Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Sunday Share - My real name is Ellen, I'm 61,divorced with no kids, no pets (:sad: ) (allergies) and all sorts of health problems! I have knee and ankle problems so its hard to exercise as well. I was at my lowest in high school (166) and thought I was fat then and steadily climbed to my all time high of 264 a few years ago. I live in Omaha, NE and started this thread on my second day here to help me find friends in the same boat as me. It was the best decision I ever made. The thread has help me stay losing weight and I've made many inspiring friends as well. One thing that's sad is that people who lose all their weight sometimes do leave and I miss them terribly!!!

    Another thing - I'm on a high dose of prednisone for a rheumatic type disease and I'm noticing MY HAIR, already thin, is BREAKING OFF :sad: :sad: :sad: and let me say I CAN"T AFFORD TO LOSE ANY MORE!!!! I already use a product in my hair to make it look thicker and cover the thin spots where my scalp shows through. UGH. Any hints??????

    Butterfly - I drink water as soon as I feel hungry - that helps me get my water in and staves off eating quite a bit.

    Melancholy - I hope things perk up for you!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Sorry it's been a couple of days... this weekend has been quite the rollercoaster ride for me.

    My birthday was an absolute blast! I saw friends that I haven't seen in ages, sang karaoke until I was hoarse, and laughed more than I have in forever.

    The bf is now and ex-bf... Friday night my sister was joking about him not coming to my bday party Saturday, and said, "What, are you married or something and can't go out in public with my sister?"....... <cue dramatic music here>.... His response, "Well, actually, yes I am still married." I guess he just hasn't gotten around to filing for divorce. I am not so much bothered that he is still married, since I know they aren't "together", but I was bothered that he hadn't told me. There have been too many red flags... so this one could not be ignored. I guess I can chalk this one up to experience. He and I had a lot of fun- he's a nice man, just not the one for me.

    Anyway, I'm oversharing for Sunday share. The good news is that I only went over on calories by a couple hundred or there abouts yesterday... considering I had everyone buying me drinks and shots, I think I did pretty good.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member

    Another thing - I'm on a high dose of prednisone for a rheumatic type disease and I'm noticing MY HAIR, already thin, is BREAKING OFF :sad: :sad: :sad: and let me say I CAN"T AFFORD TO LOSE ANY MORE!!!! I already use a product in my hair to make it look thicker and cover the thin spots where my scalp shows through. UGH. Any hints??????

    In addition to making sure you have enough healthy fats in your diet... (also if you do fish oil, maybe up it a bit)..Two words... coconut oil.

    I was in an Indian market one day, and the owner and I got into a talk about hair. She said that she had hair loss due to cancer treatment, and that she used henna and coconut oil. I haven't tried the henna, but the coconut oil works awesome!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Hello - a few kind of busy days here with one *dad* crisis after another. Trying to keep all the good bits of my life in order and functioning!!

    I spent some time with dear Leslie Sansone today----5 12 minute miles later I feel like I've had a very nice burst of activity. I did each mile's 2 minute *boosted* walking as slow mogging/jogging. Yeah. Now I think I'll have to tape my foot but it wasn't feeling so great before I started. No worries.:wink:

    Sunday share - I'm Lin, age 61, forcibly retired, looking after my dad and multitude of his financial issues from about 2 1/2 hours away (he's now in intermediate care) giving me lots of opportunities to drive. I'm divorced and have been through a couple of other failed relationships since then so I've definitely sidelined myself. :bigsmile: Currently have no pets but ADORE dogs but have put a lot of what I want on hold for right now. I'm celiac, have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, loads of allergies, and have a long list of foods and other things that I need to avoid. I live in the suburbs in a 2-story house. I was getting close to investigating installation of a chair lift when I decided to give improving my health just one more try.

    Here's another share----I don't have 100 lbs to lose now. No really, that's like a revelation to me whenever that thought crosses my mind. You see, most of the time I still think of myself where I started. I think it's an adaptation process but so far, I'm not very far down that road. Perhaps it's because I still have farther to travel. Don't know but I guess it's a good smack in the head to realize I have changed. :wink:

    Wishing everyone well. :drinker:


  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    The bf is now and ex-bf... Friday night my sister was joking about him not coming to my bday party Saturday, and said, "What, are you married or something and can't go out in public with my sister?"....... <cue dramatic music here>.... His response, "Well, actually, yes I am still married." I guess he just hasn't gotten around to filing for divorce. I am not so much bothered that he is still married, since I know they aren't "together", but I was bothered that he hadn't told me. There have been too many red flags... so this one could not be ignored. I guess I can chalk this one up to experience. He and I had a lot of fun- he's a nice man, just not the one for me.

    I'm so glad you enjoyed your birthday. Laughter is so important and adding a little karoke doesn't hurt either. Sorry about the BF. You had some red flags pop up and knew there was something. This was definitely the last red flag. You did the right thing. You had some fun along the way and that's what's important. You'll be in a much better place going forward froom this experience. Stand strong!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Sunday Share: Like so many, I've been on the weight loss roller coaster for YEARS. I'm not sure why, but mentally I'm finally ready to change my life and I'm doing it. Over the years, I've tried every plan out there (Weight Watchers (a lot), Jenny Craig, Nutri-System, grapefruit, Medifast, starvation, and the list goes on and on).

    My name is Susan. I'm 44 and a single mom to an amazing 10 1/2 year old son, Cyrus. We made a major life change and moved from Atlanta to Las Vegas in April 2012. I took on a new job challenge and so far so good. With this move, I started meeting with the dietician/nutritionist and she recommended MFP. I had never even heard of it. Well, I received my 170 days of logging the other day. I've been so committed to tracking, which has made a HUGE difference.

    In January 2012, I started at my highest at 325 lbs. I lost 25 lbs pretty quickly with Medifast. With the new job, move across country and life, I was just trying to maintain and hold on. When I met the nutritionist and started MFP in August 2012, I was 309. I was able to lose 37 lbs over the next 3 months or so. Unfortunately, I hit some plateaus, then Thanksgiving and Christmas and a 10 lb gain. I'm excited to say I'm right back on track and lost those 10 lbs. I'm 272 as of today - Woo Hoo!! Even better I'm able to comfortably wear 22 jeans, which I haven't in years. I've been 26/28 for 15 years at least. It feels really good to wear a smaller size and can't wait for that to get smaller and smaller.

    My main form of exercise has been walking - treadmill and outside. I'm going to start some cardio classes at the gym. When I'm down to 250, I'm going to start C25K. I've been trying to run a little, but don't get too far. My goal by the end of 2013 is to be under 200 and hit Onederland. It's 75 lbs. Lofty goal, but is doable. Baby steps!!!!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    sunday share- I am 56, divorced :sad: and live in Brithish Columbia. I have been off work on disability for 3 years after a bout of bacterial meningitis, back surgery and a total knee replacement. I started going to the gym after the meningitis cause i was soooooo weak i could hardly do anything. As i got stronger i seemed to get mitivated to do more. I lost 60 pounds in 2010, 50 pounds in 2011 and only 20 pounds in 2012 which i have gained since my knee operation :sad: :sad: :sad: Seem to be getting back on track slowly. My work has now told me i either need to come back to work, resign or retire on medical disability. So i will not be getting the other knee done as planned and will be going back to work on Feb 25. Although on friday i just found out that they had filled my position so now i do not know if i even have a job to return to :sad: :sad: I work in a men's federal prison but would love to return to emergency nursing where i spent 20 years. Not sure if i have the stamina for that yet but I am working on it>>
    Off to the lake for a walk around....maybe even twice cause it is so nice out!!
    Hi! My name is Pat and I am a 59 (almost 60) year old women with 105 lbs to lose to reach my goal weight. I have already lost 70 lbs from my heaviest weight and 41 lbs of that in the last 3 1/2 months. I just joined here and it is Sunday so I taking the Sunday challenge to tell you about myself. I have also lost a bunch of inches and were it not for an adjustable belt, my pants woild be around my ankles. :smile: After a long time of being unemployed, I got a job but am waiting for the level two background check to come back so I can actually start the job and get some income coming in. I graduated from UCF in May of 2012 with a BS degree in Psychology and a certificate in Victim Advocacy. When I can start my job, I will be a Social Services Counselor for girls. I can't wait to get started.

    I have gotten more energy since I have been losing weight and hope to get much more as I lose more. I am enjoying the lifestyle changes that I have made. I have been a yo-yo dieter the majority of my life but this time is different because I am NOT on a diet! I am committed to living a healthy lifestyle and that means even AFTER I meet my weight-loss goal. My biggest problem is that I need to really get with it on the exercise. Does this site have exercise videos? I just signed up about 20 minutes ago and have not had time to explore yet.

    I hope that all of you are having a great weekend!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I have 3 papers left to grade!!! Will check back later.
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Sunday Share: My name is Kathy. I live in Kansas and am an elementary teacher. I am married and have a 13 year old son. I have bad knees, a bad ankle and a foot that has had 3 surgeries and will probably have more. I was in a wheelchair/walker for 4 months and am slowly trying to rebuild my stamina and flexibility. I have been with the site for almost a week and love tracking on it. I also love getting on this and reading all about all of you and your accomplishments. You are all very inspirational and I appreciate the messages.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well hello everyone and happy sunday to you all. My husband just called which was great as I havent heard his voice in a week and that is much longer then I am used to. I was starting to have withdrawls:laugh: So since we have so many new people I guess I will share a little about myself today. My name is Tammy and I am a wife of 20 years and the mother of 3 wonderful children. My relationship with the oldest is a little strained right now but nevertheless ai am very proud of her. She graduated last month for the University of Washington with her bachelors in Psychology at the age of 22. Her sister also just graduated with her assocotes in criminal justice at the age of 20 and my 18 year old bay boy is in school in Wyoming for deisal engineering. My husband and I live in Washington state were currently the middle one is still at home but not around much with work and school keeping her busy. My husband is an engineer on a fishing boat out of Dutch Harbor Alaska so He is gone for 2 months at a time and then home for a month rotating through the year until November when the boat comes back to Seattle for a little over a month for maintenance. My weight hit an all time high last august at 378 pounds and I dont know what was different but when I saw that number it just wasnt acceptable anymore. I started changing things in my life on alot of fronts including food and discovered MFP about two or so weeks into those changes and havent looked back. Withe the help and support of my family and everyone on here I know these will be lasting changes and have total faith that all of us can do this.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    Friday, after a day of working on the 30 Day Purge we went over to visit my parents, my mom was not doing well, and I woke up Saturday feeling like i needed a day of rest, so I postponed doing my Day Six Power Purge assignment a day (today is a scheduled day of rest for the group) so i won't be behind tomorrow. I am glad i took the day off I am feeling much better today. I also had a "loosing" week. I lost 0.2 pounds but hey I LOST!:drinker: drink your water!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Its great reading everyones Sunday Share's. Everytime I learn something new :love:
    I've had a great day - I danced to Wii Dance Party 2 - to 3 dances with 3 intervals of deep breathing recovery periods so my exercise lasted about 1/2 hour. Then I rewarded my lack of breakfast and lunch with the 2 remaining pieces of pizza. I'm hoping I evened out my calories for the day.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    GIVENTHANKS - welcome to the thread. What a great job you've done already losing weight and changing your lifestyle. Congratulations on your new job - how exciting for you. No, there are not any exercise videos on this site, but several of us use video's that are on YouTube, just by surfing you can find your own favorites. Some of us use Leslie Sansone Walking Away the Pounds for one.

    Naceto - thanks for the link - that was interesting. I was about to buy a conditioner and also had considered coconut oil so will go to Trader Vic's and get it there!
    Sorry your BF didn't work out for the best. I consider his behavior quite dishonest, thanks for sharing your story with us. Its a lesson we can learn from. Hmmm, always ask the simplest questions..but..are you married? WOW!

    Angelika - when I put away the Christmas stuff, I tossed some things that were stained, crushed, but nevertheless, quite sentimental, such as a pair of matching knit Mantel Stockings. Have you tossed anything nostalgic?
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Laurie -- I get a box of organic vegetables most week. For about the last six weeks, they've had beetroot in almost every week. Now, I like beetroot, but my kids won't eat it. So I had a massive pile of slightly sad beetroot needing eating. Borscht -- the Eastern European/Russian vegetable soup -- is the answer. There are lots of different recipes. In the end, I made it just like my regular what's-in-the-fridge soup, with several onions, a couple of parsnips, a chunk of celeriac, about 6 large beetroot, half a red cabbage -- and, in deference to the weather, quite a lot of potato. All cut very small. And pepper, allspice, cider vinegar and lots of beef stock. It is really delicious, and the kids ate it up just fine -- my daughter had loads, and my son had a big bowl before saying he'd had enough.
    @Karen -- we've had about 7 inches of snow in total which is a *lot* for London. As we were walking down the the folk club tonight we saw lots of snowmen and even a snow penguin! So people have been enjoying themselves. It might melt tomorrow as it's supposed to warm up a bit. Thanks for the stuff about your running experience. I don't take water out with me but if I do a really long run sometimes I buy a water before heading home. I feel guilty about this because normally I work really hard not to buy bottled water except when absolutely necessary.
    @Susan -- 6 pounds! That's fantastic! You're really back on track now, right? And well done on the 5k! I know I whine about the winter weather but really I wouldn't like your summers at all. So I guess it's swings and roundabouts.
    @Helen -- I really like it when I can look at my house and think 'oh, hey, that's looking pretty nice!'.
    @ButterflyWolf -- I personally drink lots of fizzy water. I don't put anything in it apart from bubbles. (I have a soda stream and use that). It's quite hard to get unpasteurised milk here. We used to be able to buy it at our farmers' market but the dairy doesn't seem to have a stall any more. (Unpasteurised cow's milk anyway: I guess you could get unpasteurised goat or sheep's milk in Central London but certainly not here).
    @Melancholy2 -- five grandkids under two! They're going to keep you so busy! It's worth just keeping focused at the beginning because it probably took 20 pounds or so before I started feeling healthier and having more energy.
    @Kelley -- there's lots of people on MFP who reckon that you need to keep really active and eat relatively much in order to lose weight. I've certainly not been eating little -- it's just that with the weather I haven't been able to pile on the cardio.
    @Robin -- oh, I'm sorry about your hair: I don't have any advice, I'm afraid.
    @Nicole -- ooh, sorry about the ex. Hopefully you'll remember the fun you've had and move onto someone better. I cannot believe he didn't tell you he was married! And I'm glad you had a fantastic party.
    @Pat -- welcome! I think there are lots of people who'll recommend exercise vids and point you to ones on YouTube and elsewhere, but I don't think the site has exercise videos per se. Lots of people here can talk about the exercises they do. I'm not on a diet either.

    Loving all the Sunday Shares as ever. They're my favourite bit. I'm not sure I have anything new to tell you all, except to say that loads of people are commenting on my weight loss now. It's really funny because I haven't really lost that much since before Christmas. But now I'm wearing my old jeans that didn't fit properly before; I think that's it. A bit of a Sunday Share -- I started the power purge and sorted out my fridge... but then I didn't have enough energy for the freezer, and besides it was a bit cold to be working on the freezer. So three days later, I've done one half day's worth. Do you think they meant a 180 day power purge? I am the worst housekeeper in the world, I really am.

    -- Alison
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Allison - I have concerns about lowering my cals as well. I'm only 5' tall so I'm terrified of getting closer to my goal and having to eat like 1000 calories to lose.
    @Vickie - This time of year is hard for me food wise as well. I always want to cook the good 'ole 'stick to your ribs' foods and they all...stick to everything...
    @Rachael - I use runkeeper as well, I LOVE it. I even use it at work since our campus is so big. If I'm hoofing it the 2 miles to the other end of campus, I want the credit for it :P Grats on your date! I can't even remember what one of those was like. I haven't been on a date since I first met my ex-husband..... over 20 years ago.
    @Susan - You are amazing! 6lbs in a week! You are my HEROINE! I'm happy to get that in a month.
    @Helena - Well done! You are back with a vengeance!
    @ButterflyWolf - I drink my water plain (with ice). I don't like artificial sweeteners in it as we have wonderful water here. Occasionally I'll mix a zero calorie fruit drink in with seltzer water for fruity fizziness but... I'd rather just guzzle water.
    @Melancholy - Wow, you're a VERY busy grandma!
    @Kah - I hope that leg heals fast!
    @Naceto - Glad you had a great birthday and Im sorry about the EX bf.
    @Pat - Welcome, you defintely have a handle on your new lifestyle. I understand what you mean about 'dieting' I know that's why I never succeeded before. I always considered it temporary.

    Still have a fever and coughing up terrible things. No exercise for me today or probably tomorrow. Just going to chill for work on Tuesday and get walking. Unless I get cabin fever.

    Sunday Share - I've been *really* struggling the last 10 days and I think I *finally* figured it out. I haven't had TOM since my procedure in December and I don't know if it's a flux in my hormones but as of this morning(TOM) and my appetite is back to normal. Thank GOODNESS. I'll weight later this week to assess the damages. Anyway, I found this article today and found it interesting:

    I always fight the cravings and lately it's led to binging (1000-2500 OVER my TDEE). I'm thinking that perhaps if I give myself a few 100 extra calories and make them the serotonin creating carby things mentioned in the article that perhaps I can nip it in the bud next month and minimize the damage? Sorry for the TMI, but I know it's a common problem and thought maybe it could help someone else.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @alison--that's really great that you're getting all the compliments! :drinker: I agree that it's kind of weird the timing of some people's comments. In the past 2 weeks I've had 2 people ask me if I've lost weight. These are people who've never commented before, and they don't say have you lost "more" weight. I'm not really sure how to answer--I want to ask "since when?" but that doesn't seem like the right response. I find myself just saying, "well, not a lot recently, but yes I've lost weight."

    @robin--great job dancing! Does your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard? :laugh:

    @angelika--sounds like a much needed rest day, and glad the timing worked out so you're not behind on your power purge. Great job with the loss as well!! :flowerforyou:

    @tammy--glad you got to hear from DH!

    @kathy--the tracking gets even easier once your "typical" foods are all in your database, and you've added some of your common meals and recipes. Did you also know that you can click on a food in the diary and move it from lunch to dinner or breakfast? This is a nice feature when you eat last night's dinner leftovers for lunch today. You can just click on "copy meal" from yesterday's dinner and then move the dinner to your lunch in today's diary. It took me a while to find that feature, but now I use it a lot.

    @pat--welcome! As others mentioned, youtube is a great place to find exercise videos.

    @karenleona--hope the job situation gets sorted out in a favorable way for you.

    @lin--Yay for not having 100 lbs to lose!! :drinker:

    @nicole--glad you enjoyed your b-day party and sorry about the guy. :ohwell: I agree with the others--even if he was no longer with his wife, it's still something he should have clarified with you.

    @kelley--hope that injury is just a minor strain and heals quickly!

    @susan--6 pounds!?!?! That's so awesome!! To put that in perspective--I lost 12 pounds in all of 2012, so you are rockin' it!!

    Well, I finished all of my grading!!! Hooray!!! :drinker: Now tomorrow will feel like a true day off of work!

    I also had a really good run at the gym today. Someone (I think it was Kelley) said her trainer recommended a shorter stride for endurance, so I tried that today and I was able to maintain my 11 minute mile pace for 2.5 miles. I also managed to run the entire 4 miles other than a 2 minute walking break at mile 3. This is huge for me b/c the past few weeks I've really struggled to run that last mile--had to do a lot of walking breaks to get to the 4 mile mark. My time for the 4 miles was 44:49 whereas the past 2 weeks it took me almost 46 minutes.

    Another question for runner's--do any of you wear minimalist sneakers to run? I'm going to need a new pair of runners soon and have seen quite a lot of hype about these. Apparently they are the big new trend in running, but I'm not sure if they are good for people who need a lot of arch support.

    Grading goals: DONE!!!!!!!!!
    1. 48/48 AP essays DONE
    2. 22/22 Advanced Grammar Final Exam essays DONE
    3. enter participation for juniors DONE
    4. finish posting all grades DONE

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting after work)--I ended up running 3 miles on my treadmill!! Yay me!
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE, but did core work instead
    Thurs--walk gunner + core work or dancing NOT DONE worked late
    Fri--rest day (plans w/ friends right after work) WALKED GUNNER + WENT TO GYM!!! weights and treadmill
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + core work NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym (long run) DONE
  • jumpy983
    @rachael I'm thinking of getting a fitbit. It would be nice to know if I am really burning all those 600 cals that MFP says I'm doing when I log my Insanity workout.:laugh: I think some days it's a 'give n take' type deal.
    @susan awesome loss!
    @butterfly I drink my water plain as well.:drinker: If I'm doing cardio, I will log my gatorade as water (and cals) since the point of it is hydration. But stuff like coffee and soda I will log as cals only since the point is not hydration.
    @Kah I second your leg healing fast!
    @Pat Welcome!:smile:

    My Sunday Share:

    I'm Kristen, a 29 y/o mom of 2 girls (ages 3 &4).
    We have 3 dogs:
    Dirk ( Pitbull age 2ish)
    Spot (Pit/Amer Bulldog Mix age 5)
    Roscoe (Boxer/Pit mix age 9)
    3 cats (all DSH):
    Crybaby age 4
    Oliver age 6
    Gizmo age 13

    I have 2 jobs - one at the local Animal Shelter and the other at the local ER/Neuro Veterinarian and an all-breed dog rescue (www.cloudnineanimalrescue). I also have a very understanding husband. :love:

    Technically, I'm a cougar since I'm 3 days I kind of feel like I owe it to him to look like I did when we met-- a very skinny size 8. I can't blame him for the weight gain since I ate for 2 while I was all preggo, but being from the south, he sure can cook some great dinners!:tongue:

    Anywho, I am tired of not looking like I remember myself looking and tired of being winded from a small walk. I used to swim in HS and do Track/Field. I just really let myself go! Currently, I'm on week 2 of Insanity and LOVING it. I'm finding that my breathing is getting better and Skinny really hit the nail on the head with her Q & A. The first week I was drinking a 32 oz Gatorade and DYING while doing it. This week, I'm drinking a 20oz and finding it's easier to breathe through the exercises.

    They are HARD but the nice thing is that you go at your own pace. Some of the exercises I've had to modify to do them...all the jumping on a 5'7 frame with 257lbs jiggling just doesn't go well,:noway: but I found today I was able to do more jumps and I KNOW i've lost inches. I just haven't been tracking them so I'm not sure how many...but the pants are looser!

    For today, I started week 2 of Insanity and I'm looking forward to seeing how I'm doing. Looking forward to a loss on monday too (hopefully!!) we will see! Went and surprised my rescue partner at our Cloud Nine walk/photo op and we got enough in donations to cover 1/2 of our vet bill! (one of our rescue dogs had to have emergency surgery:cry: but she's recovering nicely!:bigsmile: ...) so anyway that's little ol' me. But if that's too long to ready I've got a great picture that really sums it up:

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thanks, everyone - leg is feeling better tonight. My trainer did have me run some during our session today, but not a lot. He said it was my hip flexor that I've angered - so no running tomorrow, wants me to use the elliptical that has a longer stride, should help to work out the kinks some.

    @Karen~You hit the nail on the head with your running Q&A, I have thought all of that at one time or another! Awesome that you took some time off of your run (yep, that was me regarding the stride length - it really does help). Congrats on getting all of that grading done.

    @Nicole~So glad you had such an awesome birthday! I'm sorry about the BF, even more sorry that he kept something so vital about himself from you.

    @Kris~Hope you are feeling better soon, so much illness going around - nice that you get an extra day to rest.

    Its so nice to see so much Sunday Share today - thanks to everyone for sharing. I've had this sleepy kitten in my lap all afternoon, she has been very needy today. Hate to disturb her, but the laundry in the dryer isn't going to fold itself. :laugh: No holiday for me tomorrow, its business as usual. :cry:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~I've never worn the minimalist sneakers,I've thought about it though. I see a lot of people at the gym wearing them. Supposedly, they are very good for your feet - from what I've heard it takes a little while for your feet to adjust to wearing them since its quite different than regular running shows. I read an article about them last year some time - but just found this review on everyday health: