lizmil79 Member


  • Hello again Everyone. It has been such a long time Since I have drop in. Not sure why just sometimes I just don't know what to say. But no excuses I always enjoy being a part of this thread it helps so encouraging. Liz From Idaho
  • Hello Ladies, Today went well. I reset my goals. I had my calories set for losing a pound today I change it to 1.5 so hopefully it will help. @Kathy I have taken water dumbs before and really enjoyed it. @Lin we are trying our hand at gardening. Its been a long time since we had a garden.. Really stressful week at work. We…
  • Hello Ladies, Happy Sunday! We are having just beautiful weather here in Idaho. Enjoying the day with my family. @Cheryl. When I posts at all its to offer encouragement, support its why I am here what I enjoy about "Women 50+". All I meant was thank you for being open. But I am afraid what ever I say may be misunderstand…
  • Hello Ladies, So enjoying my Saturday off. Went to the Y and took part in a water class. Really enjoyed it. My ankle has been hurting so I haven't been as active as I like. So just moving more freely felt good. Went on a Costco run able to stock up on lot of dry goods and meat. @Joyce sorry you are struggling hang in…
  • Hello Everyone, Today was a lovely day. At work we hangouts at a park. My ankle is still hurting so I didnt workout today. Looking forward to the weekend planning on working in our yard putting in s vegetable garden. @Imackbethl that sounds like a great idea. @Laurie have fun climbing. Good night everyone, Liz from Idaho
  • Hello Today went much better. Weather was nice hangouts in the park for the most part. Went into my boss to change my hours. I 'd like to go parttime. The days are do long I am experiencing burnouts. But its not going to change they just don't have enough staff. I am.hoping that changes quickly so I can go in and try…
  • Hello Just checking in. I like the new goal for May. I am in! Will be back by later. It was a hard stressful day at work I am heading to bed. Night all! Liz
  • Hello Ladies, Happy May Day!!! Today went to the gym and the goal was 45 minutes on the treadmill but my ankle started to hurt so only 35 minutes. At work we stayed at the center all day with our clients. I pack this healthy lunch but when it came time to eat it -- it wad gone no where in the fridge. So all that left to…
  • Hello Ladies, Today lots of wind and bit chilly my knees could feel the weather shift. But still able to.go to the Y today I choose yo workout in the water. I always enjoy my time in the water. After that clean house and laundry things that needed done before the start of my work week. @Meg Glad to hear that Benny Beagle…
  • Hello Everyone, Today was weigh in - no loss and no gain just the same. I had hope to see a negative my clothes are fitting looser but guess I should be happy for not going up. Recover from the Autism Walk/Run. I was in the 2nd wave so that was the 2.5 mile walk seem back to normal Today went to the Y for water jogging and…
  • Hello Ladies, Thank you all for your words of encouragement! Today had been very beautiful weather wise just lovely. I went to church and than grocery shopping. Other than that it was a day of rest for me. @Meg I am sorry about the hard time you are having with your DD. My 19 yr old still has those moments. Its hard but I…
  • Hello Ladies, This is a quick drop in. Today as many of you know was the Autism Walk /Run. I did better than I thought. I was in the 2nd wave. So that was 2.5 I did it in 48 minutes it is a long time but I was pushing and puffing all of the way. When I am on the treadmill it takes me 27-- 28 minutes to do a mile. No matter…
  • Hello Everyone, Today was a success and it my pride my have been my undoing. Lol! Today was :he Autism walk /run. It went hood I made it the entire way no breaks my body wanted stop but I was so afraid of coming in last I didn't allow it. So made it in the best time yet for me. I did the 2nd wave which is only 2.5. And I…
  • Hello Ladies, Today was a fun day really nice weather. Took my clients to the zoo hangouts there today than afternoon went to a park This Saturday is the autism walk so getting ready to take part in that. It is a 5k I am excited to be a part of this.
  • Hello Everyone,, Sorry I have been once again missing. I really enjoy being here and find it helpful and inspiring in this journey towards improved good health. Yet there are many nights I just don't know what to say or add. But I want to start fresh.
  • Sorry I have been MIA. Sending sometime to catch up on all of the posts I have miss. Liz
  • Hello Everyone, Such sad news coming out Boston. My thoughts and Prayers to all. :flowerforyou: I tried a new water exercise today water Zumba . It was silly fun I sure looked silly for sure. On dry land no way could I do Zimbabwe but in the water I did something that sort of looks like it. :wink: @Jtvost I am trying to…
  • Hello again, @ M and @Lucy I grew up in Illinois and we played Euchre all the time. There use to be tournaments in our area. I have taught the gave to my DH and DD but they don't enjoy it like I do. We live in Idaho and I haven't had much luck finding anyone else who has even heard of it. Liz
  • @DeeDee we are adding a composite deck to our home. We have several friends with them they like it and love the zero maintenance. Also we think the ones we have seen look pretty good. @grandmalie please take care of yourself. @Meg hang in there. Kids can be so frustrating sometimes. Its that sense of entitlement wanting…
  • Hello Everyone, :flowerforyou: So happy for the weekend. We dont have any big plans just the normal catching up on some much needed housework, going to the Y. Planning on going to the flea market and the farmers market in Boise. But I am really looking forward to just relaxing and enjoying time with my family. @ebailey.…
  • Hello Ladies, :flowerforyou: Should be in bed but my normal up in the middle of the night. Really thristy so glass of cold water. So one thing leads to another and I am awake. So here I am. @Eileen. So sorry you have lost your Mom. HUGS and Prayers going out to you. @Barbie so true the body needs the right nutrition. Just…
  • Just drop in to say hello very tired today. We took our participants bowling today. I work both groups our morning (day) and afterschool so I truly spent the day bowling. I know not a bad way to make a living and I am not complaining. Just truth is I am exhausted. Wishing everyone a good evening. Liz
  • Hello Everyone, Today has been a busy day. Today was bowling day for my clients we spend the day at the bowling alley. Being I work with the afternoon to it truly means all day. Fun way to make a living but I am really tired. Thursday truth: Food is going ok just frustrated which the weight would be coming off faster.…
  • Hello Today has been a really busy day. Went to the Y it still takes me 28 minutes to walk a mile. I am hoping to increase that time in a week. It says on the wall of our Y that 12x is 1 mile. I walk 12x. And 28 minutes past . So goal yo increase that time. @toot cant imagine what your husband is feeling. Congrats on the…
  • Hello Just marking my spot for later. Liz from Idaho
  • Good Morning Ladies @Meg sorry you are not feeling well @Barbie welcome back and glad Jake is home too @Michele so sorry you are going through such a hard time. Praying for you. I agree with you I would want yo be there no matter what. @Peachstateg sending prayers for your DH and tor you. @JB thanks for the poem love it.…
  • Hello everyone, Just drop in to say hello and catching up on the posts. Almost there to. Getting ready for bed now. Will posts more later. Have a good night. Liz _
  • Hello Everyone, Today has been a good day. Going into work tomorrow thought I was off but a coworker is having a family emergency sorry she is going through this time glad I can help out. It has been a relaxing day. @Karen you are doing great with this smoking thing. @Kaye that is great on the loss congrats. @Laurie that…
  • Hello Ladies, I so love this thread. I think Barbie does a great job keeping it going love the dose of F. @ Lila I agree that I have created this environment we always had the quote traditional marriage arrangement of he work outside of the home I stayed home and that was my role it was a matter of pride to have everything…