
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Can’t believe it’s May and finally feeling like spring is here. DH has a horrible head cold and I feel like I might be coming down with something too.:sick: I hope not, because I was hoping to plant this weekend as they are calling for beautiful weather. I have a hosta that is on the edge of my lawn and covers the ugly Verizon boxes on my property. The problem is that my dog and my neighbor’s dog have been having “pee parties” on it and have essentially killed it.:mad: I’d like to remove it and put something else in, but what? If anyone has a suggestion, I’d love to hear it.

    One of my April goals was to cut down on sodium. I’ve failed in a big way!:embarassed: I work long hours and although we do cook fresh meats, fish and vegetables, we also eat some processed foods to save time. The WW meals, Light soups and certain sides, for instance, are loaded with sodium! I do drink lots of water and the sodium has not affected my weight loss, but I am disappointed because my goal was not just to lose the weight, but also to get healthy. Drinking more water was also one of my goals that I’ve been successful with. I am in the bathroom a lot, so I guess it is flushing some of the sodium out. But my continuing goal is to reduce my sodium, and at least stay within my daily allowance. Sometimes I feel like removing sodium from my diary so others won’t see it, but who am I kidding if I do that? This has to be for me, so I’ll continue to track it.

    :tongue: Michele – How were the brownies with tofu, and what was it a substitute for in the recipe?

    :frown: Sunshine – So sorry you had to deal with the stress of your MIL. She sounds like a difficult person anytime, but to have to deal with that on vacation just seems sad.

    :smile: Marcia – Glad your root canal went well.

    :flowerforyou: M – With all of the hours you’re putting in your garden, it must be gorgeous! I’d love to see it!

    :drinker: Janemartin – Happy Birthday!

    :happy: Jb – Loved the poem. I am a novice gardener and loved looking at your magnificent gardens!

    :noway: Sue in SD – OUCH! Hope that shoulder feels better. I think anyone with a large dog has a story like yours. I know I do!

    :wink: Karen – Welcome. You are making good choices. Congrats on your progress so far.

    :smile: Kathy – Good luck on the animal caretaker position.

    :heart: Brooke – Any news from the phone interview?

    :flowerforyou: CityjaneLondo – A positive attitude is just as important as the physical part of this journey. If you can’t believe in yourself, WE will believe in you! You WILL succeed & keep the weight off!

    :brokenheart: Janehadji – No matter how old we are, it’s never easy to watch our parents health fail. Hopefully, you’ll get answers from the doctors that will provide him with options. Good luck & congrats on your achievement in real estate.

    :drinker: Jackie – We are all behind you and wishing for your success at the Broad Street Run! Go get ‘em, girl!

    :wink: Yanniejannie – Baby steps! Any change you make, however small, is a success!

    :sick: Meg – AAWWW…poor Benny! Hope the little guys is feeling better.

    :grumble: Joyce – The TM does give you a workout doesn’t it? It takes some time to get used to it, so stick with it. It’s wonderful that you are trying something new.

    :laugh: Liz – Your lunch must have looked appetizing to someone!

    :heart: Santd – Checked out your pics. You look awesome! Congrats on all of the hard work! We are here to support you in your continued success.

    :wink: Katla – Thrift stores are great for buying inexpensive “interim” clothing!

    Anyone who is new has joined just by posting. To find us again, just go to MY TOPICS under COMMUNITY.
    Welcome to all who are new. We are all in this together, and together we are strong, so keep coming back!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Well the weather has turned and it's cold in TX. Actually 50 but the wind is blowing 25 mph so it feels a lot worse. Guess when it gets hot we will be wishing for this weather.
    Couldn't find my goals for April but I remember one was to eat 5 f/v a day and I didn't do that everyday. So I'm going to start anew for May. It seems like the month of April has been not successful in my weight loss journey. Once I had to stop posting and logging while we were gone, I've gotten back into some bad habits.
    JaneH - I hope there are some good options for your dad as I know how had it is to work through these issues. Congrats on your award.
    Coloradograndma - come back often and chat with us. There are a lot of CO ladies on this thread.
    Santd - I checked out your pictures and I couldn't believe my eyes. You look wonderful. Congratulations on all the hard work you did to lose the weight. Enjoy your success.
    Laura in Co - sorry to hear about hubby's hand. Glad the injury wasn't worse.
    52golfnut - I'm a golfer also. I only play twice a week but would like to play more. It's cold and windy today and we have a great tee time tomorrow and it's suppose to be colder. RATS
    Lucy - I got a chuckle from the dogs "pee party" on your plant. Probably anything you plant there will suffer the same fate unless you put up a small fence.
    JaneMartin - Happy Birthday to you!
    Welcome to the newbies. It's a fun group you've found. Let us know who you are and where you're from, It helps to get to know you.

    Off to do some indoors exercising this afternoon. Have a wonderful day and make good choices.
    Sue in TX

    May Goals:
    Get back to logging and posting everyday.
    Exercise 5 x a week for 40 minutes
    Get 5 f/v a day.
  • enzio33
    enzio33 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm new to this blog. I'm 47 years old, but thought I would join in anyways! ;-) Ellen
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good afternoon, all! Errands most of today, including buying a new disposal as mine broke last night when I was rinsing dishes and loading the dishwasher and flooded the kitchen in a most spectacular manner.

    Nicer weather, but still a bit cool and breezy here today.

    janemartin.........Happy Birthday times 2 to you and the absolutely adorable Violet

    Lucy.....I agree with Sue, a fence is definately needed for dog pee or anything you put there will suffer

    sunshine.........what a MIL!!............two words
    foley catheter, just the threat might get her moving

    meg........so glad your doggie is home,hope he heals quickly
    fur babies just wrap themselves around our hearts when they are with us and live there forever

    mid-Atlantic US
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Today was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. So, a friend of mine invited me out to tour the City here in Bremen, Germany. We left around 10:30 am and arrived home around 7:30 pm. It was so gorgeous out and with no commitments today, we just got lost in time. We walked, talked, ate, shopped and met up with friends while we were there. My feet are killing me from all the walking.

    So how many calories do you think I might have burned in 9 hours? I would take away 2 to 3 hours of sitting to eat twice and the rest of the time was either walking, standing and looking at clothes.

    I had a wonderful time and going to call it an early night.

    Til tommorrow ladies ...
  • vulcan06
    vulcan06 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello All-I love the idea of a group of women age 50+ amazing- enjoyed reading the posts- I'm a newbie- have never posted here at all- started using MFP a couple of months ago- had done a different one before that and was successful until I managed to clone my phone to my sons phone and lost ALL of my info- started this one then so my total weight loss has been 28 lbs, but only 11 since joining here- I think the idea of goals is GREAT- I have been totally alone in my struggle with food- so having to set goals and having to report on those every month just might motivate me to do a better job of staying under my daily calorie goal- a huge THANKS to whoevbver started this-
    my goals for May- 1- stick with my eating plan- 2- one meatless meal per week- 3 HEALTHY snacks built in to the daily plan 4- weigh in every week Monday a.m. that's enough for me for now- thank you all
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    well the jobs are done for today and got the furbabies down to the park, and they loved it.. I am sporting a bit of a headache,but think it might be the pollen:grumble:
    watched the George Jones funeral on CMT. it was very moving..he had a hard life ,but learned from it...
    absolutely a gorgeous day today here,started out a bit cold, but it is beautiful now..
    Gonna grill some burger's tonight, DH will have his hamburger and I will have a chicken burger.. they are very good 180 cal. and perdue makes them.. will put mine on a deli flat so dinner will be 280.. that is horrible:smile:
    lawn is mowed,errands run,dogs walked, and fed (if they will eat) stubborn they are....
    now going to make a grocery list for Sunday.
    Sunshine is it you that is eating clean? I would like to try and do that, I know I have way to many processed foods in my diet.. I count them all,but that still isnt good...
    Meg- glad Benny is better.. once he is up and staggering give him a treat for me..:bigsmile:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Well saw the orthopedist yesterday and he thinks I have a torn rotator cuff and possible hairline fracture of the humerus. He wants to do an MRI to make sure but insurance is balking. It has gone to a clinical review at the insurance company and I will hear in two days whether they will okay the MRI or if I have to do three weeks of PT first and then reassess. Very discouraging to be off work but not really able to do much of anything and the Vicodin makes me sleepy. At least the weather has improved. It is chilly but sunny. I think the horse trailer is going to have to wait for new tires until my DD gets here in three weeks and can help with it. I'm not sure yet how I am even going to get out to take care of my horse. I know I can't drive my truck just yet even if I could climb in it.

    Yuck, enough complaining! At least I did not hit my head and this can all be taken care of eventually. And since I work at a hospital in the therapy department I know where to go and what to do for treatment when I get a diagnosis.

    Thanks all for listening, Sue in SD
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks for all the birthday wishes.Had a nice lunch with son and Violet.Got a precious pic made by Violet of butterflies,made with her feet.
    Sue,sorry about your rotator cuff.I had surgery on mine in 2008.
    Welcome newbies.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    well here i sit, on my bed, with a brace on my foot, we shall see how this puppy works.. if I wake up in the morning without pain than it will be a step in the right direction....
    sorry to hear about your rotator cuff, my Ex had both of his done..even with all I did today still only got in 5758 steps.. oh well I did get alot of fresh air and sunshine:bigsmile:
    I work the next to days and then have sunday off.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I have made my casserole and it's in the oven. The test is the taste. It called for dill pickles and dijon mustard which I very much distate so i left them out. I have found out that it was a very , how should i say it, hot kitchen casserole to make which isn't good for me to make at all. So I need to find some good crock pot recipes so the kitchen isn't as hot. My MS has been bothering me all day anyway. Wish me luck on the taste

    Joyce, in a hot kitchen in southern Indiana
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member

    Joyce, here are four sites that have slow cooker/crockpot recipes! The Cooking Light Slow Cooker Tonight cookbook is great

    Brooke from Colorado

    “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I think that recipe is a mistake but a learning experience. To much tomato taste and that was pretty much it. Now I'm wanting something more. I think I'll fix a peanut butter or grilled cheese sandwich.. What I want it s blizzard

    Thanks so much for the crock pot sites Brooke.

    Joyce, hungry in southern Indiana
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good evening, all - just a quick drop-by before bed.

    I spent the day working and working in the yard - a bit at lunch, then several hours tonight. I came in when it was getting dark to find DH had texted me that he was going to happy hour with a friend. Needless to say, it appear that "hour" has stretched out some. Anyway, it's a shame because I made an outstanding dinner of grilled salmon, roasted sweet and white potatoes, and sauteed sugar snap peas. Too bad for him.

    I finished the path to the garden and two side beds yesterday, then weeded the bed along the back of the house. We have these horrible weeds this year that have taken over everything. No lie, I've taken out more than 20 bags of weeds so far and still have two big beds to go. Anyway, today I put down the paper on the new bed my darling DH "built" for me when he refused to listen to where I told him to build "his" walkway. Then I planted some hostas in the new area and transplanted some peonies there too, mulched everything and started weeding one of the last two beds (which are bears).

    And now I'm off to bed. It's a rough way to lose weight, but I'm down a pound and hopefully off the plateau.

    Night, ladies -

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Jari Love Revved to the Max DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to walk at a brisk pace on the treadmill.

    Vince is going to go to the MD later today. He says he has a sore throat. Honestly, when men are sick, they can be such babies. Right now he's laying in the chair moaning. Now if I were to do that??? I'm sure he'll be fine

    nannikins - welcome! You've come to a great place for support. You'll also get some ideas on how to conquer those "craving days", I know I have.

    Liz - sorry you didn't get the lunch you packed. I know how frustrating that can be

    Rosalind in NJ - what part of NJ are you in? We used to live in northern NJ. I know when I started watching portions, I was amazed at times how small/large a portion can be

    santd - I just checked out your pics. Is that the same person? Big congrats on the weight loss, you deserve it. Were you on any special diet?

    As for my May goal - probably the same as March which was the same as April. I'm honestly not expecting that I'll make it. This month is kind-of crazy. I'm going to be having Mexican Train here Tuesday (which means prep, clean etc), we're going to be having our "end of season" bowling party and then I'll be having Rummikub here on the 21st. So lots of prep, etc. But I am going to try to keep things in check. Vince and I are also participating in the Unifour bowling games (the 7th and 14th). On top of that we'll be working on the landscaping (wish Vince would order the river rock!), our regular senior bowling.

    Linda - you are a true angel to take your MIL. It really hurts when someone doesn't take care of themselves. I was in that position. my MIL was diabetic, too. I think she didn't like wearing Depends because she felt in a sense it was like admitting that you're not as young as you used to be. Same here -- stains on furniture, etc. You had a tooth with FIVE roots? WOW! I really want to get to Rome one day. Maybe now that Bryan is acting the way he is, we'll have more freedom to go where we want. Usually we'd try to go see him, but now we're not locked into just going to France and countries that are relatively simple to get to from there.

    wilmasheridan, julie, incanto, 52golfnut, enzio33, vulcan06 (are you a Star Trek fan?) - welcome! You joined this group just by posting. Come back often.

    cityjane - how great that you're donating your too big clothes. Now you need to shop for new ones. Are there any Savation Army or Goodwill places over there? You can get clothes at a very good price at them. What about thrift stores? I'd hate to see you having to wear the same things over and over and over. One of the parts I like about losing weight is having to get new clothes. Only I've been on a plateau for a LONG LONG time now. I'm guessing that maybe my body just doesn't want to go below this set point. I don't want to gain, that's for sure. I know if I were to gain now, it would be that much harder to lose.

    We're supposed to go to lunch with the Newcomers today. Vince doesn't think he'll go since he says he can't talk much. Anyway, that's good in a sense for me, I'll stop at Aldi, maybe Petsmart and on the way home I'll get the bowling towel that I had framed. See, whenever I get a strike (which doesn't happen all that often) I do a little dance, shake my hips. I'm known at Senior bowling for that. Anyway, this one guy gave me a towel that says "I only bowl so I can do that funny dance when I get a strike". I really probably should have washed the towel before I had it framed. I'm looking forward to going to this place for lunch. It's new and I did see that someone at the Green Room had a chicken sandwich. I bet I can get that, just no bread. It didn't look like it had any mayo on it, but I'll ask that it not be put on if it is. Maybe I can get a side of veggies?

    drkatiebug - good for you planning ahead with your snacks! Preplanning is very important

    Cindy - I like your attitude of not giving up! That's so important. Congrats on the NSV. Small steps lead to larger ones

    corjogo - welcome

    It's a bit on the chilly side here today, but at least it isn't raining. Grey and overcast, but no rain....... It looks like the rest of the week is going to be about the same.

    Went to the lunch with the Newcomers. They offer a grilled chicken breast sandwich, so I got that without mayo or bun. Honestly, I think they made it and then realized that it shouldn't have had the bun so they took that off. The mayo was on the underside of the lettuce so I couldn't see it. I happened to turn the lettuce over and saw it so I didn't eat it. Just had water to drink. Then went to PetSmart, then Aldi, then to AC Moore to pick up my towel that I had framed. Then home to spray weed killer on weeds that are coming up. I really can't wait until we put down the landscape fabric and river rock.

    I need to go to mahjongg tomorrow because one lady who has two Mexican Train sets will bring them for me. Then I'll go to Lowe's Foods and stop to pick up Vince's bowling ball. It got really gouged last week. It's interesting, they're opening later and later. I really wish they'd open earlier. We've been there at night and after around 9:30 it's totally dead. Why they don't open earlier is beyond me. They're paying for employees late at night when no one is there. Well, it's not my decision.

    katla - it's so nice to hear such a positive post as yours. Hope everything goes well for dh and you get some answers. I'm like you, I'd rather be early than stressed about a delay.

    Laura - sending good thoughts that hubby's injury heals quickly. That is good that he can continue to work. So sorry for Peanut. You know him better than anyone else and when he isn't acting just right

    Lucy in DE - hoping you aren't coming down with something. You couldn't tell the brownies had tofu in them! It seemed to be a 1 to 1 substitute for the oil. Vince never knew, and he's one chocoholic.

    yanniejannie - oh no, water water everywhere and not a drop to drink....lol

    Sue in SD - (((((hugs))))

    Joyce - good luck. You don't really need that blizzard

    Started cleaning the mold off the railing on the deck, then it got too dark so I couldn't continue. Just sent an email to the Wet & Forrget company telling them that we have ropelight in a plastic track attached to our railing, hopefully their product won't affect the plastic. I wouldn't think so, but better to ask than to be sorry. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the mold off that's inside the track, maybe this'll help. It appears that it doesn't prevent mold from growing.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening

    Michele in NC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    THIS IS AWESOME: link to MFP thread re: snacks under 100 calories, :drinker: I’ve only read the first post and there are some great ideas here (sweet/savory/sweet & salty):


    Lucy – About your hosta: are you really sure it’s dead? :noway: If it might be revived, you may want to try a “keep away” spray like bitter apple which you can spray all around it. I’ve used this indoors successfully (get it at a Petco or such) though not positive it’s an outdoors option so doublecheck. As for the phone interview, it went really well so now I wait to see if I’m brought in for a “real” face-to-face interview.

    Enzio33 (Ellen) –
    Vulcan06 -
    Welcome, come back often and read & post – this is a group of really warm, wise and witty women! You’ll get lots of understanding and support on your health journey! :flowerforyou:

    Gonzamm – What a lovely day you had! Log in the hours you walked at the pace you averaged and take credit for having fun today! :wink:

    M. – Yikes!! Hope you stretch and/or take a hot soak after all that yard work! Your dinner sounded scrumptious too :grumble:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Never suppress a generous thought.” - - Camilla Kimball

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Where did the day go?????? Dog walking, healthy meals, two line dance classes, a few household chores, and now it’s time for my Thursday phone calls, and then to bed. I read all the posts and am envious of you who were able to work in your yards today…..I did keep three of my four resolutions today (walk enough steps, make a meal with tofu, and be agreeable)

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: “The only real freedom a human being can ever know is doing what you ought to do because you want to do it.”

    Resolutions for May
    *walk at least 18,000 steps a day----23,000 steps a day average
    * putter in the yard 5 days a week, 15-60 minutes each day
    *cook with tofu once a week
    *be agreeable----say “OK”

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Does anyone know calories burned for dragon boating? I tried it for the first time after work tonight for 1.5 hours. It was great fun and I never noticed the time, although I may notice the muscles tomorrow.

    I googled it but not having too much luck. It is not the same as rowing. It is paddling. (I know, I know...wth difference does that make)


    Vancouver Island, BC
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Today went much better. Weather was nice hangouts in the park for the most part. Went into my boss to change my hours. I 'd like to go parttime. The days are do long I am experiencing burnouts. But its not going to change they just don't have enough staff.

    I am.hoping that changes quickly so I can go in and try again. :)

    @Barbie good job being agreeable!

    @DrKatiebug good job planning out your snacks

    @M sounds like a great dinner. We will be working in our yard this Saturday.

    Welcome to all the Newbies!

    Liz from Idaho
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Help!! I seem to be reverting to old habits. Today was the first time in almost two years that I kept eating even though I was very full. Now I am so uncomfortable that I can't sleep. I truly believed I would never do this again since losing the weight . I have been incredibly stressed at work and have had little time to do any of the things I enjoy, but I know strategies to avoid stress eating.
    I know tomorrow is a new beginning. I will get back to logging everything I eat and my exercise. If I don't do any, I will write that under the notes. Maybe seeing it in black and white will help me get back on track.

    I know I should be able to keep myself accountable, but seem to need outside help right now.:frown: :frown:

    Renny- I don't know about dragon boating, but is it anything like kayaking? Kayaking burn a lot of calories.

    Changed my profile picture to one from my son's wedding. This is from when I had just started this journey to better health and is when I was about 50 pounds heavier than I am now. I can't get current pics to upload. Will keep working on it.

    Meg- Hope your fur baby is improving quickly. It is so hard to see them suffer.

    Know I should try to sleep, but think I will try to get some work done instead. Still don't feel well from overindulging.:sad:
    Deb A in CNY