Where did I argue?
This is an article detailing glycemic index of foods. Can you point to where it details the difference between carbs?
Enlighten us on good and bad carbs.
I'm going to stay away from this one then.
I would try the proven diet of 'Eat less, move more' instead.
Maybe get rid of cheat days?
Also, why low protein diet?
Chicken is low in protein? This is news to me.
No, fats aren't counted with calories. What else gets you fat? Duh.
When I want to eat calorie dense foods I use discipline to stop myself.
About tree fiddy.
Tuna juice.
Eat healthy. Move more.
Move more, eat less.
You are the Chosen One.
Far too detailed in your estimates. Your BMR seems small for someone your age/size. Otherwise looks good. 6 months you should hit those goals.
Fell off track reasons: -Gotham's crime rate diminishing -Rachel's death -Old Age
I don't like big pharma. Is there a natural solution?
You didn't gain 3 pounds of body mass if your caloric intake was lower than your caloric expenditure. It's probably water weight.
How does one go about applying protein to hair? Can you recommend any solutions?
Maybe you're the Chosen One?
I can't afford cheat meals. I couldn't imagine what would happen if I let Bane best me again.
To actually answer what you asked, yes it's possible to drop the weight in 4 months, but I wouldn't set an artificial period and use this opportunity as a lifestyle change.
Using a heart rate monitor during aerobic exercise is a some what accurate method of calculating calories burnt. Weight training is a little more difficult to gauge calories burnt so I wouldn't even count it. Really just make sure you're hitting your caloric goals.
The only side-effect of protein powder is your hair getting swole.
A lot of that weight was probably water to start with since it's likely you're eating a much higher fat&protein/carb ratio. If you're losing 2.5 pounds a week and you feel fine, I wouldn't be worried. Just know the weight loss is going to be both fat and muscle if you're worried about losing muscle.
Lol, what?