No Breakfast Fills Me - Help!



  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    Wow - thank you for these great responses! I totally agree about needing more calories and protein, I don't have a great deal of time in the morning to cook breaksfast so oatmeal etc has been my quick go to meal but will have to make extra time to make more filling meals. My freezer is stocked with frozen veggies so will have a go at those with some additions to the scrambled eggs like the suggested spinach and mushrooms - leaving out the bread will make keep the cals low-ish! Plan to hit Woolies on the weekend and pick up the egg whites, I seem to be getting more organised with my meal planning so hopefully I'll find the perfect combination to keep me going!
    You are all such amazing people and I find the support on this site is just what I need to keep going!

    But please keep the suggestions coming - new ideas are always great to have, I love mixing up my meals as they can get boring quite quickly! :wink:
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    before you eat breakfeast, 30 minutes before, try drinking 16oz of water and eating an apple. that always fills me up
  • sparklelioness
    sparklelioness Posts: 600 Member
    Have you tried overnight oats yet? Theres a couple big threads on them, but basically you take oatmeal ( regular, not quick cook), yogurt, some kind of liquid (i use coconut milk) and mix it up, add some fruit and sweetener, or protein powder, and leave it overnight in the fridge. By morning the oats are ready to eat. I think im going to go make some after i post this for tomorrow-its really good. Oh, and in the am you can add something crunchy like some nuts or a handful of granola or a tablespoon or two of nut butter. Can range from 350-700 cals depending how you make it, but the thing is, its sooooo filling. Not to mention delicious. You dont heat it up btw, just eat it cool straight from the fridge, or take it out earlier so the chill goes away :)
  • EndlessSacrifice
    Here's some ideas for more filling breakfasts. Oatmeal with peanut butter and sliced banana, an egg white vegetable omelette with toast, or you could even have a variety of small things to keep you going throughout the morning. Eat one of these each hour. A hard-boiled egg, an ounce of cheese, a handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, a granola bar, a slice of whole-grain bread with peanut butter, etc.
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    Have you tried overnight oats yet? Theres a couple big threads on them, but basically you take oatmeal ( regular, not quick cook), yogurt, some kind of liquid (i use coconut milk) and mix it up, add some fruit and sweetener, or protein powder, and leave it overnight in the fridge. By morning the oats are ready to eat. I think im going to go make some after i post this for tomorrow-its really good. Oh, and in the am you can add something crunchy like some nuts or a handful of granola or a tablespoon or two of nut butter. Can range from 350-700 cals depending how you make it, but the thing is, its sooooo filling. Not to mention delicious. You dont heat it up btw, just eat it cool straight from the fridge, or take it out earlier so the chill goes away :)

    Funny enough I bought rolled oats just a couple of days ago with the intention of making this, my plan was 1/3 cup of each - oats, soy milk and fat free vanilla yoghurt with 1/2 cup of frozen berries. Just haven't got around to doing it but like you I will do some today ready for after my workout in the morning - thank you for the suggestion :happy:
  • mrskatie80
    mrskatie80 Posts: 133 Member
    Ok to give you a little background, I get up around 6.30am and take the dog for a walk, get home and organise my things for work and then have a coffee and breakfast around 7am. I drink over half a litre of water on the way to work and have a second coffee when I get in around 8.30am, then continue with water or green tea. If I make it to 10am without my stomach growling at me it's a miracle.

    So these are the breakfast's I have tried:
    Oatmeal made with water and soy milk - little bit of brown sugar
    Weetabix made with water
    Scrambled eggs on wholewheat toast (1 egg 2 egg whites)
    No fat vanilla yoghurt smoothie with mixed frozen berries
    Greek yoghurt with half an apple
    Peanut butter on wholewheat toast

    Please someone help me find something that will keep me full until lunch time - I plan my meal's in advance so I add in a couple of snacks to keep me going but wish I could find something that will do the job first thing in the morning. I'm on 1220 calorie's and usually try to eat a breakfast of 250 - 350 calories.

    Also I'm in Australia so not all foods are available to me - i.e liquid egg whites - I need to find these as they would save so much time and money - also desperate to try PB2 but no where to be found :-(

    Don't know where you are - but Woolworths have liquid egg whites in the frozen food section!
    Or Safeway if that's what you have.
    I found them last week - never thought to look there ;)
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    Take a look at some of my diary! I usually am between 200-400 for breakfast. I usually do between 3-5 scrabbled egg whites or egg white omelette, lots of veggies in it, and either turkey bacon 2-3 slices, turkey sausage, or black forest ham. I use 45 & delightful whole wheat bread it's only 45 Cal a slice! And this leaves me full till lunch, hope this helps :)
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    My breakfast sandwhich fills me up. Saute onions, red peppers, pepperoncinis, then add egg beaters to hold together. Put between 2 slices of whole wheat toast with half an avocado spinach, cucumber, and tomato. Add a side of fruit and I'm not hungry at lunch so I can just have something lite and take a walk
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    Today I tried baked oatmeal for the first time and I was shocked that it kept me full for several hours. Usually regular oatmeal will leave me ravenous right after finishing a bowl.

    I used this recipe..modified it a bit, actually omitted the applesauce and used 5 small strawberries instead.. also did not use any chocolate chips.. but you get the basic idea!:
  • LisaBeateith2012
    LisaBeateith2012 Posts: 346 Member
    Who says you have to eat breakfast foods only in the morning, try eating leftover dinner foods, switch it up there's no rule that says you have to stick to oatmeal and eggs in the AM:bigsmile:
    :bigsmile: I do this also!!:bigsmile:
  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member
    Try to eat later! :smile:

    I had the same problem, I now don't eat until 9-9.15am, I get up at 6.45 and I cycle 4km/2.6miles into work.
    Doing this, I feel fine until 2pm without problems, could possibly go even an hour longer. My mornings are so much more pleasant since I postponed breakfast.

    At 9am I eat 2 boiled eggs, 250g of fat free yogurt with 30g of oat bran and I have a skinny latte.

    My diary is open.
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    My fail safe filler breakfast if I know I cannot eat until lunch time is 1 poached egg, a few slices of chorizo, 2 portions of Babybel Light, and some salsa. Comes in around 350 cals and the protein hit means I am never hungry until lunch.

    Plenty of water in the morning helps as well.
  • ButterflyJourney
    ButterflyJourney Posts: 46 Member
    Why don't you try eating something every 2 hours. Such as a piece or cup of fruit between meals or a low fat protein bar. It isn't that your breakfast isn't filling, it is because you wait another 4-5 hours before you eat something else. Some people do well with only 3 meals a day. But I found, for me, that having breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner and after dinner snack to work best for weight loss because I was never hungry. I went from 238 to 140 eating this way. As for PB2. It is okay. But honestly, reserach your peanut butter choices and find one that works for you fat-wise/calorie wise. When we get too caught up in specialty products, it makes it harder to eat away from home. IF you like PB, find a way to work it into your diet. Even a tsp on a bite of apple might give you enough of a PB flavor that you crave.
  • Ahanaz
    Ahanaz Posts: 353 Member
    I used to have the same problems. But for me it worked to have an over medium fried egg (or however you like your pan fried eggs to be, also 1 egg I count as 180 cals) with 2-3 slices of pan fried uncured bacon (2 slices = 70 cals), Then I take a slice of Finn Crisp (=20cals), with 2 slices of cheese (~50cals depending on which cheese you use, I eat Gouda). That keeps me full for about 5-6 hours.

    In total that is a ~300cals breakfast.

    Hope this might help a little.

    EDIT: Also you could try to find a protein drinkyou like. I have one (Whey Factors) that is for after-training-use, but it works to useo n the side of a meal to keep you fuller longer too.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    If you have cereal for breakfast, you might want to add a hardboiled egg to your breakfast to increase your protein intake. I also eat a light breakfast - usually about 210 to 250 calories and I find that I need a protein snack around 10am.
  • jenhowse1
    Who says you have to eat breakfast foods only in the morning, try eating leftover dinner foods, switch it up there's no rule that says you have to stick to oatmeal and eggs in the AM:bigsmile:
    :bigsmile: I do this also!!:bigsmile:

    Breakfast is just another meal - if what you eat for lunch/dinner fills you up then eat that for breakfast as well. Theres nothing magic about cereal or porridge that says you have to eat it in the morning. I've had prawns and stir fried veg for breakfast before. This morning I had mini crustless quiches, tuna, sweet potato and carrots.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I'm an instant oatmeal fan--if I eat around 9 am, I'm good until noon. Without snacks!
  • supermoo2
    750 cals for breakfast is way too much. Add some banana or berries to the cereal and also have an egg - the protein in it will help fill you up. It's OK to have a snack mid morning but try to limit it to a piece of fresh fruit.
  • sonyayoung18
    sonyayoung18 Posts: 41 Member
    I've really enjoyed reading this has given me some great ideas for a healthy alternative to the classic Full English Breakfast ... turkey sausages, turkey bacon, egg white omelettes.....bring it on!!!

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • jenhowse1
    750 cals for breakfast is way too much. Add some banana or berries to the cereal and also have an egg - the protein in it will help fill you up. It's OK to have a snack mid morning but try to limit it to a piece of fresh fruit.

    Why is 750 cals too much? Just interested.

    Eat big breakfast, and smaller lunch and dinner. If it works for you then do that. If you'd rather do it the other way round small breakfast and bigger meals the rest of the time thats fine too. Or am I mising some thing.