

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    It was a busy weekend, an all day workshop, three concerts, no exercise and some terrible eating! Time to climb back on the wagon.

    Okay, maybe not NO exercise - there was that half hour of snow shovelling! in the below freezing weather!! Not sure what that is about but a lot of the province got hit with huge dumps of snow, bad roads, freezing temps, etc,etc. There is currently a good foot of snow on my deck and yard, and I keep repeating the farmer mantra...."We need the moisture!":huh:

    Lila - Your cat/feather story made me thankful that the feathers I found were on the front yard (pre snow:wink: ) and not INSIDE my house! and I don't even own a cat - but I suspect there is one less bird in the neighbourhood!!

    Take care all - the winners, the 'losers', the ones enduring the loss of a loved one - and go well!

    Glenda, buried in white stuff in Alberta
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good Monday afternoon!

    First of all, I want to apologize for my rant on Friday. I don't know what came over me that day, but I am so grateful to all of you who offered kind words of support. Those feelings passed by the next afternoon, and I feel myself again. I'm thinking I might talk to the doctor about what I can do to replace the Premarin. It's hard to believe that such a small dose made such a big difference!

    It took awhile to get through all of the posts. There's a lot going on in all of our lives. So nice we have a place to share.

    :laugh: Meg - I swear that I always get the "hungries" when the seasons change, especially in the spring! I just have to tell myself to "step away from the chocolate" when this happens! I'm sure you'll get back on track now that you've acknowledged your trigger foods.

    :flowerforyou: Robin - Stress can cause all kinds of physical problems. In my first unhappy marriage, I spent a lot of time in doctors' offices trying to figure out the cause of all kinds of weird symptoms. Turns out it was all from stress! Take care of your emotional needs and the physical sometimes corrects itself.

    :wink: gonzamm - We all deserve a treat now and then. Good for you getting back on track!

    :noway: Renny - OUCH! Sounds like you're a glutton for punishment!

    :mad: janemartin - With "friends" like that, who needs enemies? Hope you find a new place soon.

    :drinker: Joyce - I find the flavored waters too sweet. Lemon works for me, but if it makes you drink more water, I say go for it!

    :flowerforyou: yanniejannie - Congrats on making those 10,000 steps. That is a serious NSV!!

    :brokenheart: Eileen - So sorry for your loss. The death of a parent is always hard, no matter what the circumstance. Sending out hugs to you during this difficult time.

    :happy: DeeDee - So happy to hear that you are finally feeling well!

    :huh: m - What is Euchre?

    :devil: Tari - The scale can be evil! Don't let it get you down!

    :wink: Katla - Good for you exercising through the pain! I found out that pushing through the pain works!

    :drinker: Carol - Were you shopping all that time or just walking the mall? That's a lot of mall walking!

    :heart: Jo - Congrats on your thrift store NSV and upcoming anniversary!

    :ohwell: Viv - Your body will tell you when you need rest. It's best to listen.

    :heart: Cheryl - I'm sure your beautiful daughter will have plenty of dances in her future. She looks gorgeous in that dress!

    :laugh: Brooke - "Sweat is fat crying".......LOVED THIS!!!

    :wink: jb - I think your story summed up our group quite well!

    :noway: Glenda - Still no spring? Don't worry....it's coming soon!

    :laugh: Lila - Lucky for me that my dog is too slow to catch anything....although that doesn't stop him from trying!

    :sick: Jane in SLC - Leg cramps can be an indication of something more serious which is probably why your doctor ordered tests. I hope you get good news and an easy remedy soon.

    :huh: Gail - I bruise easily too....and in weird places (like my hands). So I guess we'll be black & blue buddies.

    :flowerforyou: Alison - WTG on that 25 pounds lost!

    :grumble: Michele - About the time the weeding is finished it'll be time to power wash the deck!

    :tongue: CityjaneLondo - Yoga does take practice...especially the balance part. I still have a hard time with balance, but you are right. It is more important as we age to continue to work on it.

    :heart: jodios - You'll never forgot the loss of your parents, but life helps us to move forward. Hugs are going out to you today.

    Welcome to all of the newcomers. I appreciate all of your stories and share in all of your struggles. We are in this together!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I don't know if my pedometer is off or not but there are 2 places that my husband has driven the car along the car along the route and gone by the odometer. He says the park is longer than what my pedometer walks it and today we went down to the river. I stopped at .5 miles and the car said it was .6. Also it was an incline. Will that help my thunder thighs decrease in size????
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member

    Euchre is a regional version of Spades. I met a lady in Hawiaii to play Euchre with; she had gone to college in Madison, WI :laugh:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Prayers for the Boston area victims, and for America if this is a terrorist attack. :sad:
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi Everyone --

    Spent some time reading the thread - want to get to know you all better. Must say I won't be able to address a comment to each of you, but will try my best to post without meandering all over the place and having you scratch your heads in confusion (I tend to ramble.....)

    :flowerforyou: Eileen -sorry for your loss - I'm sure you'll have happy memories of your Mom. I was lucky to have my Mom living with me for her last year. It was a gift that we were abloe to spend the time together - she was a wonderful Mother who loved giving of herself and was always there when I needed her. I miss her, but always smile when I think of her.

    :flowerforyou: Jane -hope you find a new place soon. Moving is such a hassle. But you're right, your "friend" needs a court order. At one time I owned a three-family home and had to evict a tenant. It wasn't easy as first I had to have a Notice to Vacate served - which required that I give a 30 day notice from the first of a month - so if it was today 4/15, I had to give them to 5/31 to vacate - has to end on last day of month. Then I would have to file compaint and request hearing date - which generally runs another 30 days to get before the court. Then the court generally gives them 30 days or so to find another place. If the tenant doesn't move, you can't just pack them up a put their stuff by the curb - you have to hire a constable/sheriff to oversee a moving company packing them up and moving their stuff into storage, which the landlord has to pay for 90 days storage. So it takes a lot of time and money for the landlord. I'm sure most states have similar laws.

    :drinker: Barbie: I'm trying to make my calories count - eating lots of veggies and fruit, eating protein at every meal, etc. Also trying to add new foods so I don't get bored. This morning I had cottage cheese with peaches - delicious. Last night a salmon burger on a lite wheat hamburger roll - yummy. Also making stir-fries, veggie-filled omelettes, and wraps and homemade pizzas, etc. Enjoying and savoring my meals - not just stuffing my face.

    :glasses: I'm so impressed with the weight losses that are posted - and I try to read diaries to get meal suggestions and ideas for menu planning.

    :blushing: At this point I'm not exercising - can't walk any distance due to health issues. I'm hoping to get a "airbike"(?) to use - think I'll be able to use that as I think it will be low-impact for knees and back. I do want to add exercise and build up strength and stamina.

    :frown: I don't work anymore - which makes me super, super happy - but I'm having a difficult time "adjusting" My SO is not very supportive. I've tried to get him to move out but he doesn't want to and at this point I'm not at the point where I'm willing to go the court route. He considers me "the love of his life" but I don't feel the same way any longer due to his "issues". Won't go into details, but he drags me down. I try to be optomistic and no matter what I am going to get myself healthier so I can start getting out and about again and living life. :bigsmile:

    Well, time to start getting dinner ready - hope you all have a good week!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Prayers for the Boston area victims, and for America if this is a terrorist attack. :sad:

    I add my prayers for the victims and the City of Boston. :cry:
  • marygee1951
    marygee1951 Posts: 148 Member
    Just turned on the TV and learned of the Boston Marathon explosions - two dead and many serious injuries. Scary - it can happen anywhere.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member

    Euchre is a regional version of Spades. I met a lady in Hawiaii to play Euchre with; she had gone to college in Madison, WI :laugh:

    Thanks for the info. I never heard of it before!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Too horrible for words. Sending prayers to Boston. Hug your loved ones tonight
  • nanasorchid52
    My thoughts are with you all. Too horrible for words!

    I had three hours of utter fear during the London bomb blasts when we could not contact my DSIL so I really feel your pain

  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    OMG ,,, I was horrified learning about the explosions at the Boston Marathon. I turned on the TV and just stared at the news in disbelief. It was just horrible and very scary. My prayers are with the victims and families in Boston.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Waiting find out if anyone I know was injured; our local tv just interviewed (by phone) the son of a friend who is up in Boston for his first time. He's OK had finished and gone to his hotel. I watched this kid grow up and know others who are there. Running Boston is huge for all serious runners. Those who pray; please do so........the rest please send your hopes for minimal injuries.
    Runners are a very casual bunch........I don't know how many times someone I don't know has thrown me a backpack or a bundled jacket when I 've been working a finish line and I've taken it w/o a second thought.............
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    brooke - I forgot to mention that I do like Rodney Yee's DVD's. I think his cues are good, I can follow him even when I can't look at the TV (he does yoga). I also like the Leslie Sanson walking DVD's. I constantly amazed at how hard I need to work. I honestly didn't think they'd be very hard when I first got one, but, boy, did it surprise me! Oh, I love your quotes

    grandmale - take care of yourself.

    DeeDee - this composite deck was here when we bought the house. I honestly don't know how I feel about it. Part of me thinks that maybe in a few years (like 10 or 15) we'll change it, I just don't know. It IS zero maintenance, tho.

    luvbuttons - get walking!!!!

    Jane - best of luck to you on the apt

    Meg - KIDS! They can be so exasperating. Sometimes they feel they are owed so much and that they don't even need to try to get something (like ahead in the world)

    Lucy in DE - no need at all to apologize.

    A friend of mine had a birthday cake with this writing "happy first anniversary of your 69th birthday"

    LisalnUP - OK, now I need to find out what Spades is....

    I know that I'll need to have a piece of the fudge cake that I made the lady tonight, so I'm trying to save up calories

    I can totally understand why the city of Boston closed down all the cell towers, but can you just imagine if you had a relative in the marathon and couldn't get in touch with them to find out if they were OK or not? There are some weirdos in this world...that's all I can say.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @DeeDee we are adding a composite deck to our home. We have several friends with them they like it and love the zero maintenance. Also we think the ones we have seen look pretty good.

    @grandmalie please take care of yourself.
    @Meg hang in there. Kids can be so frustrating sometimes. Its that sense of entitlement wanting everything now but without putting in the dues.

    My thoughts and prayers are with all in Boston. Too sad sending out Hugs!!

    Liz from Idaho
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello again,

    @ M and @Lucy I grew up in Illinois and we played Euchre all the time. There use to be tournaments in our area. I have taught the gave to my DH and DD but they don't enjoy it like I do. We live in Idaho and I haven't had much luck finding anyone else who has even heard of it.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    This just brings me back to 9/11 , I know it isnt as horrific,but still...Im sure there is some sort of terrorist doing to this...
    I have cousins that live in Boston, and 2nd cousins going to school there~thank the lord they are safe..
    I will keep all of them in my prayer's
    I was on my feet most of the day, so the heel is killing me..will rest up tonight and get up and do it all over again..
    God Bless Boston
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :cry: :cry: Just numb right now about the Boston Marathon's explosions. No words.:cry::cry:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Prayers go out to the victims and for justice to prevail. SO SAD
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I have been watching the tv all afternoon:cry: , how very very sad:sad: . Sending prayers to all there. The local news station interviewed my training coach, there was a group of 22 there from this area, she said she had heard from all but 2, I`m hoping they are safe!