Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    I have a question - do anyone else's legs ache/pain them at night while (trying) to sleep? Since I started exercising - especially running, I think, my legs ache when I'm asleep. Enough that it wakes me. It's not a muscle pain like anything has been pulled or injured, it's a general ache in both legs. I did my walk/run later last night and took a muscle pain reliever, thinking maybe that might help, but it didn't. I think I'll rest them tonight - no walk and wasn't going to run 2 days in a row anyway. Maybe do some yoga or something instead. I do stretch after every run. I'm just curious if this happens to anyone else. I'm hoping as I get lighter, it will ease up.

  • Just to let everyone know...I logged onto my Verizon Wireless account today and saw that they had awesome prices on the FITbit and the Fitbit/sleep. The Fitbit was 44.99 and the fitbit w/ sleep monitor was 74.99
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I have a question - do anyone else's legs ache/pain them at night while (trying) to sleep? Since I started exercising - especially running, I think, my legs ache when I'm asleep. Enough that it wakes me. It's not a muscle pain like anything has been pulled or injured, it's a general ache in both legs. I did my walk/run later last night and took a muscle pain reliever, thinking maybe that might help, but it didn't. I think I'll rest them tonight - no walk and wasn't going to run 2 days in a row anyway. Maybe do some yoga or something instead. I do stretch after every run. I'm just curious if this happens to anyone else. I'm hoping as I get lighter, it will ease up.


    The Kahe is right. Potassium could be an issue. Also, magnesium. I also read an "old wives tale" once that suggested sleeping with a towel covered bar of soap under the calf would help. I don't really see how, but it couldn't hurt either...
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Check in: I didn't lose anything last week. Not a pound. Nada. Zip. I may have to get my thyroid levels checked again. I'm having other symptoms. (low energy, irregular TOM, etc..)
    Today I tackle the dining room! Have a great day, all!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Happy monday, everyone!

    Well, I admit to going a bit over my numbers yesterday - but far less than I might have (stayed away from the bar at the event, but the fast-food breakfast on the way there did me in (I'm a sucker for the Square Wrap at Quick Trip). My legs hurt like mad from standing at the booth all day!

    I'm struggling between lazy and motivated today - I have the day off for the holiday, but have things to do for work, and also for the home business. But... I think I might just go shopping for a while instead (assuming the Goodwill Clearance Center is open today - my kind of shopping!)

    Thought everyone might like this information on Stevia - it's a wonderful little plant, and I wish more companies would realize that if you need to make something sweet, this is a great option:
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Monday check-in: I've been using mfp for a week now and I love it. Thanks for the tip about copying meals. That will make it easier and faster to track repeated foods. Best news I'm down 5 pounds in a week. Yea!! Have a great day everyone.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I have a question - do anyone else's legs ache/pain them at night while (trying) to sleep? Since I started exercising - especially running, I think, my legs ache when I'm asleep. Enough that it wakes me. It's not a muscle pain like anything has been pulled or injured, it's a general ache in both legs. I did my walk/run later last night and took a muscle pain reliever, thinking maybe that might help, but it didn't. I think I'll rest them tonight - no walk and wasn't going to run 2 days in a row anyway. Maybe do some yoga or something instead. I do stretch after every run. I'm just curious if this happens to anyone else. I'm hoping as I get lighter, it will ease up.


    Repost to my reply earlier...

    You could be getting some muscle fatigue in your legs or even some spasms - do you know your potassium levels? You might try eating foods with extra potassium to see if that helps. Also, you could be developing a condition called "restless leg syndrome," I don't think its directly correlated with exercise though.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    BUMP y'all.:bigsmile:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Check in: I didn't lose anything last week. Not a pound. Nada. Zip. I may have to get my thyroid levels checked again. I'm having other symptoms. (low energy, irregular TOM, etc..)
    Today I tackle the dining room! Have a great day, all!

    I just went through the whole thyroid thing and am finally on meds - had follow-up with doc this morning and am down 6# since I was in there 6 weeks ago. I wish it was more but he was really pleased.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kvandeest--congrats on the 5 lbs lost! :flowerforyou:

    @vickie--I forget what your home business is--what kind of show was it? Also, ditto on wavering between lazy and motivated. I want to go to the gym since I have the day off, but just not looking forward to venturing out into single digit temps. I also have a little bit of planning to do for work tomorrow--but no grading!! :noway:

    @helen--your body may just be catching up with all of the changes. Personally, it takes my body about 3 weeks to show any change when I switch to a lower calorie intake. Of course it couldn't hurt to get your thyroid checked, especially if you've had other symptoms.

    @drojen--I've never that happen. Is it in your lower or upper legs, or both? If potassium/magnesium levels are low I might get leg cramps, same thing it I'm not hydrated enough, but not a general ache. Here is an article that could help:

    @melancholy--1200 calories is low--I can only manage it in the summer when I have time to workout everyday and earn back some serious exercise calories. Even then I tend to set my numbers at around 1350 as a base. You are smart to adjust those numbers to something sustainable.

    @kelley & butterfly--thanks for the tips on shoes. I'm actually at a point where I think I need to go get fitted again. It's been a couple of years, and a new running store opened in town that I want to check out anyway. I will keep road runner and zappos in mind for the future though.

    @helen--that's a great idea to invite the neighbors out somewhere! thanks!

    Monday check-in:
    Well my weight hasn't dropped, but it has hovered within a pound or 2 of my lowest weight which is a good sign that I'm due for a loss. So as long as I keep up the exercise and don't slip back to the donuts and coffee cake at work, I should be in the 180's in the next few weeks. One of the girls in my office keeps a box of candy under her desk, so I bought her a bag of Dove's dark chocolate promises to add to the box. That way if I cave, at least it will be with something really satisfying and a little bit healthier than some of the other choices in the box.

    I'm at 47 miles for my TransAmerica trail--nearing Glendale, VA. On the Hobbiton to Rivendell, I'm on Day 5; I just crossed the Brandywine Bridge; or Day 3 of Bag End to Rivendell; I look back to see a Black Rider where I camped for the night (ooh, scary!)--I'm checking both b/c I'm a big, nerdy Tolkien fan. :tongue:

    Oh, and I did have a salad last week, so met that goal! :happy:

    Exercise Goals:
    Tues--walk gunner + core
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run)
    Sun--walk gunner + core
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey Friends:

    Anyone on here from Seattle WA? If so, feel free to contact me personally have some questions about your area.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Helen- i may have to ask you to share some of your drambuie....oh is only 10 in the morning and i should not start drinking yet.......just found out that after being off work on medical disability and getting set to return to work feb 25, they have filled my position so i no longer have a job to return to.......they will put my name forward it anyone is hiring at the time i am available for work what do i do??? who else is going to hire me after being off work for 3 years???? damn federal government
  • sumerain28
    sumerain28 Posts: 45 Member
    I have a question - do anyone else's legs ache/pain them at night while (trying) to sleep? Since I started exercising - especially running, I think, my legs ache when I'm asleep. Enough that it wakes me. It's not a muscle pain like anything has been pulled or injured, it's a general ache in both legs. I did my walk/run later last night and took a muscle pain reliever, thinking maybe that might help, but it didn't. I think I'll rest them tonight - no walk and wasn't going to run 2 days in a row anyway. Maybe do some yoga or something instead. I do stretch after every run. I'm just curious if this happens to anyone else. I'm hoping as I get lighter, it will ease up.


    omg yes , i love running , biking etc and my legs usually get sore at night , i find stretching very well before a run etc helps alot and have a bananna ( the potassium in them helps with leg pain)
    hope this helps

    The Kahe is right. Potassium could be an issue. Also, magnesium. I also read an "old wives tale" once that suggested sleeping with a towel covered bar of soap under the calf would help. I don't really see how, but it couldn't hurt either...
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    Hey Friends:

    Anyone on here from Seattle WA? If so, feel free to contact me personally have some questions about your area.

    I'm from Seattle- but live in Everett now (just North of Seattle)- You can msg me your questions.
  • sumerain28
    sumerain28 Posts: 45 Member
    omg yes , i love running , biking etc and my legs usually get sore at night , i find stretching very well before a run etc helps alot and have a bananna ( the potassium in them helps with leg pain)
    hope this helps
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Monday check in - Feeling a bit better today. Weight is UP 4lbs so that's a pretty big bummer. I knew I binged last week but I didn't think it was *that* bad. Well, I'm back on track and trying to be philosophical about it. I can still hit my ONEderland by 40 goal if I don't backslide any more until then.

    I am an animal lover too, I always thought I'd love to open a cat rescue. A really nice facility with large airy indoor/outdoor pens and a no kill policy where they could live in comfort forever if they aren't adopted. Also an equine rescue for feed lot horses. Buy them and turn them out into nice pastures with run in sheds so they can live in peace with good food and loving care. So, if I ever win the lottery you'll know where to find me.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Helen- i may have to ask you to share some of your drambuie....oh is only 10 in the morning and i should not start drinking yet.......just found out that after being off work on medical disability and getting set to return to work feb 25, they have filled my position so i no longer have a job to return to.......they will put my name forward it anyone is hiring at the time i am available for work what do i do??? who else is going to hire me after being off work for 3 years???? damn federal government

    Karen - I was drummed out of the work force earlier than expected too. Its quite a shock to get used to! Biggest changes are 1. Money, money, money - the reduced income is not nice to you, but living with gratitude really helps, and its amazing what selling all the extra miscellaneous items in your household nets you, by using EBAY, Craig's list and resources locally. The second change is subtle 2. Your Identity. I thought of myself as a medical professional for so long, and now I think of myself at various times as a) retired, and b) a slug :laugh: Pass the drambuie!