss them too much ;)
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    If you're okay with trying something that is not traditional breakfast food, 3-bean salad is high in protein, low in calories, and very filling. I went through a stage of having it for breakfast every day, after I read about the importance of a high protein breakfast. It felt weird eating it for breakfast at first, but then my body got used to it and wanted it. I haven't had it in a while, because I was trying other breakfasts, but I may well start having it again - it was a good, filling breakfast.

    At the moment, I am taking maca powder and wheatgrass powder for breakfast - I mix a teaspoon of each into a drink of water. They are also high in protein and low calorie and I find them very satisfying. They wouldn't be enough to fill me up if I was going to work - it's just because it's the holidays and I'm less active. But you could actually combine a maca and wheatgrass drink with a 3-bean salad for your breakfast, and still be within your calorie limit.
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    I'm curious about a few things:

    1. What has you so set on not eating between breakfast and lunch? Personally, I eat 600-700 calories from 7am-noon, and another 300-400 by 1pm, another meal by 4pm, and a teeny 100 cal snack around 9pm. I eat when I'm hungry. My main point being - don't wait til lunch just because that eating plan works for someone else - find something that works for you and your body.

    2. I don't know anything about your stats, but aiming for eating only ~1200/day is pretty low for most people. Are you exercising also? Eating back those calories? What kind of exercising? What's your height/weight/fitness level? BMR and TDEE? Activity level and settings in MFP for preferred lb loss/week?

    Not to be all nosy! Just that the original question doesn't really get at the root of the issue, you know?
  • Jack2935
    Jack2935 Posts: 1 Member
    Have you tried Protein power mixed with 10oz water and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil . I usually have a med. size banana also and this holds me until lunch. The powder i use is called Dymatize extended release Elite XT rich vanilla flavour . I have tried it with milk also. Hope this helps.
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Can you try eating a little later in the a.m.? I get up at 6:30, and have my coffee but don't usually eat breakfast until 9-10, then not hungry for lunch til 12-1.
    And I do have fruit, 1 banana early morning if I wake up hungry- but it doesn't happen much, once a week Thursdays are my killer workout days- I teach 2 Aqua Zumba® classes, and although I go home and eat pretty well, I always am hungry Friday a.m.- of course this a.m. had to fast for bloodwork drawn- so I was rather a bear by the time I could eat at 9! :)
  • rose_mortem
    rose_mortem Posts: 147 Member
    It may not suit your lifestyle, but I usually don't eat breakfast. I don't stick to an Intermittent Fasting lifestyle, but I usually do it unconsciously. Once I eat, I can't stop, so it's easier to have my first meal around 2 PM and stop eating between 8 and 10 PM.
  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    I shouldn't last until lunch. You need to each 2.5 hrs later. That will do the trick.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member

    I know right, I was wondering the same.... Ostrich egg? Lol
  • lizplaster
    lizplaster Posts: 10 Member
    My breakfast is usually about 240 calories. I eat 5 eggwhites and one slice of whole wheat toast with butter. I also have my coffee and creamer with this. I've been eating this breakfast for several years now.
  • angelraguel
    angelraguel Posts: 142 Member
    back bacon, eggs and mushrooms. sounds unhealthy but its full of protein which fills you up and gives you the carbohydrates you need for energy in the mushrooms and lastly fat from olive oil as your body needs those 3 things in a diet. i used to eat a huge bowel of cereal and always got hungry 2 hours later since switching (very reluctantly as ive eaten cereal all my life) i have to say it does fill me up.
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    I'm curious about a few things:

    1. What has you so set on not eating between breakfast and lunch? Personally, I eat 600-700 calories from 7am-noon, and another 300-400 by 1pm, another meal by 4pm, and a teeny 100 cal snack around 9pm. I eat when I'm hungry. My main point being - don't wait til lunch just because that eating plan works for someone else - find something that works for you and your body.

    2. I don't know anything about your stats, but aiming for eating only ~1200/day is pretty low for most people. Are you exercising also? Eating back those calories? What kind of exercising? What's your height/weight/fitness level? BMR and TDEE? Activity level and settings in MFP for preferred lb loss/week?

    Not to be all nosy! Just that the original question doesn't really get at the root of the issue, you know?

    There isn't really anything stopping me eating in between breakfast and lunch I was just hoping to find a breakfast that would sustain me especially when work gets hectic and I do t have time to snack. The ideas given are fantastic and I'm so grateful for the responses and will certainly be trying many of these out!

    Ok so my stats are-5'2 and 108lbs now I know this seems low but trust me I am not stick thin in the slightest and have a very small frame. To be honest I wouldn't care if the scale dropped anymore but want to tone and look the weight I am-still have the stomach and larger bum and thighs. Anyway my bmr is 1178 and I do about 3 dance classes like bokwa and Konga/vypa per week, in between I've been doing 30DS just recently, i have a desk job too. Basically I love my classes and can't afford the gym on top to do heavy lifting but my classes do incorporate lots of squats and lunges, also a new one starting with weights so I'm hoping that will help. I've just upped my calories to 1300. I have been losing 1lb per week but modified MFP to .5lb and their settings give me less than the 1300 I've given myself.

    Any advise is greatly appreciated, I feel I've done well in my journey losing 22lbs but am by no means an expert or know half as much as I should.

    Oh and a little more info is that I am a late night snacker, when exercise, work etc is done me and hubby sit and chill for the evening, he can eat like a horse and not gain anything so I try to leave myself lots of calories for a large-ish dinner and an agree dinner treat!

    Hope this helps, and again thank you all for taking the time to get back to me and give my many amazing recipes to try!
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Who says you have to eat breakfast foods only in the morning, try eating leftover dinner foods, switch it up there's no rule that says you have to stick to oatmeal and eggs in the AM:bigsmile:

    Yup this is what I do sometimes. If I don't have my protein shake I have whatever last night's dinner was. Today I ate a chicken breast with a little salsa for breakfast. Not traditional but I couldn't even eat lunch I was so full from that. Protein and fats will fill you up faster than any carb will unless that carb has a bunch of fiber in it.