Your top reason(s) why you fell off track??



  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    I didn't totally fall off, but gained a few during a 5 week snowbird vacation. A few extra drinks and people around who snack constantly, plus a week long road trip eating out on the way home will do that. BUT, I knew what I was doing, and I know that I can't ever not pay attention to my eating and exercise. I'm getting back on my plan because I don't want to undo the work of the last couple of years. Plus, it's time to get out of the "overweight" category by getting the last pounds off.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    1. 1200 calories
    2. "I ate too much at lunch so I might as well take the rest of the day off"
    3. "I ate too much today so I might as well take the rest of the week off"
    4. 1200 calories
    5. 1200 calories
    6. Eating out a lot
    7. Weighing in every day and stressing myself because of weight fluctuations
    8. 1200 calories
  • Betty_Rubble
    Betty_Rubble Posts: 117 Member
    I had maintained an almost 80 pound weight loss many years, but over the last two have managed to pack on about 35 pounds (lost 8 since I joined MFP):

    - lots of changes going on in my life, including illness, buying a home, getting engaged, moving in with fiancé, starting a new job, caring for ill parent, etc
    - alcohol use is my number one diet wrecker, but hey, I like having a few drinks on the weekends so I need to keep my eating and exercise TIGHT
    - laziness, not caring
  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    I lost 70 lbs 4 years ago. I stopped because my body looked almost exactly the same. My face looked thinner, but I was just not seeing a difference. The girl I was with at the time didn't even notice. I lost 70lbs and she didn't even notice! I got bummed and just stopped losing weight. Luckily I didn't gain anything back. I found MFP in February and I am here to finish what I started, and for better reasons(health instead of vanity). 45 lbs to go!
  • Fall off track:
    Tired of tracking/being mindful of what I eat
    Cravings and then not being able to moderate them
    "Well, I screwed up might as well take the week off!"
    And sometimes I question WHY I am doing this and have doubts as to if it really matters. So if it doesn't matter, then who cares, right? This actually is probably my biggest challenge.

    Getting back on:
    Somehow I always seem to track even when I go off course (a little OCD I guess)
    Like that I can buy smaller clothes
    Actually found that I like to exercise
    I do FEEL better
  • RESTRICTIVE CALORIES!!! Now, i'm eating over 2000 and finally loosing the rest of my weight..!!!
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Off Track
    1) All or nothing mindset - a big one and very defeatist for me.
    2) Stress and/or depression - I eat for self comfort and hard to stop once I start.
    3) Unfocused - I wanted it but was not committed to it.
    4) Lack of patience to see it through - when I don't see results 'fast enough' I quit.
    5) Habits - like I eat a ton of food *while* I'm cooking - or I eat after my kids instead of throwing it away. I eat while I'm doing the dishes.

    On Track
    1) Ditched that all or nothing perfectionist mindset.
    2) Have to find ways of self comfort that does not include food - work in progress.
    3) Real commitment - other issues have resolved or changed so this is both possible and I'm in right frame of mind.
    4) Committed to a length of time - not a final result. One year. I will keep going for one full year no matter what.
    5) Recognize the habits and work at changing them. Logging food and paying attentiong to how much/when I eat really helps.
  • Empty_Calories
    Empty_Calories Posts: 81 Member
    Plain and simple. Laziness. I'm not gonna say life got in the way or whatever. Laziness.

    Yep. Wish I had some big elaborate story but this pretty much sums it up.

    I did well with MFP a few years ago but what threw me off track again was trying to log meals when I went out to eat. Could never find a good match which lead to incomplete days which lead to missed days which lead to not logging in for a year+. Now that I'm back, I've vowed not to miss a day.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    For me:
    Off Track:
    1. No time to workout-busy with full time job, rentals, and my stationery side business, house and animal upkeep
    2. Stressful times-work overload, loss of family & close friend, husbands motorcyle accident (all in a 2yr time frame)
    3. Constantly going out to eat/having food ordered in
    4. Not counting calories

    On Track
    1. Making time to work out at least 3 times a week
    2. Signed up for 5k races to get me motivated to run again, running with friends
    3. Getting better about not having the house look perfect all the time
    4. Seeing my friends excell in their workouts and weight loss-great motivator
    5. weighing and tracking my food again
    6. Limiting eating out to 1x a week if not once every 2 weeks.
    7. Hating the way I look in pictures at friends weddings and other events-workout motivator
  • lily_swenson
    lily_swenson Posts: 38 Member
    Unfortunately I used to have a binge/purge problem.. which didn't exactly make me gain weight BUT made me feel like s**t!
    Whcih is why I'm here. Eating healthy and exercising is a whole lot easier and more fun than constant lies, alienation and dirty toilets :laugh: Also, I have been feeling MUCH better with the nice weather!
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    Hi great question by the way

    Fell off track-(how long ya got?)
    1) I will take a break as its xmas or my bday and start again Monday?(Monday never happened)
    2) I became complacent and lost hope when nothing happened
    3) I told myself im fine and itd be ok
    4)no motivation and lazy

    Reasons im on track
    1) I am a mum and a fiancée but im ME and I want to be the best ME I can be
    2) MFP motivates supports and teaches
    3) because I can do it and it may be slow I may plateau but im NOT giving up
    4) life is too precious to waste being miserable
    5) I love healthy food and exercise and the odd treat not treat day is great!!!!
  • AMM160981
    AMM160981 Posts: 39 Member
    Off Track:
    - I wasn't drinking so figured I could eat more on the weekends and be fine.
    - Emotional/binge eating every time I was alone
    - Over ate at one holiday so figured until holiday season was over, I would treat myself.
    -Even at this weight, my wedding dress still looks good, so if I got married like this NBD.

    On Track:
    - I want to look my best on my wedding day, a memory I could look back on and not make a face.
    - Living a full, healthy life; reducing stress and worry that I put on myself because of my self image.
    - Fiance is turning 30, he needs to be more active and not live off of Mtn Dew and junky foods. I can be a good example.
    - when I look in the mirror, I see my potential and want to shed this shell that is keeping me from reaching it.
    - Summer...3 months away
  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member

    If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. And again. And again. And again... so that's what I'm doing.

    exactly :flowerforyou:
  • HerpDerp745
    HerpDerp745 Posts: 223 Member
    Fell off track reasons:
    -Gotham's crime rate diminishing
    -Rachel's death
    -Old Age
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    -Overly busy with school and work
    -One big stubborn plateau
    -Frustrated after not seeing results within 2 weeks.
  • firefoxxie
    firefoxxie Posts: 381 Member
    Fell off track reasons:
    -Gotham's crime rate diminishing
    -Rachel's death
    -Old Age
  • healthykaitlin
    healthykaitlin Posts: 91 Member
    Fell off track because...
    -I've always had some time of eating disorder.. whether it be under-eating or emotional eating.
    -When I was at my smallest, 118 (I'm 5'4"), I got there in a pretty unhealthy way... by restricting my calories to a point where I was lucky if I reached 500/day. When I got to 118, I started eating normally (honestly, I became more confident and found myself out a lot more!) That was just TOO HARD to keep up with.. it never would have worked.
    -My weight climbed to 205 and I was easily discouraged whenever attempting to diet because weight loss is a lot more difficult for me now. I got very used to the biggest loser-style instant gratification that a pound a day brought me when I had time to exercise for 3-4 hours/day and barely ate.

    Picked myself up because...
    -I didn't want to be obese anymore.
    -I want to change my relationship with food, and realize that the numbers aren't my top priority - health is.
    -I want to be a runner, beat my best, and not put so much pressure on my poor knees!

    I still have really bad days. There are days when I binge, days when I step on the scale and I'm not happy with my progress. It's really hard changing this mindset.. but I've lost over 30 lbs. I've made a lot of changes to my diet and lifestyle, and I'm learning to take pride in my progress.
  • melissat888250
    melissat888250 Posts: 79 Member
    Originally I gained weight from stress in 2013. I gained 30 pounds between October 2012 and July 2013. I also moved and went through 4 jobs and was unemployed for 4 months (employed 4 months/ unemployed 1 month/ employed 2 months/ unemployed 3 months).

    Couldn't afford a gym membership/stopped keeping track at christmas and forgot to start keeping track again afterwards. I started keeping track again sometime in February after I had gotten back in the swing of things. Note to self, next year don't stop keeping track for the holidays.

    I've lost a little over half of the weight I gained last year and am excited to get below my weight in October 2012 in the next few months. :)
  • pinkprincess3082
    pinkprincess3082 Posts: 13 Member
    I like food. I like eating food which = obscene amounts of calories.

    Unfortunately I also like being slim. The two don't mix well!
  • Fell of track:

    -Emotional/personal reasons that implied turning to food
    -Lack of actual determination to make a lifestyle change, so anything would only last a few weeks at best.
    -Hated gyms full or people

    Keeping on track:

    -Because I don't want to spend my 20's (or whole life for that matter) embarrassed to take off my shirt.
    -Found a lifestyle change that was easy to stick with, eliminated cravings, and helped me gain more energy to workout (Keto)
    -Actual willpower and determination to change my lifestyle as opposed to looking for the quick fix.
    -Bought some exercise equipment to use at home and I actually use it. (If I didn't mention it earlier, I hate gyms full of people lol)
    -I now have realistic expectations of how weight loss/lifestyle change works which helps me get through the tough parts where it seems like nothing happened in a week or 2.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    #5 - The people around me are eating junk. Family, friends... it's how we bond.
    #4 - Wife popped out baby #3. All my free time is gone.
    #3 - Went on vacation and couldn't get back into a healthy routine.
    #2 - Bad weather keeping me indoors.

    And the number 1 reason.for me....

    #1- I was hungry.
  • leapylees
    leapylees Posts: 12 Member
    Fell off track:
    Distractions or disruptions to my routine, ranging from illness to having visitors to going on holiday.
    Periods of poor mental health (chronic depression sufferer - though have been stable/good for a while now)

    Getting back/keeping on track:
    realisation that I'm rapidly advancing through my thirties and it'll be easier to get to a healthy weight sooner rather than later
    I don't want to add 'failed to get to a healthy weight' to my (rather negative) list of 'personal failures since the age of 18'
    fear of various lifestyle-related illnesses that have affected other members of my family
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    Knee injury
    Got burned out......tried to be perfect all the time for over a year (7 days a week workouts, eating as clean as possible). Works for some people but not for me specially being a single mom with 2 very active kids.
    Dad died
  • tallgirlshelley
    tallgirlshelley Posts: 108 Member
    Beer caused me to fall off the track.

    Freaking beer. And Cranbrritas. And Caesars. And red wine...

    The past 2 summers have been brutal for me sticking to my "plan". Long day at work leads to a drink or two and sitting in my lawn chair recliner and the workout never gets done. The weekends are spent back in that recliner, perhaps butt-deep in the lake or at a peaceful camp site. With a beverage in the cup holder. Does wonders for my stress level, but not so much for my gut.
  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    -Bought some exercise equipment to use at home and I actually use it. (If I didn't mention it earlier, I hate gyms full of people lol)

    same here, got an elliptical and I love it! It definitely helps keep me on track
  • for me it's inability to actually lose weight since I started, seeing 'big' girls who are beautiful and confident and thinking 'screw this, I'm gonna be fat and happy'. I switch from thinking this to 'I'm repulsive. must. lose. weight.' it's very frustrating haha
  • wyllden
    wyllden Posts: 48 Member
    Mostly after a few weeks of seeing results I slack off. I get into the "I'm just going to rest the next couple of days" mindset which usually turns into a couple of weeks :explode:

    This time though, and with all the intermittent nice/warm days we're having, it makes me want to work that much harder knowing that spring/summer are just around the corner and I want to be successful this go around!

    This is pretty much the same reasoning for me. said last Tuesday evening I was gonna have a cheat day Wednesday and then back to it on thursday - although I tried to get back on track on thursday, here I am on Saturday still craving the sweet things and giving in to the cravings - falling back into old habits.
    I find it so hard to get back on track - like the more sugar I have the more I want.

    As you also said - the fact that summer is just around the corner and I want to be hot and confident instead of fat and self conscious is one thing that helps a bit - I really better get back to it or it'll be Winter again before I am at my goal
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    1. Girl Scout cookies
    2. Chocolate
    3. Pizza
    4. Donuts
    5. Pastry
    .... I think food is my main downfall!
  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    Off Track
    - I really like to eat
    - Working out feels more like a chore
    - Poor planning of meals and workouts
    - Unpredictable work schedule / travel / fatigue

    On Track
    - Mental/physical health
    - Address fatigue issues