

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    For Katla,
    There are lots of videos on the internet by various people which look ok, but I have been using a book I ordered from Amazon called, FIVE MINUTE FACE LIFT, by Reinhold Benz. The reviews were good so I went with that. :flowerforyou:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi all from lovely Omaha. It’s all the better since Benny did well with his surgery. He might go home tomorrow, or as late as Thursday. I’m not sure I’m ready for him tomorrow but would be glad to see him!:love:

    I stayed home from work today and got a ton done on the book. YAY. I also walked a mile (the pedometer is not recording it right) and did 15 minutes of wii boxing, for a total of 46 minutes today, which meets my goal! :happy: I’ve had nearly half my water and have plenty of calories left for dinner. I’m going to buy the fancy fitbit for myself as a birthday present because I’m tired of fiddling with this pedometer.

    DD#1 is in a better mood today although I have not seen much of her. She worked most of the early part of the day and is now out with friends. I found out last night the reason her boyfriend didn’t come over so suddenly the other week is that he was too hung over. Nice. :angry:

    Grandmallie: thanks for the info! I’m going to look for it!

    Juanita: so glad to hear about your nsv!!! That dip sounds great too!

    Yanniejannie: wow that sounds like a ton of work! No wonder you had so many steps!

    Joyce: so glad to hear that your relationship with your DD is working out better now. Thanks for the encouragement. Keep on doing the right things and the weight will come off!

    Renny: you can do it!

    Gail: I have heard the same from many people; boys are so much easier to raise!!! Sorry to hear about your possible fracture; I hope it doesn’t need the cast

    Brooke: I’m heading into the kitchen shortly to experiment with kale chips!

    Lila: that’s too bad to hear about your daughter. It’s so sad with those breakups where you can’t remain friends with the “ex”.

    Barbie: take it easy and get over that cold!

    Sharon: thanks for the kind and encouraging words!

    Michele: sending you an early, virtual mother’s day card!

    Katla: your recipe sounds great and not bad at all, so I’ll add it to my list! Thank you

    Liz: hope you had a good night’s sleep after such a beautiful day.

    Amanda: I think your dress idea sounds perfect

    DeeDee: why are you still grumpy? I hope that was gone today and you had a brilliant day!:flowerforyou:

    Cindy: stay dry!

    Linda: keep on keeping on! You can do this. I’ve been off the wagon too lately. We can manage this!

    Jodios: what a great video! I was laughing so hard tears were running down my face. :laugh: That was amazing!

    Jane: hooray for violet days!

    Kathy: great fitness assessment. Good for you

    LindaS: we should combine clinics…Sunday night is teeth brushing night with 3 cats and a dog. Talk about pandemonium! Thank goodness our cats don’t have claws. We would not have eyes!

    Cityjane: I love shopping for dresses. I hope you find the perfect one

    Well I’m off to start dinner since DD#2 won’t be home til 6. I hope you all have a great evening! Take care, Meg from Omaha now the 3-time host of the Olympic swim trials!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    can someone answer me something? I am wearing a pedometer now, how many steps is a mile, I know your supposed to do 10,000 how many miles is that. I have gotten up to 7-8,000 but that is on a real busy day and ,I dont want to overdue on the heel.
    I am in the dog house at work:grumble:
    I signed for a package a week ago friday and it it cant be found anywhere.. the so called office manager treats me like dirt anyway, but now im not aloud to sign for packages and she asked what I was doing. surfing the net,texting any little jab she could throw in there. I was doing neither.. we had a rep there and I was assisting the dr and we were running late.. so I dont really know what happened to the box, it was a small box and it had the manager's name on it, I would have left it there for her... But heaven forbid she not do anything wrong, she constantly starts chatting with patients and hands them there appt card,without putting it in the computer, so the show up for there appt. and guess what? its not on the computer , because she was to busy flappin her gums...
    ok enough of the rant...
    I hate being treated like a second class citizen...:embarassed:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Jodios, thanks for that video - I shared it on facebook.

    You know what is missing from this post? Me on a horse!!! I didn't get on a horse the entire weekend and it was the best weekend we've had weatherwise this year!!! Kid's sports took me away, and chores. Total bummer.

    My foot doctor told me I have to alter the way I exercise if my achilles is ever going to heal. Says I absolutely can not have an incline on my treadmill and that I should avoid using stirrups when I ride. This year is the first time I've ridden with stirrups ever, but the heals down thing is stretching my archilles in a bad way. Darn horse needs to quit dumping me so I can ride truly bareback again. Guess I'll be riding my little white girl more.

    I am trying to do the nutrisystem food this week to get used to smaller portions again. I have been trying to get under my December weight for 4 months now and failing miserably. It's warm now so I should be able to get back to it.

    Haven't had a lot of time to read all the posts. Seems I'm becoming a stranger here.

    DeeDee - why are you grumpy? I can't read back and find out. Cheer up!!!

    Cheryl in Northern Illinois
  • luvbuttons
    Hi, everyone!
    I worked my tail off all day outside weeding and mulching. I'm exhausted! Going to take a shower and go to bed early. Hopefully I can sleep through the pain.
    Love to all
    Sharon from Michigan
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Gym this am, then lunch with the exercise ladies at my fav Thai place......Tom Yum Soup, a chicken dish, and Mango Sticky Rice......love, love, love Mango Sticky Rice, a true departure from normal eating for me. Then, like I needed a SECOND dessert, the owner had made homemade mango ice cream which he served us as a surprise for one of the ladies birthday........just a small scoop, delish. I feel so bad for this man, he has a beautiful place, fabulous food, and he's a great guy, but he has a truly rotten location. Then a movie with a friend. Last Thurs. thru Sunday were killer days and today was busy, but nice busy, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow with zero on my sched. except to make a few appts. and run a couple errands.

    Best to everyone, will be an early night for me,
    Had a gray day here,
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gusty windy out there. The laundry was dry in no time. Love hanging out the laundry. It may be the only type of housework I actually enjoy. The rest, not so much :bigsmile: :bigsmile: The strong winds also makes it impossible to go dragonboating tonight, so I will be Zumbaing instead. :ohwell:

    Went to a chiropractor first-time-ever-in-my-life today. You know that now-a-days doctors are very young! :bigsmile: Seriously :bigsmile: He was kind to me though, it being my first-time-ever-in-my-life experience, you understand. My spine appears a bit uptight - not his words, but in my own layman's terms. Especially at the top and the bottom, which could explain the discomforts I've been feeling. My hips are out of alignment in more ways than one, which makes my left leg appear shorter than my right. Anyway, long story short, I am gonna go for treatments, because it is time this mama's gonna look after herself.

    I kinda have da feeling I'm inventing new words in describing my day; and this is before any alcohol. Then I went to Wally Mart to buy a new clock radio, since I am finally dumping the old, which is no longer working, except for telling me the time when it's - like - 3AM :grumble: :grumble: . Who needs that type of electronics anyway. Not I. I only need something for those very rare occasions when I absolutely cannot afford to sleep in, such as when I need to catch a flight, or race in a 10K. :wink:

    I am really enjoying my day home today. Once I stop typing on MFP and cruising Facebook, I will actually do some ironing too.

    :flowerforyou: Cheryl, you couldn't be a stranger, if you tried. You on a horse, we need you back on one!! Well, at least it's on your profile picture. Take care of your achilles! I admire people who know how to ride a horse. Totally intriguing to me. I think DeeDee was grumpy at first, but then her friends starting telling her jokes, and she got over it (right DeeDee?)

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie - the mileage for the number of steps depend on your stride. You should be able to program into the pedometer the average length of your stride.

    :flowerforyou: Meg - so glad that Benny did well.

    :flowerforyou: yanniejannie - Yum Thai food; my favourate. Sounds like you had a great time.

    PS. thanks for all the encouraging words regarding my participation in the 10K. Here is even better news: if I had signed up for the competitive walk, instead of the recreational, I would have finished 3rd in my age group!! I am so happy, I am about to burst!

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am wanting to do a pig out at Golden Corral or someplace like that. I am tired of keeping track of carbs, protein, fat and sodium. I am at this plateau, still look at myself and feel disgusted.:sad:

    Joyce, disgusted and discouraged in southern Indiana
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Whew! Took all day to get through the posts (on work breaks!). You are all so busy! The 5K walk for Myeloma went well. The weather was just gorgeous and it was great to be with family walking for a great cause. There were more people than I expected, and the walk took us a little longer because we had to weave through the slower walkers. Still, we finished in 50 minutes which isn’t too terrible. We did a lot of walking around the area as well, and walked to the bar afterward for the team celebration. At the end of the day I had walked almost 17,000 steps. That’s the most I ever recorded, so I was pretty happy with that. Barbie, don’t know how you get in so many every day!

    We did a little more gardening on Sunday and I’m hoping to be ready to plant this weekend if the weather cooperates. Planting is the fun part, so I’m excited to see all my baby flowers. DH built an additional raised bed for planting. We have one area out back for vegetables, and I’m thinking this one could be for some herbs. I’d love to plant basil, rosemary, and maybe some cilantro. A lot of you talk about mint, and I do love that, but I’ve had it before and it takes over the entire garden, so not sure if I want to go there.

    :heart: Texasgal – Your new grandson just beautiful! You are one lucky grandma!

    :smile: Robin – Your story was so sweet it made me smile. Your DH is surely a keeper!

    :drinker: Brooke – Good luck on the phone interview tomorrow…fingers are crossed!

    :laugh: Amanda – When my son was little, he was exposed to chicken pox. The doctor told me to keep him in for a specific amount of time. When the time was up, he was raring to go and out he went to visit every house with kids on our block. The next day he came down with (you guessed it!) chicken pox! I had to call all of my neighbors and give them the bad news!

    :happy: CityjaneLondo – This is the PERFECT place to share your victories! We are here for that reason and share in your happiness!

    :laugh: DeeDee – Age is just a number! My husband is eight years younger than me and at this point in our lives, I don’t find the difference a problem at all. In fact, when I was dating, the older men all seemed like my father!

    :wink: Joyce – The scale is an invaluable tool. They are small and relatively inexpensive. You will wonder how you ever lived without it!

    :drinker: Gail – I do the same thing. Once I stay at the same weight for a week, I record it.

    :flowerforyou: Jodios – Congrats on your perseverance. Looks like it’s finally paying off!

    :angry: Katla – I wanted to get the shingles vaccine, but insurance didn’t cover it. I’ll never understand why insurance companies want to wait until you get the disease when treating it is more expensive than prevention!

    :wink: Meg – You have a great start on taking control of your life. Logging is so helpful! Ah…the PIA years! Fortunately, they do pass (eventually). So happy Bennie is doing well and on the road to recovery.

    :heart: LindaS – I think your daughters will value your encouragement & support more than any trophy!

    Gail – It’s funny you talked about making soup with your Easter ham. My DH just made 9 bean soup with ours. It was good, but even though he soaked the beans overnight and cooked them all day, they were still a bit crunchy.

    :sick: Sue in TX – You are wise to take it easy when not feeling strong. If you continue to feel like that, I would see a doctor.

    :embarassed: Michele – No need to be embarrassed by logging all of your food honestly. We all have our cheat days.

    :flowerforyou: Liz – Congrats on your walk! The fact that you finished is a great victory. IYou must feel great!

    :noway: Viv – Poor little Maggie! I hope she’s feeling better.

    :huh: M – Thanks for the tip on substituting Greek yogurt for sour cream. Does it have to be Greek yogurt or will any yogurt do?

    :devil: LizPlus – I know what you mean about buffets being good when you are taking kids, but I try to avoid them whenever possible. Too much temptation for me!

    :flowerforyou: Janemartin – Congrats on your new home!

    :drinker: Renny – So brave of you to try something new! And yes, I’m sure you can do it!

    :happy: Bonita – Happy birthday! I wouldn’t worry about the sugar in natural fruit. The positives outweigh the negatives.

    :wink: Lin in NO – Welcome back! Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

    Sorry if I didn't post a personal message to everyone, but I am thinking of all of you and thankful that you are here.

    Welcome to anyone who is new and have a wonderful evening!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    grrrrr.....someone on here posted (like yesterday or the day before) about this item they got at Costco that they use on the mold and mildew, only now I can't find the post with the name of the item. I remember it was something & something. Help!!!!!

    Amanda - I love the smell of sheets (especially) that you take off the line. Wish our homeowners' assoc. would allow clothes lines. You are so lucky. You know, at one time I was using a protein suppliment and my stomach felt heavy, too. So I just discontinued the suppliment and concentrated on getting my protein from foods and that seems to be working. Maybe I don't get as much protein, but my stomach feels better.

    I've done about 20 minutes of yoga then I'll go to the extremepump class. Tomorrow I'm planning on doing Jillian Michael's extreme shed and shred DVD

    DeeDee - maybe they have something other than hot dogs????

    Linda - you CAN do it, and we'll be right there to help you.

    Had to go to WalMart. Vince needed milk and I needed a few things. Lots of things they aren't real good with their prices, but some they are. You just have to be careful. Anyway, they had a free sample of this butterscotch crunch cookie. The bad news is that I felt that I had to try it, the good news is that after one bite, I had had enough and was looking for a garbage can. I did have one more small bite and then kept 1/2 of the cookie in my cart until I could get near a garbage can. Wish they'd have a can near where the samples are. I met another lady I knew in another aisle who was having the exact same problem. Only she felt that she'd probably eat the cookie, I wanted to get to a garbage can.

    I did find this item at WalMarty and decided to give it a try. It's greek yogurt and cream cheese. I had some on a piece of bread, it has the consistency of cream cheese, but it seems a TINY bit sweeter. I figure I can maybe use it on my sweet potato. The calories aren't bad, and neither is the protein. Also picked up some veggies, even tho WM's veggies aren't the best. Well...better than nothing, that's for sure.

    Linda - we give our cats Revolution (flea and tick med) once/month, and when we do that we usually trim nails, etc. I'm lazy, we trim them on the deck so that I don't have to clean up the nail clippings....lol

    Cindy - what city do you live in? DeeDee lives about an hour from me. Maybe we can get together? We'll have to see. Let me know if you're ever planning to go to the Furniture Mart :)

    brooke - you're a hoot...mother nature needs her meds adjusted. Tell me about it!

    Gail - sure hope things work out with the brace.

    Meg - so glad that Benny did well with his surgery! Thanks for the card.

    grandmalle - rant any time you need to. We exercise so we have broad shoulders. So sorry the office manager is treating you like she is.

    yannijannie - that Thai restaurant sounds delish! Vince won't go to a Thai restaurant so if the Newcomers go, I go by myself with the group. A lot of Thai foods contain coconut milk so I can't make it at home, unfortunately.

    Renny - what is dragonboating? Never heard of it.

    Went to mahjongg, maj'd three times. Now to get ready for bed.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am in such a slump. I am so hungry and I have calories left for the day but nothing else, no protein, no fat, no carbs. In about 1/2 hour it will be time for my bedtime snack and I can't wait.

    Joyce the hungry one in southern Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Meg, I’ve been thinking about Benny Beagle today….thanks for the update

    :flowerforyou: Katla, the salsa seasoning is from H&H Brands Inc. www.hhbrands.com 877-361-3496 It’s called 30 second salsa…..southwestern style salsa seasoning…….I think they had a milder version, as well as this spicier one.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I’m so glad your move is complete…..you’ve had a rough time getting to this point and you’ve had such a positive attitude throughout.

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I’m glad to see you posting again and back on track.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, maybe the best lesson you can learn is to not go to lunch with that friend again.

    :flowerforyou: Gail, there are many ways to be active and stay fit even with a brace or a cast on your wrist…..stay open-minded to new ideas.

    :flowerforyou: LindaS. I wish I could bring Bernie to your nail trimming event…..he uses his claws to pull the covers off me when he wants me to wake up

    :flowerforyou: grandmallie, the number of steps in a mile depends on how big your steps are….when I got my pedometer it had directions for figuring out how many of my steps make a mile……Jake takes fewer steps to make a mile so when we walk together he complains that I get more steps for walking the same distance.

    :bigsmile: Renny, bravo to you for going to the chiropractor…..they are amazing

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, take a walk or a nap or meditate and get over that crazy thinking about pigging out…..it won’t make anything better

    :bigsmile: Lucy, congrats on completing the 5K and walking 17,000 steps…….I didn’t start out with big numbers….four years ago I was challenged to get 10,000 a day….over time I’ve made improvements.

    :flowerforyou: We’ve had a lot of wind today along with sunshine and temps in the 50’s…..I was concerned that the poodles would be cold with their new spring haircuts but they didn’t seem to mind…..after the walk, I found places in the yard out of the wind to pull weeds and move rocks.

    :flowerforyou: Tomorrow will be the last day of April and at the end of the day I will start a new thread for May……be looking for it at the end of the day (about 7PM PDT)…….at the beginning of the month we share how we did with last month’s goals and resolutions and set new goals and resolutions for the new month.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks Rebel :blushing: So since I didn't get to ride a horse I wanted to show you part of what I was doing this weekend. I was very excited because I finally got a manure spreader. My husband spent much of yesterday connecting an iron bar to our zero turn so that we could pull the spreader with it. Well this evening I just had to try it out. It was so nice to be able to shovel all my paddocks directly into the spreader and spread it on my field. We've been doing one bucket at a time, dumping it, filling it, and repeat. This spreader fit about 10 buckets and I filled and spread twice.

    As I said on my facebook page, some gals want diamonds, but I get excited over a manure spreader :tongue:

    Just had to share.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cheryl: I hope you’re soon feeling fit enough to ride without stirrups. That will take very good balance. I understand that forcing your heels into the down position is not helping your Achilles tendon. Can you lengthen the stirrups enough to help you balance and not have your heels down? Bottom line is that your health has to come first. I had to ride with my feet out of the stirrups to avoid posting when my knee was so bad. They were right there in case I needed them but we weren’t going fast and were in a level arena. Actually, that motivated me to lose weight and started this whole adventure.:bigsmile:

    Renny: Yay for looking out for yourself. I hope you even have a good time doing it. We have Dragon boats in Portland. There are races during the Rose Festival in June. A friend from work was on one of the teams and loved it.:love:

    Joyce: I went to Golden Corral and did my best to stay within my diet boundaries, but it was VERY difficult. There are too many temptations. :grumble: I was with my SIL and Cousin in Law. Everything tempting was there--fried foods, sugary deserts, unlimited portions. It is the devils place, I'm sure. :devil: Too much temptation. :noway: You have successfully lost a lot of weight. Don’t let a plateau get you down. We all have them from time to time.:flowerforyou:

    LucyT: How much is the shingles shot where you live? I had mine but it was covered by insurance so the cost to me was low. Insurance companies never want to pay a penny more than their contract requires, but in this case it seems pretty short sighted of them.:angry:

    Barbie: Thanks for the salsa information. I wrote it all down and gave it to DH. He’d go for the spicy version.:bigsmile:

    We both had a day of rest today. We mostly sat around and I even had a nap. I did take the dog for a walk and do some shopping. The weekend weather was so glorious that we were very active. Today was chilly, with rain, overcast, wind and sun patches so we slacked off a bit.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today lots of wind and bit chilly my knees could feel the weather shift. But still able to.go to the Y today I choose yo workout in the water. I always enjoy my time in the water. After that clean house and laundry things that needed done before the start of my work week.

    @Meg Glad to hear that Benny Beagle is doing ok.

    @Dee I agree with @Katla drink lots of water.

    @Lucy Congrats on completing your 5k.

    @Barbie we had a lot of wind too.

    @Michele that cream cheese with yogurt sounds good.

    @Bonita --Happy Birthday!

    @Linda you can do it.

    Need to get ready for bed. I am very grateful to have a job seriously we are going over our budget with a fine toothcomb to see if in a month if we could afford me to go parttime. I am hoping!!

    Liz from Idaho

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning - Well April is almost over and still no sign of spring :noway: :noway:

    :grumble: What a wasted day yesterday, well some of it was interesting, but when I think of the work waiting for us this morning it seems it was a wasted day :grumble:

    :flowerforyou: Jane I hope now that you are in your new home, that things get better for you. You haven't had it easy of late so good things are due your way :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Meg glad Benny is doing okay after his trip to the vet. We need to take Maggie back to the vet in a couple of days to check on how the wound is healing. We've changed the bandage, but maybe should have left it alone, but the bandage was looking grubby.

    :flowerforyou: Lucy well done ! I wore my pedometer again for the first time in ages and managed to get just under 12,000 steps which wasn't too bad to say we were in a meeting most of the day. Think I need a new one though as it doesn't seem to be working this morning!

    :smokin: :smokin: The sun is shining, lets hope it stays. It was suggested that we all bring a picnic lunch for the HR meeting yesterday but there was only 4 of us who braved sitting outside in the "garden" ( we have a little area where we can sit during our lunch hour) When we got back to the meeting we realised that most people had brought a picnic type lunch with them and ate it in the meeting room :laugh: did we feel silly, but at least we had a bit of fresh (cold) air :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and I was very good I ate a Tuna salad with only 2 little biscuits.

    :ohwell: Oh dear look at the time, better get a move on and get to work on time - tons of work waiting for me, first thing I'll need to do is a 'to do list' otherwise I'll be flitting from one job to another making mistakes instead of finishing one job before starting the next.

    Have a good Tuesday everyone, and if I don't get back tonight look forward to seeing you on the May thread :bigsmile:

    Viv Sunny UK! (so far)
  • GrannyGwen1
    GrannyGwen1 Posts: 213 Member
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    I am wanting to do a pig out at Golden Corral or someplace like that. I am tired of keeping track of carbs, protein, fat and sodium. I am at this plateau, still look at myself and feel disgusted.:sad:

    Joyce, disgusted and discouraged in southern Indiana

    Hang in there Joyce! :flowerforyou: Plateaus are so frustrating...but one pig out won't destroy all of your efforts. I am on one big plateau myself, but I figure that I am ahead just because I am making myself accountable for every bite I eat...even the splurges.
    On my planned road trip in May, I fully expect to take myself to a Red Lobster and eat some things I truly enjoy. I know my DH doesn't like the restaurant, so I have no problem going by myself. I will eat it, log it, and carry on with life. :drinker:
    I just can't lose weight if I don't incorporate some treats in there somewhere. And rabbit food diets, not gonna happen with me. :laugh:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I am no longer grumpy:bigsmile: , back to my perky self today:laugh: ! The sun came out yesterday afternoon and that seemed to do a lot to improve my mood:glasses: ! I survived the hot dog lunch and the scale was even nice this morning! It was a hot dog place, the only other things they offered were burgers and I think the hot dog was the better choice:tongue: ! Thank you all my friends who posted jokes for me, I so enjoyed them, the video was great!!! It made my day much better! I had a wonderful surprise in my mailbox yesterday afternoon too, a friend sent me a beautiful angel wing:love: , it came at the perfect time!!! I feel very blessed to have such wonderful friends!!!

    I will try to pop back in later today, for now I`m out of time:sad: !

    Joyce:smile: I`ve been on a plateau and have gained a few pounds since Nov. `12, I am NOT giving up, I will win this one day!!! Keep the faith, I know how annoying it can be when you`re doing things right, yet the scale won`t budge in the right direction, I`m thinking my body is testing me, to see if I will really keep this keep this up before it starts dropping off again! Don`t give up or give in, if I can do this, so can you:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in a bit cloudy, but not raining:happy: NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    been up since 4:30 been to the gym, home and made chicken and stuffing for the DH, now on to the shower and get ready for work.. luckly I only have to be with miss cranky pants for 5 hrs today and I will steer clear,
    she is the 5th of 6 children and even my late boss called her little Hitler.. she can be a bulldog sometimes, not with just me,but mostly me. I have taken her with a grain of salt for many years and will continue to do so. just wish she would get in trouble sometime for her antic's:angry: