Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I had taken the day off yesterday and was busy all day, then last night I was working on a business plan for my trainer so I never had a chance to check-in. I don’t know what happened last night, but the setting on my sleep number bed was all wonky, back hurts this morning – I had reset it and guess I didn’t pay attention to the setting, you’d think I’d notice if it was too hard!

    @lmackbeth~What a fun thing your dad is doing, I would LOVE to do that! And at 73, that’s impressive! My dad is 73, he dragged us out hiking when we were young – can’t see him going the distance now though. You are probably really far ahead of me in steps right now, forgot to wear my Fitbit again yesterday – and I walked a TON! :grumble:

    @Laurie~if I do the bike/row/ellip on Saturday, it’s usually 20-30 minutes on each piece of equipment – surprisingly, it results in a great caloric burn.

    @Robin~So glad the gain is gone, looks like the changes you’ve made in your distribution of calories is starting to pay off. Great job!

    @Morgori~Sounds like a fun afternoon, building toys for kids.

    @Alison~Those plateau’s can really get us down and derail us, glad you persevered and that the scale is finally cooperating. Way to go!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Vickimieth -- in the UK we can get gum without aspartame, but you have to look hard! I don't chew it regularly but it's a bit of an occasional treat for me.
    @Tammy -- I too am convinced that strength training is a must. The thing that convinced me wasn't reading, or the web generally. It was looking at the success stories on this website. All the people who really looked fantastic after looking a lot of weight, were doing strength work as well as diet and (normally) cardio. Amongst my friends, the ones who look brilliant (at whatever size) tend to be doing strength work too, though there are exceptions (I guess the horse rider gets resistance work from dragging her recalcitrant nag around, for example).

    Thursday truth -- this long, slow plateau has got me doubting my ability to do this thing over the last few weeks. But I was very cheered today; my weight's down a little (not much), but my body fat count is down a bit more -- and when I looked back over a couple of months, it doesn't seem so bad. As in, I was desperately trying to get under 200 for New Year, and now I'm just a shade over 180. I am sure that it doesn't matter how slow you go as long as you go.

    Now. Off for a run, and then a swim. Because it's too beautiful to stay in the house today.

    -- Alison

    There is so much truth reverberating in these paragraphs that I hope everyone reads this post again!
    Alison - great observation noting that everyone must get in some strength training as well as cardio. It doesn't have to be massive weight lifting either - it can be simple as resistance bands.
    I was stuck at a plateau for months - but I wasn't exercisisng. I tried dropping my calories to 1200 - and I starved and my body responded by overeating and gaining weight. So I bumped my calories to 1450 and started exercising - just 5 to 15 min. a day, and I successfully dropped my 10 pounds this past month. Weight loss IS in the numbers.
    And Inspiration is in the package. You inspire me Alison. Here you say: "Off for a run, and then a swim" well, I would have never even thought that 2 years ago, much less uttered those words. I STILL can't say that for myself, but now I have friends who say it and inspire me. Now, I have lots of friends here who talk that way and inspire me.

    I am so fortunate and I want to thank all of you for your inspiration that your give me daily! I thank you for your motivation, your encouragement, your support, your nudges, and your high-fives. I love every one of you.:heart:
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Thursday truth--- I JUST WANT TO BE SKINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is all.
  • Mo11yT
    Mo11yT Posts: 12
    Hi, I am new and need motivation and a kick in the pants from time to time. I need to lose at least 100 pounds and I still eat ice cream for dinner and weight until bed time to take my insulin ( just started taking). I know I feel depressed right now but I can't just allow sweets to win the war.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning MFPers!

    We got some pictures of us making toy cars for needy kids. I am now an expert at side and bottom sanding.:laugh:




    Quote of the day; - "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
    - Henry Ford
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @LaurieK -- good idea on the shoes. I will try to remember that.
    @Meloncholy -- you are more patient with the snow than I am. Although I'm happy to report that almost all of our 24 inches is gone with the exception of the piles (now as you can imagine with 2 feet of snow, there are piles everywhere). We are going to be in the 50s this afternoon and warm to the 70s this weekend, so hopefully we will be bidding the white stuff a fond farewell until October/November.
    @MyMowMow -- you make me laugh (in a good way). I am having visions and I just giggle, because at one time, I had an 80 pound golden retriever that would pounce at the chance to break out of the house with or without a leash on.
    @jtconst -- I hope you keep your drive too
    @Alison -- weight training is something I know I need to do a bit more of, but it does intimidate me. My sister lifts heavy and wants me to start, but I think I'm going to stick with the machines. I just need to do a better job of doing it more than once a week. My goal is that once school is over I add that to the top of a couple of classes. Right now, I feel that I miss out on seeing my kids too much since Emma is already in bed by the time I get back from the gym. At least when its summer, she'll be up a bit later.
    @rachael726 -- DITTO!!!!!!
    @Morgori -- thanks for the pictures -- you and your crew have made some children very happy (or will in the near future)

    Today is my day of rest from the gym, but I've accepted the challenge to get 150 leg lifts in today - I better bust a move since I haven't done any yet.

    I haven't done zumba in a several weeks and it kicked my butt last night! But according to my HRM, I burned 550 calories...imagine what I can do when I actually learn the steps and move the WHOLE time. :laugh: I am sore across my entire back today -- I'm going to try to get a massage from my husband. :blushing: Michael has tonight off so we're taking the kids out to eat and then apparently watching the football draft (yay me - NOT :sad: ). I am scrapbooking tomorrow night, so that seems like a perfect time to get organized for it.

    Have a great night!
  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35
    Thank you :-) So... Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)

    TRUTH OR DARE? hmmmmm, Truth...I am doing really well on my dietary guidlines in the morning but less likely to stay on course in the late afternoon and evenings. Although I am still managing to staying under my calorie goal. :-P
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Truth is....I can relate to some of the posts today. Truth is...I want to be skinny and I want to believe I can do it, but not seeing the results I want.

    Truth is...the more I plan, the more I think about it, the more obsessed I get about the food, trying to excercise and the scale. Then it all goes up in smoke.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- 3 inches is great, that is about the height of the step for step aerobics classes. That was challening enough for me when I started stepping up on things. You are doing great with the weight loss this month.

    Jack_yve-late afternoons are the worst for me. Since I tend to eat a snack about that time and I don't always make the best choices.

    Kvandeest- Give yourself the time and you will see the results. Don't be surprised if other people notice before you do. It is harder to see it in ourselves.

    Truth- I have done very well in my eating today knowing that I will be eating pizza for dinner tonight. I have a meeting to attend and they will be serving dinner. Hopefully, I won't allow myself to overindulge. I did eat greek yogurt so that should help.

    I will try to check in later- need to head off to my meeting. I much rather be outside enjoying this beautiful day.
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Good morning MFPers!

    We got some pictures of us making toy cars for needy kids. I am now an expert at side and bottom sanding.:laugh:




    Quote of the day; - "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
    - Henry Ford

    Beautiful volunteer spirit and work! thanks for sharing!
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Thursday truth: It's not that I don't like logging because I do. I just have been lazy about it but I am getting back into it. I think today will be the first day this week I get near or reach my calorie goal. I'm typically quite a bit under. I also need to go get some milk for my protein shake.

    Have a great day.
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everybody! Life is hectic and things are moving at lightning speed (school, home, ball games/practice), but I am hanging in there. One more week of classes and then I will have final exams to take the following week. I will be so glad to put the books away for the summer! Looking forward to the pursuit of healthy activities and lighter grilled fare as the weather warms and time allows. Swimming and bike riding are two of my favorites, so I see some great calorie burns in my fairly near future.

    Thursday truth: I have been sorely tempted to forego exercise and just say, "to heck with all of this healthy food!" So far, I have given myself a good talking to, and forced myself to behave. I can not let my guard down for even a second. My inner sloth had a mighty strong hold on me and ruled my actions (or lack thereof) from the couch. I will beat her into action! I will beat her into action! I will beat her into action!

    Please don't take my rants about my sloth too seriously. I love myself and I am proud of the woman I am becoming. It isn't an easy road. Your motivation and support do help lighten the load, so thanks for being there. :flowerforyou:

    I hope everyone is having a marvelously healthy, active day! Until next time...
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Well, the meeting I had was good and I reviewed many action research projects for student teaching interns. The only downside was that we thought they were serving dinner (pizza) and they didn't. There was no warning so we did not stop to pick up food. Needless to say that I had to pick up something to eat and I still needed to stop at the store. I managed to talk myself out of all the fast food stops (Boston Market, Chee Burger, Chee Burger etc) and ended up at Giant. There I decided to pick up a rotisserie chicken for dinner and a salad for lunch tomorrow. I had a good day but I did end up eating half a candy bar on the way home because I was so hungry and needed food. Overall, a very good day that was high in protein and low in carbs.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Thursday truth ! I have been on the 3 day diet on monday- wednesday and i have done pretty good today !
    I wish i was skinny also !
    Going back on the 3 day diet on Monday !
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    @alison - you are doing brilliantly! a half marathon, morris dancing, badmitton, etc, etc... plus 20 pounds off in just a few (winter) months?! i'd say that's a victory any way you look at it!
    @laurie - great job avoiding the fast food! that must have been very tempting, given the circumstances!
    @kelley - hope your back heals quickly! how's the achilles?
    @tlh (funny, that's the name of one of the group homes i work at) - did you get those leg lifts in?
    @susanWILLbethin - i think we all wrestle with our inner sloths from time to time.

    Well, I managed to kayak and hike yesterday and today, which always makes me feel better. I wonder why I have so much trouble, at times, motivating myself to do things that always make me feel better? Hmm... will have to think on that. Tomorrow, I work both jobs, so no time for working out, sigh... also hope I don't overeat from exhaustion. I'll try to keep that in check.

    My dad officially hit the trail today... mom and his hiking partner's wife dropped them off very near the Mexican border at Campo, and they hiked off into the sunrise. If all goes well, he will celebrate his 74th birthday in June at Kennedy Meadows in the Sierra and reach Manning Park, British Columbia sometime in September. Wow! What a trip! I've done three section-hikes with him during the past five years and helped him dream, plan, and prepare, so I'm almost as excited as he is!!! You'll probably have to hear me brag about him more in the coming months. For anyone who's interested in following their trail journal (blog), you can do so here: They haven't posted from the trail yet (some prep stuff is on there), but hopefully they will quite soon... you can also find many other journals there, if you dream of the trail but don't want to follow two old men. :laugh:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,,

    Sorry I have been once again missing. I really enjoy being here and find it helpful and inspiring in this journey towards improved good health. Yet there are many nights I just don't know what to say or add. But I want to start fresh.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I am behind so many pages I will try and read all them but probably will not respond.

    Today my job moves been a stressful week at work, finals for school are through 5/4/13 little stress there, I got three new projects at work and all of them need training documentation created by me for users that have no idea what I do very stressful one training guide had over 50 steps in it.

    I am going to a Pure Romance party tonight they are so fun. It finally stopped snowing so hoping to get out and walk outside this weekend.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Friday Fitness:
    Last week's plan:

    Saturday: parkrun DONE
    Sunday: morris dancing DONE
    Monday: morris dancing DONE
    Tuesday: morris dancing (it's St George's Day) DONE
    Wednesday: badminton nope but dumbbell workout DONE
    Thursday: running DONE -- and a swim too!
    Friday: badminton DONE

    There, that's more like it! Now, what's on this week:

    Saturday: parkrun
    Sunday: badminton
    Monday: morris dancing
    Tuesday: running
    Wednesday: morris dancing (it's May Day)
    Thursday: running
    Friday: badminton

    Plus 3 strength workouts, even if they're only press ups and plank.

    @Robin: thank you for liking my post so. i just write what comes into my head!
    @Rachael: 'I JUST WANT TO BE SKINNY!!!!' Ain't that the truth girl! But honestly I'd settle for 'skinnier than average'.
    @Mo11yT: Welcome! The great news is that there's a really good chance that if you get the diet and exercise right, you soon won't have to take the insulin at all.
    @Beth: It was all fine until the week before the half-marathon, and then it's been stable, lots of holidays and visitors and so on. This week is hopefully properly back to normal though. I agree with you about exercising always making me feel better, especially if I do it in the open air.

    Nearly the weekend! Make excellent choices, everyone!

    -- Alison
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,119 Member
    Hello friends :heart: - once again it's been a crazy emotional week with dad issues pretty much overwhelming me again.:huh: I've been reading through all the posts and once again---so much positive energy here.:glasses: Yeah!! :glasses: And April is almost over and I'm happy to say I've had no situations where I needed to employ a non-eating diversion so I don't know if I call that a success for this month's challenge. :noway: Nothing to report on that front I guess.

    Otherwise, I'm still concentrating on more strength-related activities. Still at 8 lbs. on the weight vest. Doing the upper body workout 3 times this week but I've moved up a bit on the lbs. used in some exercises. Doing the Leslie Sansone 5 mile DVD that incorporates gentle jogging--so 10 minutes of jogging. And I have been doing some heavy work--moving some things upstairs (I have the bruises to prove it), working at my dad's house, and today I'm going to be working outdoors on my house and deck.

    I'm looking forward to my one year anniversary with MFP on May 5th......not far down the road.:bigsmile:

    Wishing everyone a happy and healthy week-end. :drinker:


  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    So QOD is do birds sleep?! I woke up to birds chirping at 3am, never did really fall back asleep & my bed was super comfy too! :grumble:

    @Morgori~Love the cars, great job! You made some kids very happy.
    @Laurie~Good decision on the stop for food on the way home, in the grand scheme of things the candy bar wasn’t horrendous. Good job!
    @Kris1085~What is the 3-day diet?
    @lmackbeth~Back is better, my bed was set right last night so very comfy! Achilles still has not healed, I return to the doc in 2 weeks to see what the next step is.
    @Alison~Awesome activity this week!
    @Susan~I think we all secretly want to channel our inner sloth instead of our inner athlete. Truthfully, exercise does so much for me that I really miss it when I have to miss a workout – I miss that endorphin high.
    @Lin~Great job with your activity this week too, hope things settle with dad issues soon. :flowerforyou:

    Friday Fitness~No activity for me today, I procrastinated and need to get my car inspected after work. But I do have my long workout planned for tomorrow, followed by lunch/movie with friends. I’ve been so busy the last few months that I’m planning on overhaul on my house this weekend too, time to get rid of paperwork that has been accumulating and actually get clothes put in drawers instead of them being folded and stacked on the washer!

    Activity this week:

    Monday~HIIT on elliptical DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Training DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~None, getting car inspected
    Saturday~Bike/ellip/row or maybe swim

    Do we have a May challenge?

    Have a great day!