Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    I am back but not in full swing as of yet!!! Things have leveled off with my MIL.... her health is definitely declining but this will likely be a long process. We had some really good time with her this week, though she is VERY tired. We are taking the blessings where they come though!!!

    Thursday truth..... no logging of food over the weekend and part of the reason was I was embarrassed about consuming too much alcohol. SOOOOO many calories!!!!!! For someone without a weight problem, several glasses of wine and 2 1/2 margaritas over 4 days would not be a big deal, but for me it trashed my food plan. Back on track now with a weigh in tonight so I will have to face the consequences of my bad choices.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    1. Love 4 lbs. for the Month. Or,
    2. Try a new exercise, tape or DVD. 0r
    3. Update your look or try a different look or style.

    Hello friends - (Robin it is snowing here as well!:cry: )

    I just forged ahead and ordered some new makeup.:bigsmile: We'll see what happens when it arrives---I might look like a pretty scary clown but I'll try!:noway:

    I'm also going to try Shaun T's workout--Rockin' Body (on a day when I have A LOT of energy).:laugh:

    Wishing everyone a healthy day.


  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35
    May goal - Update your look or try a different look or style. OK

    OK, so just to update, my Thursday truth is that I decided that I'll update something new each week and the best update to my look I can do for this next 7 days without too much fuss is to start using make-up. Concealer, mineral powder pressed, a little blush and a bright colored lipstick. sighs it's a lot more work than I like, next week I'll think of something else to update.
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I might look like a pretty scary clown but I'll try!:noway:

    That reminded me of the chic I saw this morning at the grocery store! She was painted up like like a kewpie doll (she really was, lips and all) and she had used eye liner to draw about 8 beauty marks on her face. She had also drawn on eyerows in a light brown color but she had dark dark hair...and already had eyebrows so she drew browns ones above the black ones that were already there.

    Ok, that's enough people bashing. I swear I try not to do that...but I had to stop myself from staring at her this morning.

    Thursday truth - I was under maint two days in a row.... and I'm thrilled with that. What groceries I have at home has to stretch until Tuesday night and I swear I'm out of *EVERYTHING* from shampoo to deodorant to aluminum foil to dish(and washer) detergent. Thank goodness I found some toiletries in my suitcase leftover from my vacation to hold me over. Last night I had to make a loaf of bread because grilled cheese was the only thing I could think of for lunch today.... there's just nothing else around the house except c ereal and even I can't eat that much cereal :P

    That shopping trip is going to be a freaking doozy and today I reworked my budget to increase it 150% to cover all these extra things I apparently didn't realize I was almost out of.... I'll be so excited to have so many choices in food!
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Thursday truth: This month is not starting out too great. I'm just really stressed emotionally. My mom may have breast cancer. I took her in for her biopsies today. I'm really glad she is making an effort to take care of this. She talked to me and my sister last night letting us know that she isn't ready to die and that she will fight this to the end. The doctors said she that even if the mass is not cancerous that it has to be removed. We should have the results on Tuesday as to if it is cancerous or not. It's all just happening so fast which is a good thing.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Des -- so good to hear from you! You do look great in that corset. Do keep taking those meds; it's so easy to think it doesn't matter much when things are going well. You've been doing really well with keeping up with logging while you've had so much else going on.
    @Laurie -- have a great time tomorrow taking your trainer rock climbing!
    @Susan -- I think there are lots of different ways to do this thing; just personally, for me, I wanted to have a really good go at losing weight without surgery. It just seems like life is complicated enough without having to cope with the effects of surgery as well. But for some people I'm sure that the surgery's the best option for them.
    @jack_yve -- you've hit on something that's true for me here -- I don't wear *any* makeup. And I'm sure I should, at least occasionally. It's just in my 'too damn difficult' box. Along with a whole lot of other things.
    @Kris -- oh, it's so scary to not have food in.
    @Helena -- I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. Fingers crossed for a good outcome on Tuesday.

    Well, we are off to the forest for a few days. I'll try and log when I can. Have a great weekend everyone!

    -- Alison
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday Truth -- there are times that I really question whether my husband and I did the right thing by moving to Bismarck. For our family, we know it was the right decision, but our 11 year old son (6th grade) is really having a hard time with the transition. :brokenheart: You won't hear me say my son was perfect in Sioux Falls, but the teachers only really complained that he talked too much in class. Now, it's been some physical fighting in school, bad language and disrespectful to just about everyone. We talk and it seems to get better, but today I got a phone call from the principal that changed the ball game. He will begin seeing a counselor at school (I guess 3 weeks is better than nothing). I just pray that I can find the right words to turn this around before it becomes an even bigger issue.

    It's sure hard watching my son struggle through adolescence. On top of the move, his hormones are raging (he shaved for the first time last week) and now he's starting to like girls. Sure makes me want to drink something stronger than water. :drinker: :mad: :heart: :noway: :tongue: (lots of emotion today)

    I'm on track for my food today and it's my rest day. Off to the book fair to work and then see my kids' art at the art fair. The bonus -- my husband has tonight off so we can actually talk through this situation and hang out with each other.

    Thanks for listening...I'll do personals later.
  • Menene
    Menene Posts: 121 Member
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your mom....prayers to you and your family((hugs))
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Susan- I have a co-worker who had the surgery as well. She lost the weight in the beginning but gained a good part back. She is now working on losing it again. You need to remember that we are doing what is right for us in this weight loss journey. You are learning valuable lesson in managing your weight and being able to maintain. Just remember that the times we slow down or plateau are teaching our bodies how to adjust our new weight and helping us to maintain it. You are doing this and it is working for you.

    Tlh- A transition to a new school, near the end of the school year is difficult for any child. As a middle school teacher (7-8th grades), I have seen many kids who have difficulty trying to fit into a new school. The behavior is his way of trying to belong to a new peer group and develop a status among the other students. I hope your talk goes well with him tonight, your support will be greatly appreciated and talking to a counselor will also help. Just remember that he is also missing his old friends and may feel very isolated right now. Many of the new students that I have gotten this year check in with a counselor to make sure things are going okay and to help them adjust to the new situation.

    Grading goals:
    re-grades almost done
    comic strips 30/90
    Geologic column lab 0/90

    Truth-I have very excited about going climbing tomorrow night with my trainer. This will be his time climbing at Earth Treks. I can't wait to see his reaction and see how he does. I am still worried that he will back out at the last minute. I will give him hell for that one.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member

    That reminded me of the chic I saw this morning at the grocery store! She was painted up like like a kewpie doll (she really was, lips and all) and she had used eye liner to draw about 8 beauty marks on her face. She had also drawn on eyerows in a light brown color but she had dark dark hair...and already had eyebrows so she drew browns ones above the black ones that were already there.
    (runs and hides)
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    Thursday Truth - I've been thinking more and more about starting a wilderness-adventure trip company specifically geared towards plus-sized persons. I've always been pretty active for someone my size and have enjoyed scuba diving, swimming, kayaking, white-water rafting and hiking - the last few backpacking trips were all at over 300 pounds, sigh. I think many people would love such activities but don't know if they can keep up or if the place will have equipment that fits, etc. So, I think there would be a market for such trips. I would need to do some prep stuff... emt, wilderness medicine, adventure school, lifeguard... that's just for starters, but I would enjoy all that too... anyway, truth is I tend to be better at thinking of things than I am at following through. :ohwell:

    @kris - thanks for following my dad's journal. unfortunately, they're having some problems with their phones - though each has many talents, neither is remotely tech-savvy, so i have been writing most of the trail entries, with really limited info via their very brief calls to my mom. if you want a much better sense of what trail life is like, I'd recommend Wired's blog. I read it two years ago when she was hiking the PCT, to get a sense of what it was like so that I could help my pops plan. Now Wired is back out thru-hiking the Continental Divide Trail with an all-women team dubbed Team Mirage. Wired got her name because of her tech-savvy-ness, and she puts out a great journal, with many pics and videos. I've also heard (but not checked) that UBserious has a good PCT journal this year. Plus, Go Irish! seems to be hiking about the same pace as my dad, but posting much more frequently, if you want to check his journal. The book, Wild, is also really good.

    oops, meant to include the link to wired's blog, for anyone who wants to check it out:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    I'm in the same boat as holly--keeping up with reading posts, but struggling to find time to respond.

    @helena--hope your mom gets good news!

    Thursday Truth:
    I'm really good at procrastinating when it comes to grading essays. My 1st hour class wrote their essays and my plan was to start grading them while 4th hour wrote theirs. I finished ONE. :ohwell: Then I figured I could grade some during my 6th period open and my 9th period study hall. I got through ZERO. :noway: Now lest you think I wasted all of that time, please know, I got all kinds of other work done--grading and prepping, but not the essays. Finally, I proceeded to bring those papers home to grade. Alas, I ended up just taking them for a ride b/c they are still in my backpack waiting to go back to school tomorrow. :blushing:

    Happy tomorrow is Friday, but I'm least productive on Friday so it's going to be really hard to stay focused on those papers.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Thursday Truth - I've been thinking more and more about starting a wilderness-adventure trip company specifically geared towards plus-sized persons.
    Freaking LOVE this idea. I would totally pay for a trip like that. I'd LOVE to try ALL those things but I'm uncomfortable doing it the size I am now. Someplace that felt ...'safe' would be awesome and I'd jump on the chance.

    ETA: If I could afford it :laugh:
    Speaking of which... I'm not UBER religious or anything, but I do believe in God and man today he came through. I've reallly been wondering what the heck I was going to eat for the next 4 days because I have a chicken breast, a piece of beef, and some stick cheese... not even any starches to stretch theem left in the house and don't get paid until Tuesday(.35 in the bank)..... I had a VERY unexpected check for 400.00 show up today in the mail. God came through BIG time for me this month. That 400.00 will get me a ahead (barring any feline or Auto disasters) and when I plugged that into my budget (minus the rather unhealthy dinner I bought), I was smiling big! Tomorrow, I SHOP! Except produce, I think I'll treat myself to a trip to the Saturday Market and by some fresh stuff!
    oops, meant to include the link to wired's blog, for anyone who wants to check it out:
    Thanks! I'll check it out and keep an eye on your dad's as well!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Speaking of money, I need a little advice for those who bicycle.... I found this on Craiglist and it called to me..... I know it's hard to tell from a picture but what do you guys think? Is she worth the money (and time/gas to drive 45 min to get her)?

    It would be the first time I've been on a bike in 35 years...

    I can see she has a little rust, but I'm willing to research how to fix her up.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today was a lovely day. At work we hangouts at a park.

    My ankle is still hurting so I didnt workout today.

    Looking forward to the weekend planning on working in our yard putting in s vegetable garden.

    @Imackbethl that sounds like a great idea.

    @Laurie have fun climbing.

    Good night everyone,

    Liz from Idaho
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: Having the little ones here is hard, but I do so enjoy them and am so glad that they don't have to be in daycare. I'm feeling impatient about the dr. appt. but I know that really isn't a very long wait to see a specialist. I continue to get compliments from friends about my appearance. This evening was an unusual one, but I liked her approach. A young woman said, "You are looking so healthy. What are you doing?"
    Have a good night. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @tlh~I’m so sorry for your son’s struggle adapting to a new school, I hope you and your DH’s talk went well and that the counselor is able to help and reassure him. I think Laurie offered some great advice. A friend of mine went through a similar period when she moved and her 10-year old son had to switch schools. It took a few months, but he made some new friends and got involved with sports so is doing much better. Also, I think that Susan’s son (who is around 10) went through a period of adapting when she moved to a new city also. Growing up is tough and I think the ages of 10-12 are probably really hard when leaving behind established friendships and trying to fit in/establish new ones. He’s lucky that he has supportive parents that see his struggles and can help him to adjust – I think seeing the counselor at school will be very good for him as well. If he is into sports you might try checking with the local parks dept to see if there are any teams he could get involved with over the summer.

    @Laurie & Karen~Hang in there, I know as you get towards the end of the school year it gets more and more stressful.

    @Kaye~Its great to receive those compliments. I had a guy at work ask me the other day what I was doing to “lose all this weight,” – it surprised me, guys never ask that stuff! LOL

    @Kris~Oh, what a welcome surprise the extra cash was. Yay!!! I tried to look at the bike you found on Craig’s List, but looks like the listing was taken down.

    Friday Fitness~Well, didn’t make it to the gym yesterday – had to work late on reports for month-end, by the time I left here I was just spent. I’m not done yet, so today may be another late day – but if I’m not too tired and get out of here at a decent time I will go today. I will definitely make it there tomorrow though! No real obstacles this weekend that I can think of, I did receive a new cookbook yesterday, that I ordered from Amazon so looking forward to browsing through it for new ideas this weekend.

    It was a cooler day yesterday so I think the highlight of my day was leaving the bedroom windows open to cool of the sheets so they would be cold when I went to bed – they felt great on these tired, aching muscles from lifting heavy on Wednesday.

    Thursday Truth - I've been thinking more and more about starting a wilderness-adventure trip company specifically geared towards plus-sized persons. I've always been pretty active for someone my size and have enjoyed scuba diving, swimming, kayaking, white-water rafting and hiking - the last few backpacking trips were all at over 300 pounds, sigh. I think many people would love such activities but don't know if they can keep up or if the place will have equipment that fits, etc. So, I think there would be a market for such trips. I would need to do some prep stuff... emt, wilderness medicine, adventure school, lifeguard... that's just for starters, but I would enjoy all that too... anyway, truth is I tend to be better at thinking of things than I am at following through. :ohwell:

    What a FANTASTIC idea! Can you share the link to your dad's journal again? I'd like to follow his adventures.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Desdemena, I'm sorry for what you're going through with your dad. I hope you find the strength to bear it.
    Kaye: Little ones are hard! I recently told my daughter that I can't babysit as much as I have been. It was a conversation that I didn't want to have. Not even sure she got the message and now I feel guilty.

    Friday fitness: go for a walk. the weather is glorious. Lately, has been weird. I had a physical test done at the doctor yesterday which kind of ruined my day. I have Vertigo. I could barely walk (lost my balance) after the test and am still light-headed today. He gave me exercises to do, but avoiding doing them as they make me nauseous. On the other hand, I'm gung-ho to get eating right as I lost weight at my first weigh-in at Tops (2.5 lbs. over 2 weeks).. I was thrilled as I didn't expect to lose..