amy_wills Member


  • I work out at home using dumbbells. Im currently doing James Wilson's 12 week program. Its AWESOME! I am seeing the best results of my life. And you only have to lift 4 x's a week, do HIIT 3 x's a week. The program is $55. You can sign up on his Fcebook page. Just look for him under "James Wilson Faith Family Fitness".
  • Check out Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer. She lays out all the exercises for 12 weeks. I did it - it's pretty amazing!
    in new Comment by amy_wills March 2013
  • This is such a great post!!! I love how you broke it down for everyone and used a real life example. I am a big proponent on eating more than 1200 calories a day! Women just dont get it...when trying to lose weight they starve themselves and that JUST WONT WORK. Im going to read your post again because I find it very…
  • Oh wait, did you adjust the settings of the HRM for your 13 lb loss? That would make a difference!! You would burn less calories if you were lighter than you were before....
  • I have never done that DVD, but it is perfectly conceivable to burn that much, especially since you say you were out of breath -- meaning that you were in a constant 'cardio' state for 40 minutes. Usually 40 mintues of cardio burns 100 calories per 10 minutes....and you added yeah, you could burn 545 calories…
  • Might I also add, that if your goal is to burn fat/flab, than you'll want to do HIIT on our treadmill, rathe than just straight up running. It's shown to burn more fat in 30 minutes than 1 hour of running -- now that's EFFICIENT!! There are lots of internet articles on HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). For example,…
  • The Shred, or any type of exercise with weights, is a better bang for your 30 minutes, than aerobics for greater fat burn. (And Im a marathon runner)
  • I successfully completed LiveFit this summer - and I'm currently doing it again! YOu can check out my profile pictures for my before/after. I LOVE IT!! Great results and you can eat 6 times a day :) I dont belong to a gym, so I work out in my home gym. All I need is my treadmill and my free weights.
  • Hi ladies, I completed LiveFit this summer - you can check out the before/after on my page. I love the program -- it really transforms your body! Yes, the eating takes a week or so to get used to, but your body will happily respond. I started it again 2 weeks ago - I let myself get soft. Darn it!!
  • I have the same problem! I will eat 4 egg whites and a 1/2 cup of steel cut oats in the a.m. (leaving me quite full!) - and bam, 2 hours later I am STARVING!!! I chalk it up to a faster metabolism. When you're eating right and exercising, your body is in high gear and you just get hungrier faster.
  • I am doing her 90 Day Meal Challenge and following the workout plan for that. are you guys doing that? I wont reach my goal until 2/16/13. I would love to find someone else that is doing it!
  • In order to officially join, you need to join the group entitled "20lbs by Christmas". Search for it!
  • I'm on here everyday too! I've sent a few of you a friend request - feel free to add me too. I set goals all the time, but here's my latest: There are 21 days left until Thanksgiving. Until then, my goal is to stay within 1200 calories, log into MFP and exercise everyday. I could use the accountabilityduring these very…
  • Your results are amazing! And I appreciate your very thorough review (with pictures! Pictures are so important!). I also struggled with the 1200 calorie limit, so I am upping my calories. I am currently doing WO 5 & 6. I am constantly sore!
  • BiancoM - how did the measurements go? Anything to report to us?
  • Hey Aimer! Glad to have you aboard! We're all in this together! I, too, am looking forward to the challenge. (I have my bottle of Advil ready!) LOL
  • Brittany, that is an amazing amount of weight to lose in 1 week! Way to go! Looks like your body enjoys Jillians' workouts :) thanks for the friend request and I look forward to following your journey! Amy
  • Nikki, you are right -- those planks are KILLER!!! The scoop/lunge thing was awkward & hard for me, but I did better on it my 2nd try of the DVD now that I know what to expect. Jillian is really giving us a full body strength work out - totally getting our monies worth! LOL
  • Thank you :) My long runs are on Saturdays, usually. Are you a runner too?
  • This week is WEEK 3! Yes, we are doin' it, ladies!! :) My thoughts on DVD 3: it is hard. LOL The planks, ouch. The sunshine scoop leg things. Ouch. However, I welcome the 'ouch' because I was getting used to DVDs 1 & 2. I am sure I will be so sore tomorrow! I have not lost any weight yet, but that is mostly my fault. I…
  • Hi BiancoM! I look forward to sharing this journey with you!!
  • Aryerse, thanks for the friend request! I was hoping Week 3 would prove harder because Im sort of getting 'used to' Workouts 1 & 2 now, altho Im trying to make it harder on myself by holding weights during the 'good morning' pose and adding weights during squats, holding my leg up during pelvic tilts. I did not like the…
  • Chelsibear - I know what you mean about feeling sluggish, it is really hard to function on so little calories. thank God we are in Week 2!
  • Nikki - thats the best confirmation that it's working, when someone tells you that you LOOK like youre getting smaller :) Scales be damned!!! WE got this!!!!!
  • Oh, and feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • You look fantastic -- your midsection totally went down!!! Very motivating pictures, they speak volumes! Congratulations!
  • I started BR on 8/13/12 and am following the KickStart plan; however, the no carbs thing really made me tired and hungry yesterday! Im a runner and I *need* my carbs! So today I added into my food journal some homemade protein bars with ground oats in it -- and I feel SO GOOD today :) What a difference just a few carbs…
  • I spend $200 a week on a family of 4. My husband is always saying that I spend too much - but I never eat out, I take my lunches to work and pack the kids lunches too. Eating clean is expensive!
  • I started it on Monday, too, so I'll send you a friend request! Amy