
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    I haven't been back in a while, and haven't made more than a few days in a row, but for JUNE 2013 my goal is to stay active with this topic. :-)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Well, home again. It was a five hour journey with a short stop for lunch. Lots of traffic. But now we are back. At least the internet is a bit speedier! :noway:
    No exercise today, but the eating ok so far. Will weigh myself tomorrow morning, JUNE! , and see if there is any damage. Will try not to eat salty food tonight.:laugh:
    Plants are all alive, but I am too tired to do much more than water the pots. Why is travelling so tiring? I wasn't even driving! But I do sit in the car on the motorway in a blue funk which must take it out of me.:wink: Everything is going far too fast, including DH! :sad:
    We have a few TV series to catch up on before we watch the next episode or the bbc iplayer wipes it from existence. I watch far too much television, so it was quite nice not having it on holiday. Some of you ladies make me feel quite worn out with all your social activities and evening volunteering. We hardly ever go out in the evening, except to the occasional restaurant, but I think we like it that way - most of the time. We like having visitors as that is our socializing.
    Back to the gym machines in the morning. I am quite looking forward to it! My weight training has been coming on well and I am even thinking of buying bigger dumbbells.:laugh: I can now do 10 full push ups.
    Next trip to look forward to is DSIL' s 60th. In Devon for the weekend of 21st June. I like to have something to look forward to.
    I would like to lose even one more lb by then. And shape up my arms a little more.
    Those are my humble goals for June.:heart:
    Love to all from Heather, tired out, in Hampshire.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Happy Friday bump! Hoping the weather does not do damage to anyone's property....so glad we only get the tail end of it all...although that last one kept us awake most of the night!

    Stay on target!

    Still struggling on, BJ
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kathy: I can understand your frustration with the cancelled MRI on the one hand, BUT I would only agree to one under extreme duress. It feels like they put me into a coffin and I get severe claustrophobia in there. Luckily, I don’t need them. DH has had several MRI’s this year between his stroke hospitalization and move to a new MS doctor. He doesn’t mind them, luckily for him.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Those stares from people who haven’t seen us in a while are a weird kind of NSV, I think. I doubt your neighbor’s eyes are going bad.:wink: Sometimes we need to woman-up and accept the compliment, then tuck it away in our hearts. :heart: Baby steps with your DH’s diet are a good plan.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Your MIL is lucky to have a DIL like you! Vent all you like; listening is part of the support we’re here to give and get.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: It was just one day of bad behavior. Go forth and binge no more. :wink: On a more serious note, I think it will take a while for you to get your new routine down. When I was actively teaching, the first couple of weeks after school was out were a definite decompression zone. After I had enough rest, I was able to engage in a healthier life-style all summer long. I lost weight every summer and gained more back in the fall and winter. I didn’t have all my great MFP 50+ buddies to help me stay on track back then.:noway: :love: :flowerforyou:

    Yardtigress: I looked at your jewelry—lovely! :love: Does the website generate a good amount of sales? We have a number of crafts people who sell at local Saturday Markets and farmer’s markets on the weekends. Our little town has Thursday night concerts all summer, and some people sell jewelry there.:flowerforyou:

    Joy: I had a cat who was a physician. When I had period cramps she would sit on my abdomen and warm up the crampy zone until I felt better. She might have weighed 7 or 8 pounds. The picture that comes to mind of your Great Dane doing the same job is making me smile.:bigsmile:

    Barbie: I’m sorry your recumbent bike isn’t working and hope it is relatively easy to fix. I have my recumbent trike set up in the garage and no TV there. I listen to audio books to help pass the time.:flowerforyou:

    Lucy: Are the Blue Rocks a local league for adults or a farm team? It does sound like a fun thing to do. I hope you enjoy yourselves.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’m glad you had a wonderful vacation, and I appreciated every one of your descriptive posts. It was fun to see Cornwall through your eyes.:flowerforyou:

    My simplistic goals are working for me, so they will remain the same in June. Move more and log every bite. In June I’ll be traveling to CO to babysit DGD for a few days, so keeping to my goals will be a little more challenging. I managed it last fall, and count on managing it again in June. I took the food scales and dishers with me last fall, and don’t remember using them more than a few times, so I’m probably going to leave them at home. I’ll have to estimate portions. I’m betting I’ll be the cook, and that will mean clean eating. My daughter’s dietary habits are stress/convenience based so having mom’s cooking will be good for her. Her eating habits are too much like my old eating habits before I found MFP, this great support group, and changed my ways.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~and end of may.Think about new goals for June.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Hello ladies; like most of the threads I read it is hard to believe that it is already the end of May. With all of the storms we have been experiencing it doesn't even feel like we had a spring now summer will soon be upon us. I expected May to be a busy month for me so I don't think I set any real goals - good thing! Although I did finally get back on the losing side and hope to see more of that throughout the summer.

    For all you ladies that celebrated birthdays with families or your own it was good to read of your happiness; may you be blessed with another. And I especially enjoyed the talk of all the gardening - love flowers and one day hope to dedicate more time to gardening. I cleared the beds but never did plant - not too late for the summer variety. The zinnias grow well here throughout the summer and they are so brilliant in color; perhaps I will still find some at the nursery. I'll post a pic of my roses below.

    For June I hope to get back into a more regular schedule of going to the gym. I'd like to change my habit of afternoon and go in the morning hours but work may dictate that. As for pedometers my clip that I used to secure the pedometer broke several months ago; recently I dropped it and now I have J's instead of O's on the display. Looks like I too will be in the market for a new one soon. It does help promote activity especially when walking the track.

    Time to go; need to get my house in order for some weekend company and I will see you all in June :happy:

  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Hubby gets home tomorrow so I'm real excited! I HATE it when he's gone. Which is why I usually travel with him. :frown: Oh well, 13 more days till we go on vacation AGAIN so that's okay! I got a phone call from the base today. I had put our name down on a wish list for outdoor activities and they are giving a kayaking class on Sunday. Starts at 9 a.m. Back at 4 p.m. Includes lessons and all gear (including wetsuits) and transportation for only $20 per person. They wanted to know if we were interested. I had to wait until I heard from hubby because he's takes turns being head usher at church and if it was his Sunday we couldn't go, but that's next week. SO ..... hopefully I won't drown! It should be fun. Has anyone else kayaked?

    Jo - Norway is the most beautiful place I've ever been .... and I've been to almost every European country there is. I still need to get to Wales though. :frown:

    DeeDee - good morning yourself! :flowerforyou:

    grandmallie - The people at hubby's work told him they really have noticed his weight loss. They wanted to know what kind of diet he's on and he tells them he only eats what is in his lunch bag. He gets up horribly early in the morning and I have his breakfast all ready to pop in the microwave. I leave a note saying what in his bag is his morning snack, what is his afternoon snack and what he's suppose to eat for lunch. He gets no say in it (and he actually likes it that way). I've lost 11 pounds in the last 4 weeks and he's lost 20. Baby steps will get your hubby there! He has said almost everyday though that he can't believe he's losing this much weight when it seems like all he does is eat!

    Gail - the Amalfi coast is GORGEOUS! Actually almost any place on the coast of Italy is wonderful. I think Cinque Terre is my favorite though. Maybe your boss will send you instead next time! One can hope!

    yanniejannie - here's hoping that June will be a MUCH better month for you! :heart:

    barbie - that sounds like SO MUCH FUN! Someday ....

    LizPlus - that is so wonderful that they won! How old are they? I love walking here in Norway. It is just so beautiful. We're right on the coast and it's just so relaxing to walk by the water. There are walking/biking paths everywhere!

    Kathy - have a wonderful day! I'm hoping there are not storms in Detroit. Hubby's ticket home tonight is Norfolk, VA to Detroit to Amsterdam, then to Stavanger. Why in the world they send him to the midwest when he's on the east coast to go over the Atlantic is beyond me! He only has 1 hour and 10 minute to make his flight so I'm hoping for perfect weather and a tailwin.

    Robin - that salad sounds amazing! Hopefully since Ritter is so young, he'll take fairly quickly to the new behavior! Here's hoping!

    skuehn48 - so sorry to hear about your doctor problems! It's always about the money isn't it? Reading your post reminded me of a picture I took sometime last year. I'll have to try and find it. It's of a 2 story barn and there is a window up top that the horses like to hang their heads out of. They must have some kind of ramp inside because I just can't see them climbing ladders. :laugh: I'll try to see if I can find the picture. If not, maybe I'll walk down there sometime next week.

    Lucy - cottoncandy is light right? :wink:

    Liz_Mfp - I'll make that my goal too! I didn't check in as much as I should have this month. :embarassed:

    Heather - Hubby drives all the time and I always have a book that I'm reading to keep me occupied. I'm just learning how to crochet and I'm hoping that will help keep me busy too! Over all was it a good holiday?

    Katla - happy I could bring a smile to you today! :laugh: It's always good to work those muscles! How old is DGD?

    texasgal - beautiful rose! Thanks for sharing!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Better get off here and get ready to take the cat to the vet. I'm still in my workout clothes. She still doesn't realize where she is going. I had a different cat carrier and she was able to slip out of it. So now I have one with a locking door.

  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Oh My, I am sooo sleepy today. Stayed up till 11:30 (Helping one of my girls) and was up at 4 am as usual to be to work at 6 and do not get off work until 6:30 tonight,,, On my lunch I tried to go on a walk but the wind was really blowing so I came back in and walked the halls of the hospital and went up and down stairs. I should have just gone to the little gym, but wanted to be outide and around people. But I still got a 20 minute walk in anyway.

    jmkmomm: So sorry that your MIL is not treated with love and respect by all the family. And that your SIL was a stinker. My DH runs 2 80 year olds around and does things for them... it is the same story... family not around unless the just "have " to. Both of these dear folks are so lonesome, but want to stay in their own home as long as they can.

    Meg: Don't fret about your stress eating... we all have our days:tongue:

    Yardtigress: Went on your site (dragonsfire) and saw you displays.... they are beautiful! Gave me some Ideas for later when we are on the road with ours!

    Grandmallie: Awesome Idea for preportioning your snacks.

    Yannie Jannie: Re the JFK, they still have alot to do, Navy to go through, monies to be donated, and I am not even sure they have moved it at all yet. It has been in the works for several years. Several guys are on FB with it as well at https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/U-S-S-John-F-Kennedy-CVA-67/209954174149?fref=ts if your hubby wants to look.

    Liz- your special time with Sis and grand kids sounds so precious. Smiles on faces we love so warms the heart doesn't it?

    Lucy- Garlic is very easy to plant. Take a garlic bulb with lots of cloves on it, seberate the cloves off of it and put the root side down in a small hole poked in the ground about 2 inches deep. Cover with dirt and water. Each clove should produce at least on whole bulb.

    Hmm so my May Goals were to keep tracking on MFP, do some strength exercises, Raised beds outside done and pictures on the wall at home. All but the pictures got done, but that is going to be around the corner. Oh and I set a lofty goal of loosing 10 pounds this month. Which I did not quite do.

    However a wonderful NSV for today. I measured and have lost 1 inch in my waist and 1 in my hips....:bigsmile: Oh and my mini tramp has made it's way to the house from the shed now.... yeah... rebounder time!

    Goals for June.

    Continue to be active in MFP.
    Slow and steady loss with 20-30 pounds lost by September 15, (family reunion ) perhaps down by 8-10 pounds total by July 1st.
    Rebound 15-30 mins daily by end of month.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    Big hugs and loves to all, Connie
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Joy- My DH and I started kayaking 2 years ago. We love it and can't get enough time on the water!! It is so relaxing to be out on the water and it burns a lot of calories!! We go at least twice a week weather permitting. At the end of last summer we bought a camper so that we can go up north to stay for a few days each week and kayak while there. Hope you enjoy the lesson!!

    Deb A from CNY
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    sorry I've been MIA for a few days. Been thinking of you all and sending good wishes for a successful May. Can't believe it's almost over. I feel like I've wasted a month as I'm still stuck. Maybe June will be the month for me. I'll be back later. DH worked on some plumbing today so the water was off when I returned from golf. It was 93 today so I need a shower!
    Sue in TX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    Lucy- the DH is 61 and his mother trained him, so guess it will be my job to untrain him:laugh:
    I was bad tonight :frown: i am way under the calorie count,but had about 1/2 cup of plain elbows while making the macaroni salad.. I did get 10,000 steps in and go to the gym, and will go in the a.m.
    I came home from work, and made the mac salad,boiled eggs for deviled egg's and made brownies,so I dont have to go crazy tomorrow.
    But I am tird now. must be the heat been up close to 90 today and yesterday, and should keep up for the weekend..
    thinking of all of you that live out in the midwest with all those storms.. will keep ya'll in my prayers...
    gonna run and maybe have a cup of tea and go to bed early...:yawn:
    I forgot- Kayaking is on my bucket list.. something I always wanted to try.. maybe when I go to florida in October will try it out:bigsmile:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi, wishing everyone a safe and fun weekend, weather here in Sudbury has been great this week actually too hot and humid past 2 days.
    @ Michele in nc: you are my new found hero DH had me help him spread 6 bags of rocks today in the backyard and all I could think
    of was you moving rocks day after day!! it is hard hot work my day has ended there will be no tomorrow for that lol

    My goals for june will be to continue to log and keep active hopefully lose a couple more pounds but as long as I'm not gaining anything but some knowledge from you lovely ladies I am more than happy.

    Wishing everyone a successful June Hugs and Smiles Juanita in sudbury
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Best day ever!!:happy: :happy: Went shopping with DD and we both were able to buy clothes that were not on the plus side! I scoff at that scale now that I can wear large when a year ago I was 2-3X. Also got a much needed pair of new shoes. I was going to get Brooks again but these are Asics, super comfy and roomier toe box. Has anyone tried this brand before? Then best of all I talked to one old friend on the phone and this evening another friend I haven't been in touch with for 3 years showed up at my door! I am feeling very blessed and am ready to start June with a positive outlook! :drinker:

    Have a great weekend all!
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    kathy- Congrats on the shopping trip! I remember the first time I was able to do that- it felt great!! A sales clerk actually asked if she could help me find something and then told me I was in the wrong department. I had automatically gone to the plus sizes as that is what I had worn for years.

    I have Asics and love them. Very comfortable and supportive. I broke my foot and tore a tendon about 2 years ago and still have occasional discomfort from it- probably the tendon- and these shoes seem to be the most comfortable option.

    Glad you had such a good day. I too am hoping that June is a better month for me for reaching my goals. I have been stalled for quite a while, but am feeling a renewed sense of motivation and belief in my ability to get "there"- wherever "there" is. Need to set a goal for a new physical challenge for motivation, but am still thinking about that.

    Deb A in CNY
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Good evening All~:wink:
    It has been enjoyable reading all the posts and I hope this moves into june and beyond.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Been uber busy, which is why I didn't post last night. Did a bit of food shopping, then volunteered at the Green Room, came home and made fudge, the previous owner of the house stopped by because he got a piece of mail that we thought might have been important (turns out it was, something from the bank saying that he owed something on a loan, he thinks it was his ex-wife's), the guy who's going to build the mini-pergola over the equipment came to take measurements (we're going to have a lattice in front just so you don't see all the pipes etc), Vince and I planted a little grass seed on the side of the house which is in shade a lot, didn't get in until almost 8, then had dinner (I really shouldn't eat that late).

    Yesterday I did Jillian Michael's Shred It With Weights DVD. Today I found this workout in *Fitness* magazine which is essentially an incline/speed interval workout. Did that today and boy did it kick my b***. Tomorrow I'll go to yoga.

    Worked out, went to Lowe's Hardware (yes, me, who was totally out of her element) I sprayed weed killer (there's so much less area to have to spray now that we have some of the river rock down), then cleaned the pool some, Vince put in a new transformer so he can have rope lights, went in the pool, had dinner, who knows what else'll happen? So this post will be a bit short, of that I apologize and I apologize to all those that I don't comment to individually.

    Finished one tube of sunscreen today and started another. I swear, I should be investing in a company that manufactures sunscreen!

    Joy - you'll build up to the walking to where you were before. Many times I would do 2 minutes of running and then 2 minutes of fast walking, so today when the workout called for 5 minutes of running, I thought "no problem". Was I ever wrong! But I know that I'll build up to it

    katla - so glad to hear MFP is doing better than meds for you and dh. I truly believe a lot of our ailments can be aleviated with good food. Congrats to you and your dh on those great NSV's. Will keep Kim in my prayers.

    Say - I'm not ready for planting yet, but maybe you gals who are good gardeners can give me some ideas. We have a retaining wall, then there are about 2 or 3 inches of dirt, and then the fence for the pool. I need some sort of ground cover for those 2 or 3 inches. Now I can't get a lawnmower inside there, and I really can't get in to weed. I'd like something that I can plant once and it comes up year after year (are those perennials?) We live in NC, so lots of red clay. Any ideas anyone?

    grandmalle - your dinner sounds great!

    NewLuna - our cats like to walk in front of the computer monitor. If I'm on my laptop, they just walk on the keys without any concern for me....lol

    Heather - congrats on the NSV

    Lucy in DE - I think the weather changes EVERYWHERE have been pretty extreme. We went right from winter into summer. The pool water was 85 today

    jmkmomm - that's terrible how MIL's daughter treats her!

    tigress - so sorry about your friend

    barbie - loved your graphics!

    LizPlus - how great about the ticket!

    Joy - you take such great care of your dh. Vince would never let me make his lunch when he was working. He knew that I'd try to put in "that healthy junk". And I would. Regarding people at your hubby's work noticing his weight loss, why do people always seem to assume that in order to lose weight you have to be on some sort of "diet", you can't do it just by healthy eating????

    Deb - I find it so relaxing to be in my pool listening to the waterfall. But I'm probably not burning the calories you are...lol

    meyllisa - fortunately, I didn't have to move the rocks in humid, actually most days the weather was fairly nice. A couple of days it got warm, but at least it wasn't humid. Actually, one of the nice things about this area of NC is that it gets hot, but it doesn't get humid. We're too far inland. I remember one time we were moving a load of things into storage until we moved down here. Anyway, it was 102 degrees, but we could still work because it wasn't humid. Actually, that was the year our house was built and they had a BAD drought, so they couldn't put in a lawn.

    kathy - congrats on the wonderful shopping! Sounds like you had a wonderful day in all.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I am headed for bed early because I have to meet friends at 6 AM......we're driving to an all day line dance workshop about two hours away.

    :bigsmile: Here is the link to the new thread for June


    I hope you will all find the new thread and join in.....we need all of us to be successful

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Michelle- I would love the pool, but DH doesn't want the work involved. I have been trying to convince him for about 15 years and have made no progress. We would have a much shorter time period during which we could use the pool, so in a way he is right. What I would really love is an indoor lap pool or a "pool/spa" that has a current that you swim against. Don't think that will ever happen either!!
    Can't help you with flower suggestions. I am hopeless at growing anything. I can sometimes get the flower boxes on my deck to look presentable, but never what I envision. This year I can't even get inspired by the flowers at the nursery. Need to do that this weekend. I also want to put in a small perennial garden, but have some work to do to get the area ready for planting. School is almost out and I hope to get some yard work done soon.

    Deb A in CNY
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello again Everyone. It has been such a long time
    Since I have drop in. Not sure why just sometimes I just don't know what to say. But no excuses I always enjoy being a part of this thread it helps so encouraging.

    Liz From Idaho