Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Wednesday wish... more time in the day!!! I LOVE school but am just running constantly. Good news- evil Math test I got a 79% which is C-... now I know that isn't something to brag about, but honestly, before the test, I was sure I was going to fail. After the test, I thought maybe I got 80%... so 79 isn't a huge disappointment. It means I am learning! :)
  • amberlynne1984
    I get that too, I found what works best for me is if I roll the muscles out on the foam tube thing (i know technical term lol) a trainer taught me if I roll my legs out before and after hard work out, it makes the world of difference. litterally its like giving yourself a massage. I wish someone would have taught me that trick 10 years ago
  • amberlynne1984
    I am not too familiar with the threads but would like to become more so, So here is a start, I will catch up with mon-thurs.

    monday, checkin, well I am a hospital worker so my schedule dose not usually line up with tradioninal M-F. SO my monday was a weekend day, it was wonderful day spent inside other than my trip to the gym.

    tuesday goals, well I am just working on doing healthy things for myself, from traveling, reading, eating healthier, and exercise. I have made leaps and bounds changes in the right direction in the last year, and just look forward to keeping it up.

    Wednesday Wish... well. I wish it ti be warmer than -20 degrees from now on(not realisitc for this location) and realistic, hopeing to finish writing a book, no matter if it gets published or not, just to have written something start to finish, I suppose that goes more under goal.

    thursday truth.... Here is my confession, I want to scream at my patients usually on a weekly basis, and say "how do you expect me to help you if you wont help yourself?" I get so so so frustrated with people that want a magic pill, or magic person to fix them when they have taken a life time to screw themselves up, healthy change takes work, and desire to improve, adn they dont make a pill for that.

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    toots - congrats on the exercise while waiting for the tub to fill - that's really all it takes, squeezing in a few minutes here and there!

    thanks. i can't believe how much i've let myself slide in the last six or more months. it's crazy. i have to get back on track.
    Last night while I was out with a meet up group one of the guys Andrew gave me the greatest compliament. We were discussing weight loss and how much we each wanted to lose. He said that I looked great and he didn't think I needed to lose any weight. I was shocked but pleasantly surprised. He has also joined MFP and maybe he will find his way to this group. The two of us had a wonderful conservation over dinner talking about diets and weight loss. He was inspiring me to keep going and I was inspiring him by being an example. Go figure. It was very nice to hear that I looked good. He did not know me when I was heavier.

    that is a great NSV! so good to hear even if you feel it isn't true.
    So I bought a HRM/pedometer today. Sounds great right? Well the problem is I think it is smarter then me. The two things I wanted was to be see how many calories I was burning when I worked out since everyone says MFP's settings are off and to start tracking my steps every day. My problem with this is the stupid thing records constant just being alive calories when you are in pedometer mode which I dont need as they are figured into my plan so I could just reset it for my workouts but then it resets the pedometer and I lose track of the steps I have taken for the day. There is probably another way to do this but I havent been able to figure it out and am getting frustrated.

    this happened to me when i got a heart monitor for christmas the year before last and i couldn't get it to do anything i wanted. i finally gave it to my husband in frustration to try to get him to fix it. he proclaimed he could not get it to do what i wanted and then he stole it :laugh:
    I am so sore, but extremely proud of myself. My sister, the one in the picture with me, has never been able to do all 5 of those miles and she's around 150#!!! Suuuuuucka!!!!! Lol

    that literally made me LOL
    Yesterday when I read that the chore was to clean out our books I almost passed out and wound up not doing anything. DH and I were both raised by school teachers and have advanced degrees, to say that we are book lovers is an understatement. The best thing that has happened for our sanity is the Kindle.

    ebooks just aren't the same to me. i still do read ebooks, but i couldn't replace my real books with kindle stuff. we are like you guys, hard core bibliophiles and there is literally not a space around me that doesn't have at least one book in view. but even with the mess i couldn't part with them.
    Wednesday Wish... well. I wish it ti be warmer than -20 degrees from now on(not realisitc for this location) and realistic, hopeing to finish writing a book, no matter if it gets published or not, just to have written something start to finish, I suppose that goes more under goal.

    ohh another writer. i'm also a writer and i know there are a few others that you will see now and then popping up around Nano especially :laugh: what sorts of books do you write? you can PM me if you'd rather.
    Good news is I was 268.2 lbs. today! Maybe I should complain about not losing more often :laugh: I finally broke the 270 lbs. barrier!

    On March 2nd I am going to the pub for St. Baldrick's fund raiser. This involves shaving heads for kids with cancer. They raise money for research. So make sure you look on March 2nd for picture of me with no hair :blushing:

    that's GREAT news and so awesome of you to do that to help out kids.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Good morning all!!! It's 1 more day closer to Friday!!!!

    @ toots- I was so very proud of myself last night. I had to text my sister, who is at college, and let her know that I did it. She was so jealous lol so that was a great NSV for me. Not that I compete with her, but it was just nice to FINALLY be able to do something physically that she can't and she's so much lighter than me. I told her that the weight I'm getting rid of she can have LOL

    @skinny- THANKS!!! I did stretch I think pretty good, but I woke up this morning and was so stiff. I immediately took Biscuit out, went to the bathroom and go on that scale. I need to stretch some more because my legs are angry with me right now LOL

    Thursday Truth- Sometimes I just want to say #$%^ it and go to McDonald's and buy a big mac and stuff it in my face. LOL I havent been there but I dream about it. :sad: I know that it will do NOTHING good for me, but I can dream.

    WATER TAG!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday Truth-

    I am so sick of the below zero temps here. I know this is a typical winter temp but we haven't had a typical winter in over 4 yrs. I am digging working out at lunch but I think that I have become addicted to the hill program on the treadmill. I love my kindle but I also miss traditional books at times. I guess school books can solve that ache.

    @jtconst- I am so technology challenged when I can't figure something out I hand it to my teenager tell him what I need it to do. He figures it out than laughs and asks if he should show me how he did it. Its funny cuz my parents call him all the time for help with their WII.
    @Laurie- Sounds like you have a good time at your meet up group. It is always nice to meet someone that you have something in common with. Soak up the compliment that just means your hard work has paid off.
    @Karen- Congrats on the new scale it sounds so cool.
    @Naceto- Congrats on the math test. Eventhough you may not think it is a good score remember you worked your tail off for that grade. For me I hadn't done math in 20yrs that wasn't in an excel spreadsheet so every passing grade felt like an accomplishment.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Tom -- really pleased you've got below 270! That's great!
    @ButterflyWolf -- good luck with those orthotics; I know people who've had great results with them.
    @Ang -- I don't think we could clean out our books in a day! We have several thousand. We have been working through them, because they take up a lot of space, and obviously we aren't going to re-read several thousand books. But it takes a bit of work to find the mental space to say 'it's ok, we don't need that one any more'.
    @Nicole -- WELL DONE on getting a C!
    @AmberLynne -- welcome! I wish it was warmer here too...

    Thursday Truth -- actually, I don't have too much to get off my chest -- after my little blip the other day I seem to have got back on track. I've done the first 3 days of the 30 day power purge (it's going to take me a *lot* more than 30 days!) and I'm feeling pretty good about my tidy kitchen cupboards and the small pile of junk I've got for the charity shop. And then, last night, I grabbed my weights and did level 1 of the 30 Day Shred (it's on YouTube, chaps). I really enjoyed it, and I've been feeling fantastic ever since. Not too hard given all the cardio and strength I've been doing, but it would have destroyed me in June I think. I didn't do the jumping jacks or skip rope. I did the first set, but hubby pointed out that the TV was shaking. So I substituted climbing up and down the stairs which is pretty heart-racing. And I've set a super quick timer for this update because I'm going to go for a run in a few minutes. It's above freezing right now so hopefully no ice.

    Have a great Thursday, chaps!

    -- Alison
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thursday Truth: yesterday my fifth grandchild was born...of course it was the coldest day of year so far. Beautiful, baby girl to my daughter. We didn't know the sex so it was a wonderful surprise to my daughter and her husband as they wanted a girl. I've witnessed 3 births recently, but I saw everything for the first time. What can I say? It's hard to believe women can do that! I'm exhausted today. It was a long birth. Didn't eat all day and then late at night completely overdid it as I hauled myself into the house. Mad at myself. I went over my limit. I'll try to get back on track today. The next few days I'll be helping out and staying at daughters, so not sure how my logging in will go.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member

    I find the sweetness of vegetables very odd indeed , and Desdemina, your "who am I?" comment made me laugh! I now love the sweet taste of sugar snap peas, carrots and cranberrys mixed together. Its like a bowl of candy to me :laugh:

    Wow, that sounds yummy! I might have to try that. any special recipe or just mix those three things together?

    I buy a frozen mixture by Green Giant called their Valley Fresh Steamers Line - the product is called FARMER"S BLEND - its actually got cauliflower, sugar snap peas, carrots and cranberries "tossed in a butter sauce" (not) - 1 C frozen is 70 cal. - I usually split a package into two meals, because there are 3 servings per package, so I eat 105 cal. each sitting and I grin like a kid with a bowl of ice cream.

    I will definitely be on the lookout for that! :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Toots~Good job getting some exercise in while waiting for the tub to fill, way to multi-task! It’s all about getting in some movement, no matter how we do it. I don’t read eBooks either, there is just something about the smell and feel of a paperback. :laugh:

    @Laurie~What a great NSV, I bet that felt amazing!

    @Tom~Fantastic scale victory! I’m sorry you’re sick and hope you don’t have the flu that is going around, whatever your illness I hope its short-lived.

    @Rachael~I think someone mentioned it above, but do you have access to one of those foam rollers? Most gyms have them and you can find them at any sporting goods store for around $25 – if you roll out your legs (quads, hammies, IT bands, hip flexor, etc.) lightly before a workout and then a little more intensely/longer after a workout it will greatly reduce pain/inflammation from the workout. They are not my favorite thing and can be painful at first, but you get used it and then come to rely on them. They really do help a lot. I cannot remember the last time I even thought of a Bic Mac – I haven’t had one in over 5-years – so stay away from Micky D’s! :wink: Actually the only fast food I eat is Chick-fil-A occasionally or Subway, I do treat myself to In ‘n Out Burger a couple of times a year but that is it – I just love those burgers!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots~Good job getting some exercise in while waiting for the tub to fill, way to multi-task! It’s all about getting in some movement, no matter how we do it. I don’t read eBooks either, there is just something about the smell and feel of a paperback. :laugh:

    true that. and i really don't much like hardbacks either. or the trade paperback sizes. i like a good old fashioned mass market paperback.
    @ toots- I was so very proud of myself last night. I had to text my sister, who is at college, and let her know that I did it. She was so jealous lol so that was a great NSV for me. Not that I compete with her, but it was just nice to FINALLY be able to do something physically that she can't and she's so much lighter than me. I told her that the weight I'm getting rid of she can have LOL

    haha i'm sure she'd love to take you up on that offer.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. It is a balmy 21 degrees here this morning. We got a bit of snow overnight. I hope the extreme cold is over for the year. I never liked winter!
    Not much to confess. I'm having pretty good success keeping on track, although I didn't get my exercise yesterday. Grandson needed lots of love. He was sick all day, but seems to be back to normal today.
    Congratulations on all of your successes. I am continually inspired by all of you.
    I'll be busy today catching up from the day off yesterday.
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Thursday Truth: I have started weighing my foods again. I have done this for so long that I think I know how much a serving is, but decided maybe I don't. I am excited about my progress right now, but need to get everything in place to continue making progress.
  • luckycharm1965

    I find the sweetness of vegetables very odd indeed , and Desdemina, your "who am I?" comment made me laugh! I now love the sweet taste of sugar snap peas, carrots and cranberrys mixed together. Its like a bowl of candy to me :laugh:

    Wow, that sounds yummy! I might have to try that. any special recipe or just mix those three things together?
    I too find this^^^^ ! I like to slice red yellow and orange bell peppers for a sweet treat, they also fill a "HUNGER" void ,something sweet & Healthy to hold you over.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Butterfly - hope the inserts help your walking - as far as shrinking I sympathize ! I have shrunk from my high school height of 5-11 to current height of 5-8!

    Luckycharm - glad to see you back - hope this is a luckier time for you. I keep trying too!

    Laurie - those cheese puffs must have something addictive in them - I love them too!.
    I'm so glad you continue with the meet-up groups. Seems you've met an interesting fellow and a kindred spirit! Hope you keep in touch with him.

    jt - I love your new look too - its very flattering! Hope you get your HRM figured out...

    KarenLeona - congrats on your 4.5 km walk - your knee is really going strong - way to go! Glad to hear your getting your brakes fixed!

    Rachael - wow you are really progressing on the Sansone tapes - I am stuck at 1 mile and can't seem to progress - I am impressed at your persistence -

    Angelika - purging books is really sad - they are all old friends - I did my purging many moves ago and it was really hard on me. But I was consoled by knowing all the happy readers who were on the receiving end of all my books. One book I kept - a sweeping historical fiction novel which takes place in Great Britain during WWII - written by Susan Howatch called THE RICH ARE DIFFERENT is a big recommendation to everyone who likes a great novel.

    mackbeth - I understand not wanting to start running in the cold - its so cold here today - were having 15 below wind chills today - UGH! best to wait until you can at least BREATHE outside!
    Hope your new job is still enjoyable.

    Naceto - hey way to go on your Math test - congratulations !

    Amberlynne - welcome and good job catching up with the thread!

    Boho - good for you for starting the 30 Day Shred - and opting to do stairs instead of jumping jacks - sounds like a good substitution.

    Melancholy - Congrats on your new baby grand-daughter - Very exciting and welcome news! :flowerforyou:

    NSV - I just received a maxi-dress I bought on EBAY from a seamstress in Malaysia for the grand total including shipping of $31 and its beautiful and fits great. I just have to do something with the straps as they are a little short. Its for my Jamaica trip and I needed something a little formal to wear at night. SCORE!

    My weight is moving in reverse and I am very frustrated with myself. I have been eating after midnight when I wake up and prowl the house. My sleep patterns are all messed up, as are my eating patterns - I need to eliminate ALL snack foods from the house if I continue this behavior.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    @Karen - you've inspired me to order a new scale that does the body fat etc too. It's on it's way as I type, LOL. Not sure I'll get on it right away, but figured having a more comprehensive scale might help when weight loss plateaus happen. I may not lose weight but I might improved my body fat etc.

    @Melancholy - congrats on the new grandbaby. In my youth, I really didn't want kids. then I was present when a friend had her daughter and I knew I had to experience that miracle myself. changed my life. Had my son 4 years later.

    @amberlynne - must get one of those foam rollers for myself. I used to run a few years back and developed a painful issue called piriformis syndrome. Stopped running and here I am with all my weight back. anyone, with good stretches and on of those rollers, I might just be able to keep running this time

    @angelikaLumie - books, how i love books! They are everywhere in my house. I just can't seem to convince myself to go with a Kindle or Kobo type device. there's just something about holding a book in your hands...

    @lucky - I love peppers to for the sweet and the crunch. Yum.

    My Thursday truth - I'm tired of the cold - and shouldn't be - it is normal for Ontario, after all. I had a tough day yesterday. Was extra hungry for some reason and it really took all the power I had not to just go for the easy supper of McD's or pizza. I really needed to get a couple of things at the grocery store, but didn't because I knew if I went there, I'd end up coming back with chips and who knows what else. Good thing it was too cold to go outside or I might have succumbed to my weakness........LOL
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Thursday Truth: I have started weighing my foods again. I have done this for so long that I think I know how much a serving is, but decided maybe I don't. I am excited about my progress right now, but need to get everything in place to continue making progress.

    @kvandeest - I weigh or measure my foods most of the time, but not always. I'm not always at home so I have to try and eyeball it. But I find that if I don't frequently weigh/measure, that I underestimate the sizes and I'm eating more than I think I am. So I purposefully overestimate, like "I think that's 1/2 a cup, but I'm going to record 3/4".

    I don't really have anything to confess this week, I'm doing pretty well. Still need to seriously work on the exercise, but I feel like such a wimp! I mean, after 10 minutes, I'm shaking and panting and exhausted. And we're not talking about high impact aerobics or anything! I need to remember that 10 minutes is better than nothing, and if I keep doing 10 minutes, then I'll be able to work up to 15, and then 20, and so on. But it's so discouraging! At least I work out at home, because I would be way too embarrassed to go to the gym and leave after 10 minutes!
  • luckycharm1965
    Thursday Truth- I would love to just lay around and cuddle with my Sherpa blanket all day instead of doing housework and meal planning BUT...My priorities are in tact this morning so i wont be laying around on our first major snowfall of the winter season so far (can't complain, we usually get a whole lot worse than the 3" that has fallen overnight). @ Lauriek70-Thankyou & congrats on your tremendous weightloss! @ Rachael726- YES! A girl can dream!...dreaming actually burns calories-lol @Melancholy2-Congrats on your 5th grandbaby! @ TOM- Get better soon! @ Kvandeest- Whatever works for you!...You are doing great:smile:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Butterfly - That strikes terror in my heart. I'm only 5' tall... I can't AFFORD to lose any height...... If I could steam roll myself thinner, I'd be REALLY tall. :laugh:
    @Laurie + RObin - Cheesie Puffs are my kryptonite. I can't go *anywhere* near them or that's it. One little cheesie puff and that's it. I'm going to eat the entire bag.
    @JT - I agree with everyone else, you're new PP is just beautiful!
    @Angelika - When my ex -husband I moved from NJ to ORegon we had over 60 boxes (large boxes) of books. As the movers were tallying up our cost (by square foot) we had to make some really horrible decisions and leave all but a few boxes of them behind. My mom donated them to the local library but it was just like leaving old friends behind. I love the feel of a book but living in s small apartment makes buying(storing) them impossible. I love NOOK because it holds tens of thousands of books (it really does) and I can take them everywhere (I really do).
    @Macbeth - Great job on the weight loss last week!
    @Boho - I started 30DS back about 3 months ago and it hurt so bad (not the good "I worked out ache") I stopped. I tried it again on Tuesday and I'm hurting, but not too bad at all. I'm thinking every other day (to let the pain subside a little) and walking on the days between.
    @Desdemina - I wouldn't worry too much. This week you'll do 10 minutes. Next week you'll be able to do 20 minutes. Trust me, you'll build up stamina fast.
    @Luckycharm, WB.

    Thursday truth - Been doing what needs to be done for the past few days so nothing major to confess.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    :laugh: . Love the idea of steam rolling myself thin. At 5' 1", I could use the extra height. :bigsmile: