Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Wow this message board is moving fast again. i am too pooped to catch up. I lost .2 pounds last week and I am happy because I LOST weight last week. Hope you are all happy too.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Ugh sometimes I just feel like quitting and I always think to myself "I can never lose weight, i'm not that lucky". Sticking to this diet is very hard not because I can't stay away from the food but because I don't believe in myself at all.

    you don't have to stick to a diet. This is a healthy lifestyle change that will be with you forever. If you try and 'forbid' certain foods cause you are on a 'diet' it will not work. If you truly must eat something less than healthy just take a taste and savour it. I think we have all been where you are in terms of not beleiving in ourselves cause we have failed so many times. Start small. Make one healthy choice for the next week. How about having a healthy breakfast? or increasing your water intake to 8-10 glasses per day? or...anything you want....just make it one thing. When this becomes habit move on to adding something else. That is how we gradually build slow step at a time

    Karen is right. We don't have to be" perfect". Aim for "better" not "perfect" . I need to heed that too!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member

    Bill is working in Arizona late Feb and I will fly out to spend the last week with him. We plan to finish driving the Apache Trail in the Superstition mountains. We did half of it about 5 years ago and promised we would go back. Then we are going to tour Tucson and Briscoe Az

    Great time of year to visit... the weather will be wonderful here (unfortunately, it will probably rain a lot - it always seems to storm in February). "Briscoe AZ"??? Are you sure you don't mean Bisbee? (because I've never ever heard of Briscoe, and I've lived here most of my life).
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Hi All, I'm late as usual but at least I made it two days in a row. I feel terrible that I'm not able to make it in more often and I know I'd be doing better if I got here more often. I will do my weekly weigh in tomorrow as its just not accurate when youre coming off nights. I'm not holding out much hope of a weight loss this week as I've been over calories more this week than ever. Just having a really difficult time getting my head into the program. But, I'm still trying and will continue to do so. I think its hard for shift workers to get into a weight loss routine as your schedule can change from day to day. Finding a day when you can do an accurate weigh in is hard.

    Congrats to all of you who have had successes this week, you help us realize that it can really be done regardless of what you have to lose. And for those of you like me who are having struggles, just go one day at a time and start each day as if its your first. You can do anything for one day. Charlotte
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning.

    Just stopping in have a few minutes before heading out to work. Today is a chilly one -1. Poor air quality today as well. Uhf!

    Went to the Y yesterday and had a fitness appointment part of it is to get weight yuk-- it did show that I have lost 1.5 lbs. At first disappoint hope for more but than I got grateful for it and will take it.

    @Robin that is a wonderful way of thinking. I know my husband and I both are earning less than we did a few years ago. Its challenging but we have learn not to let dollar signs define who we are. We are bless to have each other, our little home, food in our fridge, family and friends.

    Well wishing everyone a good day.,

    Liz from Treasure Valley area Idaho
  • butterflywolf
    Hope everyone had a great weekend. We are in a cold snap and it was only 5 degrees and windy taking my girls to the bus stop. My puppy was disappointed that we didn't take our morning walk.

    It is Tuesday and time to set a weekly goal: To make sure I drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I understand after three weeks of doing something it becomes a habit. This would be a good habit.

    I am sorry to hear of the struggles for income. I can totally relate to this. Robin has the right attitude and the one I live by. My story is long but our family is definitely feeling the strain of the economy. We still live comfortably in a safe neighborhood by spending our savings, selling our stuff, and living on credit. The most important advice I can give is what ever you do made sure you keep good credit. We found we can do anything because of our excellent credit except remortgage our house.

    This last one blows me away. We went to the bank to refinance to lower our rate from 7.25 to 3.25 and they said you don't have the income to support your home. Duh, that's why we want to lower our rate so we won't risk foreclosure. Denied. We could move into a small apt (our house is only 900 sqft) but we would not be saving much and it would have a huge negative impact.

    For those who believe in any powers beyond ourselves, prayer and action (even if not accomplished at first) makes dreams come true. God always come through for us. Positive attitudes bloom from being humble and full of gratitude
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Welcome back Kaye & Katrina! I hope you enjoyed your trips.

    Tuesday Goals~To try and eat the extra 250 calories the weight loss coach at my gym set up for me, I’ve come close but haven’t quite gotten there yet. Otherwise, I plan to keep up with my current exercise goals. I've actually slept 7 hours the last two nights, I almost forgot what that felt like! :noway:

    @Laurie~I love how your challenging yourself in different ways with your workouts! I never thought of how the minimalist shoes could affect your knees, probably even more reason to stick with regular running shoes.

    @Liz~Not sure I could handle those subzero temps anymore, I’m originally from NY and do not miss that kind of weather at all – I think my blood has thinned at bit. :laugh: It’s actually going to be unseasonably warm here the next couple of days. Keep warm!

    @Tom~Great job with the treadmill and continuing to work in that strength training. This can often be a frustrating journey, you're doing great! Sorry to hear about the fender bender, glad you and your wife are okay.
    Ugh sometimes I just feel like quitting and I always think to myself "I can never lose weight, i'm not that lucky". Sticking to this diet is very hard not because I can't stay away from the food but because I don't believe in myself at all.

    you don't have to stick to a diet. This is a healthy lifestyle change that will be with you forever. If you try and 'forbid' certain foods cause you are on a 'diet' it will not work. If you truly must eat something less than healthy just take a taste and savour it. I think we have all been where you are in terms of not beleiving in ourselves cause we have failed so many times. Start small. Make one healthy choice for the next week. How about having a healthy breakfast? or increasing your water intake to 8-10 glasses per day? or...anything you want....just make it one thing. When this becomes habit move on to adding something else. That is how we gradually build slow step at a time

    Karen is right. We don't have to be" perfect". Aim for "better" not "perfect" . I need to heed that too!

    I agree with what both Karen and Helen said. We have to think of this as a lifestyle change and make room for the things that we enjoy. You CAN do this, just take it one day (or one meal) at a time.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I am on permanent disability now with all my ailments I can't even hold down a part-time job. I was so financially strapped that I sold my plasma and that was a good income until I was taking so many drugs they rejected me too. Now I am running a net 0 income-outgo per month with no savings for the future. I swapped the rest of my 401K for the down payment for my condo to avoid rent increases. But, as I mentioned earlier, living with gratitude is the best attitude ever. Found money does happen, couponing and rebates help, and the BF pays for vacations. I can't help but feel content with my life when I count my blessings! :flowerforyou:

    I just want to say I love how you saw a postive light to your situation. I have to be honest I lose sight of my blessings from time to time which is not good because God has given me so many of them. I needed to read this today to remind me God Is So Good.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Ugh sometimes I just feel like quitting and I always think to myself "I can never lose weight, i'm not that lucky". Sticking to this diet is very hard not because I can't stay away from the food but because I don't believe in myself at all.

    Keep your head up! Don't think of it as a diet but more of a life style change. Most of us still eat foods we have always liked and loved just in moderation along with portion control.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I can't believe that I missed Sunday and checking in. Yesterday, I was busy but I did make it to the gym and I am glad I did. I did devote some time to cardio work plus a little weight training. Then it was off to a birthday party but I managed to control what I ate without overdoing it. I did realize yesterday that I eat when I am bored or have nothing to do. This hit home early Sunday morning and once I realized what I was starting to do- Graze and nibble- I headed to the store then the gym for a workout. It felt great to workout and try new things.

    Today, I had a great workout with cardio and weight training. I love doing the new form of lat pull downs and back extensions plus lunges. I actually added all of them to my trainer designed workout today. I hope to keep incorporating them every time I workout just to build up my abilities.

    Karen- I have a pair of barefoot shoes and I like them but not for running. I prefer to wear them while doing weight training or spin bike. When I run in them, it puts more pressure on my knees and I can't go as long. The sales person at the running store said you need to build into them for running but they are really good for strengthening ankles. My pair is New Balance. Good job on getting the grading done.

    Karisma- Welcome. There are times we all feel like giving up especially in the beginning but the bottom line is YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I use to think that I would never lose weight but then it did happen. It was not over night but over a year so I am living proof that it can be done. Have FAITH IN YOURSELF AND TELL YOURSELF THAT YOU CAN DO THIS, YOU ARE MAKING A CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE FOR THE BETTER. Are you exercising? If not, just find something you like to do and start with that.

    I am watching the Biggest Loser, this year I am realizing how far I have come during the past 2 years. It is amazing how many of their exercises I can do. Granted, I know that working out multiple hours a day is not realistic but that I can do those same exercises are within my ability and I can push myself to always work hard in the gym.

    Update- the friend's brother did not show up for lunch today. Which is okay with me. My friend insists that he will want to meet me once he sees my picture but I have no faith in that. Besides, I am not sure if I want to go out with someone who is concerned about looks instead of what is on the inside. I will keep you posted if I hear from him but I will not be holding my breathe.

    Laurie....I agree with your statement about looks vs the inside of person.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!!

    I just want to give some advice for those that are struggling financially with home costs. I am not sure about all states what is out there but in my state non-profits help people save their houses, help with lowering the monthly payment, help with free credit/budgeting plans. My friend works for one in MN and has helped lots of people we know from losing their home along with helping me purchase my first home that was affordable to me. I share because it maybe something available in your area.

    Tues Goals: Here is my weekly goals

    Tues- Walk 30 minutes
    Wed- Walk 30 minutes
    Thur- Walk 60 minutes
    Fri- Walk 30 minutes
    This equals about 9-10 miles a week.
    I have fallen in love with hill program on the treadmill at my job. So, I walk that every day.

    @Karen(skinny)- I think you posted last week as a response to someone that if you can walk a brisk walk for 30 minutes you should be able to start the running process. What is considered a brisk walk? Is it the speed in which you can keep up on the treadmill?
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Tuesday Goal: stay within my calorie limit. That's it! nothing else matters right now. I'm just starting to get on track and it's a challenge for me. I won't be able to exercise. Can't go to the gym and It's way too cold outside to even go out for more than a few minutes. I woke up to hear weather warnings of skin freezing and am calling my daughter to make sure she doesn't take her baby out in the car as the trip from the car to inside the shops would be too dangerous and nerve racking with a 3 month old. On the plus side, the lake is beautiful and I want to take pictures of the forming ice...the patterns are truely lovely and look like a painting.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Helen- i may have to ask you to share some of your drambuie....oh is only 10 in the morning and i should not start drinking yet.......just found out that after being off work on medical disability and getting set to return to work feb 25, they have filled my position so i no longer have a job to return to.......they will put my name forward it anyone is hiring at the time i am available for work what do i do??? who else is going to hire me after being off work for 3 years???? damn federal government

    I'm not sure they can legally do that. Call the ADA Center at 1-800-949-4232 and talk to them. They are fantastic and know the laws inside and out. It's free.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hello, everyone! I sort of jumped in and replied to someone without introducing myself. I'd love to join your community. I had 100 pounds to lose when I started here, but happy to say I only have 79 more to go! But you all seem so nice and supportive, which is not true on some of the other boards, so I hope I'm welcome to join.

    I went to a bariatric doctor for help losing weight because my mom, who has arthritis and has always battled her weight, is facing back surgery from the arthritis. That's after two knee replacements, a bad arthritic shoulder they can't repair, and heart surgery. Since I have arthritis, too, it scared me and I wanted to seriously attack the weight loss now so I'm not in the same boat when I'm her age.

    FYI, bariatric just means "doctor who specializes in weight loss". Everyone thinks it means they just do surgery, which isn't the case. In fact, my doctor's office doesn't do surgery, if you need it, they refer you out. I'm not dissing surgery as an option, but everything thinks I'm having it when I say I'm going to a bariatric doctor!

    They did a really thorough workup on me before creating a plan, and my fasting insulin levels were REALLY high. I'm insulin resistant, otherwise known as "pre-diabetic". Now I had even more reason to lose weight!

    So, I'm following the plan the doctor gave me, which is low carb/high protein (basically a diabetic diet), taking Metformin, and loads of vitamins, including chromium which helps with insulin resistance. I check in with them once a month for follow-up. I can't wait for March when they'll do another blood test. I really hope my insulin levels are down!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Tuesday Goal: To have my house in order by Friday evening (the company is Saturday morning, but I want to get bagels and make coffee, etc Saturday morning.) Also, of course, my goal is to keep logging. I wasn't for so long that it isn't routine anymore, This is going to be my January goal so that it will be routine again.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, I gained 3# while I was gone. I guess my goal is to get it off again as soon as possible. Getting a good walk today and trying again to drink enough water should help along with logging food again. The trip was totally worth it, but it reminds me of how fast I could be derailed if I let it happen.
    Have a great day. I will be doing laundry and catching up on housework. Kaye
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    My Tuesday's goal is keep logging and staying honest with my tracking the rest of the week. I had the outer edge of the crust of a slice of pizza last night and didn't count it. I know those bites will catch up to me eventually if I'm not careful.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi all! Happy Tuesday!!

    My goals for the week are as follows:

    Monday- off day DONE
    Tuesday- complete 2-3 miles with Leslie Sansone
    Wednesday- complete 2-3 miles with Leslie Sansone
    Thursday- complete 2-3 miles with Leslie Sansone
    Friday- join the gym and hit the treadmill (however long I can)
    Saturday- walk on the treadmill (for however long I can)

    The gym membership is $32 per month for 1 year. You pay the first and last month up front, so $64 right off the bat. They even have a room that my kids can hang out in while I work out. I think the first time I go, I won't bring them just so I can see what this facility is like. I haven't been to the gym in over 3 years and am a little nervous about going back. It can be somewhat intimidating, but I believe it will definitely help with the weight loss.

    @Des- welcome to the group! This is a wonderful bunch of folks and actually the first message board I found and fell in love with it. Everyone is so supportive of everyone's progress or derails. You can completely be yourself here and have no judgements. I LOVE IT! I find that I'm brutally honest about my weight and struggles while on here. Thats a massive step up bc I was in denial for so long.

    @kaye- welcome back and I hope you had a great trip! Dont worry too much about the 3 lbs. You got rid of it before and you can do it again!!!!!

    Stay nice and warm everyone! It's dropping down to 19 tonight where I no walk for Biscuit! :)

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I hope you are all having a wonderful day today. So I had to slap myself around a little this morning and stop making excuses for the junk I had brought in the house and was eating. :grumble: I went through the fridge and pantry and bagged it all up and took it over to my parents. I know what a terrible daughter they dont need it either but I know they will eat something else similar so at the least the money isnt wasted. I have been having little derails for the last week and just kinda shrugging them off but no more. All those little bits have added up to two weeks of no scale movement and I cant balme anyone but myself. I am going to finish, alright start since I never atually did it the other day, cleaning out my sons room. One of the things I am going to do is bring the wii out to the living room. I cant use the wii fit as I weigh to much for it to register but there are lots of nice active games I can use until I get down a few more pounds and the other one will work for me. So now that I have confessed my dirty little secrets of the last week I am going to get busy and stand ready to be "spanked" for my bad behavior.:embarassed:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Tuesday goal update - just keep walking but I will not be kicking up the intensity as I'd planned. I did that both Sunday and Monday and while I did get my heart rate up, I stressed my hip and knee. Back to lower and slower for the time being.

    Well wishes for all. And of course :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

