Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - I am still settling into my condo but I am loving owning a home and the freedom it affords me, so I wish you the best of luck in your search. I know you also have responsibilities at home, so I know you won't rush into it. I hope your date proves fun. My BF actually told me he wasn't interested in dating me, when we met on our first blind date, but I asked if he wanted to hang out and have a female friend to do things with. It sure worked out well for me. We're best friends now, and at our ages (me 62, him 71) its wonderful. We're going to Jamaica together Feb.25.

    I did my exercises tonight, happy to report that!
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @kah , Alison and skinny- thanks, I enjoyed myself! He's trying to eat healthy too and he's lost 3 lbs since talking to me. A 6 foot man with baby blues.. Makes my heart melt lol. He said we'll have to do it again, so that's a major plus!!!!:blushing: :bigsmile:

    @robin- I was super impressed with the heart healthy menu they had. I didnt get a chance to log all the nutrition but just a quick calorie add. It was good, melon de gallo over chicken, white rice and broccoli. Very well seasoned! Pizza sounds awesome. One of my favorites.

    @laurie- you nvr know what will happen! Go and enjoy yourself! If something blossoms, so be it! Good luck and Report back!!

    I took my dog, biscuit, for a lovely walk today. I used the app run keeper which is great for outdoor exercise, tracks distance, calories and time. I walked 36 min and ran 3 min. The running is very challenging with all this extra weight, but I'm going for time right now. Slow starting, but it's better than nothing I suppose. Biscuit enjoyed herself and took a great nap when we got home. Weather was absolutely gorgeous here today in southern NJ. Supposed to be great tomorrow too before that cold winter air moves in starting Tuesday. I'm still trying to find a gym that has a "play room" for kids. Have to have that bc the dog can't babysit them and they aren't old enough to stay home alone YET. *sigh* hope I find one soon to hit the treadmill and elliptical again. I ate good today and felt awesome!! Totally made up for yesterday. Time for rest.. Goodnight all!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Today has been a good day. Able to get some housework done. Than went with my daughter to our local Y. Where we met up with a friend. That is where we hangout for the afternoon. Really tired now but enjoy the day a lot. Food has gone ok too.

    @Robin you really did a good job on piazza good self control.

    @Karen your trip to Zurich sure sounds like its going to be fun.--
    Rachel -- good job on walking your dog. We are having some very cold weather for here. Plus sidewalks and streets.are really slick. So no long dog walks. My walks having been limit to treadmill, indoor tracks or mall.

    @mymowmow hope you feel better.
    @Hobo Coast. I had most of my Christmas stuff put away except a few so finally finish it myself this week.
    @Laurie - Good luck on the condo hunt. We just bought a year ago a little house. It is our first we had been long time renters. I agree with decision we made on buying no regrets and it does bring a sense of freedom.
    @Vickimieth--- we are having record cold weather too. A lot of times I experience depression during winter and with the extreme cold not helping. Have you a Y in your area? They offer help if you can 't afford full price.

    Sorry if I miss anyone. Wishing everyone a good night.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @rachael--what kind of dog is Biscuit? My dog, Gunner, is a boxer/shepherd mix--he is the love of my life (shhh--don't tell the DH :wink: ). He loves going for walks and runs, and he's served as my "personal trainer"--I've always tried to get him out for a daily walk, but since starting MFP and setting higher exercise goals, he's ensured that even on those "lazy days" I get out the door with him. It's just too hard to resist his puppy-dog eyes. :heart:

    @robin--great job with the pizza and exercise!

    @laurie--thanks, I know I will get the grading done, just wish there was less of it in general. My DH keeps telling me to stop assigning HW and my students agree with him. :tongue: Good luck with your condo search--finding a new place is so exciting! I also hope the set up with your friend's brother works out.

    @vickie--I do a bunch of core exercises at home, most of which I get from you sign up on their website, they will send you a weekly "get fit move" which is usually a slideshow with a bunch of exercises with pictures and descriptions of the moves. They also send a "self recipe of the week" and "self beauty tip of the week."

    @alison--I agree with vickie--I also find it difficult sometimes when my calories drop. :ohwell: Hope your weather improves soon. I saw on BBC World News that England got a bunch of snow! Hope your area wasn't hit too hard.

    @karenleona--thanks! I know I'm really fortunate that I have a place to stay. Yeah, my nephew and niece were living in Germany and visited Zurich on their honeymoon. She said they ate at a Pizza Hut and it cost $75 for the 2 of them! :noway: Fortunately, we will be able to buy groceries and prepare food at my friends' flat, so we won't have to pay for every meal at restaurant prices. However, even groceries are pretty expensive. I hope your trip to Alberta is fun. I've actually never been anywhere in Canada except Windsor and only just over the bridge from Detroit (where my extended family lives). I have a bunch of family in Toronto, but I've never been there to visit.

    Saturday Success:
    Well, I only got through 9 essays today, so I have 13 left for tomorrow. However, I really could have procrastinated and not done any grading since we are off Monday for MLK day. My new goal is to finish them tomorrow, so I will have a "true" holiday on Monday.

    I also consider it a success that I managed to get to the gym 2 days during the week for 2 weeks in a row. It's so common for me to push that off until the weekend. Had some bad food days early in the week, but I definitely improved. Even did some cooking!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Great week! Exercised 6 out of 7 days and lost 6 lbs. Last night was Girls Night Out playing bunco. A few too many adult beverages, but a TON of laughter, which was really needed. This morning I was up bright and early (very tough due to last night's festivities), but I did the Chef for Kids 5K with my son in 48 minutes. I did a little running, but mostly speedy walking. It was a tough start, but ended strong. I'm looking forward to next week. Let's do this!!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    My big Saturday success is that I went on my lunch date and had a great time! We sat and talked for 2 hrs!!! It was so nice to hang out and enjoy a healthy meal. My lunch was only 252 calories! I'm definitely staying on track today after my whirlwind of a dinner yesterday. Hope everyone is having a great start to the weekend. I'll catch up later, time to take the dog out for a walk/jog.

    @skinny- that trip sounds like fun!


    I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself. I haven't quite been ready to throw myself out there. I've been a single mom now about 8 years. I guess I should start one of these days, but just haven't met the right person yet. Oh well. I'm enjoying life and taking care of me right now. Good luck and hope you guys chat again soon!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm super excited tonight b/c my friend and I booked our flight to Zurich. We are going from July 15-26!! Can't wait!! For the newlings, a couple of my friends moved to Zurich in November, so we will be staying with them while we are there. Good thing too, b/c it's the 2nd most expensive city in the world! :noway: There's no way I could ever afford a trip there if I had to pay for lodging. I had airline miles which covered a good portion of my flight, so it cost me about $900. Now I will start saving up money for our side trip to the French Alps and for spending money while in Zurich. Considering a hamburger cost about $25, I'm guessing I might lose more weight while there--I won't be able to afford the food! :laugh:

    Super excited for you!! Over 20 years ago, I had the opportunity to tour around Europe and Zurich was one of my favorite places. The views are simply breathtaking. I know you're going to have so much fun especially seeing the area with locals. I can't wait to hear about it this summer when you return.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    MFP reduced my calories again because I lost a bit more, and once again I'm finding the new target super hard. I think I'd be ok if it wasn't for the weather, which makes it very hard to get the exercise in. The house is cold too. We're eating lots of winter food. I made a fantastic pea and ham soup, but because it was made with the ham stock it was really salty, and I was rewarded for all that sodium with a super high weight! I am telling myself it's only water from the sodium. I don't normally eat much processed food or add much salt in cooking so that's quite unusual. And tomorrow I am going to deal with the Beetroot Mountain by making borscht. And if that doesn't use all the beetroots then I'll move on to a beetroot and raspberry jelly.

    Hope you're all loving your weekend!

    -- Alison

    I normally tweak my numbers anyway. I'll see where MFP is recommending, but I'm normally adjusting the calories plus I track carbs/protein/fiber/sodium. I will change those on and off again too. We don't really have the cold weather to adjust too, but I think that has to be taken into consideration. I guess it's a lot of video's in doors and creative movement when it's so cold. We're pretty spoiled on the west coast. In Las Vegas, we have sunny days about 95% of the time so it's pretty nice. No excuses for me. Darn!!!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all. Sounds like everyone is having a fairly good weekend. My day was alright. I think my success for the day is not smaking my brothers and his wifes heads together really hard and just biting my toungue. They are going through a rough patch in their marriage right now and they both agree there have been mistakes and problems on each side and they will talk to every one else but seem incapable of telling each other the same things. It is so frustrating but all I can do is be there for both of them and love both of them and hope they work it out. As far as food and exercise this week my food has been great but the flu shot the exercise down to minimal. Its all good though I plan to hit it hard again with monday mornings workout. My daughter and I are thinking about joining the Y this wweek. There is no joining fee this month so if we are going to do it now would be the time. Well have a great nite everyone and c ya tomorrow.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Saturday Success- I have logged in and been under calorie goal for the last five days. The only exercise I have been doing is house cleaning, but I think that is okay for now. I have company coming over a week from today, and I need for my dining room to look good. It makes me feel good when people come over and I'm not embarrassed by my housekeeping.
  • butterflywolf
    Good joy everyone on your self control.
    At 51 years old I should know how to do this, but, how does everyone get their water in. Do you flavor it? Count coffee, tea, or seltzer as water? I drink a glass with each meal but that certainly isn't 8 or more glasses a day.
    Guess that's my sharing for today.

    @Bohemian - there are two schools of thought, primal and paleo. Primal is very strict (like vegan is to vegetarian) and this doesn't fit my lifestyle change. Paleo takes into account that we are modern humans who do not live in caves and have indoor plumbing. The biggest difference is the dairy like you mentioned. Paleo allows raw sheep or goat milk because it contains the enzymes for digestion. Butter is considered a fat and also allowed. Yogurt as sour milk is good but cheese is not. I'll update from time to time but not congest this forum with it. Also, I do not recommend this for everyone. My dh and daughters seem to be able to digest grains happily. Me, they stick like glue. My older daughter would probably waste away if she didn't get the calories from the carbs.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @ Susan- I dated someone for 3 1/2 years and woooo talk about the wrong person! Took me a long time to figure it out. I have been a single mom since before my kids were even born. Their dad and I just never saw eye to eye. We make the best of ur and I nvr let it stop me from doing the things I want. I purchased my first house in November 2011, it's not huge but a 3 bdrm rancher for us is cozy. Take your time dating, there's no rush. The guy I went out with today, nick, just got divorced after 4 yrs of marriage. He asked me out so I'm guessing that's a gd thing lol

    @skinny- LOL!!! Biscuit is also the love of my life, definitely my third child! She's so spoiled. She's half lab/half pit bull. Not mean or anything, actually quite the opposite. Biscuit is my rescue dog. I adopted her when she was abt 1 1/2-2 yrs old. Whoever had her before took VERY gd care of her. She was crated trained and house broken. She's even made it to no crate while I'm at work and there are no surprises when I get home haha! She loves to go for walks but but doesn't like it when it's cold out or raining. She'll hold in her pee all night if it's raining no matter what I do to get her out. Oh and your secret is safe with me abt gunner, I won't tell ur DH!! :bigsmile:

    @butterfly- I struggle with my water intake sometimes too. I have to literally force myself to drink it. The more I drink the more thirsty I find myself becoming. I ALWAYS have a water bottle in my hand. I used flavoring one time, but didn't like it much. I'm going to try MIO or POM next time. Keep drinking even when you think you aren't thirsty. It helps you feel full and you eat less, plus it's gd for your body. Good luck with your water intake!

    @jt- great job listening to both people. Welcome to the wonderful world of social work, which is what I do. It's great they both feel comfortable talking to you, but they have tk learn to communicate with each other. That's a heck of an important thing. Wishing them luck!

    I randomly woke up at 3:45 am with a VERY full bladder, do thought I'd check out MFP. Going to try and get some more rest b4 my little people wake up!

  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Good joy everyone on your self control.
    At 51 years old I should know how to do this, but, how does everyone get their water in. Do you flavor it? Count coffee, tea, or seltzer as water? I drink a glass with each meal but that certainly isn't 8 or more glasses a day.
    Guess that's my sharing for today.

    Mio, Dasanti, & several store brands of flavor drops; True Lemon; Herbal tea - anything I can find that is at least a little natural, and little to no calories.
    Arizona water is gross otherwise :sick:
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @Vickimieth--- we are having record cold weather too. A lot of times I experience depression during winter and with the extreme cold not helping. Have you a Y in your area? They offer help if you can 't afford full price.


    Hi Liz!
    Yes... I do believe that the cold (actually, it's the lack of sunlight - technically) is contributing to my general **blah**. There is a Y nearby (about a mile & a half) - went there New Years because they were having a special event where they would waive their $100 sign-up fee if you signed up that day. BUT, they still wanted $45 a month after that, and there was no assistance program/offer. So, I could go there for $90 a month (me & husband both). So, in spite of what their website claims, I don't buy their having "help". :ohwell: The LA Fitness up the road was lower priced than that.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @vickie--I do a bunch of core exercises at home, most of which I get from you sign up on their website, they will send you a weekly "get fit move" which is usually a slideshow with a bunch of exercises with pictures and descriptions of the moves. They also send a "self recipe of the week" and "self beauty tip of the week."

    Sounds fabulous - thanks for the hint!

    @jt - hope you have better luck with the Y than I did... thinking it's just our area...
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Sunday's thought: , a little about myself: I'm retired and live with my husband. I have 3 grown kids who live close by (2 kids bought houses a short drive from mine). I went from being bored to being very busy as by next week, I'll have 5 grandchildren, all, but one under 2 years old. All 3 of my kids were pregnant within 3 months of each other. It's wonderful and I love it, but it's a little stressful . I've been present at 2 of the births and will be attending my daughters soon (she's due today!)
    I've let myself go...never thought it would happen to me...strange for me to admit I'm having a hard time with this weight. I can't seem to get started even though I have lots of reason why I need to.
    I've had the flu that's going around and have been 'ostrasized' from the rest of the family. I feel fine, but still have a cough. I understand, the babies health comes first, but it's been close to a month, it's freezing, bitter cold outside and I'm kind of stuck in the house. Getting 'cabin fever' and not really into shopping. The obvious solution is to start hitting the gym. I'm kind of terrified to go. I'm embarassed and can't get over it. Hubby is at the gym right now, playing squash! Of course he's tall and thin, whereas, I'm short and .....!
    Ok, that's where I'm at right now, hopefully, more exciting stuff in the future.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @rachael--I love pits! It drives me nuts that they have such a bad reputation--did you know that 100 years ago people used to get them to act a "nannies" to their children b/c they're so protective and loyal? Gunner is also a rescue, also got him at 1 1/2 years old, and he was also fairly well trained. Completely house-broken and knew all of the basic commands. He's never been crate-trained and only peed in the house twice during the first 2 weeks we had him. Funny story, the first time was his 2nd day here. I bought him a big rawhide. Having been in the shelter for 4 months, it had been a long time since he'd had such a treat. He took about an hour to finish it and as soon as he was done, he jumped up, whined, and before either DH or I could get up off the couch, gunner ran into our bathroom and peed in there. We figure he just got so caught up with the rawhide, he didn't realize he had to pee until it was too late. The 2nd accident also happened in our bathroom. I was scrubbing the tub and he came in and tried to get my attention, but I thought he just wanted to play. I finished cleaning the tub, turned around and there was big wet spot on the bathroom rug and a very sad puppy cowering next to it. He's never had another accident and he stays home all day. Usually not for more than 4-6 hours (DH can usually come home for lunch), but there have been days when he's had to go for 8-10 hours, and he's fine.

    @butterfly--I've always been a water drinker, but I'm fortunate that I grew up in Chicago where the water is awesome. In fact, when DH and I were looking for our house, one of my stipulations was that we had to have Lake Michigan water. In order to make sure I get enough, I fill one 32 oz and one 24 oz water bottle and take both to work with me. I sip on them throughout the day w/ the goal of finishing both before I leave. That way I've gotten through 7 cups before I even get home. It's usually pretty easy to get in 3 more cups to reach my 10 cup goal for the day. Oh, and though I rarely drink them, I do count non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated drinks such as herbal teas. Caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics, so you shouldn't count those as water, and should actually drink an extra cup of water for each of those types of drinks you consume each day.

    @helen--great job getting back to meeting your calorie goal! :flowerforyou: Housecleaning can be pretty good exercise, especially if your house gets as dirty as mine. :laugh: Seriously, we have new neighbors and I keep thinking I should invite them over for dinner or drinks or something, but then I look at the tumbleweeds of dog fur all over my house and decide against it. Maybe this summer after I have time to try angelika's power purge.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Endured some kind of injury to my leg/hip yesterday - not sure if it was the actual run or the stretching afterwards that did it but I was barely walking all afternoon. I texted my trainer about it, he thinks it was a muscle strain. It was in a strange area, so icing was difficult - but found a way to do it, range of motion returned last night. I'm walking better this morning, but its still a little sore, I'm getting ready to ice it again for a while - I'm kind of stubborn so don't want to miss my training session today, we'll have to work around it. Not sure I can run today. :sad:

    Sunday Share~Last summer I did a 90-day weight loss challenge at my gym and came in third. I hadn't decided if I was going to do the spring one or not - but three trainers at my gym have talked me into it. Challenge starts in early February and runs through mid-May - I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself to lose at least 30#. The trainers seem to think its doable, so maybe with their help I can.

    @butterfly~With the exception of coffee, water is my beverage of choice. most of the time I don't put anything in it - if I add anything its either MiO or True Lemon. I have access to filtered water at work and at home, so the taste isn't anything I have to worry about. I don't count coffee if it contains caffeine since its dehydrating. I get in anywhere from 12-16 cups a day - drinking two right off the bat when my feet hit the floor in the morning.

    @Robin~Pizza sounds delish, glad you enjoyed your time with your nephew. Its nice to have family nearby.

    @Alison~Those calorie drops can be frustrating. Its so strange though, the weight loss coach at my gym told me last week I'm eating too few calories because I'm so active, so she bumped mine up. I'm doing a resting metabolic assessment next week to see where I really need to be.

    @Vicki~grilled cheese and tomato soup, a match made in heaven! :tongue:

    @Laurie~Good luck on your condo hunt, house hunting can be so much fun!

    Time for more coffee!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Sunday Share:
    Since we have a lot of new people on the thread, and since many are beginning running programs, I thought I would sunday share about my experiences. I started running in June 2011 at about 225 lbs, but I had been walking my dog regularly for several years (usually 1-2 miles), and had been doing the elliptical for about a year (2-3 miles)--so I was far from sedentary. Even so, running was a struggle. I used c25k on my treadmill at home which has 2% incline (which I HATE!). It took me about 6 weeks to get to the point where I could run a 5k without stopping. Here are some questions that went through my brain early in the process:

    1. Why do I sweat SO MUCH? Other people at the gym don't pour sweat like I do, and they are running much faster or for much longer. Will I always be so terribly sweaty when I run?

    Well, I do still sweat, but certainly not as much as I used to. If I'm going at my comfort pace (runner's call it your "forever pace" which is the pace you feel like you could keep running forever), I only sweat a little assuming the temps are decent. However, if I'm pushing for a faster pace or doing speed work, I still get sweaty. Overall though, I feel like the sweating is more "normal" and my face doesn't get all red and blotchy like it used to.

    2. How come I need to drink so much water while I run? How can I run a 5k with only one water station when I'm constantly drinking from my water bottle on the treadmill? Will me body eventually need less water while running?

    My body has definitely adjusted in this area. I never take a water bottle when I run outside; I run 1.5 miles, stop home to drop off gunner, and drink some water, then run another 1.5 miles. On the treadmill, I still have a water bottle handy, but I find I barely drink any of it, and only do so b/c I can, not b/c I feel like I would die without it. So no, I don't need as much water while I'm running provided I stay well-hydrated in general.

    3. Why do I sound like I'm going to die while running? I'm huffing and puffing like I will keel over any second--will my breathing ever normalize?

    Like the sweating, the breathing got better as my VO2 MAX increased. If I run at my forever pace, my breathing is calm and steady. However, if I'm pushing myself, it gets a bit harder to breathe and I know I'm a bit louder.

    4. Why can't I get past week X of c25k? (for me it was week 4, I think)

    I got stuck at the point where I had to move from 5 minutes of running to 8 minutes; I just couldn't do it. Then someone told me to slow down. "Slow down" I thought "I'm only running at 5 mph." But then I slowed to 4.5 mph and it made all the difference in the world. I continued at that pace until I could run a whole 5k and then I started working on increasing my pace. Right now, my forever pace is 5.3 mph and I'm getting pretty comfortable at 5.5.

    Anyway, I hope this helps some of you. The improvements took time, and a year and half into the process I'm still pretty slow. In part that's b/c I still have extra weight to drop. In part, it's b/c I stubbornly still smoke a few cigarettes everyday. Despite all of that, I really LOVE being a runner.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    sunday share. there's lots of new people so i figure i'd best introduce myself again. my name is amber, i'm 37, married with 3 kids. i live in new mexico. i used to be very thin. for years. i weighed less than a hundred pounds when i graduated from high school. when i was 25 i had my first child. i was very ill and was on bedrest by 4 months. during those months i managed to gain about a hundred pounds. which was annoying but not the end of the world. except that after that i started having weird problems, hormone issues, strange hair growth, that kind of thing. turns out the rapid weight gain kicked in my dormant case of polycystic ovarian syndrome. so despite all my hard work after my son was born i just kept gaining more weight instead of losing it. at the end of my LONG and hard journey to have children, PCOS causing subfertility, i weighed 280 pounds give or take. i lost 45 over 2011 and part of 2012. since summer of 2012 i've lost almost nothing. i'm just not trying hard enough. but at least i haven't gained much back. cold comfort, though. i need to find my motivation again. that's my goal.