Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • GreyGal
    GreyGal Posts: 11 Member
    The FitBit is indeed awesome. I have had mine for about three weeks and I do believe it has made me move more. When I first got it, I was only getting in about 3000 steps... now I get in at least 6000 and usually more. Totally worth the money. I have the FitBit One.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Tuesday fitness goal : to keep walking.

    Tuesday 30 minutes -- circuit training. and 30 minutes of walking
    Wednesday 30 minutes walking
    Thursday 30 minutes. Walking
    Friday 30 minutes. Walking
    Saturday. Water swimming jogging
    Sunday off
    Monday 20 minutes recumbent bike 30 minutes swimming /jogging

    Recently was able to join the Y . Really enjoying the indoor track. I don't have a fitbit yet need to save for it. So I just time myself. I am still getting use to the bike not to sure about it. I been trying the. Circuit training stuff last week it went ok yesterday not so much really feeling it so going to not this week.

    Wednesday wish : for a good day at work. Like so many of you I work really long days 9-10 hours just depends. So it is not my world that's my family but its a big chunk of my life. I really wish I didn't feel so burn out from it.

    Wishing everyone a good day. Keep logging your food in and drinking your water.

    Liz from Caldwell, Idaho
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Kathy -- congrats on the SV. Log those bites! Once you start logging them it becomes second nature, and sometimes I don't have a bite because I think 'oh, but if I have that, I'll have to log it'. Plus bites don't have many cals *each* -- and now I quite often have a bite or a half portion of something really wicked.
    @KarenLeona -- sorry about the job, and I hope they find something else good for you. A hiring freeze shouldn't matter as you're already an employee -- and in fact it might help because what happens in hiring freezes is that people get absolutely desperate for staff and can't recruit any, so if there are staff available they get snapped up.
    @Kris -- Sorry you've had a little wobble but do get straight back on track!
    @Klezmergal -- welcome! You need to look after yourself when you're sick, and if you go up a few calories that's ok. Remember that MFP includes a deficit, so if you go up 2-300 calories a day, you'll still lose, but not quite as quickly, and it will help you feel better and get better faster.
    @Tammy -- I'm pretty sure that as long as you don't give up it will all come right in the end. My favourite Wii games, by miles, are the Dance Dance Revolution ones. You do need dance mats. But I love the way that the easiest settings are accessible to everyone, and the hardest settings are impossible for obsessed teens who play all day. And it's a proper *game* so you're always trying to beat a score, or pass a level that you've failed before, which means you work up that sweat.
    @Karisma -- welcome! I think the great thing about MFP is that you don't have to 'stick to a diet'. I eat all sorts: I plan it into my week, and I have a load of strategies for managing that. Do make sure you have MFP settings at 1lb a week not 2lb -- it makes a *massive* difference in terms of making it easier to hit targets. Then just log every single thing that you eat, and take a little exercise every day. If you're struggling to stick to the diet, then you can just try that for a week or too -- aim for the target, try to eat stuff that is good for you -- but just reckon to log everything and have a look at what it all adds up to. If you look at a week's eating you can always spot places where you can make better choices. But my guess is that if you log everything you eat for a week, and take some exercise every day, then you'll start to feel better.
    @Kristen -- I am always amazed by how much we pay for broadband/TV/phone/mobile. We've got 4 mobiles now cos the kids have them, so that doesn't help. Plus some PAYG data on the iPad. But still, it's a lot of money! If you're finding this week easier on Insanity, you're probably getting fitter. But do check your form on the exercises. It's very easy to slip into a different form that's not as hard.
    @Tom -- ooh, sorry about your car, but I'm glad nobody was hurt. If you're finding a level hard to get below then I'd focus on upping the exercise rather than lowering the cals. Because if you're already struggling, then lowering your cals will make you grumpy and hungry and then you'll snack. In fact, if you've been gaining back, then you might want to *raise* your daily calories by 200 or so -- but then stick to it, and Weigh Everything.
    @Kaye -- Glad you enjoyed your trip, and I'm sure you'll get the bonus weight off in no time. I really struggle with people leaving lots of food out. It's possible to eat so much in such a short time!
    @Ang -- congrats on the SV!
    @Charlotte -- I don't think the thread police are gonna worry if you skip days! Just check in when you can.
    @Liz -- congrats on the SV, and do try to celebrate small losses! They're the best sort in the long run; gives your body time to get used to the lower weight and makes it more sustainable.
    @Holly -- we all have so many blessings! We just need to keep track of them. I think it was me who said that once you can do a brisk walk for 30 minutes you should be ok to start the beginning of a program like couch to 5k. 'Brisk walk' is normally defined as the pace you walk when you're just a little bit late for something. So you're breathing heavily and working up a little bit of a sweat. It's about sustaining moderate exercise rather than the speed per se, but if that's less than 3mph for you, I'd keep up the walking rather than starting jogging I think.
    @Desdemina -- Welcome! This has been such a great community for me.
    @Rachael -- I hope you love your new gym!
    @ButterflyWolf -- you might try going for a walk when you're mad. Or doing something crafty that uses your hands so it's hard to eat. One of my favourite MFP sayings is 'You're not a dog, so don't reward yourself with food'. It does help whenever I think 'Oh, I need a big snack after that.' I do try to log unplanned snacks -- often they don't turn out to be as many cals as I think they are.
    @Nicole -- Eating good food doesn't necessarily imply healthier choices. There's been some publicity here that some of the famous TV chefs' food isn't actually all that healthy -- and Jamie Oliver was apparently confused that he was gaining weight despite eating really good food. What I find is that if you cook all your food, it's much easier both to make healthy choices as to what to cook, but also to balance portion size so that your plate has lots of the lower calorie things and only a little of the higher calorie items. When you use convenience food or eat out, this is much, much harder.
    @Karen -- yay for normal body fat! That's pretty awesome.
    @Luckycharm196 -- welcome back!

    On managing on a lot less money -- we looked over our finances at Christmas and determined that we're still ok for me to not work for the time being. We're so lucky to have some savings. And you're all so right about living with gratitude -- and just not buying stuff you don't need. I can't believe how much money we used to waste when we were both doing central London jobs.

    I've been a bit lax the last couple of days. My Monday check-in was that I weighed the same -- not too surprising given all the snow and no exercise. But yesterday I was completely unproductive (I think my day contained about 12 hours of video games and pencil puzzles -- that's trashy!) and did a little bit of mini-binging (I've eventually managed to track it, 24 hours late; that's how guilty I felt. And I've put in quick calories because I'm so embarrassed about one of the things I've eaten that I don't want my pals to see it. Whoops. But in fact I only went 700 cals over which is *nothing* really). Back on track today though I think. I'm pretty sure that bouncing straight back is the key, cos one day never makes that much difference in the long run.

    Wednesday wishes -- having a better day today. I know what caused my mini-meltdown yesterday (I'm stressed about stuff); I need to focus, stay on track, and get some exercise!

    Hope you're having a great day everyone.

    -- Alison
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Wed :flowerforyou:

    Wed wish is that everyone struggling out there no matter what your struggle is that you will see the silver lining soon.

    @Tom- Glad your okay from the accident
    @Jtconst- nice new pic and great job on your confession
    @MyM0wM0w- Hang in there things will get back on track for you
    @Butterfly- I am an emotional eater too but I have replaces the junk with yogurt and water. Sounds like you made a healthier choice this time which is step in the right direction.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Interesting talk about personal finances lately, I’m actually taking a personal finance class right now. There is a website I learned about yesterday,, it’s a free site and allows you to set up budgets, run reports to check your liquidity, plan goals to pay off long-term debts, etc. I was overspending years ago (amazing how much I found out I was spending at Starbucks), so I set myself up on a budget – mostly I used Excel to create my budget and Money to track my expenses and balance my credit card and bank accounts. I looked at this site last night when I got home and its pretty cool, there is even a phone app for it – it will send reports through that app based on some preferences you set up on the site. So if anyone is looking to get a handle on their expenses, track how they are spending money, or set some goals to pay off debt or save for something special, it’s a great tool. I love finance (weird, I know) and lately have actually thought of taking the certified financial planner exam.

    @Charlotte~Sitting down with the financial planner at the bank to prepare for retirement was a great idea. There are foods that I find hard to turn down too – one of them is this pizza place here, Carmine’s, that some friends of mine like to go to. We go once a month and I get two slices and a salad – absolute heaven! It’s the only place I’ve found that reminds me of NY style pizza that I miss so much.

    @Alison~I’m so sorry for your meltdown and the stresses you are going through, I hope it eases soon. You’re right , it was just one day – today is a new day, make it a great one. I hope the weather is improving so you can get outside for some exercise – a good, long run will help ease that stress!

    @Karen~Awesome about the scale, I need one like that at home. They have a fancy one at the gym that the trainers use for their clients, I was actually surprised at how much of my body was muscle – more muscle than fat, that’s a good thing! :wink:

    @Susan~Good job with the assessment, have you met with an actual trainer yet or is that next week?

    @Holly~Do you have an iPhone or Android? If so, you can download a 5k app – it will walk you through the paces of a C25K program. They all say that if you can walk at a decent pace for 30-minutes you can do the C25K – like Karen said, I think how fast you can jog/run is dependent upon your body and height. I can run consistently for 30 minutes if I keep my stride short and run at about 3.8 (I’m tall though at 5’9” and am very muscular). I can run at 4.5 or 5.0 but I do poop out a lot quicker and will have to incorporate more walking segments. Remember to just start out slow and build your way up.

    @Butterfly~I used to be an emotional eater too, but since starting on this weight loss journey I have tried to find other things to substitute for food. For me, exercise really helps - there are times when I'm really stressed or upset that it doesn't work and I try to take that time to meditate or do some yoga to relax. Chocolate milk (or a piece of dark chocolate) is actually a good thing to turn to - chocolate boosts seratonin. :bigsmile:

    Welcome to any newlings that have stopped by lately – you have truly found the best forum on MFP!!!

    Wednesday Wish~That those struggling with finances or health issues find solace soon.

  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Glad it's Wednesday. My Wednesday wish is that I wish this weight would come off in chunks rather than a few pounds. Don't get me wrong I had a nice weight loss last week, but just wish the whole process was faster. Always glad when Wednesdays come as the week seems to calm some.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @MyM0wM0w Glad to hear it's doable! I have been SO strict. It's one thing to eat right to try and lose weight for appearance or general health, it's another when the doctor says "Do this or you could develop diabetes within the next couple of years." It's a lot easier to resist temptation with that statement!

    @butterflywolf Boy, do I understand! I'm lucky (in a way) that I live alone, so have complete control over what's in the house. One time I got on one of those emotional binges and the only thing I had to binge on was sugar-free jello! So I ate like 10 of those individual serving things. If you can't keep unhealthy options out of the house, the only thing I can suggest is that you do something else that keeps your hands busy so you don't eat. Leave the house and go for a drive. I play video games (the more violent the better when I'm in that mood!) Honestly, though, you didn't do that horribly in your food choices for your breakdown. It could have been worse! I wouldn't have suggested skipping dinner, though, because that would just make you more hungry. I would suggest still eating dinner, but eat lightly.

    @greygal I love my Fitbit! I have the Zip. And it's definitely motivating to see the numbers go up. I'll park a little farther away, or walk to someone's desk instead of emailing, or walk to the farther bathroom, just trying to up my steps a little!

    I worked out last night for the first time in at least 6 months (I moved 6 months ago and haven't worked out since then). I have the xBox 360 with Kinect and it's my favorite source of exercise! I have Humana health insurance and they have a fitness motivation program where you can earn points for doing healthy things, and the points can be traded in for real stuff. Anyway, you can link your xBox account to the Humana Vitality site and for every day I burn at least 200 calories on the Your Shape "game", I get points. Well, I didn't burn 200 calories last night, but it's a start! I figure I can try and do a little more each day. I also love the dance games, like Just Dance or Dance Central, but I can't earn Human Vitality points for those!

    Wednesday wish, eh? Ok, I wish for more hours in the day to get everything done! But on a more realistic and health-related theme, I wish that my glucose levels will be significantly lower on my next blood test!
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Glad it's Wednesday. My Wednesday wish is that I wish this weight would come off in chunks rather than a few pounds.

    Me too. That's my wish today. I know slow and steady wins the race, but today, for some reason, I'm just doubting my ability to keep it up. I don't really know why.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i forgot that i was supposed to work out every day until i was about to get in the tub last night. the tub takes forever to fill so i just marched in place for fifteen minutes. it's not amazing, but it's a start.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Good morning Everyone!!

    @Bo- thanks! I plan on joining this week, just not sure what night to go after work.

    @mnwalkingqueen- I love your goals for the week! Definitely doable!

    @Lin- I've been keeping up with your salad challenge and ate 2 last week for lunch at work. So far I'm up to 1 this week, but will probably be bringing another to work tomorrow!

    @naceto- That sounds so good! Alfredo is definitely one of my downfalls. I just love it!!!

    @skinny- I am not going to let the intimidation scare me off this time! I definitely feel like people are watching me when I go there and thinking to themselves - "Why is SHE here?" I know it's just my own mind trying to sike me out of going. I'm going to ignore those thoughts because I am not going for those people, I will be going for ME. :wink:

    @Charlotte- I think it's great that you are trying to log in more frequently. It's super important for us to do that. Anytime you would like to come and clean my house, feel free!!! :laugh: :laugh:

    @lucky- welcome back!!

    My Wednesday wish: I wish that my kids do not let themselves become overweight like I have done to myself. If they do, I wish that they have the courage and strength to do something about it.

    Monday- off day DONE
    Tuesday- complete 2-3 miles with Leslie Sansone DONE!!! (completed 3.5 miles!)
    Wednesday- complete 2-3 miles with Leslie Sansone
    Thursday- complete 2-3 miles with Leslie Sansone
    Friday- join the gym and hit the treadmill (however long I can)
    Saturday- walk on the treadmill (for however long I can)
    Sunday- walk on the treadmill or to the park with Biscuit

    Have a great day everyone!!!

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member


  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Desdemina - I agree, my reason for starting my journey was a stroke (caused by uncontrolled hypertension) and while I was in the hospital, I was diagnosed with diabetes. You're doctor is right and you are smart to nip it in the bud BEFORE there are any issues. Just remember you can't always be so strict you don't allow for any fun because at some point that could cause you to give up in frustration. This has to be a way of life that you can LIVE with. You still need to enjoy yourself and sometimes that includes gooey, sugary, and oh so bad for you stuff. Just ...not every day :laugh: I live alone as well and I agree. It's SO much easier when those things just don't come home with you and you don't have to face them. It looks like I need to remove the granulated sugar from the house again, since I actually went OUT of my way to MAKE 3 ingredient PB cookies a few days ago. I can't rid of PB and I can't get rid of eggs, but that damn sugar has to go.

    I finally managed a good day yesterday. Got in my Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (and was REALLY excited that there was a world of difference between this time I started it and last time. I hardly hurt at all today, last time I could barely walk for a week). My food diary was spot on and the workout even gave me room for TWO of those PB cookies.

    Wednesday wish: I wish that my co-worker had NOT brought in Choc Chip muffins and stuck them right on the front counter (my desk butts up against it. Usually my guys are really considerate, not sure why he was so thoughtless this morning. They smell *amazing* and need to be moved immediately to their break area.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. I don't think that today will be one for much activity. My grandson was sick during the night and is still not feeling very good. Today will be one for lots of cuddle-time. Yesterday was a good one. We got in a good walk at the track, and I got laundry and some cleaning done. I'm working on some blankets for the new baby. I think that I will try to get in some Leslie Sansone this evening after sick boy goes home. My wish for today is that he will get to feeling better soon. Kaye
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good Morning.

    Interesting talk about personal finances lately, I’m actually taking a personal finance class right now. There is a website I learned about yesterday,, it’s a free site and allows you to set up budgets, run reports to check your liquidity, plan goals to pay off long-term debts, etc. I was overspending years ago (amazing how much I found out I was spending at Starbucks), so I set myself up on a budget – mostly I used Excel to create my budget and Money to track my expenses and balance my credit card and bank accounts. I looked at this site last night when I got home and its pretty cool, there is even a phone app for it – it will send reports through that app based on some preferences you set up on the site. So if anyone is looking to get a handle on their expenses, track how they are spending money, or set some goals to pay off debt or save for something special, it’s a great tool. I love finance (weird, I know) and lately have actually thought of taking the certified financial planner exam.

    @Charlotte~Sitting down with the financial planner at the bank to prepare for retirement was a great idea. There are foods that I find hard to turn down too – one of them is this pizza place here, Carmine’s, that some friends of mine like to go to. We go once a month and I get two slices and a salad – absolute heaven! It’s the only place I’ve found that reminds me of NY style pizza that I miss so much.

    @Alison~I’m so sorry for your meltdown and the stresses you are going through, I hope it eases soon. You’re right , it was just one day – today is a new day, make it a great one. I hope the weather is improving so you can get outside for some exercise – a good, long run will help ease that stress!

    @Karen~Awesome about the scale, I need one like that at home. They have a fancy one at the gym that the trainers use for their clients, I was actually surprised at how much of my body was muscle – more muscle than fat, that’s a good thing! :wink:

    @Susan~Good job with the assessment, have you met with an actual trainer yet or is that next week?

    @Holly~Do you have an iPhone or Android? If so, you can download a 5k app – it will walk you through the paces of a C25K program. They all say that if you can walk at a decent pace for 30-minutes you can do the C25K – like Karen said, I think how fast you can jog/run is dependent upon your body and height. I can run consistently for 30 minutes if I keep my stride short and run at about 3.8 (I’m tall though at 5’9” and am very muscular). I can run at 4.5 or 5.0 but I do poop out a lot quicker and will have to incorporate more walking segments. Remember to just start out slow and build your way up.

    @Butterfly~I used to be an emotional eater too, but since starting on this weight loss journey I have tried to find other things to substitute for food. For me, exercise really helps - there are times when I'm really stressed or upset that it doesn't work and I try to take that time to meditate or do some yoga to relax. Chocolate milk (or a piece of dark chocolate) is actually a good thing to turn to - chocolate boosts seratonin. :bigsmile:

    Welcome to any newlings that have stopped by lately – you have truly found the best forum on MFP!!!

    Wednesday Wish~That those struggling with finances or health issues find solace soon.


    I have and Android phone. What is so ironic about this is when I was in high school (still overweight) I ran the mile and 2 mile for my track team. Yet now I get winded running 5 mins. I know it is a slow progression. I will check out the app I hear lots of people in the thread talk about it.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Charlotte- i hope your day continues on such a positive note!! I have also met with my financial advisor a year or two ago and she wants me to be debt free and mortgage free when i retire in 8 years......i could not stop laughing

    kaha68- gonna look up that web site....right now i have my budget on a piece of paper beside my computer where i can see it and i write expenses in a book then total them at the end of the month. I think it would be easier to do it on the computer. I used to have an excel spreadsheet but forget how to re-create it!!

    yesterday I did a giant crash and burn. I don't have a job to return to and now the brakes on my van are done and i do not have 1700 to repair them..Cannot possibly cut anything else out of my budget. Waiting and trusting that there is a plan

    Aug- hope you are doing well
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Wed :flowerforyou:

    Wed wish is that everyone struggling out there no matter what your struggle is that you will see the silver lining soon.

    @Tom- Glad your okay from the accident
    @Jtconst- nice new pic and great job on your confession
    @MyM0wM0w- Hang in there things will get back on track for you
    @Butterfly- I am an emotional eater too but I have replaces the junk with yogurt and water. Sounds like you made a healthier choice this time which is step in the right direction.
    Thank you very much for the nice compliment. I dont have a lot of pics of myself as I always make sure to be the one behind the camers, but I was messing around last night with the web cam my daughter got me for Christmas so viola new picture:happy:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    I am home sick today so there will be very little activity. I started a fever last night. I have a very runny nose and chest congestion. I am taking some anti-biotic and hoping for the best.

    Good news is I was 268.2 lbs. today! Maybe I should complain about not losing more often :laugh: I finally broke the 270 lbs. barrier!

    On March 2nd I am going to the pub for St. Baldrick's fund raiser. This involves shaving heads for kids with cancer. They raise money for research. So make sure you look on March 2nd for picture of me with no hair :blushing:

    Hope you all do not get this illness that I have.

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well good morning and happy Wednesday to all. My wish for today is that me and hey everyone else could feel as good as I ddi waking up today. I am usually achey and still tired and grumpy but this morning I woke up energized and feeling great. I got the housework I wanted done yesterday and the wii is now in the livingroom but I didnt find the game I was looking for till later in the evening. I think this could work at least for awhile as my daughter has started working out with the wii fit and with it in the front now I see her working out and that gets my competitive juices flowing. I am just a LITTLE overly competitive and it is amazing what that trait has pushed me to do in the past. I did ascertain after watching her though that we both need to go shopping for sports bras as the women in my family are well endowed and things were just a flying everywhere. I have to finish my breakfast and get moving. Got to get the box I mde up shipped to my son before I cave and eat more then just the one I already had last night of the chocolate chip cookies I made him and his roommates:laugh:

    So quick technical question: when people post something to your profile wall can they see your reply if you just hit comment or do you have to go to their wall to reply
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    @MyM0wM0w - thanks for the support, kindred spirit! Yes, I know that I will have to learn to allow myself occasional splurges because this is forever. But until my numbers get down and are a little less scary, I'm pretty motivated to follow the plan to the letter. I think once I'm back in normal range, I will learn how to have occasional treats without binging. But I've only been at this about 6 weeks, so right now, my entire focus is on getting my glucose down. I have no idea how long it takes, though...

    The nice thing is that since I have pretty much cut out sugar and a drastically reduced my carbs, I'm really not that tempted anymore. I can't believe I actually consider a piece of fruit as a "sweet" now! Who am I?! :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    So quick technical question: when people post something to your profile wall can they see your reply if you just hit comment or do you have to go to their wall to reply

    You can post your comment on your wall, they'll see it. I was in Kohl's last weekend and they were having a pretty good sale on bras.
    @MyM0wM0w - thanks for the support, kindred spirit! Yes, I know that I will have to learn to allow myself occasional splurges because this is forever. But until my numbers get down and are a little less scary, I'm pretty motivated to follow the plan to the letter. I think once I'm back in normal range, I will learn how to have occasional treats without binging. But I've only been at this about 6 weeks, so right now, my entire focus is on getting my glucose down. I have no idea how long it takes, though...

    The nice thing is that since I have pretty much cut out sugar and a drastically reduced my carbs, I'm really not that tempted anymore. I can't believe I actually consider a piece of fruit as a "sweet" now! Who am I?! :)

    I have found that I don't crave carbs, especially if I start the day out without them. Also, the more protein you eat the less you want them - its weird. I do treat myself occasionally, but for the most part prefer fruit for something sweet.