New Member - Please Evaluate my Diet/Exercise Plan

Hey Everyone, thanks in advance for your help on this.

About 3-4 years ago I had time in my life to put some effort into fitness and managed to get myself down to about 13% bodyfat at 155 pounds. My focus ended up changing to career as my life changed a bit and over the last three years I have done no exercise to speak of and was not paying attention to my diet. As a result I am now 188 pounds at ~28% bodyfat.

My goal is to get back into the shape I was in over the period of 6 months with a fairly strict diet and exercise routine before moving to a more relaxed diet and exercise routine for moderate progress or maintenance. I'd like to hit 13% bodyfat again and estimate that would be at a similar 155 pounds. I'd like to do this mainly with fat loss with slight muscle gain (more muscle gain is great but I'm trying to be reasonable).

I am 6' tall, 35 year old male at 186 pounds. Here is my opening diet/exercise routinue which I have been following consistently for about 3 weeks now.


Mon/wed/Friday: 35 min full-body weightlifting circuit (3 superset circuits with 30sec rest in between so high cardio as well)
Tues/Thurs/Sat:: 55 min cardio/abs
Sun: Rest

Diet: 50/30/20 Protein/Carb/Fat macros with fiber from vegetables and complex carbs. Aim for ~1700 calories per day intake.

Estimated BMR: 1600
Estimated daily activity calories: 400
Estimated workout activitiy calorie average: 400
Estimated calorie usage (2400 per day)
Estimated intake: 1700 per day
Estimated difference: -700 per day
Time to lose a pound: 5 days
Pounds lost after 6 months: 36

Here is an example two days of food:

Date Calories Prot (g) Prot (Cal) Carb (g) Carb (Cal) Fat (g) Fat (Cal) Calories
3/12/2014 coffee 50 1 4 1 4 4 36 44
protein bar 270 20 80 31 124 8 72 276
Protein shake + veg 380 72 288 17 68 2.9 26.1 382.1
2 satsuma's 80 2 8 18 72 0 0 80
2 large tortilla 160 8 32 38 152 6 54 238
2 chicken breasts 276 55 220 0 0 6.2 55.8 275.8
Chocolate milk 300 14 56 50 200 5 45 301
1/2 scoop protein 60 12 48 1.5 6 0.5 4.5 58.5
apple 80 0 0 22 88 0 0 88

Totals 1656 184 736 179 714 33 293 1743
P/C/F % 42.2% 41.0% 16.8%

Date Calories Prot (g) Prot (Cal) Carb (g) Carb (Cal) Fat (g) Fat (Cal) Calories
3/13/2014 coffee 50 1 4 1 4 4 36 44
protein bar 270 20 80 31 124 8 72 276
Protein shake + veg 380 72 288 17 68 2.9 26.1 382.1
1 satsuma 40 1 4 9 36 0 0 40
1 large tortilla 120 4 16 19 76 3 27 119
12oz Can of Tuna 240 55 220 0 0 2.5 22.5 242.5
Egg 78 6 24 0.6 2.4 5 45 71.4
protein bar 270 20 80 31 124 8 72 276
Chocolate milk 200 9 36 33 132 5 45 213
1/2 protein powder 60 12 48 1.5 6 0.5 4.5 58.5
1 frozen yogurt with fruit 200 9 36 40 160 0 0 196

Totals 1708 200 800 143 572 39 350 1723
P/C/F % 46.4% 33.2% 20.3%

I've found that adding a little bit more carbs especially after workouts has made this a lot easier so I range between 50/30/20 and 40/40/20 for my macros.

Look good? Any major problems?


  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
    Far too detailed in your estimates. Your BMR seems small for someone your age/size. Otherwise looks good. 6 months you should hit those goals.
  • PinUp2014
    PinUp2014 Posts: 79 Member
    Bumping for info.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    Mon/wed/Friday: 35 min full-body weightlifting circuit (3 superset circuits with 30sec rest in between so high cardio as well)

    What, exactly, is your circuit? I ask because many times when people think they're doing full-body, they're missing some important parts.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Circuit is as follows but I will try to have variation in the movements changing it up every month or so:

    Each exercise is given ~45sec to complete then immediately move to the next. Weights are dumbells:

    Bent over dumbbell rows
    military press
    bicep curl
    overhead tricep extension (one handed)


    Wide Push-ups
    Swimmers press
    Wide bicep curls
    Tricep kickbacks


    7-7-7 Narrow, Wide, normal pushups
    Lateral shoulder raise
    Bicep 21s
    Tricep chair dips
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yes your BMR sounds too bmr is about 1500

    Calorie intake per day is too low..min for males is 1800...I mean I eat on average 1700 a day and I am a 41 year old woman

    I personally would change your M/W/F workout to a SL, SS or NROL routine to get compound lifts in there but that's a personal preference for me and based on the fact you didn't define what your "superset" would entail.

    ETA: after seeing superset yah I would go with a compound lifting routine.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    "Far too detailed in your estimates. Your BMR seems small for someone your age/size"

    I figure for estimates you try to estimate with numbers which look exact but understand that you have a pretty good error to those estimates. But if you don't estimate at all I imagine it would be hard to keep on course.

    My BMR I based on my lean mass of 135 pounds and then supplemented that with my day of sleep and desk work (aside from my exercise). Combined that brings me to 2000 cal a day without exercise. I figure working out 30-45 min with intensity 6/7 days a week that's about 400 cal a day on average which brings me to 2400.

    You are correct, that might be an underestimate. If I find myself losing strength, being tired or losing weight more rapidly than expected I might bolster that with more carbs.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Hi Sezxy Stef thank you for your response.

    Couple of questions for you:

    1. If my goal is 1.5 of fat loss per week then I require a fairly restricted calorie intake. By making that diet high protein I am not hungry consuming that amount (I have no issues with hunger so far whatsoever) and my protein intake of over 160g per day seems plenty high to maintain muscle mass. Are you saying at that rate of 1.5 pounds per week I am having an unhealthly low amount of calories?

    2. could you define a SL, SS or NROL routine?

    3. "I would go with a compound lifting routine"

    As far as I understand what defines a compound lift (rotation of more than one joint during the movement) all but two(tricep kickbacks and extensions) ARE compound exercises. Each has rotation over multiple joints. What are you defining as a compound exercise?
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    That looks like a mash-up of different P90X workouts. It's not the worst thing I've seen, but I'd recommend one small change to it. On the second round, instead of more lunges and/or squats, change it to Romanian deadlifts. I'm not seeing anything for lower back and the hamstrings/glutes could use a little more work, as lunges and squats are predominantly quadriceps exercises.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    SL = StrongLifts
    SS = Starting Strength
    NROL = New Rules of Lifting
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Why all the protein shakes and bars?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    "Why all the protein shakes and bars? "

    Three reasons really.

    1. Hard to hit 50% cal from protein without supplement or really high sodium
    2. Convenience
    3. Cost

    I realize it would be better to just be eating fresh salmon all the time but I am trying to be realistic. It is a goal of mine to as I get used to the routines and they take less of my time in effort/concentration I will start replacing some of those supplements with additional meat-based meals (chicken breast/fish)
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    That looks like a mash-up of different P90X workouts.

    Good spot. Its actually the P90 aerobic routine. I am considering once I drop the fat moving to either P90X or just my own circuit routinue.
    On the second round, instead of more lunges and/or squats, change it to Romanian deadlifts. I'm not seeing anything for lower back and the hamstrings/glutes could use a little more work, as lunges and squats are predominantly quadriceps exercises. .

    That's a good idea. I have a bar I can use for that. My lower-back was basically only getting hit in the sheer number of dumbbell changes I was doing (bending over and using good movement to bring them up deadlift style) but that is pretty low weight.

    I do do some floor exercises with my cardio that include lifting my arms and legs off the floor that hits my lower back a bit.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Why are you aiming for 50% protein?
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    "Far too detailed in your estimates. Your BMR seems small for someone your age/size"

    I figure for estimates you try to estimate with numbers which look exact but understand that you have a pretty good error to those estimates. But if you don't estimate at all I imagine it would be hard to keep on course.

    My BMR I based on my lean mass of 135 pounds and then supplemented that with my day of sleep and desk work (aside from my exercise). Combined that brings me to 2000 cal a day without exercise. I figure working out 30-45 min with intensity 6/7 days a week that's about 400 cal a day on average which brings me to 2400.

    You are correct, that might be an underestimate. If I find myself losing strength, being tired or losing weight more rapidly than expected I might bolster that with more carbs.

    Even if your TDEE is 2400 (I would suggest you may find it closer to 2700-2900), a 700 calorie deficit will bring you to a TDEE -30% cut. If your TDEE is larger, that percentage grows even more. Large deficits can often be counter productive to pure fat loss because the stress on the body is so high. My guess is that you will continue eating 1700 calories and see how it goes. Just for perspective, I eat that much and I'm 5'2" and 138 lbs and lose between .5 and 1 lb per week and BF% tracking suggests it has been mostly fat over the last 6 weeks. You may find that you lose too quickly, or potentially that you are not really seeing the loss that you would anticipate. Listen to your body and increase calories or look for online calorie calculators to get a additional TDEE and BMR estimates that you can compare to.

    This is an article I reference often, and the whole site has some valuable information related to studies concerning body recomposition.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Why are you aiming for 50% protein?

    I want to eat a sufficient amount of protein that despite having a low calorie intake I am still supplying my body with sufficient protein to aid in muscle recovery after weightlifting. Also it has the added benefit that I find protein to be much more satisfying per calorie compared to carbs or fat so I never feel hungry.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    I want to eat a sufficient amount of protein that despite having a low calorie intake I am still supplying my body with sufficient protein to aid in muscle recovery after weightlifting. Also it has the added benefit that I find protein to be much more satisfying per calorie compared to carbs or fat so I never feel hungry.
    I'm asking because 50% protein is really high. Did you get that macro breakdown from some source or did you arrive at it yourself? I'd be worried about nutritional deficiencies if you ate your sample diet for an extended period of time.