Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jumpy983
    About white water rafting...I've been twice (in my teens) and it was AWESOME! also went mountain rappelling and that was AWESOME as well. :)

    Anywho, Friday fitness (work is a bit slow tonight letting me get on here) I finished a full week of Insanity and it is AMAZING! I love it. Lots of jumping and I"m getting better at it. There are still things I have trouble doing, all the pushups with the jumps, but for the most part am finding it to be easier each time and I am accomplishing more things each workout. Actually wore out mom (and I got her on MFP too! and my SIL!)

    I decided that yesterday weigh in didn't accurately reflect everything, since I drank so much I popped on the scale tonight and hit a new low! I'm down 8 lbs all together. Very excited! :)

    Write some more tonight so I will have something to read while I"m at work babysitting the front desk!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Those ankle stories hurt me just to read them. I did always think that rafting a river might be fun, but it looks a little dangerous.


    it can actually be VERY dangerous. especially if the water is really high. but when it isn't really high it can be relatively safe. i wouldn't take a kid though or anything.
    I have always wanted to go on a white water rafting trip. Maybe I will tell hubby that I would like that for a reward this summer for all my hard work.:happy:

    you totally should. it's amazing. if you've never been make sure you have a guide.
    About white water rafting...I've been twice (in my teens) and it was AWESOME! also went mountain rappelling and that was AWESOME as well. :)

    ohh i've been rappelling too, it WAS awesome. these are the things that happen when you grow up in colorado :laugh:
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @jumpy- I'm so happy for you!!! Its hard eating all the stuff we want but worth it on the scale!

    I had been good all day and fell apart at dinner, but tomorrow is back to work and hard! I ate 1000 calories over (I'm at 1200/day). This is only the 2nd time I've been over since I started my tracking on 1/3/13. I do feel guilty which is good I suppose. I even turned down a taco salad for lunch and ate the lunch I brought, which was lettuce and tuna. How could I let it all go for some Cajun chicken Alfredo, biscuits and cake! Omg-- lol

    I feel exhausted and just need to rest. Today was supposed to be my off day, but I brought my Leslie sansone DVD to wok and got some of our clients moving. They loved it. Some struggled and some had it down pay, so I got my exercise in today. Although, still not enough to make for my bad choices for dinner tonight.

    On a much more positive note----I'm going on a lunch date tomorrow with a guy who I have inspired to start eating better. Should be interesting! First date in over 3 1/2 years for me!! Ahhhhh!!!! I will report tomorrow after I get back!

  • jumpy983
    @rachael HOT DOG! Let us know how it goes! I've been married for almost 6 years & together for 10. I miss dating, but my hubby is "the one"...I'm looking forward to the day I can put on that LBD (and not look like a muffin factory) and have a date night where I feel like a teenager again!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: It's been a good week. I feel like I'm back on track after a shaky November/December.

    Sunday - Outside walk. DONE
    Monday - Gym AM. DONE
    Tuesday - Gym AM. DONE
    Wednesday - Gym AM. DONE
    Thursday - Gym AM. DONE
    Friday - Break
    Saturday - Chef for Kids 5K with my son. Should be fun!!

    This weekend the weather is supposed ot be sunny and in the 60's. I'll be out walking on Sunday. Can't wait!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Workout goals for 1-12 to 1-18
    Saturday- Gym cardio NOT DONE
    Sunday- Rest DONE
    Monday- Gym training day 3 DONE with a little climbing
    Tuesday- rest NO GYM YES
    WEdnesday- Trainer workout DONE
    Thursday- gym DONE
    Friday- Rock climbing DONE

    5 days straight of gym with weights/ and light cardio. The rock climbing tonight was good and my arms and legs did get a good workout in. Tomorrow will be a rest day.

    Saturday- REST DAY
    Sunday- Rest or gym
    Monday- Gym
    Tuesday- Gym?
    Thursday gym
    Friday-Rock Climbing
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! So much good news from everyone!

    Friday Fitness:
    I usually skip exercise on friday (other than maybe a quick walk with gunner)--my teacher friends and I all go out for drinks, so I don't feel like working out when I get home. However, as I was driving home today, I decided to walk gunner and go to the gym. I've NEVER been there on a friday night and it was pretty empty. Did some weights and then ran 3 miles on the treadmill. I'm getting pretty comfortable at 5.5 mph, and 3 miles no longer feels like my "long" run.

    I'm super excited tonight b/c my friend and I booked our flight to Zurich. We are going from July 15-26!! Can't wait!! For the newlings, a couple of my friends moved to Zurich in November, so we will be staying with them while we are there. Good thing too, b/c it's the 2nd most expensive city in the world! :noway: There's no way I could ever afford a trip there if I had to pay for lodging. I had airline miles which covered a good portion of my flight, so it cost me about $900. Now I will start saving up money for our side trip to the French Alps and for spending money while in Zurich. Considering a hamburger cost about $25, I'm guessing I might lose more weight while there--I won't be able to afford the food! :laugh:

    I'm not going to do personals tonight b/c it's getting late and I feel a headache coming on. I will catch up with you all tomorrow Oh, but I did want to say I've always wanted to try white water rafting as well. That and shark diving are 2 of my bucket list items.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting after work)--I ended up running 3 miles on my treadmill!! Yay me!
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE, but did core work instead
    Thurs--walk gunner + core work or dancing NOT DONE worked late
    Fri--rest day (plans w/ friends right after work) WALKED GUNNER + WENT TO GYM!!! weights and treadmill
    Sat--walk gunner + core work
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (long run)

    Grading goals:
    1. 26/48 AP essays
    2. 22/22 Advanced Grammar Final Exam essays DONE
    3. enter participation for juniors DONE
    4. finish posting all grades DONE with all accept one AP class
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    My big Saturday success is that I went on my lunch date and had a great time! We sat and talked for 2 hrs!!! It was so nice to hang out and enjoy a healthy meal. My lunch was only 252 calories! I'm definitely staying on track today after my whirlwind of a dinner yesterday. Hope everyone is having a great start to the weekend. I'll catch up later, time to take the dog out for a walk/jog.

    @skinny- that trip sounds like fun!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Saturday Success~Got to the gym this morning and got my 3-mile run in, then spent some time in the sauna afterwards. Now its time to get errands and get laundry done. Maybe pick up a movie for later.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday - its gorgeous and 60s here today.

    @rachael~Sounds like you had a fun lunch!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - I'm guessing 2 days will be for traveling so that gives you 10 days for fun what a great plan - I'm so happy for you! You are going to be in such great shape for those Alps - WOOT!

    Rachael - good success at the lunch -very low cal!

    I'm going to my favorite pizza place for dinner with my nephew's family - and have only had minimal calories so far today, which is a success in itself. I intend to bring home some pizza for tomorrow too - its that good. Will compensate by reducing other calories and working out to Wii Dance and continuing to clean like a madwoman! Can you believe my Christmas decorations are still around?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--weather here is nice too--upper 40's which is heaven for Chicago in January! Too bad the temps are set to tank tonight. They are saying Monday will be down in the single digits--brrrr!

    @rachael--glad you enjoyed your lunch date!

    I took gunner for a long walk since he probably won't get one tomorrow or Monday--I don't mind taking him when it's cold, but we are also supposed to have high winds. The combination is too much--he doesn't like the wind either; it hurts his ears. I'm now at starbucks grading. I have 22 AP essays left, so my goal today is to get through at least half of those. I will report back later if I have success with that.

    My other goal for today is to eat a nice big salad for lunch! I haven't had one this week, and I want to meet lin's challenge of at least one salad per week!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Saturday success - I did get way more walking this week than the past few. That's my success.

    Diet sure wasn't it all it should be. I shouldn't GAIN, but I sure don't think I lost. Feeling like garbage today with a fever, sniffly, and coughing. I had a chicken carcass in the freezer so I drove over to the store this morning for chicken soup fixins. Of course in my feverish and weakened state (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!) I ALSO came home with two donuts.

    Spending the next three days babying myself in the hopes whatever scurvy I picked up will be gone by work Tuesday morning.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kris--feel better! have you tried sucking on a lime? :laugh:

    So far, so good--got through 5 essays and just ordered a 2nd drink (it's just unsweetened passion tea, so zero calories). I should be good for at least 7 more essays.

    Grading goals:
    1. 31/48 AP essays
    2. 22/22 Advanced Grammar Final Exam essays DONE
    3. enter participation for juniors DONE
    4. finish posting all grades DONE with all accept one AP class

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting after work)--I ended up running 3 miles on my treadmill!! Yay me!
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE, but did core work instead
    Thurs--walk gunner + core work or dancing NOT DONE worked late
    Fri--rest day (plans w/ friends right after work) WALKED GUNNER + WENT TO GYM!!! weights and treadmill
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + core work
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (long run)
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    My Saturday success is that it is over 60 degrees here in Kansas, so I bought some family size packages of chicken and ground chuck and grilled them up for meals next week. I sat out in the sun and soaked it in while it cooked. It was one of those pleasures that I enjoy. Just got done planning my dinner with my mom to Red Lobster I have to choose between the baked potato or a biscuit. That's a pretty good choice! Then headed to a movie. Enjoy your Saturday everyone!:happy:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kvandeest--great job planning ahead! I would probably choose the biscuit b/c I don't really like white potatoes. However, the potato is probably a lot more filling. Whatever your choice, savor it and have fun.

    Ok--so I thought I could make it through 11 essays, but only managed 9. :ohwell: The day's not over, so may still get a few more done tonight--we'll see.

    Grading goals:
    1. 35/48 AP essays
    2. 22/22 Advanced Grammar Final Exam essays DONE
    3. enter participation for juniors DONE
    4. finish posting all grades DONE with all accept one AP class

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting after work)--I ended up running 3 miles on my treadmill!! Yay me!
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE, but did core work instead
    Thurs--walk gunner + core work or dancing NOT DONE worked late
    Fri--rest day (plans w/ friends right after work) WALKED GUNNER + WENT TO GYM!!! weights and treadmill
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + core work
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (long run)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hi everyone! So much good news from everyone!

    Friday Fitness:
    I usually skip exercise on friday (other than maybe a quick walk with gunner)--my teacher friends and I all go out for drinks, so I don't feel like working out when I get home. However, as I was driving home today, I decided to walk gunner and go to the gym. I've NEVER been there on a friday night and it was pretty empty. Did some weights and then ran 3 miles on the treadmill. I'm getting pretty comfortable at 5.5 mph, and 3 miles no longer feels like my "long" run.

    I'm super excited tonight b/c my friend and I booked our flight to Zurich. We are going from July 15-26!! Can't wait!! For the newlings, a couple of my friends moved to Zurich in November, so we will be staying with them while we are there. Good thing too, b/c it's the 2nd most expensive city in the world! :noway: There's no way I could ever afford a trip there if I had to pay for lodging. I had airline miles which covered a good portion of my flight, so it cost me about $900. Now I will start saving up money for our side trip to the French Alps and for spending money while in Zurich. Considering a hamburger cost about $25, I'm guessing I might lose more weight while there--I won't be able to afford the food! :laugh:

    Great job on getting an unplanned workout done!!
    Wow! A trip to Zurich sounds fabulous....had not idea it was soooooo expensive. Good thing you have friends to stay with.
    My "big" trip will be to Alberta to see my grandson :laugh: :laugh:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @barquilt -- well done for keeping up with the exercises. I always get groceries online too, and really appreciated it today what with the snow on the ground. (Though this is London -- so our back gardens all look like Winter Wonderland, and the front just looks like a pile of filthy muddy slush).
    @Kristen -- a full week of Insanity! That's amazing! And well done for getting your family on MFP.
    @Rachael -- Ooh, glad your date went so well!
    @Robin -- I have finally put away all our decorations, terribly late but there you go. A couple of things needed mending or cleaning (or in once case cleaning, then mending after a tassel came off in the wash), but it's all done now. Mid-January, that's not so bad.
    @Kris -- hope you're feeling a bit better now.
    @Kvandeest -- I think it's so sensible to plan your meals when you're going out to a restaurant. I always get a bit lost when I'm looking at the menu trying to figure out what to have.

    MFP reduced my calories again because I lost a bit more, and once again I'm finding the new target super hard. I think I'd be ok if it wasn't for the weather, which makes it very hard to get the exercise in. The house is cold too. We're eating lots of winter food. I made a fantastic pea and ham soup, but because it was made with the ham stock it was really salty, and I was rewarded for all that sodium with a super high weight! I am telling myself it's only water from the sodium. I don't normally eat much processed food or add much salt in cooking so that's quite unusual. And tomorrow I am going to deal with the Beetroot Mountain by making borscht. And if that doesn't use all the beetroots then I'll move on to a beetroot and raspberry jelly.

    Hope you're all loving your weekend!

    -- Alison
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    OK - I'm back from pizza and I only had 2 pieces and brought home 2 more for dinner tomorrow. I feel good, comfortably full, but not that stuffed feeling. Its my favorite pizza so its good to have a taste from time to time. I really enjoyed visiting with my nephew and his family. His 2 boys are 6 and 4 and were so tired from their trip to the zoo that they were extremely well behaved. My nephew has moved close to me - just an hour away, from Philadelphia. They had a bad experience selling their house - lost over $12K selliing it, guess they didn't own it long enough for the improvements to pay off. But they have good jobs here are are building a new home so are doing OK.

    Boho Coast - so proud of you for getting your Christmas stuff cleaned up and put away!

    Skinny - good job on grading - kudos!

    MowMow - hope you feel better.

    Kvandeest - Red Lobster bisquits - I have to have one every time I go there. So impressed you can resist them!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    MFP reduced my calories again because I lost a bit more, and once again I'm finding the new target super hard. I think I'd be ok if it wasn't for the weather, which makes it very hard to get the exercise in. The house is cold too. We're eating lots of winter food. I made a fantastic pea and ham soup, but because it was made with the ham stock it was really salty, and I was rewarded for all that sodium with a super high weight! I am telling myself it's only water from the sodium. I don't normally eat much processed food or add much salt in cooking so that's quite unusual. And tomorrow I am going to deal with the Beetroot Mountain by making borscht. And if that doesn't use all the beetroots then I'll move on to a beetroot and raspberry jelly.

    I'm soo glad I am not the only one who feels that way about the calorie drops, Alison!

    The cold weather isn't helping me, either... we had our coldest day ever recorded last week. I'm in-between gyms (due to finances), so desperately trying to get enough exercise in.

    Comfort food tonight - grilled cheese & homemade tomato soup - to stave off the cold. Pretty much avoided food all day to make sure I could "afford" it (didn't starve, just really held back).

    Doing a show tomorrow - will be a real challenge to stay on track.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- So happy that you were able to book your trip to Zurich. It sounds like fun. Enjoy the ALPS. Good luck with the grading. I know you will get it done.

    Alison-What is Beetroot Mountain by making borscht?

    Robin- Great job with the pizza.

    Rachel- Glad your date went well. A person who I have not seen in about a year called me out of the blue and wants to fix me up with her brother again. This will be the 2nd time she has tried but this time her brother wants to meet me. We are having lunch on Monday so hopefully, her brother will join us. However, I am not holding my breathe on this one.

    We are experiencing warmer weather here highs in the 50's. It was great today to be outside. I did a little condo shopping today since I am looking for a place. Saw a few places but nothing that really grab my attention. Then I spent time cooking dinner and making brownies for a party tomorrow. I think I will be going to the gym tomorrow so I can enjoy the party then I might out go and watch the Ravens game at a local establishment.

    Success this week figuring out how to do lunges and weight training all week.

    Regarding MFP and calorie settings- You can go in and change your settings for your calorie goals. That way you can find what will work for you.