Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Just a quick update. I'm so glad this week is about over, because I'm so over it.

    Sister is in the hospital. Had surgery yesterday, to make a long story short, they found a cyst on her ovary the size of a cantaloupe twisted so much around her ovary that it killed it, forcing them to take the giant cyst, the ovary, and part of her fallopian tube.

    She's 13.

    So I'm going through a bit of a rough patch, but the good news is she is okay, they haven't said whether or not it is cancerous (they don't THINK it is).

    On a different note, I ordered Insanity with the Shakeology yesterday. Here's to achieving my new, healthier me.
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    After a couple of posts, I want to get a little more involved in this, so here goes...

    @susancanbethin - I know how you feel, I've just moved away from home, and mum really misses me. I'm a good 5/6 hours away now, and I know it bugs her. But I know she loves it when I come home :) Also, we all have our bad days and can't help but eat rubbish - the main thing is to always stay positive (so much easier said than done, I know!)
    @MyM0wM0w - I absolutely LOVE your cat buggy?! It's ingenious! It may be slightly insane, but who doesn't love some company on their walks?
    @Grandmakay44 - we all cave, it would be evil if we always stopped ourselves from eating what we wanted! Where would be the fun in that?!
    @whitecapwendy - again, we should always let ourselves eat some rubbish now and again :)
    @TOPSmarca - CONGRATS! Can't wait until Monday, so i can weigh myself and see how I'm doing :) 5lbs is incredible!
    @skinnyjeanzbound - well done on not smoking! I'm still, unfortunately, smoking myself. It can be hard to kick the habit, it's so good that you're managing to do it WHILST healthy eating, lots of people really struggle with that!
    @susan2396 - I hope you feel better soon! Good on you for keeping up the healthy eating whilst feeling crud, I always reach for the comfort food!
    @lauriek70 - Sometimes it's hard to make yourself put 100% in to everything, especially a work out. Just keep pushing yourself :D
    @lizmil79 - don't give up! You'll see results soon!
    (That's all the Thursday truths I can see! There are so many of you!! haha)

    So.. Friday:
    In terms of workout, keep busting my bum as usual, do my usual routine (no days off for me right now). I let myself have a little bit of a cheat tonight, I had two slices of bread with dinner, I didn't need them, but I wanted them. I'm trying not to think about it right now, I'll think about it later after my walk and I've burnt those calories off :laugh: Got a lot of uni revision to be doing over the weekend, and, if the weather manages to hold I think I might drag my boyfriend off to the beach to get some rays. Keep myself busy so I don't even think about food!!
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    Just a quick update. I'm so glad this week is about over, because I'm so over it.

    Sister is in the hospital. Had surgery yesterday, to make a long story short, they found a cyst on her ovary the size of a cantaloupe twisted so much around her ovary that it killed it, forcing them to take the giant cyst, the ovary, and part of her fallopian tube.

    She's 13.

    So I'm going through a bit of a rough patch, but the good news is she is okay, they haven't said whether or not it is cancerous (they don't THINK it is).

    On a different note, I ordered Insanity with the Shakeology yesterday. Here's to achieving my new, healthier me.

    I'm so sorry to hear this, can't imagine how awful it must be to have a member of your family, who's so young, in such a difficult position. Sending hope that there isn't anything worse going on, and glad that's she's now okay.
    In terms of the insanity - I hope that goes well! I've looked at the commercials and it just looks so hard! (Plus, the purse strings are a little tight right now to afford it - over the summer maybe!)
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Just a quick update. I'm so glad this week is about over, because I'm so over it.

    Sister is in the hospital. Had surgery yesterday, to make a long story short, they found a cyst on her ovary the size of a cantaloupe twisted so much around her ovary that it killed it, forcing them to take the giant cyst, the ovary, and part of her fallopian tube.

    She's 13.

    I hope she recovers quickly. Bless her little heart.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    ebailey - I'm so sorry to hear about your lil sister's surgery - 13 is mighty young to be dealing with such troubles. I will include her in my prayers.

    MowMow - I TOTALLY LOVE the MoWMow carriage - he is one beautiful animal too!

    Friday FItness: Thanks to a suggestion by Laurie a week or so ago, yesterday I dragged out my Wii Fit board and did some stepping exercise, I did three sets of 5 minutes of stepping apiece. THanks Laurie for the suggestion. Now I'm off for the w/e to my BF so I'll miss stepping on Saturday at least, but I'll try to step today before I go and Sunday when I return. Oooh, I've made a public commitment.. Scary. :ohwell:
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    So maybe I'll take a break tomorrow :tongue:

    I decided to go on youtube and fine a 30min cardio workout. And came up with a 30min HIIT+ABS Exercise. I still had to modify some moves. But whew I am tired and kind of shakey! It got my HR up for sure! I feel better :happy:

    I will take a break tomorrow, and if anything maybe go for a walk. But I have school from 8-3 anyway so a break tomorrow won't be so bad :)

    if anyone is interested here is the workout :::

    I burned 319 calories in 31 minutes according to my HRM
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Just a quick update. I'm so glad this week is about over, because I'm so over it.

    Sister is in the hospital. Had surgery yesterday, to make a long story short, they found a cyst on her ovary the size of a cantaloupe twisted so much around her ovary that it killed it, forcing them to take the giant cyst, the ovary, and part of her fallopian tube.

    She's 13.

    So I'm going through a bit of a rough patch, but the good news is she is okay, they haven't said whether or not it is cancerous (they don't THINK it is).

    On a different note, I ordered Insanity with the Shakeology yesterday. Here's to achieving my new, healthier me.

    I am so incredibly sorry your sister is going through this. It is so stressful for everyone who loves her. Take care of yourself and best wishes sent out to you and your family.......

    Lin in Central Iowa
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Thank you for the prayers, well wishes, and support. She said she was coming home today, I imagine she's home now. She's off school until Wednesday or Thursday. Such a strong little lady.

    Have a Pure Romance party tonight and plan to rock it. Even with this hellish migraine.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Thursday Truth: I have battled the same demon over and over. I do really well for a while and have some great losses. The losses give my crazy brain a reason to jump into party mode. Party mode for a fluffy girl means what??? Party food, of course! Which leads to a gain, beating myself up, giving up for a while, growing disgusted with my lack of willpower and starting over. I am determined to make permanent changes to improve my life and health. Retraining this old brain is a tough chore... I will get there... I will get there... I will get there...

    On a lighter note, I hope everyone is having a beautiful, healthy, active day!

    i am in exactly the same boat
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    kris- your cat buggy is way too cute!!

    ebailey- glad your sister is on the mend...scary for her

    feeling really down today....had an emotional upset last night and cant seem to get going today. Waiting for my daughter to come home with my car so i can go to the library and perhaps the gym
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    So hello everyone hope you are all having a great day. I was real slow getting started today but I think i have made up for it nicely. I got to town and ran some errands and then when i got home I got the house all picked up and cleaned out my fridge. I am fairly sure I must be a glutton for punishment right now. I invited my parents to dinner and am making corned beef and cabbage with potatoes and carrots. I LOVE corned beef so am going to have to be very strict with myslef. And if that wasn't bad enough I decided my daddy needed some homemade chocolate chip cookies. So now the whole house smells like gooey melty yummy chocolate. I dont know how well i am going to do til they get here. I will send most of them home with him.I have had my best fitness week probably in my whole life this past week. I went to the gym every day but today. I will also be going tomorrow and then have Sunday off as well (unless i just get really bored). For the first time in my life I am actually enjoying working out. I love the gym and everyone that works there is really nice. I wanted to try out a couple new cardio machines yesterday and one of the staff was right there to show me how they worked and coach me through it until I got the right form down. One was the rowing machine. Once I got the rythem of it down i loved it. They also have a recumbent elliptical that didnt hurt my knees when I used it. The last one was a machine you sat at and then pedaled like a bike only with your arms instead of your feet. Kinda neat, especailly since most cardio focuses on your legs. Something I was doing was definitley focusing on the glutes cause my butt is SORE today. My husband called from alaska this morning and as a self professed butt man I told him he better appreciate the pain I was going through to give him a gorgeous butt he was allowed to stare at. Well I hope you all have a great friday night. Cya all tomorrow:bigsmile:

    Ebaily I am sending warm healing thoughts your way for your sister. So young to have o go through that poor thing.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi everyone.
    I was off work today, so started my day out being very lazy. Then met my trainer at noon for a workout, ran some errands, and then proceeded to nap for the rest of the afternoon! My allergies are really acting up lately – I don’t feel bad, but feel tired and sound like a frog. I guess that’s why it was so easy to nap this afternoon. :wink:

    @Susancanbethin~I feel your pain, I’m in Texas – you know what they say, if you don’t like the weather wait 5 minutes. :laugh:
    @ebailey~Sorry to hear about your sister, glad surgery went well and she is doing better. Those cysts are rarely cancerous, so hope she receives good news. I’ve been through that more than once, not fun. Good luck with insanity!
    @Kris~That cat stroller is so cute, Zoe would love that!
    @Robin~Good job getting out the Wii Fit, I don’t play with mine near as much as I used to – I used to love the boxing and Kung Fu on there!
    @Tina~Great job with the workouts, you earned that day off from exercise tomorrow!

    Friday Fitness~Its been a good fitness week, including today.

    This week:
    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Arc Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day
    Wednesday~Training DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Training DONE!
    Saturday~Elliptical or bike/row

    Have a good evening!

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Not much fitness today. The long walk yesterday kind of did a number on my left knee. I hope I don't have to have it replaced someday, too. I decided to give myself a break today. I am under calories without the exercise today, so its a good day for a break.
    ebailey--sorry about your sister.
    MowMow--the stroller is cute. I love gold kitties, too.
    Robin--hang in there. You'll get this exercise routine down yet.
    I'm enjoying seeing posts from the new people. Can hardly wait for Sunday to learn more about everyone.
    Today I attended grandparent's day at my granddaughter's school. She is in the third grade. She had written a paper "When I Am a Grandma". It was so funny! I had to park a block away from the school so I guess I did get a little bit of exercise. :wink:
    Have a great evening. Kaye
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Friday Fitness.... UGH NONE!!! With all the changes I am making, and all the client visits and traveling I have done in the past week, I have the vertigo in full swing... literally!!! :laugh: I have to remind myself that change in eating habits is a VERY real change and a physiologic stress to a body that does not do stress well. Adjustment WILL come and THEN I can get busy with adding exercise more regularly!!! Patience!!!!:noway: NOT my strong suit!!!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Just a quick update. I'm so glad this week is about over, because I'm so over it.

    Sister is in the hospital. Had surgery yesterday, to make a long story short, they found a cyst on her ovary the size of a cantaloupe twisted so much around her ovary that it killed it, forcing them to take the giant cyst, the ovary, and part of her fallopian tube.

    She's 13.

    So I'm going through a bit of a rough patch, but the good news is she is okay, they haven't said whether or not it is cancerous (they don't THINK it is).

    On a different note, I ordered Insanity with the Shakeology yesterday. Here's to achieving my new, healthier me.
    Just a note, because it is my field and I have some personal experience with it too, she should not have to worry about future fertility with only one ovary and tube. When there is just one, it responds to the hormones every cycle rather than alternating with the other ovary..... And I have 4 kids to prove that:wink: !!! Prayers for a speedy recovery and NO further issues!!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Just a quick update. I'm so glad this week is about over, because I'm so over it.

    Sister is in the hospital. Had surgery yesterday, to make a long story short, they found a cyst on her ovary the size of a cantaloupe twisted so much around her ovary that it killed it, forcing them to take the giant cyst, the ovary, and part of her fallopian tube.

    She's 13.

    So I'm going through a bit of a rough patch, but the good news is she is okay, they haven't said whether or not it is cancerous (they don't THINK it is).
    Just a note, because it is my field and I have some personal experience with it too, she should not have to worry about future fertility with only one ovary and tube. When there is just one, it responds to the hormones every cycle rather than alternating with the other ovary..... And I have 4 kids to prove that:wink: !!! Prayers for a speedy recovery and NO further issues!!!

    poor thing. 13 is young to go through that. I have PCOS and have had this same experience pretty recently, though certainly not cantaloupe sized, and they are almost always not cancerous. Please don't worry too much about that. She should be fine and as TOPSmarca said fertility really shouldn't be an issue for her though obviously that isn't her primary concern at her age. Torsion is really scary, poor thing. Prayers for her from another soul cyster.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: NONE!!! This week I've felt miserable with a cold/allergy. Not sure, but I can barely keep my eyes open. Our weather is gorgeous though so I'm really going to push myself to get out for a walk Saturday and Sunday. I plan to have a little sun/pool time too so I need to get my exercise in. I need to quit bragging about the pool time as some of you (Skinny) is still battling wind and even snow (yuck!!!).

    @Kelly - I'm so glad you enjoyed your day off and it sounds productive enough. Afternoon nap? Good for you!!!!
    @ebailey - At 13? Wow!! I can't even imagine dealing with something so serious at that age. My son turns 11 in a few weeks and I'm not sure how I would handle something so serious. Kids are pretty resilient though and us parents are the wimps. Prayers for a speedy recovery.
    @Susan - Luckily, my weather in Vegas is so much better than Atlanta. We were miserable there with the allergies. Vegas has definitely been better and with the dryer heat versus humidity.
    @Tina - I'm so proud of you and finding fitness that works. I need to follow your lead. Enjoy your day tomorrow even though you'll be in school. You're grabbing the bull by the horn and riding like no tomorrow. Good for you!!!!!
    @Robin - My son has a Wii, but I've barely turned the thing on. We don't have the board though, but I should really utilize it more that's for sure with some of the other activities.
    @TOPS - Just changing our eating habits is a big life change. In the beginning, I tried to change everything overnight, which of course I failed. I've got the logging now and hit 260 days (Woo Hoo!!). Now it's making good food choices on a regular basis. While I may stay under calories, there not the most nutritious days, but it's getting better every day. Exercise is my hardest part that's why I always dread Friday Fitness. Hopefully, I'll get back in the swing of it and actually yearn for it (hasn't happened yet). LOL!!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, :flowerforyou:

    So happy for the weekend. We dont have any big plans just the normal catching up on some much needed housework, going to the Y. Planning on going to the flea market and the farmers market in Boise. But I am really looking forward to just relaxing and enjoying time with my family.

    @ebailey. Sorry to hear about your sister.
    @MyMowMow love your stroller.
    @Robin hang in there you will get that new exercise program down.
    @Kaye that sounds like a very sweet time at your granddaughter 's school.

    I need to get going.

    Wishing everyone a good Saturday.
    Keep drinking that water and logging in all of your food. It so helps.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Sat success: I realize I can't change some things, just have to accept them best I can. Focusing on doing 'Tops'.
    Do bad things always happen in threes? These last 2 weeks have been a really emotional time.
    I wrote a longer post about it and deleted it...too upsetting.

    Think, I'll bundle up and go out for a walk...brrrrr! where is the warm weather.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Getting back on track today. Made a yummy smoothie with fresh fruit and yogurt, and am going to play with my resistance cables later.

    I also need to get my back adjusted, OUCH.

    Saturday Success: Even with eating terribly and not working out this week, I have managed to maintain my weight loss. This makes me happy.