

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    BJ - “I usually do not weigh myself more than once in 10 days...just to let the body have its little hissy fits and give it time to relent. It is like an unruly 2 year old to me.” :laugh: OMG, this is my favorite quote of the week (and you know I love my quotes)

    Rebamae – Welcome!!!! Consider yourself “joined”! Come back often for wit, wisdom and support. Let us know where you’re from too. :wink:

    Lucy – Great forward progress in getting rid of the “too bigs”! And I certainly relate to what you said about low rise jeans - - yuck (at any size)!!!! I’m a thrift store aficionado too :smile:

    Connie – I’m like you, only weigh once a week so I don’t get obsessive about it all. While I’m definitely determined and focused I don’t want this project to take over completely. :tongue:

    Katla – I’ve got tiny closets too (101 year old house) but have portable ones in the basement with my “real” clothes (the size I was all my life until this weight gain occurred). Those I won’t give away as I will be wearing them again by the end of the year! Actually my goal is the end of September, it took me nine months to gain it all so I figure I should be able to lose it all by then too (let’s hope)! :happy:

    M3x43 – I’m one who typically does not eat back my exercise calories, and definitely not all of them (occasionally I’ll eat back a few). The exception for me being “splurge” meals (anniversary, b-day) if I know I’m going out to eat I track down and log the calories first thing in the morning so I know how much I have to exercise that day to stay even. That’s what works for me so far.:bigsmile:

    Meg – Sorry to hear the supplier won’t step up to the plate. :angry: Have you tried contacting the manufacturer directly? Just a thought, can’t hurt – might help.

    Sue – Wow!!!! So scary to know that the devastation was so near to your home. Prayers have been out to all those effected by this storm. My husband was in the area and I was worried about him too until he called yesterday morning.:flowerforyou:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “If you have to choose between being kind and being right always choose kind and you will always be right.”
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Had a nice date with hubby.
    Hope u all have a good day!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue in TX: I’m so happy your home wasn’t damaged in the tornado, and sorry for those nearby who were not so fortunate.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: The dog got to eat the other half of my burger and it was a grand treat for him. :bigsmile: He doesn’t have a weight problem, so there was no down side. :wink: DH had chili despite knowing it would be high sodium and his blood pressure was predictably up for 24 hours. :ohwell: Healthy choices make for a happy body, but the unhealthy stuff is so addicting that it is easy to see why obesity and high blood pressure are such a huge problems. Regarding the situation with the lady from your development, I think you did the right thing by leaving. Taking care of yourself is vital.:flowerforyou:

    Cityjane: Every NSV is a good NSV. Baking bread is a lovely thing to do for your guests and I applaud you. Lavender is lovely, but what is scabious?:flowerforyou:

    JB in Portland: I too have switched from chips to celery and am totally surprised how much I like it. Now when we have a celebration that includes our favorite clam dip, I dip in with a celery stick and let the guests have the chips.:blushing: I'm not going to deprive myself of everything, and this dip is on the keep list.:heart:

    Reba: You are allowed to say most anything on these boards other than profanity. Sometimes people need to substitute * for letters in a word. The site would not let me post c*ck-a-leekie soup on my meal plan without the little star in place of o. :noway: I appreciate the lack of profanity, though the incident made me laugh. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: People don’t do the editing, the computer does it and appears to have been set to eliminate certain words.:flowerforyou:

    We’re off to get DH a blood test this morning so that the doctor can be sure the medicine he wants to prescribe will be safe. After that I’m planning an early Memorial Day/late Mother’s Day trip to the cemetery. It will mean another long day of driving, and probably sore shoulders again, but I don’t really care. Maybe I can talk DH into a nice massage for my shoulders.:bigsmile:


    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Hi all, haven't been here in a while, just got the downs and stopped logging. But I slapped my self and started logging again. Feeling better and eating right again.
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    GrandMallie - I hope the ear and allergies clear up for you. Wise to avoid the gym today.

    CityJane - congrats on the arm definition yay :-) Garden sounds nice

    drkatie - busy day on your day "off" :-) enjoy the walking

    DeeDee - hope you get outside before the rain

    jb_ I - I agree with you and Barbie about cleaning up the diet. My logging is showing me I'm nowhere near as clean/good
    eating as I thought I was (and did used to be...)

    Rebamae - circus outing sounded fun. I hope you got to rest before your walking :-)

    JaneM - glad you enjoyed a date with hubby

    Katla - hope your shoulders do okay with the long ride

    YardTigress - glad you are logging again. I almost stopped..but I caught myself too!

    TODAY is my day off no bike no jog, but I'm going to do some Denise Austin toner 5-minutes if I can let my tummy empty a bit without eating again until after the workout.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    LizMFP - I always use my HRM when I'm doing a spinning workout. It is so easy for me to get my heartrate up too high. The good thing is that it comes down quite quickly. As a matter of fact, a while ago I had a stress test done and the nurse couldn't get over how fast my heartrate came down.

    Oh, if anyone is experiencing (trying to be gentle here but I'll probably mess that up) firm stools, when I had a hemmerhoidectomy a few years ago, they recommended that I take mineral oil to keep myself "loose". I'm finding that I'm continuing to use it.

    grandmalle - when my ears get blocked, I know that usually means that I have a buildup of earwax, so I just use the Debrox stuff. That seems to do the trick, at least for a while.

    cityjane - woohoo on that NSV, now you won't feel funny wearing short sleeves/sleeveless. Before you know it, people will be commenting on your arms. Great exercise, even if you were just instructing. You were exercising you jaw muscles. See, there's a silver lining to everything!

    Sue in TX - so glad you're OK

    Woke up AGAIN at 5. But this time I had the good sense to look at the clock so I went back to bed. Went to the Y and did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical, came home and took a good shower. I usually take a cool down/get rid of the sweat shower at the Y but I didn't today. Came home and continued to get ready for the party tonight, cleaned the floor, got the silverware etc ready, cleaned the sink, made the ice tea, got the hamburgers out of the packages and easier to grill. In a bit I need to go to WalMart to pick up the cake and ice and a few other things

    Prelogged the hamburger that I'll have along with the bun. I'll probably have some of the cake (prelogged) and a bit of the sides others are bringing. I know one lady is bringing the condiment tray (because I ordered it) so there'll be tomatoes and onions and peppers. We have water which I'll drink. Actually, the ice tea is unsweetened so maybe I can have some of that if it's not being drunk.

    yardigress - welcome back!


    Going to post this since I don't know how late thing'll run tonight.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    cityjane my daughters will always remember sitting out on the stoop at my parents house with their Grandpa. I don't know what he used as fertilizer but he always had the best garden. But they would go out to the garden, pick some tomatoes and carrots. Grandpa would wash them off with the outside hose, and probably spray them and sit and eat fresh veggies with him. He kept an old barrell in the dark basement and filled it with sand. Then he would put all his leftover carrots in that. They would have fresh carrots all year long. Grandpas are good people to have in your life!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,797 Member
    exermom-used that this morning~ so far nothing:grumble:
    oh well made it through the day.. have to work 1/2 day tomorrow then run errands, check on FIL ,then out to dinner.. we go to the same few places where I know calorie wise what I can eat...
    Hope everyone enjoys there weekend:bigsmile:
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    Rebamae I too suffer from insomnia some times. they say that can make you hang on to weight. that's my story and I'm sticking to it. My incisions are much better and I am walking every day. I still have one more week off work and it would be nice to be off and feel good. Back to the cancer surgeon on June 3 to review the pathology and make sure they got it all, One more hurdle to get over.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :flowerforyou: Liz, dancing is great for the mind, body, and spirit…..line dancing doesn’t need a partner……I hope you’ll find a way to fit it into your life.

    :flowerforyou: Sue in TX, glad to hear that you are OK after the scary weather

    :flowerforyou: The best way to get to healthy eating is to make small changes a day at a time…..it takes awhile of not eating stuff like bread, chips, sweets, and other problem foods before it feels OK. ….just don’t give up

    :flowerforyou: When I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep, I take my book to the guest room and read until I fall asleep…if I don’t fall asleep, at least I have the great opportunity to read some more.

    :flowerforyou: It didn’t rain until I got home from walking the dogs this morning. The line dance class went well. I’m getting a good rhythm with the dances I’m choosing and seeing a lot of newer beginners being successful…went for a walk after lunch with a friend and then went out with Jake for the afternoon……after so many busy days in a row, we’ll be headed for bed really early.

    :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: arbie from NW Washington
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hello dear friends. I’ve had a nice day today; went to the garden store and bought a few more plants to fill some spots in, went to the bird store and spent some of my money there, and got 2 new tablecloths for company next week. We’ll be using the dining room with both leaves in the table and I didn’t have a single cloth to cover it! Got the last chapter on the textbook out of my hair and rode the bike for 15 exhausting minutes!

    DD#1 arranged for this guy (a body shop guy who is a friend of our builder) to come replace her hood today and guess what? She was at work. So here is how our texting went: “The guy is here to fix your car”. “I know.” “Why aren’t you here to deal with him”? “I had to work” (we had told her before not to do that!). “Where are your car keys, he needs them”? “They are with me in my purse.” “How are you going to pay him?” “Oooops didn’t think about that.” OMG I know she’s my daughter, but OMG come on. Thank goodness the guy was nice and fixed her car anyway and he’ll stop by tomorrow to get her check. He did it here to save her ½ the price of taking it to the body shop where he works.

    M3x43: it’s hard to spend the time and effort trying to find something that works, isn’t it? I’m a formula person myself.

    Suebedew: omg I am so glad you and yours are all alright! That must be terrifying! You are so right about being thankful!

    Michele: I thought about a heart rate monitor too until DH said “Good grief you’re a nurse…can’t you take your own pulse?!!!!???”

    Barbie: I’d eat back my calories too if I did as much as you do!

    Grandmallie: we have literally no snacky things in the house other than fat free pretzles. So snacking and grazing is not an option for me unless I graze on produce!

    Cityjane: YAY for arms!

    DrKatie: UGH you reminded me that there are bills to be paid! BLEH

    DeeDee: hope you got all your plants in and had the time to admire them! That is one of my many summer plans; to sit on the deck and just enjoy. Unfortunately with the birds nest by the door I’m afraid to put out the awnings for fear of freaking out mother robin. Now we have Seymore, Fos****, AND Shelton! There may be a fourth one too, but today I got to see 3 of them!
    Jb: jealous of your asperagus. We had it at the old house, but no room here as the entire yard is landscaped.

    Rebame: I have not been to a circus since I was a teen! I bet you had a blast

    Brooke; actually no I hadn’t thought of that! Thanks I’ll give that a whirl!

    Katla: maybe I shouldn’t tell you this but my DH gives me a massage nearly every night! I know, I’m spoiled, but I hope you got a good one!!!

    Yardtigress: YAY you are back! We surely missed you here!

    I had a hard time sleeping last night too. The fitbit agreed with y assessment. Hopefully I will be tired and sleep well tonight. Gotta run and wash the hair dye out of my hair; I looked like an old bag with 3” of silver roots showing! Night all and take care, Meg from Omaha where the weather has been devine.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Rode my bicycle to work in the rain today, at least for part of the way in the rain. That was a new experience! Got soaking wet, but very very happy that I could do it. On the way home it was mostly dry. Thank you bicycle for burning about 1000 calories and tons of fresh air. Sweaty clothes too, but who cares about that! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Then... had a veggie burger for supper.

    I have not had much time to comment or post this week. But starting RIGHT NOW we have a long weekend. So perhaps I will be a bit more chatty. Although, in all honesty, we have quite the chatty group already going on here.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just a quicky for my vit fs.

    Dad is doing better after his stroke, but long way ahead yet. Thank you for all your kind thoughts and words.

    Trying to fit everything into my life right now - could use an extra few hours in the day. Excuse me if I don't post much - but I am still logging daily which keeps me honest.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning,

    What a way to start the weekend. We all woke up to gunshots at 2 am!:noway: I heard at least 5 shots that sounded directly out front of the house. Our bedroom faces the street. Luckily, my cell phone was within reach so I called police and our neighbors did too. When police came they found 9 shell casings in the street right out front! 4 police cars closed off our block so at least we felt a little safer and also quite thankful my daughter's Jeep was not hit. I was so shaken up that when the cops asked for my info, I couldn't remember my birthdate. My poor DH is working today and got woken up a hour and a half ahead of time. Ideally, I should stay up in order to go to water class but have a feeling now that adrenaline rush subsided going back to bed. My poor furry babies were upset too. At least I did get two walks in yesterday with them.

    Hope everyone has a much better start to their weekend!!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Yay for Tenderland! Today my scales crept HALF a lb under 11 stone, so my plateau has budged and I am now 10st13.5lbs! 153.5 !!!!:bigsmile: :drinker: :happy:
    Half a point to go to normal BMI.
    My shoulders are sore from scrubbing the patio table and chairs yesterday, but not so long ago I would not even have attempted it. DH did it last year. I am not afraid of injuring myself so much, so will have a go at things. I brought the chairs out from the garage and lifted plant pots. It is a great feeling to trust in your own body to support you.
    I have not been in Tenderland since 1990. But I do remember when I was in my twenties and early thirties I thought this weight was really fat and went to a slimming club and lost 2 stone - 28 lbs! !!!:noway: I do not want to be that slim this time around as I fear looking scraggy at 63. I never believed I would get this far. - really only wanted to get back to what I was when I met DH in 2003. That is 7.5 lbs behind me now. - he can hardly believe it, but is mainly delighted for me for the health benefits. Yesterday he said he was amazed how I was able to rush about doing stuff when last year I would have been exhausted after five minutes and have to retire to lie down in a darkened room! :laugh: I didn't feel too tired for the rest of the day, but was happy to greet my bed and slept well.
    For those who have trouble sleeping. - I tend to do a Barbie and move into the spare room and read. I can't decide whether it's better to read something interesting so you don't mind being awake or something boring so it sends you to sleep. Haven't solved that one!
    Love to all. I will be preparing the dessert today for our guests. The casserole is in the freezer. A bit of cleaning is in order, but I will get DH to wield the vacuum cleaner. I am better at bathrooms.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Just read the two previous posts. Amanda, strength to you to be there for your dad. :heart:
    Kathy, the shootings must have been terrifying! Get that nap in :heart:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Tigress :smile: Glad you`re back:flowerforyou: !!!

    Michele :smile: Hope you had a wonderful time at your party!

    Susan :smile: Good luck with everything, hope they got it all and you can rest a bit easier:flowerforyou: !

    Barbie :smile: I guess I`m lucky, it`s been a long time since I`ve woken up and not been able to go back to sleep, however I have a ton of books I would like to read, probably should go to bed earlier just to read a few pages!

    Meg :smile: Kids:noway: :grumble: …at any age, mine is 34 and there are still days I just shake my head. Oh that`s funny about DH telling you should be able to take your own pulse:laugh: . Hope you got a good night rest!!!

    Renny :smile: Burning a 1000 calories and getting fresh air, fantastic!!!

    Amanda :smile: Glad your dad is doing better:flowerforyou: ! I hope he continues to improve!

    Kathy :smile: How scary for you! Did the police have any idea who might have been shooting??? Hope you`ll be able to get a nap later today!

    Cityjane :smile: Congrats to you:flowerforyou: !!!!

    I finally got my gorgeous flowers planted, however not until late afternoon. I spent the morning having coffee and chatting with friends, it was so nice:bigsmile: !!! It was very warm yesterday afternoon and I spent an hour and half planting, but I got it done and they look beautiful!!! I just opened the blinds and gazed out on my deck and something has been in one of my pots:noway: , dug my flowers up and left them laying on the deck:grumble: :angry: ….guess I`ll go out and replant them. There is a squirrel that likes to sit on the deck and taunt Noel, I wonder if he is the culprit:devil: ?

    Time to get ready for this wonderful Saturday!!! Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in cloudy stormy NC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    The insomnia made its way to my house this week. I have also had a couple of restless nights. Last night I was tired and yawning in the chair, but could not fall asleep in the bed. Up at midnight, 1:30, 2:15, 4 and up from the bed by 6:30a. Guess I'll sleep well tonight. I think mine is from to too many hours in the office and not enough at the gym or walking about.

    Really dreading next week as I will be in Monday-Wednesday, then returning the following Wednesday after the Memorial holiday weekend, BUT... my boss is leaving on a 2-week family vacation the Tuesday before I get back so there is a TON of work to be done. I expect I'll go to the office some tomorrow to try and get a grip on my things so I can focus on his stuff. You just never know if it will be calm or chaos when he is away. They are going to Italy. Really glad for the family as he just does not disconnect from work and I think you need that. Literally, the man works 80-100+ hours e-v-e-r-y week!! (And you know what that means for the rest of us...)

    I'm making some steel cut oats for breakfast today, so those are bubbling away on the stove. Good for a dreary, cloudy morning.

    Going to my friend's place for the day today. We were going to a festival, however the rain may change that plan. We'll find something!

    Unexpectedly down another couple of pounds... not changing the ticker til it proves permanent.

    Gail, dreary and showery metro ATL
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning!

    Cityjane, congratulations!! What a marvelous job you've done! That's the weight I'd like to be, too. Still working at busting this year-long plateau of 158-160. I love what you said about not wanting to look "scraggy" lol. :laugh:

    Kathy, gunshots, yikes! :noway: How frightening!

    DeeDee, we have squirrels here, too, they bury walnuts in the pots and flower gardens in the fall, then in the spring I find holes dug everywhere from those little rascals digging up their stores :grumble: and of course they don't get them all, and we have little walnut trees popping up all over tarnation :ohwell: Hope those flowers of yours didn't suffer too much from being tossed onto the patio!

    I took some photos of flowers in my yard last night, and Meg, yes I love delphiniums, too! Most are still in bud, I'll share more pics once they take off. :flowerforyou:

    Here's a link to my blog post with the pics should anyone like to take a peek. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jb_2011

    More planting in store today, I still have flats of annuals to put in, and of course plenty of weeding to do. I've also got to clean out my car, what a mess. Tomorrow I'll be hauling my music gear and setting everything up for a student recital in the afternoon. It's always a fun time, but lots of work in preparation and setup.

    Ate like a little pigglito yesterday, good grief. :blushing: Back on the straight and narrow today!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

    :smile: jb in cloudy Portland
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Liz_mfp: Thanks for the good wishes. The drive was long and I survived. DH gua sha’d my shoulders last night and that was a big help. :bigsmile: It felt good to visit the cemetery and leave flowers for family members. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle: I hope the party went well and you had a chance to enjoy yourself, too.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I get up if I can’t sleep, too. There is no point in getting myself into the habit of being awake in bed. :noway: I either take my book to the guest room as you do, or haunt the internet. The book is better at getting me back to sleep. :wink: :bigsmile:

    Meg: Talk about productive! I’m impressed with all you were able to accomplish. Finishing the textbook is a huge accomplishment. Your daughter sure lucked out with her mechanic. Sounds like a great guy. I’m also impressed that you didn’t rush in to fix things for her. DH did give me a massage using the gua sha method the acupuncturist taught us. It worked dandy. :bigsmile:

    Amanda: I’m glad to hear your dad is doing better. I miss seeing your posts here and when things stabilize a bit, I hope you’ll be able to be back more often. :flowerforyou:

    Kathy: What an awful way to start a weekend. Gunfire in a peaceful neighborhood is very distressing. I wonder where the bullets ended up. Glad no one seemed to be hurt and your property wasn’t damaged.:flowerforyou:

    Cityjane: Congratulations on tenderland! Celebrate—buy a flowering plant, or new clothes.:flowerforyou:

    Gail: Congratulations on the lost pounds! :bigsmile: I don’t understand about changing the ticker. :huh: Do you just not log the loss into MFP? My ticker updates automatically every time I put in a weight.

    We got our Memorial Day cemetery visits done yesterday and I’m hoping to go on a boating trip with our sailing club over Memorial Day weekend. :heart: DH has not been much of a boater the past couple of years, and I miss it soooooo much! MS is not highly compatible with floors that don’t stay still, to put it mildly. I understand that the boat has become an uncomfortable place for him, but I still love it and miss being on the water. :brokenheart: If I’m going to make that happen, we need to get the dinghy out of storage and put it in the water, otherwise the dog will have no way to get to shore for “personal business.” :wink: On another topic, I saw some rattan style chairs made from a plastic material at Lowe's yesterday. I sat in one and liked it. I'm thinking of buying some for the deck. Has anyone used these? How durable are they?

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Survived the trip to get DD from college, good weather (I detest driving in the rain).....it's 5hrs. away; many others have longer trips. In 2wks. she'll be 7hrs. away for the 11wk. summer job.

    The tick hunting was fascinating and I did end up involved (in a very minor way). We hiked to an area which contains an old slave cemetary; the college is on an old plantation. Tiny college, huge campus. DD dragged a rough white piece of material across tall grassy areas and then picked off any ticks with a tweezer until we had 30-some. I held and capped the prepared test tubes and marked them. We both had on shorts and periodically had to check legs for ticks on ourselves; this whole process took about 2hrs. in all----none were found on either of us, then did complete body checks on return to the dorm........hair, everything. Last summer after just a walk on that campus I came home with what I thought was a new skin tag on my lower abdomen...........turned out to be a tick which I pulled off when I decided it wasn't really a skin tag (days later!!!!).........never got a rash or anything thankfully. It didn't puff up, apparently just latched on and died!!! Months later, I showed a dr. the spot cause it was still a bit discolored and she promptly used a blade to remove the rest of the critters' mouthpiece or whatever was still embedded there.........they discussed putting me on Doxy but decided it was too late. So........that's the history of my relationship with ticks.......other than pulling them off dogs, horses, etc.

    Logging food for the first time in 3 days. Ate (finally!!) at a locally owned upscale place near the college that I've been trying to get to for over three years and went "off plan" in a big way for the first time since Jan.11; not sorry, either. The creme brulee (sp????) was worth it
    absolute heaven, and we did share it. Weight stayed the same as of this am; probably because even with two 5hr. drives I had over 10,000 steps two of the three days.

    Have scanned but not really read in any detail
    thanks for the "heads up" from several on the Locks of Love info......will be glad to donate the hair if they will take it

    Someone asked for a new hairdo pic........hate to admitt it but I'm not at all computer savvy, happy to find my way back here, I don't have Facebook.........but, I AM learning from trying this and that, so, maybe there's hope

    Saw a bit discussion on how busy teachers are........for 3yrs. I was head of orchestra parents when DD was in hs...........most busy, labor-intensive volunteer job I've EVER held

    Amanda.......best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery for your dad

    Sue........glad you were unhurt

    Know I'm not hitting everyone I wanted to, but this is turning into an epic, so bye for now.

    Have great Saturdays all,

    soggy mid-Atlantic